The daily practice of devotion, or, The hours of prayer fitted to the main uses of a Christian life also lamentations and prayers for the peaceful re-settlement of this church and state / by the late pious and reverend H.H., D.D.

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The daily practice of devotion, or, The hours of prayer fitted to the main uses of a Christian life also lamentations and prayers for the peaceful re-settlement of this church and state / by the late pious and reverend H.H., D.D.
Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660.
London :: Printed for R. Royston ...,

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"The daily practice of devotion, or, The hours of prayer fitted to the main uses of a Christian life also lamentations and prayers for the peaceful re-settlement of this church and state / by the late pious and reverend H.H., D.D." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.


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Psal. 119. 9.

Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?

Even by ruling himself after thy Word.

Psal. 111. 10.
The Fear of the Lord is the be∣ginning of wisdom. A good under∣standing have all they that do there∣after. The praise of it endureth for ever.

NOW as Private Prayer hath this Promise of our Saviour,

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that being perform∣ed in the Closet se∣cretly,* 1.1 it shall yet be rewarded openly:* 1.2 so, much more when two or three are gathered together in his Name, hath he promised to be in the midst of them, and hear their requests.

This therefore being the usual Hour wherein the Publick Service of the Church is every day to be ce∣lebrated, this Private Form is far from any purpose to supplant the use, or pretence to supply the want of that.

Which though it be now by the Children of this generation shame∣fully east out of the House of God, yet certainly all true Children of the Church will receive it into their own Houses, and make their Family their Congregation.

But they that want even this Con∣venience also, may yet at least per∣form their part of the Publick Duty

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in the Privacy of their Closet, and comfort themselves with this Consi∣deration, that the Prayers which are sent up from never so divers aud distant places on Earth, yet all meet together in the High Court of Hea∣ven.

The following Form therefore is intended for no more than a Prepa∣ration to the Publick. And so likewise at the Fifth Hour, whereon the Evening Service of the Church is to be celebrated.


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