sufficient proof and testimony may be had that it is the same God: Then must the same God be obeyed: For only God is the Lord of Lords, King of Kings, and Governour of all things.
E K She kneeleth, and holdeth up her hands.
Mad. The Laws of God, and of his Son Christ, stablished by the testimony of his Disciples and Congregation, and by the force and power of his holy Spirit, are not in any particular voca∣tion abrogated, but rather confirmed.
For 〈◊〉〈◊〉 it falleth out, that God being offended at the wickedness of any man, or of some man private, sendeth down his Spirit of Death, infecting and tempting another mans minde; so that he 〈◊〉〈◊〉 void of Reason, and riseth up against him, whom God is offended with, and stri∣keth him, so that he dyeth. This, before man, is accounted sin before God it shall be imputed unto him for righteousness. Even so whatsoever the Spirit of God teacheth us from him, though it ap∣pear sin before man, is righteousness before him.
Therefore assure your selves, that whatsoever is seen and heard amongst you, is from above, and is a sign and 〈◊〉〈◊〉 even this day before you; for I that touched thy Son, might also have taken away his breath.
But O, you are of little understanding: But behold I teach you.
That unto those that are accounted righteous (through the good will of God) sin is justly punished, but not as unto the wicked. For whatsoever you have done unto other men, even the self-same shall light upon you, but happy is he that receiveth not justice through the 〈◊〉〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉〈◊〉, but through the grace and mercy of God.
The Apostle Paul abounded in carnal lust: he was also offensive unto his brethren so that he despaired, and was ready to have left his vocation, untill the Lord did say unto him, My mercy and grace 〈◊〉〈◊〉 thee.
Beleeve me, that we are from above.
Which considered: Consider also, That as you cannot comprehend the heavens, so likewise can you not comprehend the wisdome of God, which saith, I will be merciful unto whom I list; and unto whom I will not, I have none in store: Foolish is he that asketh why?
And 〈◊〉〈◊〉 I say unto you, Stumble not against God. Who he is that made you? Who is he that hath given you power to look up towards heaven? You are fools, and of little understanding: This day saith G d unt you,
B hold you are become free: Do that which most pleaseth you: For behold, your own reason riseth up against my wisdome.
Not content you are to be heires, but you would be Lords, yea Gods, yea the Judgers of the heavens: Wherefore do even as y u list, but if you forake the way taught you from ab ve, behold evil shall enter into your senses, and abomination shal dwel before your eyes, as a recompence, unto such as you have done wrong unto: And your wives and children, shall be carried away before your face.
Δ. The Almighty God of heaven and earth be my comfort, as I desire comfort in his service; and give me wisdome as I desire it for his honour and glory, Amen.
E. K. I see a white pillar; and upon the pillar, I see four heads.
Shee tieth the pillar round about with a list.
The four heads are like on two heads, and on two Wolves heads.
Now there cometh a thing like a white Crown of Christal, and standeth upon all our four heads. The heads seem to be inclosed by the necks within the pillar.
Now she taketh the pillar and goeth up with it.
Now she bringeth an half Moon down, and written in it as fol∣loweth.
Injustum nihil quod justum est Deo.
Now she goeth round about upon a thing like a Carpet; she goeth now beyond where is an Orchard; she cutteth branches of two trees, and shee seemeth to insert them, or graff them into another.
Now she goeth into a black place behinde the wood, and bringeth a thing with her in a chain: An ugly thing like a Devil.
Mad. ..... Behold, seest thou this: wherewithall thou thoughtest to overthrow, and most infect, thou art utterly overthrown, and shalt never return again.
E. K. Now he leapeth, and the ground openeth, and he sinketh in: