The reformed school by John Dury.

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The reformed school by John Dury.
Dury, John, 1596-1680.
London :: Printed by R.D. for Richard Wodnothe ...,

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"The reformed school by John Dury." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed August 31, 2024.


Concerning the Forming of their Manners.

Godliness and Bodily Health are absolutly ecessary; the one for spirituall, and the other for their temporall Felicitie: Next nto these two, to make up and perfect the tate of their Happiness; Care must be taken of their Manners. by which word I under∣tand their outward life, aswell in respect of he Actions which they do, as in respect of heir Cariage and behaviour in performing he same: that those may be Just and Honest; his, Civil and unblameable. For, good

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Manners, in this sense, are farre to be prefer∣red unto all Humane Learning of what kind soever; because without Morall Honest all the perfection of Learning is nothing els but an Instrument of wickedness to increas and aggravat the miseries of Mankind: whera without Learning this alone with Bodi•••• health is a sufficient ground to partake 〈◊〉〈◊〉 temporall Felicitie.

And because in the ordinary Schools th Care is wholly neglected and the youth 〈◊〉〈◊〉 left to habituat it self to its Corrupt inclina¦tions, while their wits are sharpened a•••• exercised in all the subtilties of Humane A•••••• and Sciences; therefore Satan doth fortifie 〈◊〉〈◊〉 strong holds by these within them, to ma•••• them impregnable: and their Spirits (as 〈◊〉〈◊〉 find by dolefull experience in these times) a heighthned to that degree of unconscion¦bleness in Deceit▪ Mischief and Malice, th•••• nothing in former ges can be compar•••• therunto. which should make us so much 〈◊〉〈◊〉 more carefull to rectifie this evill in o•••• Scholars, by how much it is neglected 〈◊〉〈◊〉 others, and destructive to all.

The way then to Reforme our Scholars this matter, and the Care to be taken of the should have two parts. The one should rel•••• unto the Inward Principles of Moralitie; 〈◊〉〈◊〉 work the true Impressions thereof upon the

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pirits. The other should relate unto their Out∣ard behaviour and carriage towards their eighbour, to make it decent and without ffence. and the first of these cannot be ightly taken up without the last, because without the observation of their unseemly ehaviour and offensive Carriages; a disco∣erie can not be made of the diseases of their ules, that the Remedies of wholesome In∣tructions, Admonitions and Corrections ay be applyed therunto. This then is the Master-peece of the whole Art of education, o watch over the Childrens behaviour in heir actions of all sorts, so as their true in∣linations may be discovered; that the inward auses of their vicious disposition and di∣tempers being found out▪ the true and pro∣er Remedies thereof may be applyed unto hem. And this is to be the subject whereof he Governour and Ushers are to have daily Conference every night: that upon the parti∣ular discoveries of the severall inclinations f their Scholars by the qualities of their nruliness; they may judiciously determine hat to do with them, and how to proceed owards them, to reforme that which is amisse. here we conceive this studie should con∣aine these endeavours.

First, to discerne the proper Character of very Childs humour by his behaviour; to

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discover the predominant qualitie thereof, and what is good, and what is evill in it.

Secondly, to contemplate rationally the in∣ward disposition and frame of his spirit; to find out the Principles, by which he is led, and from whence that humour and behaviour doth arise; and the Impressions of virtu whereof he may be made capable.

Thirdly, to determine the way how to de with him; that is, not only how to corre•••• his outward visible misbehaviours; and 〈◊〉〈◊〉 incourage him in that which is good and de∣cent: but how to make him sensible, and ra∣tionally apprehensive of the true ground, both of the correction, and encouragement.

Here againe I conceive their studie m runne in these Channels.

First, what peculiar Restraint to lay upo them, lest they get a custome in that whi•••• is evill.

Secondly, what Rationall Maximes, an Rules of Moralitie to infuse unto them, a••••cording to the degree of their Capacitie, a••••bent of their inclination in that which good.

Thirdly, how to ingraft those Rationa Maximes and Rules upon the Main Principles of Godliness; that their spirits may 〈◊〉〈◊〉 raised, and their resolutions exalted to 〈◊〉〈◊〉 things Morally Just and decent, not on••••

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because they are found in reason to be so, but because they who do them, are bound in Conscience through Love and feare towards God to do all things as in his presence, with elight and care to do alwayes that which is well pleasing in his sight. So that all Morall Actions to free them from Hypocrisie, and make them truly virtuous; that is, without ll Leaven of pride and self-seeking (which will mixe themselves with spirituall actions lso, if care be not taken to set our heart right) must be reduced unto the grounds of Christianity; and made conformable unto he life of Christ; by comparing our way, nd our mind in following him, with his way nd his mind in walking before us amongst hen towards God. And except their educa∣on by the Reformation of their Manners fi∣ally tend and result unto this; it will avail hem nothing towards the salvation of their ••••uls; it will only make lesse them hurtfull nto the societie of mankind.

Now the particulars which are subordinat nto this Care and studie are innumerable; ut yet certain generall Rules may be pru∣entially set down, according to which, they ould be limitted and directed to order their Conversation and behaviour towards the ds aforesaid, and by which, those that watch ver them should take notice of their wayes

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and give an account thereof unto the Gover∣nour of which Rules it will suffice at this time to give these Heads.

First, laws are to be published amongst them concerning their very looks, their angry words, and their hasty actions, proceeding from passion, and tending to the breach of Christian Love; forbidding the same under the notion that they are contrary to the life of Christ.

Secondly, Rules and Directions (leading them to the practice of Justice, Equalitie, Meeknesse, Humility, Love and Liberality; an to the hatred of Iniuriousness, Pride and Co∣vetousness) are to be published, and hung 〈◊〉〈◊〉 in their Chamber and School, and made fa∣miliar and plain unto their Capacity and Me∣morie.

Both these sorts of laws may be gather out of Salomons Proverbs for the main sub∣stance thereof, and from other Scriptures▪ and so be delivered as the will of God un them, to oblige their Conscience therunto.

Thirdly, the law of watchfulness (whic they ought to have over themselves for the observation of these Rules) is not only to 〈◊〉〈◊〉 taught them; but some that are more stay then others, and better set, are to be ma Monitors of the rest, and besides the Monitor Spyes are to be appointed to oversee them: an

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n Cases of grosse failing, after due admoni∣tions, some exemplary punishments of shame and smart may be used, that all may feare.

Fourthly, the great law of Truth and of Faithfulness (to suppresse the basenesse of Lying and of Deceitfulness in words, Promises and Actions) is above all other Rules to be prescribed and pressed upon them in their dealings towards one another: and speciall care is to be had to observe the practise thereof.

And, that the lying and deceitfull spirit may be hunted out from amongst them; a speciall reward is to be proposed unto every one that shall, upon due admonition of his neighbour before witnesses, discover to the Usher any matter of falshood practised by any. For, no∣thing doth more inwardly corrupt the spirit, then a course of falshood; nor doth any thing more deeply discover the wickednesse of the heart and want of true virtue, then this.

Fifthly, the Civilities to be used towards Strangers, to receive and entertaine them courteously; to be generously affected towards them, and the way to maintein the Principles, and Practises of publick Spiritedness without ostentation and vain-glory, should be descri∣bed and taught them.

Sixtly and Lastly, the seemly way to carry their Bodyes, to looke upon people stayedly and freindly in their salutation and conver∣sation

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with them should be made known unto them by Example and Rule.

Concerning all which Directions, how to propose, and apply them, towards the cor∣rupt dispositions of Children to rectifie the same; the Ushers themselves are to be taught their Duty, what to observe in them, and how to proceed in dealing with them. and 〈◊〉〈◊〉 must be the Governours great and speciall care to see the Ushers well principled and pra∣ctised in this way, for, upon their abilitie, faithfulness, and diligence all depends.

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