The reformed school by John Dury.

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The reformed school by John Dury.
Dury, John, 1596-1680.
London :: Printed by R.D. for Richard Wodnothe ...,

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"The reformed school by John Dury." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 6, 2024.


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The Publisher to the Reader.

Christian Reader,

NOthing from without hath supported my spirit in the course of life, wherein God hath led me hitherto (through manifold private difficulties and pub∣lick desertions,) but the usefulnesse thereof towards the Publick. & whiles the graciousnesse of Providence hath from time to time succoured me, chief∣ly then when I was sinking under my ••••rdens; I have been taught from within, to look up to God alone in well-doing, till he bring his Salvation out of Sion: for, to propagate this Sal∣vation of his with my poor talents, and to stirre up others to contribute ••••eir help thereunto, is the utmost aim

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which I have in the Agency for Lear¦ing; wherein the goodnes of the Parament hath owned me. And althoug towards the businesse it self, nothi•••• hath been further done then to na me for it; (which for the time ha•••• made my burdens somewhat heavie yet because my genius doth leade this way; and I hope still in God th•••• he will not leave me without encou¦ragements: therefore I am not weary in well-doing, so long as I have op∣portunity. Having then, upon a moti∣on made by some, made my self Instru∣mentall to draw forth from others these following Directions, towards the Reforming of Schools, and the Ad∣vancement of Piety and Learning therein; I thought it expedient to ac∣quaint thee with them, Christian Rea∣der; that if thou doest think thy self any way concerned either in furthering the benefits of such a way of Educati∣on towards others; or in partaki••••

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thereof for thine own, thou mayest be∣think thy self how to do that which is fitting and conscionable; that such an Endeavour as this may be set forward towards the Publick Good. For mine own part, I shall confesse freely, that amongst all the Objects whereunto I have dedicated my thoughts and pains (whereof the extent is as large as eve∣ry Good and Rationall Work in the whole life of Christianity) there is not any one which doth lie nearer my heart then this of the Education of Children in the way of Christianity. For, all things being rightly weighed, we shall perceive that this Endeavour alone, or nothing, will be able to work a Refor∣mation in this our Age. For whiles the Magistracy and Ministry is made an Object of violent Contradictions, and thereby almost wholly put out of frame and made uselelesse, as to the Reforming of Vices in Church and Commonwealth; it cannot be expect∣ed,

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although they be never so knowing and willing, that in the execution of their places, they should be able to bring matters to perfection. There∣fore, to meddle directly with the mul∣titudes of Aged people (the Objects of their charges) who are now settled and habituated in the way of their own choosing, and to think to draw them from it, is to attempt, without discretion, an impossibilitie. For it is not possible, that the extraordinary strains and distempers, whereinto we are fallen in these times, can be reform∣ed without some extraordinary abilitie, either of outward Authority and Power to restrain exemplary disorder∣linesse; or of inward Conviction, to leade men captive under the yoke of Christ, which are things 〈◊〉〈◊〉 de∣cayed, now adayes, amongst the pro∣fessions of men. Seeing then, the cor∣ruptions of those that are of age, are too strong and sturdy to be conquered

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by ordinary and weak means, and none extraordinary or strong enough, are apparent; it followeth, that there is none other way left, but to deal with the young ones, before any corrupt ha∣bits, and perverse engagements be confirmed upon them; that they may be trained up from their Infancy, to a course of Reformation, both of Virtue and Learning. But because the train∣ing up of Schollars in one School or two, though very great and most ex∣actly Reformed, will be but an incon∣siderable matter, in respect of a whole Nation, and have no great influence upon the youth thereof, where so many Schools remain unreformed, & propa∣gate corruptions; therefore the propa∣gation of reformed Schools is mainly aimed at; and to that effect, the train∣ing up of Reformed School-Masters, is one of the Chief parts of this De∣signe. Now to endeavour to make out this, that the readiest way to Re∣form

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both Church and Common∣wealth, is o reform the Schools of Education therein; and that the way to Reform these, is to send forth Re∣formed School-Masters amongst them, is, as I suppose, altogether superfluous: For it cannot be thought, that any ra∣tionall man should be such a stranger unto the affairs of humane Societies, as not to see, that from the ordinary Schools, all Magistrates, and Ministers, and Officers of State are taken throughout the Nations of the World, to be set over others; and that the impressions both of vice and vir∣tue, which they have received in the Schools, are exercised, and become effectuall, for good or evil, afterward, in their places towards the Church and Common-wealth: so that the Schools are to be looked upon▪ as the Ordina∣ry and Naturall fountains of a Settle∣ment, as of our Corruption, so of our Reformation; if God will blesse us

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with any. And the School-Master in a well ordered Common-wealth, is no lesse considerable then either the Mi∣nister or the Magistrate; because nei∣ther the one nor the other will prosper or subsist long without him. I shall not need to adde any thing further con∣cerning this subject, to make thee sen∣sible, either of the Usefulnesse of the undertaking, or of the Scope of my ne∣gotiation in it.

This onely I would have thee fur∣ther to observe, judicious and true∣ly Christian Reader (for none but such can see any thing in this businesse) that the Authour of this new Model of schooling was intreated to put it to pa∣per, upon a serious motion made to him, and to some Friends of his, by others; for the entertaining and regulating of a Christian Association, whereof all the Members might be serviceable to each other, and to the Publick: therefore he speaks not in his own name alone con∣cerning

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the Association, but in the name of those, who were jointly called upon to give their assent thereunto, who agreed with him in these Proposals. The Motion is not as yet come to ma∣turitie in the Resolution of those that first made it, and the cause is of some Conveniences to effect it, and the fears of unsettlement, after that it shall be set upon: and till there be a further ground laid for the prosecuting of this Designe; it is needlesse to give the Di∣rectory concerning the Education of Girls. In the mean time, I have thought good to publish this, with an addition of some directions for teaching of Logick; that such as can judge, may see that there is an easier and rea∣dier way to attain the perfection of Vir∣tue and Happinesse, known and practi∣cable, then as yet hath been published to the World, or put in practice by any; and that to set these wheels agoing, nothing is wanting, but a quiet place of abode,

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and some assurance of necessary Prote∣ction.

Let thy prayer go along with it, to supply these wants, if thou hast any Rationall or Spirituall apprehension of the good sought thereby unto all: and if thou canst, say with the Prophet Psal. 14. v. 7. O that the salvation of Israel were come out of Sion! when the Lord bringeth back the Captivitie of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Isra∣el shall be glad. To the expectation and accomplishment of this hope and pro∣mise, I leave thee, in him who is the God of our Salvation, and the confi∣dence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afarre off upon the Sea, Psal. 65. ver. 5. in whom I rest,

Thy most willing Servant, for the advancement of Piety and Learning, Samuel Hartlib.

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