A discoverie of the hellish plot against divers particular of the nobility of the kingdome of England also the papists gvnpowder-plot brought to light : with the copie of a letter sent from a noble-man in Ireland to Colonel Lunsford, Jan. 11, 1642 : shewing in a most true and reall reiation the manner how this hellish plot was laid and how these noble pillars of Protestant-religion the Earl of Cork, the Earl of Kildare and the valourous Lord Iones should have been blown up : as also hovv they intended to burn dovvn the citie of Dublin vvith wild-fire and how they were beaten back by the lord chief-justices in the castles.

A discoverie of the hellish plot against divers particular of the nobility of the kingdome of England also the papists gvnpowder-plot brought to light : with the copie of a letter sent from a noble-man in Ireland to Colonel Lunsford, Jan. 11, 1642 : shewing in a most true and reall reiation the manner how this hellish plot was laid and how these noble pillars of Protestant-religion the Earl of Cork, the Earl of Kildare and the valourous Lord Iones should have been blown up : as also hovv they intended to burn dovvn the citie of Dublin vvith wild-fire and how they were beaten back by the lord chief-justices in the castles.
E. F.
London :: Printed for Iohn Greensmith,

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Subject terms
Lunsford, Thomas, -- Sir, 1610?-1653?
Catholics -- England.
Dublin (Ireland) -- History.
Great Britain -- History -- Charles I, 1625-1649 -- Sources.
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"A discoverie of the hellish plot against divers particular of the nobility of the kingdome of England also the papists gvnpowder-plot brought to light : with the copie of a letter sent from a noble-man in Ireland to Colonel Lunsford, Jan. 11, 1642 : shewing in a most true and reall reiation the manner how this hellish plot was laid and how these noble pillars of Protestant-religion the Earl of Cork, the Earl of Kildare and the valourous Lord Iones should have been blown up : as also hovv they intended to burn dovvn the citie of Dublin vvith wild-fire and how they were beaten back by the lord chief-justices in the castles." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A36128.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 6, 2024.


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