A discoverie of the hellish plot against divers particular of the nobility of the kingdome of England also the papists gvnpowder-plot brought to light : with the copie of a letter sent from a noble-man in Ireland to Colonel Lunsford, Jan. 11, 1642 : shewing in a most true and reall reiation the manner how this hellish plot was laid and how these noble pillars of Protestant-religion the Earl of Cork, the Earl of Kildare and the valourous Lord Iones should have been blown up : as also hovv they intended to burn dovvn the citie of Dublin vvith wild-fire and how they were beaten back by the lord chief-justices in the castles.

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A discoverie of the hellish plot against divers particular of the nobility of the kingdome of England also the papists gvnpowder-plot brought to light : with the copie of a letter sent from a noble-man in Ireland to Colonel Lunsford, Jan. 11, 1642 : shewing in a most true and reall reiation the manner how this hellish plot was laid and how these noble pillars of Protestant-religion the Earl of Cork, the Earl of Kildare and the valourous Lord Iones should have been blown up : as also hovv they intended to burn dovvn the citie of Dublin vvith wild-fire and how they were beaten back by the lord chief-justices in the castles.
E. F.
London :: Printed for Iohn Greensmith,

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Subject terms
Lunsford, Thomas, -- Sir, 1610?-1653?
Catholics -- England.
Dublin (Ireland) -- History.
Great Britain -- History -- Charles I, 1625-1649 -- Sources.
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"A discoverie of the hellish plot against divers particular of the nobility of the kingdome of England also the papists gvnpowder-plot brought to light : with the copie of a letter sent from a noble-man in Ireland to Colonel Lunsford, Jan. 11, 1642 : shewing in a most true and reall reiation the manner how this hellish plot was laid and how these noble pillars of Protestant-religion the Earl of Cork, the Earl of Kildare and the valourous Lord Iones should have been blown up : as also hovv they intended to burn dovvn the citie of Dublin vvith wild-fire and how they were beaten back by the lord chief-justices in the castles." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A36128.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.


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THE Manner how this PLOT was discovered.

COlonell Morton marching before the protestant Army, and the two other Lords bringing on their forces with pu∣issant courage, they being come within the space of sixe miles of Dublin, Colonel Morton feeling the ground quiver under his feet, it seeming like dry ground, caused the Army to stand, and said, that hee feared that there was trechery intended against them, he therefore immediatly took one of their strongest pikes, and thrust it into the ground, to see whether it were hollow or not, the pike running in with such great force, and hee laying no strength to it, immediatly caused some of his souldiers to dig, to see what plot there was intended against them, and digging a yard deepe they espyed a vault, and great store of gun-pow∣der, whereupon the aforesaid Colonell caused them to retreat back, fearing that they had come too far, but not knowing how to discover the same: unlesse that some man would venture his life to goe in: where presently a young man stept forth, and spake to them as followeth. Noble Captain, to do you and my Country good, I will venture my life to find out this hellish plot, then they let him down, who presently espyed 6 men, they immediatly questioning of him, he answer'd

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that he came from Generall Neale, chiefe Gene∣rall for the Rebels, to helpe them in their good enterprise, who being there about the space of two dayes, they resolved that onely one of them should tarry to bring this to passe, which was to give fire to the Gun-powder, for to blow up the protestant Army, the rest should goe forth, and retire back to the Rebels: therefore they concluded together to draw cuts which of them should tarry, which as the Lord would have it, it fell to his lot: and they being gone, hee seeing the place which they came out at, came presently to the said place, and opened the doore, which was of wood, and covered with turfe, in such a manner, that no man could perceive whether there were any doore or not: and comming forth, he reated to Captain Morton how it was. Who presently set a strong guard about the said vault, and then 200, of the protestants went in, and fetched all the powder out, and great store of Ammunition they have also taken.

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