The declaration of the right honourable Henry, Earle of Cumberland, Lord Lievtenant Generall of His Maiesties forces in Yorke-Shire and of the nobility, gentry, and others His Majesties subjects now assembled at Yorke for His Majesties service and the defence of this city and count.

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The declaration of the right honourable Henry, Earle of Cumberland, Lord Lievtenant Generall of His Maiesties forces in Yorke-Shire and of the nobility, gentry, and others His Majesties subjects now assembled at Yorke for His Majesties service and the defence of this city and count.
Cumberland, Henry Clifford, Earl of, 1591-1643.
Printed at York :: by Stephen Buckley,

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Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649.
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"The declaration of the right honourable Henry, Earle of Cumberland, Lord Lievtenant Generall of His Maiesties forces in Yorke-Shire and of the nobility, gentry, and others His Majesties subjects now assembled at Yorke for His Majesties service and the defence of this city and count." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed August 31, 2024.


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THE DECLARATION Of the Right Honourable, Henry Earle of Cumberland, &c.

FRom the deep sence of the growing miseries which have formerly afflicted this distressed coontry, and out of the grievous apprehension of those inevitable ruines, and deso∣lations, with a reall War fomented, hatched, and brought forth by our continuall distractions, must infallibly bring upon us; We thought it the least of our duty to our God, our King, and our country, to endeavour all means possible to discharge our selves before God and Man, and to leave nothing unattempted which might avert and prevent those fearfull calamities which as it must be consequently the most bloudy and ruineous) was of all others; and therefore in pursuance of that due affection to our Native Country; We first prevailed with our most gracious Sovereigne, whose Royal Inclination met our humble desires, in the most ready wayes, and apparent meanes which we could devise and finde out for the pace and safety thereof, and set aside all other respects, though never so much conducing to the main of His owne affaires, for our security; and therefore carried a way the fatall Cloud of War, which in a hideous form hung over our heads, to disburden it selfe in another Clymate, so as we conceived, we had no further worke of labour, but to pay the duties of prayse and thankfulnesse to our God and King▪ whose grace and goodnesse had freed us from the visible conse∣quences of a great and terrible tempest, but since it hath pleasd

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the unsearchable Wisedome of Almighty God so to order it, That another storme hath broken and powred a great part of it upon this Country (when we least feared, and by those means which we least suspected) and that contrary to all expectation work our misery) there appeared those out of our owne Bowels, which have begun a War and kindled a flame, which oth haz∣ard the ruine and destruction of their Native Country; which we take as a Punishment due to our manifold sins and offennes, and leave the particuler executioners thereof, to His owne wise∣dome and Iustice hereafter, yet we haue not been a wanting to the safety and protection of this People (so long, and in so many wayes afflicted, but have appolyed our selves to all such wayes and means, which in Humane reason we could hope might pro∣cure a timely remedy to those bleeding wounds. And therefore in a Treaty at Rodwell, with some Gentlemen of this County, of whose affection to peace and Vnity (though differing in Opini∣on from us) we were most confident: Sundry Articles were a greed and Concluded upon, all wholly tending to those ends, and conducing to reall settlement, which was sought after by us with so much candor plaine dealing, and earnestnesse, that we willingly let passe the manifest advantages which we then had over the opposers of the setled Peace of this County, and judg∣ing the affections of others by our own desires and inclinations, declined and quitted all other considerations, but such as might parchase a good correspondence and amity with those Gentle∣men and others, whom at that time it lay in our Power to have forced or destroyed; and that nothing might be awanting to ob∣lige them, sett at Liberty sundry Prisoners, some of good qua∣lity, upon their word and Faith, to returne them againe if the Treaty were not preformed; and condescended to all the World knows That we aymed at the Publique safety & assurance: Yet not withstanding all this, without the least breach on our behalfe, particuler passions and interests hath so far prevailed, That as, soone as they were freed of the danger wherein they were then engaged, contrary to their Hands, Faith and protestations, they have wholly broken that Agreement so solemnly concluded, & without rendring the least reason (which indeed is impossible and of which they can never excuse themselves) have with

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indirect intentions; and by a specious ofer of Peace (which it seems was the least of their thoughts) strengthned, and prepraed themselves for War, by pretence of safety to the County, disvel∣oped themselves from danger, and procured security to their own persons, and by a seeming desire to stop the deluge of War (began by them alone) opened a breach to all the miseries & ca∣lamities which must now most invitable overwhelm this distres∣sed Country; whereby before the utmost extrimity hath appear∣ed, we have already suffered what can befall any people (setting aside, firing Townes and Villages) by the Hand of a cruell and Forraigne enemy; Strangers brought in to oppresse us, our houses plundred, goods destroyed and taken away, our housholds disper∣ced, Wives and children banished, the persons of divers of us sei∣zed, and Imprisoned, our lives endangered, and sought after, by Sword or Famine; (and what is beyond all beleife) those who are unquestionably innocent, and in no capacity to be involved in our pretended offences (if we be guilty of any) our Children (even those whose Infant yeares admit no colour of objection) our Servants (employed only in domestick, commands) sought after▪ and indangered in the same measure and degree of cruelty, violence, and oppression. And that no aggravation may be a wan∣ting to encrease our sufferings, all those exorbitances executed under the glorious pretences of safety of Religion and preserva∣tion of State, and done by Authority and command of Parlia∣ment (which we acknowledge and bleive to be the Guardan of Publique liberty) and who we are confident being chosen by us for assertors of our Freedoms, will not enthrale us; being trusted with the property of our goods, wil not take them from us; being selected for the preservation of our Laws, will not violate or in∣fringe them; and that in so high a measure, as more could not be perpetrated, if we were conquered and subdued by the most bar∣barous and violent Enemy. We have heard and do beleive, That both the Houses have commanded the Militia to be setled & that they think it necessary, for some reasons (best knowne to them∣selves) that the power which untill this time, hath bin unquestio∣nably in the Kings of this land, shold now be setled in themselves yet these admitted, we cannot be perswaded, That it is the inten∣tion or meaning of the Parliament, that all who are not convin∣vinced

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of the necessity, or who cannot dispence with their Oathes, which tyes them to the knowne Lawes of the Land till they be repealed, and to obey His Maiesties command in those things wherein it appears Hee hath manifest Right, untill He hath given a way and parted with that Right by His own assent, or who are yet Newters, and conscionably, expect a legall Rule whereby to be directed, should presently with out due processe of Law, be devested from all property of Goods, Liberty of persons, Lives and Fortunes, and be in a worse con∣dition for not performing what is it no Law, then any Man can be for offending and disobeyng all the Lawes which were ever yet established: and much lesse, that the friends and servants, the faulty and guiltlesse, those whose condition or inability free them from assisting in, or, exercising any Militia, Clergy-men, Babes, Old Men, women, should be included and wrapped up in one common fate and destruction, contrary to the rules of God and nature; which make a large differene between the inno∣cent, and the offender, and the customs and Laws of this Realme, which give freedome to diverse in those cases and have so long maintained this Kingdom in peace, by distributing rewards and punishments (not to all a like) but to the conscionably obedient, or wilfull contemners thereof. These distructive courses of vio∣lence, pretending necessity, were ever opposed when they were executed by Regall power, deferred & protested against by his Sacred Maiesty, altogether condemned by former, and this pre∣sent Parliament, and not to be done or consented to by any, with∣out disobedience to His Majesty, offence to the Parliament, and injury to the Freedom and Liberty if this people and Kingdom. But wee are farre from believing these to be the command and Acts of an English Parliament, which our selves have so earnest∣ly desired, so faithfully supported; but rather of some persons, who (being now) contrary to their hopes, armed with power to gaine the affections of their Souldiers for farther ends and designes, and to make their particular profit by the generall spoyle, give way to this licentiousnesse, and suffer them to ran∣some persons and destroy the goods of the innocent people, and to make havocke and spole of all which comes in their way, let∣ting loose the Raines of government, and giving way to all man∣ner of rapine (though the gaine on the 〈◊〉〈◊〉 doth in no measure

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countervaile the losse on the other) to the unspeakeable detri∣ment and dammage of this our flourishing, now miserable Coun∣try. By which courses it hath beene already endammaged (as we offer to make good) to the value of 100000 pound, besides the sufferance of many such barbarous outrages, scarce credible to be committed by Christians; and those so frequent, that if possible, they can bee denyed; and that the Houses will admit the proofe, we shall make them appeare in such numbers, and so abhominable, will exceed the beliefe of any, unlesse they see them sufficiently witnessed and attested. Out of our desire of peace, we have already endured beyond mortall sufferance, and are ready to suffer still in our owne particulars; and to set apart all Interests of our owne, and to expose our selves to the height of violence and rigour though undeserved (unlesse to obey our King according to His Laws be an offence) before wee will ha∣zard the peace of this County, and this people, for any regard or respect whatsoever. And therefore because as our Adversa∣ries do speciously pretend, That their Armes are raised only for seizing upon Delinquents, and bringing them to condigne pu∣nishments, or driving them out of the Country (which is their baite to catch the multitude.) We do unanimously professe and declare (although we are confident, and that their practises hew that whosoever hath mony or Plate, or Moveables, is a Delin∣quent, and must part with them ere he be guiltles▪) to take away all scruples, if they will set down and expresse the names of the delinquents (if any be amongst us) and their offences, upon assu∣rance that no other end is sought by their Armes; and that once obtained, they wil absolutely lay them down, and free the coun∣try: it shall be manifested, That we will not decline any just and legall tryall, or desire that a war should be continued, or the peo∣ple disturb'd for the safeguard of them, or any of them: although we are most assured, that when by the tearme of Delinquency, they have quit their hands of such, who are most likely to op∣pose the ruinous proceedings, that others whose wealth, estates, or former actions unpleasing to these men, have made them ob∣noxious, shall succeed in the same misery; and very many, who suppose themselves in a good condition of grace and favour with them, shall fall into the like misfortune, as soone as the Lion sees

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fit time to discover his hidden Clawes; it being impossible they should be in a better estate of Innocency, then our selves, who have not at all wilfully offended, or opposed any of the knowne Lawes of this Kingdom. We have had wofull and sad experi∣ence, that the more our Adversaries are sought unto for peace, the farther they are estranged from it; and that all lenitive ap∣plications, doe but exasperate our disease. We doe protest be∣fore God and man, That wee will yet apply our selves to all meanes which may conduce to quiet, and settlement; but in the meane time will really and effectually labour for the safety of this Country, our selves, our wives, and children; and if for the preservation of all, that ought to be defended, and maintained by Mortall Man: we are necessitated and compelled by their ex∣ample to call in Forces, and desire the Assistance of the Earle of Newcastle, and of our friends and Neighbours in the adjacent Counties (being of our own nation, and whose turne is next, and cause the same with ours, and that thereby some unforeseene or unwished accident arise, not then to be remedied, and that York∣shire become an Akeldama and field of bloud, we lay the conse∣quences and effects thereof at the dores, and upon the heads of those men who first begun, and kindled the flame i this Coun∣ty, and have hitherto refused our most brotherly and peaceable offers, and endeavouring for unity and tranquility, which on our parts hath bin so earnestly sought after, and attempted; that we can justly now say, we have freed our owne soules, discharged the duty of Christians, Englishmen, Patriates, and have bin re∣fused in all: so as there remaines no more, but to defend our Country from Strangers, our lives from violence, our Wives and children from extremity of injury, our Houses from Rapine, our goods from spoyle, our Laws, liberties, property, and what∣soever is or can bee neere or deare unto us, from utmost hazard and destruction. In execution or which resolution, there is no course or means omitted, which may (as far as is possible) con∣duce to the benefit and preservation of the people. The Earle of Newcastle required assurance before he would march to our as∣sistance, that the Country should be payed the billet of his Soul∣diers, which was before thought upon, and resolved by us, and caution is accordingly given; so that no man will receive losse

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or dammage by those forces, as far as it is in our power to pro∣vide or foresee. And because they have hitherto built up them∣selves upon false reports and foundations, and disguise and make the truth according as it may best fit their ends, and serve their purposes; and thereby not onely perswade the people with de∣ceitfull rumours of his Majesties unfortunate proceedings (when in truth God hath wonderfully blessed him with most fortunate successe) but also casting false lights before their eyes, lay scan∣dalous aspersions upon our actions and reall intendments, for the benefit of this County, striving to possesse them with a prejudi∣cacy of whatsoever we go about to do; & accordingly are now seeking to poyson the minds of the people with a false opinion, and causelesse jealousie, That the Army now comming to our assistance, is assigned for the oppression, not deliverance; the destruction, not safegard of the Country; and will be the ruine of it wheresoever they passe. To stop the poysonous mouthes of malice it selfe, the Earle of New-Castle hath declared his honourable Intentions, to leave the Country in peace, as soone as he hath delivered it from these enemies of His Majesty, who now oppresse and tyrannise over it. In which endeavour wee doubt not, to find the reall concurrence of all who have interest in this County, and that they will not be behind their Neigh∣bours and Allyes in seeking their owne preservations, being all owners of one common cause, and must (what ever pretences be made) in the end, runne the same course of violence and disola∣tion. How ever, though we perish in this work, we shall rest sa∣tisfied, that we have preserved our Faith and Honour untainted: and if all other disert us in this resolution, wee will not faile our selves, nor our duty to our King and Country▪ wherein appeares so much Iustice and Piety: but are most confident by Gods blessing upon the performance of our just endeavours, to re∣presse the enemies of His Majesties peace, and to conserve our selves and this Country, to the Glory of God, the service of our King, and mutuall comfort of one another.


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