A parish looking-glasse for persecutors of ministers ... or, The persecuted ministers apologie published by Richard Culmer ... in defence of his father, Richard Culmer ...

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A parish looking-glasse for persecutors of ministers ... or, The persecuted ministers apologie published by Richard Culmer ... in defence of his father, Richard Culmer ...
Culmer, Richard, 17th cent.
London :: Printed by Abraham Miller,

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Culmer, Richard, d. 1662.
Clergy -- England.
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"A parish looking-glasse for persecutors of ministers ... or, The persecuted ministers apologie published by Richard Culmer ... in defence of his father, Richard Culmer ..." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A35355.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 6, 2024.


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TO THE HONOURABLE Collonel ROBERT GIBBON, Governour of the Isle of Jersey, &c.

Right Honourable,

YOur native Countrey (the County of Kent) hath many obligations of much due respect unto you, for your prudent and valiant actings formerly, and at present, for the wel∣fare and safety thereof. And your courteous respests to all, and to my Father in special (heretofore and lately, in that you were pleased to honour him, by calling on him to accompany you, when you surveyed the places of danger for landing a for∣reign enemy along the Sea-coasts in the Isle of Tanet, which lies over∣against the Coasts of Flanders.) And your undeserved favours to my self, have encouraged me to presume of, and crave your worthy Patronage of the ensuing Apologie, which the law of filial love and duty hath compelled me to write, in the speedy and necessary defence of my aged Father, whose Ministerial imploiments will not give him leisure to do it with his own pen: I do unfeignedly profess it rather a grief, than any delight to me, that (upon this occasion) I am necessitated to publish that any such savages, as are here described should be found in Old-England, in Kent or Christendom, after so long continued gracious means of extraordinary civility and Christiani∣ty: But hereby may be seen in what ignorant, barbarous, profane condition, Prelates, and Dean and Chapter, Non-resident Doctors (à non docendo) and their ignorant, drnnken, leud Curates, have left people, which is the mi∣serable sad case of many Parishes, as hundreds of faithful Ministers have found by wofull experience. But it is apparent, that the All-seeing righte∣ous God will not have the Persecutions and Oppressions herein recited to be buried in the grave of silence and oblivion, seeing a publick discovery there∣of is called for exraordinarily, and necessited and extorted, not only by open slanders, by written and printed Libels, but by publick revealings, and loud boastings of secret actings of enemies, by enemies themselves; all which could not but be made use of, without dishonour to God, and injury to Justice it self. For those that have made lies their refuge, and calumnies the weapons of their rage against my Father, and have by a confederacy withheld all their Tythes wholly from him, for above three years last past, do grow now more than ever publickly clamorous against him. And their malice is grown to that monstrous height of rage, that it hath so blinded the little common

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reason that was left in them, that they have presumed impudently (distru∣sting the merits of their cause) to pass by his Highnesses worthy Commission∣ers for ejecting of ignorant and scandalous Ministers, and to wave the com∣mon Law, and have petitioned against him to his Highnesse himself; upon what grounds, fancies or vain hopes, they only know; But this is certainly known, that in their boastings (before they have put on their armour) they vaunt much of their potent military friends: But I am consident none of those worthies will ingage against my Father, but cashier them out of their good affections, when they are informed of the truth, by the ensuing defensive Narrative, which is my Fathers defensive weapon, which their extraordi∣nary Alarm have forced him to arm himself withall, and to stand upon his guard and defence, to prevent the ruine of his good Name and Family, which nearly concerns me in particular, who am a souldier also at this pre∣sent in commission for the present State. And this cause is of greater con∣cernment, than is at first conceived, not only to him, but to the publick; And Gods glory is much concerned in it: For if his adversaries could by subtilty prevail to have him sacrificed to their malice & covetousnes, by the hands of abused Justice and Authority: It would not only prove his unde∣served ruine, but much encourage the mutinous enemies of Reformation to endless oppositions, and persecutions of faithful Ministers, and would discourage Ministers to be faithful, for fear of ruine, for want of just de∣fence from the Higher Powers, to which they adhere in the cause of God: which is not written out of fear of any such thing, which his adversaries are so confident of, to take effect against him; as of old against absent Mephi∣bosheth; And although means of defence and preservation are to be used, and to this end the ensuing Apologetical History, or Historical Apologie is written, concerning things that have not been acted in a corner, but pub∣lickly and lately, and are notorious, and will not be denied: Yet (as Ni∣codemus saith) Our Law judgeth no man before it hear him, and know what he doth. No Ziba nor Haman, though he may boast of his friends at Court, can now procure such hasty Decrees, blessed be God, By whom Kings reign, and Princes decree justice, and who puls down mighty ones without number, and sets up others in their rooms: He is the Lord of Hosts, who hath taught your hands to warre, and your fin∣gers to fight: I beseech him to be your shield, and your great reward: So craving pardon for my boldness, I humbly take leave, and remain,


Your obliged, assured Servant and Souldier to be commanded


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