Cathedrall newes from Canterbury shewing, the Canterburian Cathedrall to bee in an abbey-like, corrupt, and rotten condition, which cals for a speedy reformation, or dissolution : vvhich dissolution is already foreshowne, and begun there, by many remarkeable passages upon that place, and the prelats there : amongst which passages of wonder is, the Archbishop of Canterburies passing-bell, rung miraculously in that cathedrall / recorded and published by Richard Culmer ...

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Cathedrall newes from Canterbury shewing, the Canterburian Cathedrall to bee in an abbey-like, corrupt, and rotten condition, which cals for a speedy reformation, or dissolution : vvhich dissolution is already foreshowne, and begun there, by many remarkeable passages upon that place, and the prelats there : amongst which passages of wonder is, the Archbishop of Canterburies passing-bell, rung miraculously in that cathedrall / recorded and published by Richard Culmer ...
Culmer, Richard, d. 1662.
London :: Printed by Rich. Cotes for Fulk Clifton,

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Canterbury Cathedral.
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"Cathedrall newes from Canterbury shewing, the Canterburian Cathedrall to bee in an abbey-like, corrupt, and rotten condition, which cals for a speedy reformation, or dissolution : vvhich dissolution is already foreshowne, and begun there, by many remarkeable passages upon that place, and the prelats there : amongst which passages of wonder is, the Archbishop of Canterburies passing-bell, rung miraculously in that cathedrall / recorded and published by Richard Culmer ..." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.


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TO THE HONORABLE COMMITTEE OF THE HOVSE OF Commons Assembled in Parliament, Concerning plundred Ministers.

Worthy Sirs,

FInding that the Honorable House of Commons assembled in Parliament hath referred to your consideration, and examina∣tion, some matters touching the Reformati∣on of the Cathedrall in Canterbury: out of my zeale to that worke, I have presumed to hold the Candle to you (Physitians of value) a little to further your discovery of that Cathedralls corrupt constitution, that you may more perfectly cure the malignant disease, called the Ca∣thedrall evill. The worke is begun, the numerous Idols, (dunghill-gods, as the Scripture calls them) which de∣file the worship of God there, are sweeping out apace. And Oh that you would further cleanse that Augean stable, by removing the Idol Shepheards; Let not the oyle of the fat revenues of that Cathedrall Covent any longer feed such darke Lampes, and Lanthornes, but let it supply

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burning, and shining lights, to enlighten those many mise∣rable adjacent Parishes, which have a long time sate in darkenesse, under that huge, dry, flintie Rocke, called a Ca∣thedrall. I have the ensuing History (for the most part) from mine owne observation, and have beene punctuall in examining the truth of what I have by information. My ayme is to further the downefall of Babylon, and that Sion, which dwelleth with this daughter of Babylon, may deliver her selfe. So most humbly intreating your ac∣ceptance of this my obliged service, I remaine

Yours to be commanded, RICHARD CVLMER.

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