The teares of Ireland wherein is lively presented as in a map a list of the unheard off [sic] cruelties and perfidious treacheries of blood-thirsty Jesuits and the popish faction : as a warning piece to her sister nations to prevent the like miseries, as are now acted on the stage of this fresh bleeding nation / reported by gentlemen of good credit living there, but forced to flie for their lives... illustrated by pictures ; fit to be reserved by all true Protestants as a monument of their perpetuall reproach and ignominy, and to animate the spirits of Protestants against such bloody villains.

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The teares of Ireland wherein is lively presented as in a map a list of the unheard off [sic] cruelties and perfidious treacheries of blood-thirsty Jesuits and the popish faction : as a warning piece to her sister nations to prevent the like miseries, as are now acted on the stage of this fresh bleeding nation / reported by gentlemen of good credit living there, but forced to flie for their lives... illustrated by pictures ; fit to be reserved by all true Protestants as a monument of their perpetuall reproach and ignominy, and to animate the spirits of Protestants against such bloody villains.
Cranford, James, d. 1657.
London :: Printed by A.N. for Iohn Rothwell, and are to be sold at his shop ...,

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Ireland -- History -- Rebellion of 1641.
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"The teares of Ireland wherein is lively presented as in a map a list of the unheard off [sic] cruelties and perfidious treacheries of blood-thirsty Jesuits and the popish faction : as a warning piece to her sister nations to prevent the like miseries, as are now acted on the stage of this fresh bleeding nation / reported by gentlemen of good credit living there, but forced to flie for their lives... illustrated by pictures ; fit to be reserved by all true Protestants as a monument of their perpetuall reproach and ignominy, and to animate the spirits of Protestants against such bloody villains." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 8, 2024.


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A true Relation of the bloudy Massacre and damnable Treason of the cruell Papists in∣tended against Dublin, October 23. 1641. desperatly acted in most parts of the Kingdom of Ireland, tending to the utter ruine and extirpation of all the Protestants there: With a list of the severall tortures, cruelties, outrages, on the bodies of poore Christians, related by persons of good credit, who are fled from those bloudy men, to tell us what they have seen with their eyes and heard with their eares, on ex∣aminattions of divers of the Actors in this Tragedy illustrated by Pictures.

BEhold, as in a Map of bloud, the unwearied plottings, and restlesse contrivements of bloudy men only skil∣full to destroy, whose Religion is

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founded in bloud, whose obedience will not be bounded with oaths, asse∣verations, nay execrations, as the en∣suing Story of cruelty relates, who are true (as steel) to their damned Principles, Nulla fides cum Haereticis whose principles are steept bloud, to∣lerating Rebellion against King and Kingdome, murdering of Princes, blowing up of Parliament, sowing seeds of division betweene Confede∣rate Kingdomes,* 1.1 as those two Hand∣fasted and Troth-plighted Nations in a League of love, indissoluble (blessed be God) can testifie: blowing up coals of Division, hotter then coals of Juni∣per in the same Kingdome, where they live in too much peace. * 1.2Witnesse England, who hath had wofull expe∣rience of their plottings to breake U∣nion betweene King and people, King and Parliament.

But now behold, these bloudy Pa∣pists with their Vizard puld off, and now acting their plots like incarnate Devils (as our Saviour cald their bre∣thren the Scribes and Pharisees. For the works of their father they doe) I say

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now acting their Devillish designe on the State of Ireland our sister Nation, ayming no lower then the death and ruine of the whole Kingdome at one blow. For had their plot on Dublin Castle taken (which they had laid with so much subtilty and secrecie) as in probability it had, had not the kee∣per of Israel which slumbers not preven∣ted it, in a most miraculous manner, they had beene by the morning light at work, cutting off man, woman and child, till they had not left one re∣mayning among them that bore the name of a Protestant. Blessed be God their snare was broken, and that poore City designed to destruction, delive∣red, the relation of which Tragedie now begins: Oh that our eares may tingle! and our bowels yern at the re∣lation of this horrid designe: and at the relations of those cruelties and tor∣tures exceeding all parallel, unheard off among Pagans, Turks, or Barbari∣ans, except you would enter into the confines of Hell it selfe, to see the Devils (those Engineers of cruelty) acting of their parts: I know not where

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you will find their fellows, making it their sport to torture and to vex those poore distressed Protestants, he that is most cruell merits most of their blou∣dy Jesuits. Those firebrands of Hell preach to them in their Massings and Conventicles, as is truly related by Gentlemen of Ireland of good worth, who like Jobs Messengers are escaped their mercilesse hands, relating no∣thing but what they have heard with their eares, upon examination of wit∣nesses, or seen with their eyes, that so men might not be deluded with false and idle Pamphlets, but reade and see the truth of things that all men may behold what bloudy Tigres and Vul∣tures these Popish Spirits are, how perfidious and basely treacherous to those Nations that succour them; ne∣ver any Kingdom being long at peace where they were tolerated, as this fresh bleeding Nation of Ireland can sadly relate you in this ensuing Nar∣ration.

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Here begins the bloudie attempts up∣on the Kingdome of Ireland in the generall, and on Dublin in particular.

UPon the three and twentieth day of October last 1641, the Castle of Dublin, should have surpri∣zed (as at that time it might easily have beene) for there was no feare or suspition of Treachery, there being at that time foure hundred Irish Papists elected out of most parts of Ireland, desperate persons designed and ap∣pointed for that bloudy and desperate attempt, all lodging and sculking in severall places of the City and Sub∣urbs, waiting and expecting the time and watch-word, when to give the onset. But that God that keepeth Israel saw their bloudy intentions to overthrow and ruinate all the professours of the true Religion, disapointed their wicked hopes, and (to their owne shame and confusi∣on) discovered and laid open their

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hellish plot to succeeding ages, that the Lord alone might be admired, and they confounded. And this he did by moving in the heart of one of their own Countrimen at that time, an ab∣horring of so foule and detestable a Treason, and to reveale it to Sir Wil∣liam Parsons Knight and Baronet, Ma∣ster of the Court of Wards and Live∣ries, and Sir John Borlase Knight, Ma∣ster of the Ordnance, both Lords Ju∣stices of the Kingdome of Ireland. The party who discovered the plot had been formerly a servant to Sir John Clotworthy, a godly and religious Gentleman, but at time (when hee re∣vealed their designe) hee served one Captaine Mack-Mahowne an Irishman, who lodged at the signe of the Arti∣choake, vulgarly called Saint Maries Abbey in the Suburbs of the City of Dublin, The servants name was Owen Mack-Connel, who being with his Ma∣ster Captain Mack-Mahown, in a house in Cookstreet, at the Lodging of the Lord Mack-Gueere, also and Irishman in the City of Dublin. Upon the two and twentieth of October, being the

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night afore; his Master did then and there reveale the whole plot unto him in the presence of the Lord Mack-Gueere, and others.

Now this Owen Mack-Connel, had married an English woman by whom hee had children living in the County of Antrim in the Province of Vlster, & she was and is a Protestant; as soon as this Owen Mack-Connel had heard and understood the plot and damnable in∣tention of those sons of Belial, with a sad countenance, asked his Master what should become of his wife and poore children, hee replyed in these words, viz. hang her English Kite, we will get thee a better wife, but the company perceiving that his thoughts were troubled at the relation of this horrid Tragedy, now to be acted on the Stage of Ireland, which within few houres was to bee in a flame of confusion, the word to be given, that, man, woman, & child should have bin butchered the next morning, the poor mans heart failed him at this hellish and barbarous Massacre, whereupon these bloudy Villaines perceiving by

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the same alteration of his counte∣nance, that he approved not, or rather like a man amazed, startled at such a bloudy motion, as to imbrue his hands in the bloud of his own dearest wife and children, and that that is more, of his own Country and King∣dome, they began to bethinke them∣selves what to doe with him, they re∣solved to make him drunk, and there∣upō inforced him unnaturally (which a man would not doe to a beast) to drinke so much that hee could hardly drink more, yet they plyed him close, and provoked him, hee desired to be excused, they to give him his load, poured it down his throat, he resisting such unreasonable violence more then brutish, there steps towards him in a de sperate maner one Donal Mack-Gueere, what will you not drink your liquor? see if you dare deny to pledg me, there upon set a pistoll to his breast (see the Popish religion their best argument is fire and gunpowder) with two bullets, the pan being primed with powder and brimstone that so it might not fail to speed, twice it was offered against

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Owen Macke-onell, who discouered the plot of takinge Dublin, had a Pistoll Charged with too Bullets▪ the pane primed with powder & Brimstone twice offered against him tooke not fire▪ so the Rebells said God will not suffer him to be killed & he will be on our side▪ I warrant you,


Owen Macke-onell leapinge ouer a wall escaped & was sent to our Parlament with letters & was rewarded 500 lb & 200 per Annum.

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him, and took no fire: oh see the hand of God! whereupon Captain Mack-Mahowne stept in and spake these words, videlict, let him alone, God will not suffer him to be kild, he will be on our side, I warrant yee How blind with malice and rage were these Monsters of nature, that could not see that the God that over-ruled thē: for it is observed, that it is very rare and seldome, that Gunpowder and Brimstone mingled ever fail firing so that sequell proved, that God would not suffer him to be kild as his Master said, but preserved him to be a delive∣rer most miraculously to his distressed Nation: not to be (as they supposed) on their side but against them, for within lesse then an houre after hee discovered the treason to Sir William Parsons as aforesaid, for after they had foxt him, (as they thought sufficiently) they led him from the Lord Mack-Gueeres lodging in Cookstreet, to goe along wih his Master Captain Mack-Mahowne to his lodging, but the poore man with a longing and earnest desire to be delivered of what his head and heart were so big with, and impatient

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of any longer delay to conceal so foul and horrid a Treason, fained himselfe more drunk then hee was, and taking the advantage of the time and place, willingly fell downe in a dirty chan∣nell, and was so contaminated and be∣mired with stinking mud, that none would lay hands on him to help him up, so that with much adoe hee crept out of the kennell, and reeled to the stoop or seat of a door, and sate down to sleepe, but the workings of his thoughts would not suffer him to rest till hee had discovered this devillish designe neither did hee (at all) intend to rest as himselfe confest, till hee had made it knowne, but hee see∣ming to sleepe, the fellow which was left with him to watch him, de∣parted, which this Owne Mack-Connel perceiving, assoone as ever his backe was turned, with a bold resolution a∣rose up, and went to the Merchants Key in Dublin, betweene eleven and twelve of the clocke at night to Sir William Parsons house, one of the Lords Justices of Ireland, where knocking at the doore, the Porter knowing him, demanded of him what

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he would have, he answered the Por∣ter that hee must needs speak with his Lord, the Porter replyed that his Lord was in Bed, It is no matter an∣swered Owen Mack-Connel, I must and will speak with him, for my businesse concerns both King & Kingdom, then the Porter let him in, wondring to see him in such a pickle, still hee hastned the Porter, untill hee had called up one of his Lords Gentlemen, who got up speedily, and went into his Lords Bed-chamber, where hee acquainted his Lord with the earnest desire that this Owen Mack-Connel had to speake with him concerning a businesse of waighty consequence, but would not reveal it to any but his Honour, wher∣upon he was called up and had access to my Lord, unto whom hee discove∣red the whole Plot, which was to be executed the same morning at nine of the clock, this being between twelve and one.

At the first the Lord Parsons did seem to slight it, but Owen Mack-Cou∣nel, confidently affirmed the thing to my Lord in the hearing of his servants to be true, and withall told him thus:

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viz. My Lord, my Lord, I have dis∣charged my duty and my conscience, look you to it; I will goe backe to my Master, because neither hee nor the rest shall suspect me.

Your Lordship shall find my Lord Mack-Gueere at Master Cadowgans house in Cookstreet, and Captaine Mack-Mahown, at the Artichoke in the aforesaid Maryes Abbey, to which place I am going now. This Owen Mack-Connel going homewards to his Masters lodging, takes up dirt in his hands and besmuts and dirties his face that he might appear to them to have tumbled over and over in the dirt, whose approach and entrance into the roome (where a great many of them were assembled together, drinking and making merry, for they intended not to goe to bed) was so ridiculous that the company burst out into such a loud and sudden laughter with shou∣ting and hollowing that the place rung of them round about, and to wel∣come him home the company fell to their old course to make him drinke more, but at last he told them that he

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must needs goe down into the yard, so they suffered him to goe, but com∣manded two of his companions to attend him and bring him up againe, but they let him goe into the yard by himselfe, not suspecting what he had done; nor what hee meant to doe: no sooner was he in the yard, but know∣ing the place, leaped over the pale, and so escaped from them.

Great search they made in the yard for him, and up and downe the house, thinking hee had been crept to bed, or hid himself in the barn of sta∣ble, so that they were amazed to think what should become of him, because they generally believed him to be so drunk and in such a pickle, they refrained looking any further af∣ter him, conceiving that hee was past care to tell tales wheresoever he was, and so fell to their mirth and jollitie again.

But not long after, in the midst of their mirth, came some of the Guard belonging to the Lords Justices, en∣tred the House, where there was little or no resistance, apprehended Cap∣tain

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Mack-Mahowne, and one Rory Ma∣gennis, being the chief in that place at the Artichoake, and brought them bound before the Lords, about five of the clock in the morning, being upon the Saturday, which was the three and twentieth day of October last. At the same time and hour the rest of the Guard apprehended the Lord Mack-Gueere in Cookstreet, in the house of Master Cadowgan where they found him under a bed with a case of Pistols charged and a Skeene by his side, but did not offer to shoot.

Captaine Mack-Mahowne upon his examination confessed the whole plot, how that morning the Castle of Du∣blin should have beene surprized by forty Irish Papists desperate Villains in this manner following.

First, they should have gone into the Castle (to avoid suspition) one by one, some at the water-gate, and some at the Castle-gate, each man with his Skeen, and so to have met in the great Court, and suddenly to have rushed upon the Warders, and to have mur∣thered them, and so to have possest

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themselves of their Halberds and o∣ther weapons, and then to have stood in the entrance of both Gates to let in the rest being three hundred and sixty more, appointed for the execu∣tion of that Hel-hatcht Design; they could not have wanted help, the ods was so great on their side, I mean the bloudy Romish party, and I am of o∣pinion there would have been but lit∣tle or no resistance, their party would have beene so strong, there being at that time one hundred Papists to five Protestants within the very City of Dublin▪ to my knowledge, and so they are generally throughout the whole Kingdome, what a combustion had there been in Dublin that day? what a distraction had our poore Country∣men, I meane the English Protestants been in? and I my self being then one belonging to the Crowne Office in Dublin, and an eye witnesse of their passages amongst the rest? I dare be bold to say, that if they had taken that Castle, being so richly furnished with all manner of Munition, as powder, shot and Armes being also

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strengthened with above one hun∣dred pieces of Ordnance of all sorts with their carriages, that all Ireland had been before this day an Achelda∣ma, or a field of bloud, and I am of opinion that of all the English Plan∣tators in Ireland, there would not have been living one Family.

Some of those Villains that should have surprized the Castle, to wit, Rory Mack Mahowne, William O Neale, Thady O Duffe, and others, have been taken and examined before the Councill, and upon their examinations have confessed, that upon the Sabbath day night after they had surprized the Ca∣stle (being the day following) their intent was to have marked all the Irish houses with a Crosse, to have di∣stinguished them from the English, and so to have murthered them by entring forcibly and treacherously upon them, and also to have seized all the shipping at the Rings end neere Dublin, that there had beene no way or meanes left for man, woman, or child to have escaped their fury, nor

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any place of refuge left to have found mercy. Stand and pause a while and consider the depth of this horrid trea∣son to have cut off all the Protestants! Oh the cryes, the shreeks, the teares of poore souls flying, this way and that way, still into the mouth of these ravenous Lions, and this would have beene their Sabbath dayes work, a fit sacrifice for him whose servants they were. But praysed be the Lord, their net is broken, and we have escaped.

What man so blinde as may not herein behold the handy worke of God, and how the hands and hearts of those malicious furies and firebrands of Rome are bent to shed inocent bloud, that notwithstanding they have so often failed in their wicked & bloudy purposed and intents both pri∣vate and publike, which they have se∣cretly attempted in darknesse will not see although they live in the light nor take warning, but still run on in their bloud-thirstinesse to extirpate whole States, to suppresse the Truth, and to shed the bloud of Gods Saints, but I

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trust they shall fall into the pit that they digged for others.

It was concluded by the Lords Ju∣stices and Councell of Ireland, that the aforenamed Owen Mack-Connel, who had discovered this Treason should be sent with Letters to the Parliament here in England, the King being at that time in Scotland, who at his comming was rewarded with a gratuity of five hundred pounds in money, and an allowance towards the mayntenance of himselfe, his wife and children of two hundred pounds a yeere, until his Majesty finde out some better gift to bestow upon him, I am verily perswaded that his disco∣very of this Treason hath preserved the lives of a hundred thousand men, women and children and many more, in the severall Provinces and Coun∣ties of Ireland.

Now to enter into this direfull Tragedy, every step being a step in bloud.

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Heere followeth a true description or relation of sundrie sad and lamen∣table collections, taken from the mouthes of verie credible persons, and out of Letters sent from Ire∣land to this Citie of London, of the perfidious outrages and barba∣rous cruelties, which the Irish Pa∣pists have committed upon the per∣sons of the Protestants, both men, women, and children in that King∣dome. Anno Dom. 1641.

THe Irish Nation is well knowne to be a people both proud and envious. For the Comonaltie (they are for the most part) ignorant and illiterate, poore, and lazie; and will rather beg or starve, then worke: & therefore fit subjects for the Priests and Jesuits to spur on upon such blou∣dy actions and murth' rous Designes. Ignorance is their Mother, which is devoid of mercy: God deliver all

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good Christians from the cruelty of such a Mother and Children.

It is too well knowne, (the more is the pitie and to be lamented) that the Irish have murther'd of the Protestant party in the Provinces of Vlster, Lemp∣ster, Connaght and Munster, of men, wo∣men, and children, the number of fifty thousand, as it is credibly reported by Englishmen, who have beene over all parts of the Kingdome, and doe pro∣test upon their oaths that there are a∣bove five thousand Families de∣stroyed.

The Kingdome of Ireland hath foure Provinces, wherein there are contained two and thirty Counties, besides Cities and County Townes, in all which places the English are planted up and downe in all parts, where the Irish have most murthe∣rously and trayterously surprized them upon great advantages, and with out respect of persons either of age, youth, or infancy, of yongmen or maids, or of old men or babes, stript all to their skins, naked as ever they

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were borne into the World, so they have gone out of the World, many hundreds having beene found starved to death in Ditches for want of food and rayment, where the rebellious Irish have shewed them no more mer∣cy or compassion, no, nor so much as they would doe to their Dogs. Thus much for the generall, now I come to particulars.

At one Master Atkins house, seven Papists brake in & beat out his brains, then ripped up his Wife with childe, after they had ravished her, and Nero-like view'd Natures bed of concepti∣on, they then took the child, and sa∣crificed it in the fire.

They have flead the skin from the bones of others like Butchers: the principles of whose Religion is bloud. Witnesse our Books of Martyrs those Chronicles of bloud. Witnesse those thousands of butchered Protestants in France, or Germany.

They burned others, firing their Houses, Towns, Villages, those sons of the Coale, as if their habitation were in Hell.

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At one Mr Atkins house 7 Papistes brake in & beate out his braines, then riped upe his wife with Childe after they had rauished her & Nero like vewed natures bed of conception then tooke they the Childe & sacrificed it in the fire


English Protestantes striped naked & turned into the mountaines in the frost, & snowe▪ whe∣reof many hundreds are perished to death▪ & many liynge dead in diches & Sauages upbraided them saynge now are ye wilde Irisch as well as wee▪

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They have vowed to root out all the English Nation out of this King∣dome.

They have turned all the Prote∣stants out of Kilkeny.

At Belturbal in the County of Ca∣van, the Popish Rebels demanded the Town on promise, that if they would surrender they should passe free with bag and baggage, they backt their promise with oaths and execrations, cursing themselves, if they did not let them goe withall. On serious conside∣rations of the inhabitants and, the Go∣vernour, they were perswaded to yield it up, which when they had done, and drawing away their goods and moneys, they like treacherous Villains sent about twenty or thirty to guard them, when they had guar∣ded them seven miles from the Town, they with more of that desperate for∣sworn rabble seized on them, robbed all the Protestants, being betweene five hundred and a thousand persons,

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men, women, and children; who sub∣mitting themselves to their mercy, found no quarter but cruelty: they stript them all naked, and turn'd them out of their houses into the open fields in bitter cold weather, in a most vile and shamefull manner, not affording them one of their lowzy rags to hide those parts which should be covered. Take notice of the faith of a Papist, who for his own advantage, casts off all bonds of fidelity and common ho∣nesty.

They are remarkable for perfidious∣nesse and treachery, as you may be∣hold in that Master of Mis-rule, the Arch-rebell Sir Philem-Oneal, basely pretending to be a Suitor to the old Lady Cawfield being a Widow, and made faire promises of his respects to her, and when hee had his advantage of possession of her house and goods, turned them out of all, and bound them prisoners, and made her whom he intended his neerest Companion to be his lowest Vassall.

In the Towne of Lurgon, in the

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County of Armagh, the Mac-kans skir∣mishing with the Englishmen, slue divers of our men, whereupon they entred parley demanding the Towne: Sir William Brunlow being Governour of the Castle, on some considerati∣ons thought good to yield thereupon they promised and backt it with oaths & great protestations, that they should have faire quarter, and passe with∣out prejudice to their lives: yet be∣hold the perfidiousnesse of these bru∣tish creatures, as men not fearing God or Devill, whose practice they imi∣tate, who was a liar from the begin∣ning. Notwithstanding all these faire pretences they knew no mercy, killed men, spoiled women, nay, in their boundlesse rage, slue and massacred, and sript helplesse Ministers, whose calling might have pleaded pity. But what speake wee of pity to men, that have no bowels?

In London Derry, at the Towne of Belly-hagh belonging to the Londoners. Sir Philem-Oneal, promised under hand and seale to let the poore Prote∣stants

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to passe with bag and baggage, only to part with their Town, which was a faire goodly place: yet this per∣fidious Rebell, as if it was not enough to make these poore souls harborless, to lay them open to vvind and vvea∣ther, but to adde to all their misery, stript man, vvoman and child, took their clothes for a prey, and sent them out naked, vvithout a shirt or smock to their backs, left them not vvorth a groat, this vvas one of their vvorks of mercy, if they scaped vvith their lives: but how many lives might be lost by this immodest and inhumane act, judge. The tender mercies of the wicked are cruell.

Will you behold another mercifull act and record it. Captaine Rory Mac∣quire, the Lord Macquires brother at the beginning of the rebellion for the first fortnight commands his Soul∣diers to give quarter to women and children, but to massacre all the men to spare none. Woe to him that makes the wife a widow and the children fatherlesse, but after they began to re∣sist,

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and to gather into Companies: then heare the Charge of this bloudy man, Give no quarter, no not to wo∣men, though teares and prayers inter∣pose, yet know no pity: no not to harmlesse babes, though it was death enough to kill their parents, nor spare neither man, woman, or child.

It is reported by an eminent Gen∣tleman, that hath long dwelt among the Rebels, but it's thought fit to for∣beare the names of those that give in∣telligence of the barbarous cruel∣ties of these savage beasts, because they threaten to be the death of them that shall unmaske them. It is repor∣ted by this Gentleman that the Hand∣lowans came to Town-regis, divers of them assaulted the Castle, of which Captain Saint John was Commander, hee with his son got away with some difficulty, leaping over the wall, they fearing they might fetch supplies to recover their lost Castle, most in∣humanely tooke the Captaines wife, (poore Gentlewoman) and set her on the wall having stript her to her

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smock, who was big with child (and within an houre of her delivery) that in case the Captain and his son should have assaulted the Towne, his Wife should have beene the white at which hee must have levelled: oh extreame and unheard of cruelty!

As for the Protestant Ministers whom they surprize, their cruelty is such towards them, as it would make the hardest heart to melt into teares. Their manner is first to strip them, and after bind them to a tree or some post where they please, and then to ravish their wives and daughters before their faces (in sight of all their mercilesse rabble) with the basest Villains they can pick out, after they hang up their husbands and parents before their fa∣ces, and then cut them downe before they be half dead, then quarter them, after dismember them, and stop their mouthes therewith.

They basely abused one M. Trafford a Minister in the North of Ireland who was assaulted by these bloudy wolves of Romes brood, that know not God,

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nor any bowels of mercy. This poore distressed Minister desired but so much time to bethink himselfe before he took his farewell of the World to call upon God: but these mercilesse wretches would admit no time, but instantly fell on him, hackt and hewed him to pieces.

Doctor Tate Minister of Belly-Hayes they stript starke naked, and then wounded him dangerously in the head, and then let him goe towards Dublin, where hee lay long sick.

Sir Patrick Dunstons Wife ravished before him, slue his Servants, spurned his Children till they died, bound him with roules of Match to a board, that his eyes burst out, cut off his eares and nose, teared off both his cheeks, after cut off his arms and legs, cut out his tongue, after run a red hot iron in∣to him.

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Multitudes of Herringes driuen into Dublin, 20 a peny.


Sr: Patrike Dunsons Wiffe ravished before him▪ slew his Seruants, spurned his Children tell they died, bound him with Rowles of match to a Bord that his eyes bursted out cut of his eares & nose teared ofe both his Cheekes after cut of his armes & legges, cut out his tongue after rune a red hot Iron into him

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Many Gentlewomen have they ra∣vished before their husbands faces, stripping them first naked to the view of their wicked companions, taunting and mocking them (after they have spoiled them) with bitter and re∣proachfull words, sending them away in such a shamefull, or rather shame∣lesse manner, that most of them have died with shame and grief, or else have starved with want and cold. Base cru∣elty unheard of, exceeding the brute beasts, and so much the worse because they are reasonable, which makes them skilfull to destroy.

One Master Luttrell dwelling with∣in three miles of the Burrough of Ca∣van, a Gentleman worth by report, two or three hundred pounds a yeere, with a very great stock of Cattle, was basely betrayed by an Irish Boy that hee had bred up in his house. See the basenesse of the Popish brood, who when hee was at Dinner (being upon the thirtieth day of October last) was surprized by threescore of those Irish unmercifull Villains, with a company

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of dirty Whoores and Bastards that followed them, which this Boy let in at a back doore, where pulling him and his vertuous Wife from the Ta∣ble, and foure smal children, the eldest of them being not sixe yeeres of age, and one sucking at her brest without pity or humanity stript them naked, notwithstanding their prayers and teares to have let them kept their clothes, and then thrusting them in a cruell and violent manner out of doores, threatned to kill them if they went not speedily away. Take notice how uncertaine all our outward com∣forts are. So they departed (for feare) away, being ashamed to bee seene of their servants, some of them running one way, and some another to shift for themselves, but the distressed Gentleman with his Wife and Chil∣dren, and a little youth, directed their course towards Dublin, hoping to find some of their friends in the way to re∣lieve them, but the farther they came the more miserable they were, meet∣ing their loving Friends robbed (by

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others) in the same manner, which struck in them such amazement and feare, that their hearts failed them, so that being naked and hungry, help∣lesse and hopelesse, the poore Infants crying in their eares, which must needs kill their hearts, they went not far but sate downe under a Hedge or Ditch, and there died: being not (at that time above sixe miles from his own house, for this little youth that he had bred up (being an English boy) forsooke not his Master when the rest ran from him, but continued with him till death, the same day, some Horsemen or Troopers riding that way to coast the Country, me this youth, unto whom hee told this sad story, and being not far from the place led them to this lamentable sight, where they beheld the true love of Man and Wife, embracing each other in their death, the three eldest children dead, but the sucking childe was alive preserved through heat, being between them both, and grabling and gaping for the dead Mothers brest. So

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the Troopers tooke up the child, car∣rying it to a Nurse, for they knew the Parents well, and bestowed some clothes upon the English youth, who came to Dublin within few days after, and related the story in my hearing.

In the County of Roscommon, neere the Town of Roscommon, there fled in∣to the Parish Church, eleven score of the English, men, women, and children, where they remayned three dayes and nights without any suste∣nance, till they were almost starved, so that at last (what with the cryes of their children and their own wants) they were forced to commit them∣selves to the cruelty of the Irish, who according to their usuall manner first stript them naked, after drove them through the Town like so many harm∣lesse Sheep and Lambs over a Bridge at the Townes end, having before broke down one of the middle arches where a strong water runneth, so that either they must leap in or come back, their intent being there to mur∣ther them, as they did. For the poore

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wretches being sicke, weak and faint for food and sleepe (yet unwilling to hasten their own ends) some returned back whom they kild without mercy, others they thrust into the water who were drowned, some that could, did swim towards the shoare, and there in∣humane villanies, brutish furies, ran and met them before they could get to land, and knockt them in the head in the water, some few escaped that did swim to the other side of the Ri∣ver, where the Irish could not come at them, having before broken downe the Bridge themselves, and so escaped to Dublin, to be sad witnesses of this lamentable Tragedy.

Master Blandry a Minister they han∣ged, after puld his flesh from his bones in his Wifes sight.

Many Ladies and Gentlewomen (which they have surprized in the province of Vlster) being great with child, they have turned them out of their houses naked into the fields,

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Driuinge Men Women & Children by hundreds vpon Briges & casting them into Riuers, who drowned not were killed with poles & shot with muskets


Mr Blandry Minister hanged after pulled his flesh from his bones in his wiffes sight

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where they have bin delivered without the helpe of any woman, and so have ended their misery, others that have e∣scaped death in Child-bearing, they have mercilesly carried away upon Carts (lying in lowsie and stinking straw naked,) to places where they and their poore infants have bin destroyed.

There was one Gentlewoman which was wife to Master King a Deane (Bro∣ther to the Bishop of Clogue) and Par∣son of Dundalke, in the County of Lowth, who having three thousand inha∣bitants in his Parish, had but thirty Communicants of the Protestant Par∣ty, the rest being all Irish and Papist, and although this Gentleman did for many days together (by his own Rela∣tion to mee) sollicite his wife to goe to Dublin, and to remove his goods thither living at a place about two miles from Dundalke, she being great with child, yet would not be perswaded, although she knew the Rebels were at the Newry within eight miles of Dundalke, where∣upon hee left her and his Family, and going to a Friends house within two

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miles of his own (for feare of the mul∣titude of the Irish, that lived about his own House) he remayned there but two days when tydings was brought him, that the Irish had seized upon his wife and all that he had, so that he was for∣ced to fly away for his life with his friends, who was pursued by the Rebels above twelve miles, but through Gods mercy he escaped with his precious life (which they hunted after) with the loss of his whole estate, and wife whom they turned out of doores (having first abused her) where shee was delivered in straw, without the helpe of any wo∣man, and so perished. She was a charita∣ble Gentlewoman, and in her life time had relieved many hundreds of the poore Irish, and this mercy they affor∣ded her for her charity.

The Lord Blany escaped their cruel∣ty, being forced to ride fourteene miles upon a poore carrion jade, without ei∣ther bridle or saddle to save his life, his vertuous Lady being surprized by these Villains, the same day and his children, who use her most ignobly and cruelly,

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neither regarding her noblenesse of birth, nor her Lord, but forc'd her to lodge in straw with a poore allowance of two pence a day to relieve her and her children: and to adde affliction to the good Ladies misery, slue a Kinsman of hers, and caused him to be hanged up before her face two days and two nights in the roome where shee lay to terrifie her, telling her withall, she must expect that end.

In the County of Tyrone (even in that rebellious part) which is above all other inhabited by those Romish Locusts and wolves, wch in nature differ not from the dog wolves that breed amongst them, was the cruelst murther (of all the rest) committed by some of the Souldiers belonging to Sir Philem O Neal that Ty∣ronish of-spring and Rory Mack-Gueere, the Lord Mack-Gueeres brother, who are known to be the most eminent Re∣bels in this Treason, upon the bodies of one Master Charles Davenant, his wife, and two young children. The Villaine which first entred the house and most forwardest in cruelty was known by his

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the Lord Blany forced to ride 14 Miles without Bridle or Sadell to saue his life his Lady Lodged in Strawe beeing allowed 2 a day to releue her & her Children, slew a kindsman of hers and hanged him up before her face 2 dayes telling her she must expect the same to terrifie her the moore


Mr Dauenant and his Wife bound in their Chaires Striped the 2 Eldest Child¦ren of 7 years old rosted them upon Spittes before their Parents faces. Cutt heir throte and after murdred him.

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name, to one of the servants in the house, to be commonly called Thady O Swillyvane, sometime a servant to this Master Davenant, and lived at the time of this Tragedie not farre from Dun∣gannon in the County of Tyrone. The ser∣vant of the house that knew him was born in Ireland, in the City of Clogher in the said County, but of English parents, his name is Thomas Maddin, but hee could speake good Irish, and so escaped, being an eye-witnesse of these passages ensuing. This Swillyvane and his rout broke in forcibly into the house where they found three or foure servants that made no resistance, in the Kitchin, but going further into the house they found Master Davenant, sitting by a fire with his Wife and Children two young Daughters, they immediatly seized up∣on him and his Wife and bound them both fast in their chaires, making a very huge and great fire, after they stripped the two children, the eldest being not above seven yeeres old, slue them in the sight of their parents, and after rosted them upon spits before their faces,

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such barbarous cruelty was never knowne. With great patience they were compelled (poore souls) to behold that cruelty which they could not help, after they stript his wife, forcing her most uncivilly and unmercifully before his face, and afterward cut her throat, the distressed Gentleman being overpressed with the lamentable sight of the death of his wife and children, strived and strugled in his chaire where hee was bound, and held, hoping they would have kild him, choosing rather to die any death, then to live any longer. So when they had made an end of his wife and children in this barbarous manner, they untied him and stript him, and af∣terwards murthered him, when hee had confest to them where his money was. There was a Letter written about the middle of November last, from Stabouud in the said County of Tyrone, by one Master Birrom, unto one Master Cusack dwelling in Highstreet in Dublin, which Letter I did read and tooke a copy off: and before I came out of Ireland the a∣bove said Thomas Maddin came from the

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Citie of Clogher, in the County of Fer∣managh unto Dublin, and testified the contents of this Letter, being an eye-witnesse of the certain passages thereof, and did give God great thanks that hee had escaped their hands in my hearing, for he said his soule could not endure to be any longer amongst them, they did daily commit such cruelty, murther, and outrages upon the English Protestants in those parts.

At the Borough of Kello, or, as some Letters report, at the Bo∣rough of Trim, being both in the County of Meath, in the Province of Vlster, the Rebels surprized the house of one Arthur Robinson, he himselfe be∣ing at that time in Dublin, which was upon the sixt day of November last, about some suits hee had in law, being in the last Michaelmas Terme, he not knowing that the Rebels were risen in those parts there, hee intending to have gone home to his wife and family, five or six days after, hoping by that time to have ended his businesse, and indeed when he

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came from his house to Dublin, which was on the twentieth day of October, the Rebellion was not begun in any part of Ireland, but before his appointed time to return home, a Messenger prevented him with heavy tydings, even his only Daughter whom hee quickly knew, though shee were much disguized, for the Rebels have slain most of his Fami∣ly, robbed and pillaged the house, after they had stripped his wife and ravished her, they sought ought for this young Virgin (being about fourteene yeares of age) who had hid her selfe in a Barne, where the Villains quickly found her: but she made what resistance she could to preserve her Chastity, and with a Knife shee had (unseen to them) woun∣ded one of them, which the rest percei∣ving seized upon her violently, stripped her, and then bound her with her armes abroad, in such manner as she could not help her self any way, and so like hel∣hounds defloured her one after another, till they had spoiled her; and to shew their unheard off malice, were not here∣with content, but puld the haire from

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her head, and cut out her tongue: be∣cause shee should not report the truth and their cruelty, but the maid could write, though shee could not speak, and so discovered their inhumane usage to her and her mother. The maid was sent with a letter from her Father in Dublin to Mynhead in Somersetshire, to her Uncle William Dyer, her Mothers Brother li∣ving within three miles of Mynhead, which letter I have seen here in Towne▪ containing the contents above-written, being dated at Dublin, the twentieth of November last.

About the eighth of January last a distressed Minister came to Dublin, that had left some goods with a supposed Friend, sent for them, the goods could not be delivered, unlesse he or his wife came for them, hee would not goe, but she went and when she came where her goods were (as if that were too little to lose her estate, but her life must goe al∣so) they hanged her up. Was there ever such Barbarisme among the Hea∣then?

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Arthur Robinsons daughter 14. ye∣ares old the Rebbels bounde her armes a broad, deflowerd, her one after an other tell they spoyled her then pulled the haire from her head and cut out her tongue that she might not tell of their Cruelty, but she decla∣red it by writing


A Minister and his wife came to Du∣blin Ian: 30. 1641. left behinde him some goods with a supposed frend, sent for them but could not be deliuered vnlesse he or his wife come for them she came and presently they hanged her upe,

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In the Countie of Fermannagh, in the Province of Vlster, they murthered one Master Champion a Justice of Peace, and a Burgesse of the Parliament for the Borough of Iniskillin in the said Coun∣ty, who was betray'd by an Irish Vil∣laine his Tenant, whom hee had saved himself twice before from the gallows. The Rogue's name was Patrick Mack-Dermot, who finding one of his Com∣panion, brings him to Master Champion's House, and tels Master Champion that he found this Thiefe stealing of his cattle, The Gentleman knowing this Mack-Dermot, said unto him before one Master Iremonger an Attorney, I am glad thou art turn'd from a Thiefe to catch a Thiefe, whereupon he return'd him this peremptory answer, That hee was no more Thiefe than himselfe. No sooner had he utter'd these words in the Court before his house, but there rushes in up∣on them a great number of these rebels, who without respect of mercy stabb'd Master Champion, instantly before hee could get into his house: so that hee fell down immediatly, but their fury went

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further then death, for they wounded him with their Skeins in thirty places after hee was dead, and then cut off his head to make sure worke, while the rest ran into the house after Master Iremon∣ger, whom they followed so close that hee had not time to lay hold on his sword to help himself, but falling down upon his knees and calling upon God for mercy, they fell upon him, and ran him thorow and thorow, and so he died. One of Master Champions servants esca∣ped to Dublin, and reported this in my hearing in December last. A third was likewise slaine, then the Rebels entred the House and kild more: his wife's si∣ster and her brother in law, with two o∣thers in the house they keep prisoners to this day, taking possession of all they had within the house and without, his wife was down on her knees to beg a sheet to put her hubands dead body in. And an∣other Gentleman with other Friends that came to visit him over night, lost their lives next morning.

In the County of Monaghan, within two miles of the Towne of Monaghan,

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they murthered one Master George Foord in his Garden, a great company having gotten into a roome or loft over a stable (being between him and the house) sur∣prized him, This was upon the one and twentieth of November last, being the Lords day, for when hee with his wife and Family were gone to Church, in that place they hid themselves till their comming back from Church, and so watching their time and opportunity, first set upon him without any words, and then entred the house, for the house was strong and not to be easily broken, unlesse they were let in at the doores, so they bound all the servants being some English, and some Irish, till they had found Mistris Foord, whom they stript naked and bound taking from her, her keyes, having also with them her hus∣bands keys, who lay murthered in the Garden, and rifled, and opened every Trunke and box in the house to finde their money, where they found but little to that they looked for, for they knew that Master Foord was rich and well monyed, wherefore they began

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Mr: FFordes house rifled and to make her Confesse where her mony lay they tooke hot tonges clappinge them to the Soules of her feete & to the Palmes of her handes so tormented her that with the paine thereof shee died


They haue set men & women on hot Grideorns to make them Confesse whe∣re there money was

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with threats to kill her if shee did not speedily tell them, but alas shee could not, then they fell to torturing of her, heating a paire of Tongues in the fire, and clapping them to the soles of her feet, and to the palms of her hands, so that with the pain thereof she died. Af∣ter shee was dead, they ript her body to see if shee had not swallowed any gold into her guts, and so when they had pil∣laged the house, and carried away with the Gentlemans own Horses and Carts, all that was worth the carriage, they unbound the Irish servants which they before had bound, and murthered such of the English as they pleased, and then departed. I heard Affidavit made of the truth and certainty of this Massacre, in this manner before recited, before di∣vers of the Privy Councill in Dublin in Ireland.

They have set up Gallows five miles distant in divers places on purpose, to hang up the Protestant Spies, which they have done accordingly, they have likewise cruelly set women & men one

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red hot Gridions to make them confess where such coyne, and money, and goods as they had, or whether they have hid or sold any.

And all these cruelties are not done without the advice and animation of the Friers, Priests, and Jesuits, and their religious men, or rather Firebrands of Hell; who at their Masses, and their in∣cendiary Sermons, stir up the people to the committing of these Massacres, pro∣mising them pardon for the same, and assuring them the more merit, by how much the more they exceed in their villainous cruelties: they themselves be∣ing still in the first of these executions. For no stratagem of warre, nor other horrid action or designe whatsoe∣ver, is there undertaken, without them. They going on with their Souldiers in the head and front of every battaile, and by their mischievous advices and coun∣sels do make them mad, Tigre-like, with fiercenesse and cruelty, assuring them that to imbrue their hands in the bloud of us Protestants (which they terme Heretikes) shall adde to their merits and

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Canonization of Saints, and gain them higher place and reward in Heaven.

Master Jerome Minister they basely abused who lived neere Dublin some∣times: but when he was thus murthered, he lived neere the Borough of Athie, in the County of Kildare, they hanged him then, mangled his body, cut off his members, stopt his mouth with them, then quartered him. This is reported by a Citizen of Dublin now in London to beare witnesse to this Truth.

A Proclamation was made that nei∣ther English nor Irish should either sell or keep in their houses any powder upon the losse of goods and life: except with licence, and at two shillings the pound.

Ministers they hate and breath out cruelty against cruelty, massacring their bodies, burning their books, and tearing them in pieces, and it is likely where they can light on them they use them accordingly.

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Hauing rauished Virgens & Wifes they take there Children & dase there braines against the Walls in sight of there weepinge Parents & after destro∣red them likewise


Mr Ierome Minister of Brides his Body mangled & his members cut of

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They rob all English Protestants, strip∣ping them stark naked, and so turn them into the open fields and mountaines in frost and snow, where hundreds have perished.

They destroy the English breed of Cattel out of malice to the Protestants, that the poore dumbe creatures fare the worse and are spoiled, though one of ours is worth foure of theirs.

They have cut off mens privy mem∣bers and stopt their mouthes with them (like cruell savage beasts) that they might commit such horrid villanies without noyse and lest their pittilesse bowels might be moved with the cryes of those so cruelly massacred Prote∣stants.

At Waterford, some poore Protestants ready to be starved, came to the Towne for reliefe, and their charity threw them some bread over the wall: it is likely the Dogs should have had the same en∣tertainment.

The Papists curse the Jesuites and Friers that have beene the cause of all

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this, this gives hopes their Kingdome being divided cannot stand.

These bloudy Papists forced the Pro∣testants to pull off their clothes, and then killed them on purpose, that they might have their clothes without holes.

After they had knocked a man down dead, they fearing he might counterfeit they doe run their swords twenty times into his bodie lest hee might revive a∣gain.

They have stripped Ladies and Gen∣tlewomen, Virgins both old and yong stark naked, turning them into the open fields.

Many hundreds have bin found dead in ditches with cold and want of food and rayment, esteeming them no better then Dogs.

They labour what they can to make death appear more dreadfull then it is in it selfe: they hang up Husband, Kindred, Children, before the faces of their li∣ving wives and tender mothers ready to dye for griefe, a death worse then death it self, and this they do on purpose

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to increase their dolorous paine and an∣guish.

They have forced (as is reported) some to turn to their cursed bloudy Re∣ligion, and then perswaded them that they were fittest to die, and then trea∣cherously kill their bodies and do what in them lies to damne their souls.

Debtors basely murdering their Cre∣ditors. Tenants sheathing their swords in their Landlords bowels, servants un∣naturally slaying their Masters, others possessing themselves of their lands, goods, plates, money, jewels, houshold∣stuffe, corn, and cattle, and thrust them out of doores naked. Oh inhumane crueltie!

Many great mens servants being Irish ran away from their Masters with their best Horses to the Rebels.

Many of the Protestants usually took into their houses, Irish boys, as Servants and those did basely betray their Ma∣sters like Judas, into the hands of these bloudy Wolves. A good caveat to look to our servants before we take them, and to instruct them in the feare of God when we have.

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Others they have wounded to death, and then left them languishing, their bel∣lies being ript up & guts issuing out, they poore wretches lying on Dunghils (see the charity of cruell Papists) all this lest they should be out of their misery too soon.

It seems it was their delight to linger out their cruelties (like men that wanted Bowels) for whereas the primitive per∣secutions were exquisitly cruel yet they made a quicke dispatch of them: but these sons of Belial found new ways of persecution by extreame cold and hun∣ger to starve (which aggravates their cruelty) tender women with childe, poore helplesse infants and sucklings.

An Irish Rebell (as a credible friend reports) snatched an innocent babe out of the arms of the mother, and cast it into the fire before her face, but God met with this bloudy wretch: for be∣fore he went from that place, hee brake his neck.

The Rebels have burned all the Plantation Townes in the County of London Derry.

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One hundred and twenty they threw into the water by force, drowning some that could not swim, others that could they knock'd on the head.

Many rich and great men have fled into England, carrying their estates with them, they have left no reliefe for the poore distressed people that came hi∣ther. thousands are thus fled into Du∣blin, many hundreds starved to death with hunger and cold, the poore Citi∣zens relieve them beyond their abili∣ties the charge lying on the poorer sort.

Many of their wives they have ravi∣shed in their sights before the multitude like bruit beasts, stripping them naked to the view of their wicked compani∣ons, taunting them, scoffing them, and then sending them away shamefully, that they have died with grief, or beene starved with cold.

One Master Wels Minister losing his notes, went back to looke them, and as he returned hee met the Rebels crying, Kill all, Kill all, the head Rebels command. Thereupon hee fled over a Mountain, was up to the breast in cold

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snow water and so scaped to Dublin ve∣ry hardly with his life.

Three thousand six hundred poore souls fled naked into Dublin, and starved with hunger, came to eat something and died with eating, twenty in a day lay dead in the open streets, as men smitten with the plague.

Sir James Crag being in his Castle, having many with him was besieged with the Rebels, and almost famished the Knight was constrained to put forty out of the Castle which else must have beene famished with the rest: behold the crnelty of these bloud-sucking Pa∣pists, when they were turned out, and left to their mercie, they made quicke dispatch set on them, and slue every man.

Another as savage of that Bloud∣hound Rory Macqueere, at the beginning of the Rebellion, who came into an English Gentlemans house, and found him in his bed, and there began to cru∣ciate

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and torture his naked body, that hee might extort of him a Confession where his treasure lay, which when this poore distracted Gentleman ac∣knowledged in hopes to be eased, they cruelly killed him, and then stript his wife naked, and turned her out of doors, as if they would make all savage like themselves: and lastly, Makqueere took his daughter being a proper Gentle∣woman and satisfied his beastly lust on her deflouring her, as if this was too little to kill her father, turn her mother out of doores, and abuse her himselfe, but like an inhumane Villain cut off her garments by the middle, and then tur∣ned her to the mercy of the common Souldiers, to be abused at their plea∣sure.

Take notice of the bloudy practices, and cruelties of Romish party, especially of the Jesuits and Priests, those fire∣brands of Hell, who at this very day to incourage their Disciples to murther, as is afore-written, doe anoint them with the Sacrament of the Unction, as∣suring

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The Preestes & Iesuites anointe the Rebells with there Sacrament of vnction before they goe to murther & robe ashuringe them that for there meritorious Seruice, if they be killed he shall escape Purgatory & go to heauen im∣mediatly.


They do usually mangell there dead Car cases layng wagers who shall cut deepest into there dead flesh with there Skeyns. they destroy our English Sheepe in detesta∣tion of us, although one is better then 4 of theirs. they haue vowed to roote out the name of the English.

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them that for their meritorious service (if they chance to be killed) they shall immediatly enter into Hea∣ven, and escape Purgatory, and what they get from the Protestant party, by murthering, robbing and stealing, the one halfe shall be their owne, and what man would not be willing to venture upon such conditions to get wealth up∣on earth, and purchase Heaven for mur∣ther. O damnable Doctrine & Doctors!

They doe usually mangle their dead carcasses laying wagers, who shall cut deepest into their flesh with their skeins.

At Carvagh, neere Colerant, the Re∣bels came to begirt the. Towne, Master Rowly Brother to the worthy Knight Sir John Clotworthy, came forth with a small Company about three hundred men to prevent them, they came upon them with a very great company, and slue all but eight of the Protestants, base cow∣ardize where they want courage, they make it up with heaps and multitudes of frighted Hares, and the more feare∣full and cowardly, ever the more cruell upon any advantage.

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All their cruelties have been usually on disarmed men in small Villages, where was no strength to resist them, there they have tyrannizd over the weaker sex, women, & they have basely triumphed over little children their rage hath beene exercised. Oh base cowardise if they have ventured some∣times on pur men, it hath beene when they were naked, as they have bin flying from those Furies which their party have newly stript naked: by and by they met with more of those White∣livered Villaines in companies. They would likewise abuse those poor naked Protestants like Dogs, adding to their misery beating them and bruising their naked bodies with cudgels, breaking the heads of some and wounding others that if they have not died, they have beene dangerously sicke with the inhu∣mane usage of those merciless wretches: nay, rather then they will be (no body) they will shew their manhood in abu∣sing dead bodies, as this story declares by very credible testimony from their own Countrimen.

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Here I shall acquaint you with a re∣markable Story, which I received from a Citizen of Dublins testimony of good repute there and here: wherein you may behold the promise made good to the Protestant side, which the Lord himselfe made to his People Israel, that five should chase a hundred.

It pleased God by one man and few with him to out-dare about thirty thou∣sand of those cowardly Rebels, whose cause is base, whose Religion is but a meere pretence for their bloudy de∣signes, and thus it was as that Citizen related.

A very great Army of about thirty thousand Rebels besieged Drohedah, wherein was that valiant and religious Commander Sir Henry Tichbourn, with a few of the Protestant party with him in comparison of those multitudes of Rebels, trusting to their great Army, boldly demanded the Towne, if they would yield, no question, but they should have faire quarter: but Sir Henry

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knowing them (its likely) very well how perfidious they were, and the lesse to be believed, the more they swore and execrated themselves, resolutely re∣plyed, and sent the Rebels this Answer. Be it knowne to you I am a Souldier bred, and wil never yield but upon three conditions:

  • 1 Before I surrender I will kill all the Papists in the Town.
  • 2 I will destroy all the Nunneries.
  • 3 I will fire the Towne, and march in the light of it, by the help of God to Dublin.

Nay, rather then I will give up, I will feed on a piece of a dead horse, and if that faile, I will eat the shoulder of an old Popish Alderman. This bone hee threw among those hungry wolves, and you may imagine how they relished it.

And that remarkable instance which was published by order of the Right Honorable the House of Lords concer∣ning this Noble and Religious Knight

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Sir Henry Tichbourn, how it pleased God to honour him with a succesfully victo∣ry against the Rebels now very lately, they being driven in Drohedah, to eat horse flesh for want of other provision. The Rebels having chained up the Ri∣ver in hope to keepe out provision by Sea, that no reliefe might come from Dublin, it pleased God to raise such a storme that broke the chain, and scatte∣red the enemies boats, and opened a free passage from Dublin, whereby they were relieved, blessed be God. Thus the Lord fought for them by winds and Seas. As the windes and Seas obey him, and hee rules in them, so on the land he rules. It is * 1.3not by many but by few, one shall chase a hundred when God sights for his people.

It is remarkable to see how few have chased these Rebels, as appeares in a Letter read in the Parliament, what they did before Tredagh. An Army of the Rebels by Land lying before the City, assaulted them in hopes to famish them: whereupon this Noble Captain Sir Henry Tichbourn, sally'd out of the Town, but with forty Muskee∣tiers, and as many horse, beat off foure

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Pulling them about the streetes by the haire of the head, dashing the Childrens braines against the postes saynge these were the Pigges of the English Sowes.


Droghedah so bloked up that a bushell of wheate was fold for 23. Shill, & meate scar∣ce to be had at any rate▪ Ian▪ 4. 1641.

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hundred of the enemies, killed above threescore of them, recovered fourscore Cows and Oxen, and two hundred sheep, burned foure Towns and brought home two of their Colours.

Here take notice of their cowardise againe attempted on a noble Lady by a Letter sent from seven of the grand Rebels, with her resolute and undaun∣ted answer to them as follow.

The Rebels Letter to the Lady Offalia, in her Castle at Geshel.

To the honorable and thrice vertuous Lady, the Lady Digby, these give.


WE his Majesties loyall Subjects be∣ing at the present employed in his Highnesse Service for the taking of this your Castle, you are therefore to deliver unto us free possession of your said Castle, promising faithfully, that your Ladiship, together with

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the rest in the said Castle restant shall have a reasonable composition; otherwise upon the yielding of the Castle, wee doe assure you that we will burn the whole Town, kill all the Protestants, and spare neither man, woman nor child upon taking the Castle: Consider (Madam) of this our offer, and impute not the blame of your owne folly unto us, thinke not that here wee brag: your Ladiship upon submission, shall have a safe convoy to secure you from the hands of your enemies, and to lead you where you leave. A speedy replyis de∣sired with all expedition, and thus wee sur∣cease:

  • Henry Demsy.
  • Charles Demsy.
  • Andrew Fitz Patrick.
  • Conn Dempsy.
  • Phelim Demsy.
  • John Vicars.
  • James m Donel.

The Lady Offalia her answer to the Rebels.

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For my Cosin Henry Dempsy and the rest.

I Received your Letter, wherein you threa∣ten to sack this my Castle by his Maje∣sties authority; I am and ever have beene a loyall subject, and a good neighbour amongst you, and therefore cannot but wonder at such an assaul; I thank you for your offer of a con∣voy, wherein I hold little safety, and therefore my resolution is, that being free from offend∣ing his Majesty, or doing wrong to any of you, I will live and die innocently, and will doe my best to defend my owne, leaving the issue to God; and though I have beene and still am desirous to avoid the shedding of Christian bloud, yet being provoked your threats shall no whit dismay me.

Lettice Offalia.

These stories I relate that all true∣hearted Protestants may take heart, and likewise take notice that God is vindi∣cating his owne glory against these de∣sperate Atheists that began to insult, and

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to aske (as wee are credibly informed) what is become of the God of the Pro∣testants, and likewise what spirit and courage God is able to put into the hearts of those that fight for him, and for his cause against his bloud-thirsty enemies. And therefore be not dismaid you Protestants, 'tis a great honour to fight under the Banner of Christ, they fight under the Banner of Antichrist, the Lord is with you while yee are with him. See the blasphemies and cruelties of these bloudy men: it is that their names (as Amalek) may be blotted out from under Heaven, for surely the day of recompence is comming, that God will make his arrowes drunke in their bloud, they love bloud, and therefore God will give them bloud in great measure.

As for instance. I shall relate you a bloudy story of one of those cruell beasts. The Protestant Troopers about the beginning of February last, marched out of Dublin, as they use to do, to view the Coasts, they espied a cruell Rebell hewing and mangling a woman in so

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horrid a manner that it was not possible to know her, having acted his Devillish part he triumph'd over her dead corps, and washed his hands in her bloud, whereupon the Troopers apprehended this barbarous Villaine in the very act of crueltie, and brought him to Dublin with his hands all bloudy, and was ad∣judged to be hang'd immediatly, hee a∣scended the Ladder, and would not stay till the Executioner turned him off, but desperatly lept off and hanged himself. This was in the beginning of February last, and is credibly reported by a Citi∣zen of Dublin, who saw him thus hang∣ed with his hands all bloudy.

It is remarkable to take notice of the rice of this bloudy act, it was thus. A Frier and this Villaine was drinking to∣gether in a Village, the Frier hearing of a poore English woman, there hee commanded this Rebell to murther her which he did, as you have read at∣tested by a Gentleman of Ireland, of good credit.

Thus these poore deluded wretches guld with their Jesuits damnable do∣ctrine,

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A Woman mangled in so horred a man̄er that it was not possible shee should be knowne & after the Villaine washed his handes in her bloode was taken by the Troopers adiuged to be hanged leaped of the lader & hanged himselfe like a Bloodey Tyger.


Companyes of the Rebells meeting with the English flyinge for their liues falling downe before them cryinge for mercy thrust theire Pichforkes into their Childrens bellres & threw them into the water.

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who assure them on their words, that the more cruell, the more meritorious. An Article no where to be found but in the Devils Creed.

Would any man believe that these Villains should take children and tosse them with pitchforks like dung into Ri∣vers one was an eye witnesse (who lost a great estate there, and since have received reliefe from the Parliament) who saw a cruell wretch, throw a wo∣man crying with teares one way, and her Childe with a pitchfork another way.

They have cruelly murdered women great with child, and then left them in ditches, to the fury of their dogs, who learned to be cruell from their bloudy Masters, for they have eaten the Chil∣dren out of the bowels of the mother.

At Lesgoole Castle in the County of Four managh, they have burned fifty Scots, men, women, and children.

Sixteen Scots more they have barba∣rously hanged at Cloynes in the County of Monaghan.

Thirty Scots they burned in Tolagh.

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It is remarkable that they deale thus cruelly with those Noble Scots, who have bin renowmed through the Chri∣stian World, for their zeale against that Antichristian Rabble, that these Re∣bels would wish they had but one neck, that they might cut them off at one blow, but the Protestant Cause shall stand in England and Scotland, when they and their Babel shal be cast into the Bot∣tomlesse pit.

Rory Mackqueere at New towne in the County of Fourmanagh, above foure hundred poore Protestants fled in the Church to shrowd themselves under its roofe, for safety from the rage of those men of bloud, where they might have been famished, but the mercy of this mercilesse Beast affords them quarter to goe away with their clothes to Dublin, and vows he will not hurt them: before they got out of the Town, his Souldiers stript some and killed others like base perfidious wretches.

The Iresh Lievtenant pretending they came for the King perfidiously come under favour, pretends to borrow the

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armes of the inhabitants, as they say, to quell the Rebels, then breake into their houses, and turne their weapons against themselves, make havock taking their featherbeds, & throw out their feathers, and in the tikes put up what precious things they can find in the house, and carry all away, and so turns them out of doores, the next company takes a∣way their clothes, and clothe them with their rags. The next company thinking they may have mony in those rags, they will take them also, search their mouthes, and those parts which mode∣sty will not admit of an expression: if they can find none, they set their Skeins at their breasts, that if they can extort any thing when the poore Protestants are naked. Blush! ô Sun, to behold the inhumane cruelties and beastly usages of these unheard of Cannibals.

They inslave the poore protestants under them, making them worke like horses all day, digging and delving for them, and then are shut up all night, not knowing what wages whether life or death shall be allotted, and so every

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George Forde hanged on a tree in his owne ground, cut his flesh a peaces carying it up & downe, sainge this is the flesh of one of the trai∣tors against our Holy Father the Pope.


a Proclamation that nether English nor Irish should either sell or keepe in their houses any Pow∣der upon the losse of goods & life nether any 〈◊〉〈◊〉 mos whatsoeuer, exept with a liconse & then but fiue pound at most at 2 Shill: ye pound.

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night lie trembling & praying that they may be delivered from their cruelties.

Some Ministers they whip, others they set in the stocks, and make others goe to Masse against their wils, then tell them now they have saved their souls, they would hang their bodies.

A Minister seeing his Wife abused, & his children roasted, desired them to put him out of his extremity of anguish, to see such cruelty on those so neere him, they most inhumanely cut his tongue out of his head.

And for a conclusion of this dreadfull Tragedy. It is related from one of the last Letters from Ireland, that seventeen of those barbarous Monsters came to a Ministers house, where they violently fell on him and his wife, stript them na∣ked, bound them back to back, then cut off the Ministers privy members, after∣ward ravished his wife on his back, and then inhumanely cut their throats: tran∣scendent cruelty exceeding Pagans and Atheists.

For the oppression of the poor, and for the sighing of the needy: now will I arise, saith the Lord, and set him at liberty from him that puffeth at him.

Psal. 12. 5.

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