The works of Mr. John Cleveland containing his poems, orations, epistles, collected into one volume, with the life of the author.

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The works of Mr. John Cleveland containing his poems, orations, epistles, collected into one volume, with the life of the author.
Cleveland, John, 1613-1658.
London,: Printed by R. Holt for Obadiah Blagrave ...,

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Cleveland, John, 1613-1658.
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"The works of Mr. John Cleveland containing his poems, orations, epistles, collected into one volume, with the life of the author." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed August 31, 2024.


The Puritan.

VVIth Face and Fashion to be known, For one of sure Election, With Eyes all white, and many a Groan, With Neck aside to draw in Tone, With Harp in's Nose, or he is none. See a new Teacher of the Town, O the Town, O the Towns new Teacher. With Pate cut shorter than the Brow, With little Ruff starch'd you know how, With Cloak like Paul no Cape I trow. With Surplice none; but lately now, With Hands to thump, no Knees to bow. See a new Teacher, &c.

Page 356

With coz'ning Cough, and hollow Cheek, To get new Gatherings every Week, With Paltery Change of and to eke, With some small Hebrew, and no Greek, To find out Words, when stuff's to seek. See a new Teacher, &c.
With Shop-board Breeding, and Intrusion, With some Outlandish Institution, With Ursin's Catechism to muse on, With Systems Method for Confusion, With Grounds strong laid of meer Illusion. See a new Teacher, &c.
With Rites indifferent all damned, And made unlawful, if commanded, Good Works of Popery down-banded, And Moral Laws from him estranged, Except the Sabbath still unchanged. See a new Teacher, &c.
With Speech unthought, quick Revelation, With boldness in Predestination, With threats of absolute Damnation, For Yea and Nay hath some Salvation, For his own Tribe, not every Nation. See a new Teacher, &c.
With after License cost a Crown, When Bishop new had put him down, With Tricks call'd Repetition, And Doctrine newly brought to Town, Of teaching Men to hang and drown. See a new Teacher, &c.

Page 357

With Flesh-provision to keep Lent, With Shelves of Sweet-meats often spent, Which new Maid bought, old Lady sent, Though to be sav'd a poor Present; Yet Legacies assure the Event. See a new Teacher, &c.
With Troops expecting him at th' Door, That would hear Sermons, and no more; With noting Tools, and Sighs great store, With Bibles great to turn them o'er, While he wrests Places by the Score. See a new Teacher, &c.
With running Text, the Nam'd forsaken, With For and But, both by Sense shaken, Cheap Doctrines forc'd, wild Uses taken, Both sometimes one, by Mark mistaken, With any thing to any shapen. See a new Teacher, &c.
With new-wrought Caps, against the Canon, For taking Cold, though sure he have none; A Sermons End, where he began one, A new Hour long, when's Glass had run one, New Use, new Points, new Notes to stand on. See a new Teacher &c.
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