of Pytho, the Treachery of Tyrus, Deau••ale••••s Flood,
Stones turn'd into Men, the Butcheries of Iacchus, the
Fraud of Juno, Semel••s Conflagration the double Prog••∣ny
of Bacchus, and whatever is reported of Minerva, Vul∣can,
Erichthonius, Boreas, 〈◊〉〈◊〉, Theseus, Aegeus,
Castor, Pollux, the Rape of Helen, the death of Hip∣polytus;
To these may be added the absconding of Ce∣res,
the Rape of Proserpina, together with the stor••s
of Minos, Cadmus, Niobe, Pe••theus, Attaeus, Oedipus, the
Labours of Hercules, the Fight of the Sun and Neptune,
Athamas madness, ••o turn'd into a H••••fer, and Argos
her keeper kill'd by Mercury, with those other Dreams of
the Golden Fleece, Peleus, Jason, Medaea; the death of
Agamemnon, and punishment of Clytemnestra, Danaë, Per∣seus,
Gorgon, Cassiopea, Andromeda, Orpheus, Orestes, the
Travels of Aeneas and Vlysses, Circe, Thelagon, Aeolus,
Palamedes, Nauplius, Ajax, Daphne, Ariadne, Europa,
Phaedra, Pasiphaë, Daedalus, Icarus, Glaucus, Atlas, Gery∣on,
Tantalus; Pan, Centaurs, Satyrs, Syrens, and what∣ever
else has been delivered to memory concerning
these notorious untruths. Neither hath she been con∣tented
only with Mankind, but also she hath made the
Gods themselves Parties to her delusive Stories, rela∣ting
in pleasing measures, and in the mischievous charms
of Verse, their Birth, their Deceases, Strifes, Quarrels,
Animosities, Battles, Wounds, Lamentations, Bonds,
Loves, Lusts, Fornications, Adulteries; not only de∣ceiving
and infecting the present Age, but having neat∣ly
preserv'd and pickled up these be••••ialities of the Gods
in neat Verse and Meter, communicates the same to
posterity, like the Venome of Mad Doggs, com∣pelling
all that are Bit, to be in the same con∣dition.
And with so much Art are her Lyes woven,
that they are often prejudicial to true History, as
appears by the feigned Adultery of Dido with Aeneas,
and the taking of ••rey by the Greeks. Some there are