A manuel of the Bibles doctrine for law and Gospell, letter and spirit, signe and thing signified reduced to the first chapter of Leuiticus: Wherewith (occasionally) be plainely considered, and briefelie concluded, the most mayne questions wherewith the christian churches be combied. By H.C.

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A manuel of the Bibles doctrine for law and Gospell, letter and spirit, signe and thing signified reduced to the first chapter of Leuiticus: Wherewith (occasionally) be plainely considered, and briefelie concluded, the most mayne questions wherewith the christian churches be combied. By H.C.
Clapham, Henoch.
At London :: Printed by R. B[radock] for Nathaniell Butter, and are to be sold at his shop neere saint Austens gate,

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Bible. -- O.T. -- Leviticus -- Commentary -- Early works to 1800.
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"A manuel of the Bibles doctrine for law and Gospell, letter and spirit, signe and thing signified reduced to the first chapter of Leuiticus: Wherewith (occasionally) be plainely considered, and briefelie concluded, the most mayne questions wherewith the christian churches be combied. By H.C." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A18923.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


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Section. 8.

THere bee other sortes of sacrifice (then these spo∣ken of in the former sec∣tion) as the sacrifice of vowes and Aaronicall in∣stallments; but al of them beeing bleeding oblati∣ons arguing (as afore) the blood of Christ Ie∣sus cleansing vs from sin; in which respect the ob∣lations

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blud (if any drop thereof fell vpon a gar∣ment, was to be washed out in the holy place, so holy the sign of Christs blood was in respecte of the end intended) all of them I say, being blee∣ding oblations, they are to be referred vnto the former diuision.

There be also in Gen. 31, 54, & 1 Sam, 9, 12, & 1 Kings, 1921, speaches of Zebachs, which some haue taken for sacrifices, as also, that the people were feasted with these holy things. The worde indeed in Zebach in all

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the places, but not ther∣fore a sacrifice, no more thē euery Corbā or Min∣cha is a ceremonial guift for the two latter places they were Zebachs, that is in propriety, mactatiōs or slaughters, appointed for cōfortable bāquets. For as Israell might not sacrifice, any where, but at the doore of the Ta∣bernacle, Leui. 17, 3 &c: so, none but the Priestes & their males wer to eat of the holy reliques, Le. 7. As for that of Iaa•…•…ob, either it must be cōclu∣ded, that he sacrificed a∣parte, and afterwardes made a banquet ioyntly

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of other victualls; or els that it was as the for∣mer, but a common Ze bach or slaughter for mu∣tuall eating togither.

The sacrifice remay∣ning to bee handled, is that in Leuit. 1. which al∣so is a sacrifice for expi∣ation of sinne, seeing it draweth blood with it; and without blood no remission. The matter ex qua whereof it consi∣steth, is Animate crea∣tures, and they be of two sorts: the first be Beasts, the second be byrds. The Beasts againe be of two sortes, the first of the

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heard, as the Bullock; the second of the Flocke, as Sheepe and goates. As for the Birds, they be also of two sorts, Turtle-doues & Pigeons. The whole of this sacrifice was to bee burnt (as also the Bul∣lock and Reddish-cowe spoken of elsewhere) for the which it is common∣lie called of the Greekes Holocauston wholy burnt, and in the Text an of∣fring by fire. In other kinde of oblations, the Priest got somewhat (as the remnant of the meat offring after a memori∣all thereof had been sent

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vp to the Lord in fire; & of other blood sacrifices the shoulder and breast heaued and wagged be∣fore the Lord (represen∣ting the heauing of the heart and the moouing of the Calues of our lips as the Prophet expoūds it, and Hannah (with∣out noyse of words) prac tised) but in this oblati∣on, All goes to the Lorde. And that which is more, all is heer burnt within the Tabernacle (as a sacrifice peculiar for such as be within the Churche;) whereas in other burnte-oblations

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made of the hearde, the skyn, flesh and excremēt was had out of the hoste and there burnt, intima∣ting (as the Author to to the Hebrewes spea∣•…•…eth in Ch, 13, 11, 12, 3) that Iesus, to the end he might sanctifie the peopl•…•… (no doubte also the Na∣•…•…s without) and that •…•…ith his owne blood, hee uffred without the gat•…•… eaching vs secondlie, to •…•…oe forth therfore out of the camp bearing his reproch▪

Wherfore this burnt •…•…ffring was sēt vp to the •…•…ord, as also, whē it was •…•…o be offred, I find it not

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particularly mentioned, nor in anye writer well obserued. When as a sa∣crifice intimated some one or moe their parti∣cular wants, we find it (as afore) bounded in his form and vse. But in this not so. It causeth mee therfore to thinke, that this oblation intimated not this or that particu∣lar need; but rather, that it was (as Noahs sacrifice was) offered vp for the generall good of the whole Israel of God: like as was the Lambe offred vp euerye day (morning and euening) and vppon

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the Sabaoth double the nomber, and this for the whole Church of God militāt here in the earth. For the time when, I take it to be in a sort Arbitra∣ry, and left to Israels vo∣luntarye contribution. Neither see I any thing to the contrarye, but it might be an offering ac∣cording to the aforesayd vowes, vnredeemed, and therefore wholye turned vnto ashes, according to that in Psa. 20. where the King offring to the Lord before hee went into the battaile, all the Church of Israell is introduced

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praying (seeing it ten∣ded to common good) after this manner, The Lorde remember all thyne offrings, and tu•…•…n thy burnt offering•…•… into ashes. This point so cleared, or (at least) helped. I so will hasten to the particu∣lars.


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