The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuteronomie faithfully gathered word for word as he preached them in open pulpet; together with a preface of the ministers of the Church of Geneua, and an admonishment made by the deacons there. Also there are annexed two profitable tables, the one containing the chiefe matters; the other the places of Scripture herein alledged. Translated out of French by Arthur Golding.
Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564., Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606., Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607., Ragueneau, Denys.
It is not possible for vs to Feare God vnlesse we loue him.
435. a 10.20. & 358. a 40
Men cannot discharge their duetie to∣wards their neighbours, if they bee not leade by the Feare of God.
212. b 10
Howe farre the Feare of Princes and Magistrates ought to extende.
214. a 50.60
Of Feare of enemies:
Reade at large Page 712. b 40.50.60. and 713 all, and the meane to ouercome it, 714. b 60
The Feare that Achaz had of the kings of Syria and Israel his enemies.
713. b 60. 714. a 10.20
To Feare God, and not to forget him, are two inseparable groundes.
284. a 40.50. &c.
What consequentes the Feare of God bringeth with it.
285. a 10.20
Howe from Feare submission to God doth proceede.
284. a 60
Of the Feare of God, which keepeth vs in due obedience.
651. a 30.40
Ieremies wordes, that we shoulde not bee in Feare of the signes of heauen explaned.
669. a and 668. b 10
Howe and in what sort God will haue vs to fight against al Feare.
87. b 50.60
Why it is good reason, and of our de∣seruing, that God shoulde chastice vs, by making vs to stande in Feare of men: and other vnreasonable cre∣atures.
478. a & b all.
Howe and in what sorte manie men thinke they Feare God wel.
128. b 10 20
Of profiting in the Feare of God, and what this worde Feare importeth
128. b 10. & 1131. b 10
With what kinde of Feare wee must feare God.
434. b 40.50. and 186. a 20
The cause why God vpbraided the Iewes that they did neither loue him nor Feare him
185. b 40.50
Wee be vtterlie vnexcusable if wee doe not Feare God.
186. a 10.20
Wee bee well fensed, when God giueth vs men to guide vs in his Feare.
145. a 10
That the reuerence which wee must doe to God, must proceede from Feare.
266. b 20
God warneth vs generallie to walke in Feare, and why?
174. b 20.30
A most pithie speech to strike Feare & terrour into vs towardes God.
191. a & b 10
By what Feare and terrour we must be first subdued before we can cōceiue Gods goodnesse. 446. b 30. and howe the same feare must bee tempered.
ibidem 40
Of tvvo thinges which ought to teach vs to Feare God.
458. a 30.40
How God will cast our dread and our Page  [unnumbered] Feare vpon our enimies.
476. b all, & 477. a & b all.
Why brute beastes stand in Feare of them, vpon whome God hath prin∣ted his marke.
478. b 40.50
A proofe of Gods promise that hee would cast a Feare vpon his peoples enemies.
478. b 20.30.479. a 10.20
The Feare of God is no secret or idle thing, and how it sheweth it self.
266. b 50.60
Wherein men shew that they are void of Gods Feare.
267. a 20
What blessings will follow vs if wee Feare God.
325. b 50.60
To be in Feare of nothing is no vertue: Read that place.
335. b 20
Three reasons why the Israelites are exhorted not to stande in Feare of their enimies.
334. b 30.40
The meaning of the wordes, that God did Feare the prouocation of the e∣nimies.
1144. a b all. 1145. all.
Of a trembling Feare threatened to the despisers of God; and what a sore and restles plague it is.
1005. a all. b 50.60.1010. all.
Of preuenting Gods iudgements by a willing Feare.
1010. b 20.30. & 1011 a 30
That Feare is a good preparatiue which leadeth vs to the seruing of God: as for example.
962. b 30.40
None can discharge his duetie in go∣uerning a people, vnlesse hee Feare God.
15. b 50.60
All vertues in man without Gods Feare do turne to euill.
15. b 50
The woorst temptations that can be to hinder the performance of our due∣tie springeth from Feare.
20. a 10.50
What woulde make vs forget all Feare that hindereth vs in Gods affaires.
74. b 40
In what respect we do wrong vnto God through Feare.
74. b 20
S. Pauls meaning in warning vs to work our saluation with Feare & trem∣bling.
75. a 40.50
A kind of Feare that is an exercise of our faith.
335. b 50
Of slauish Feare which is inforced.
358 a 40, Looke Terror.