The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuteronomie faithfully gathered word for word as he preached them in open pulpet; together with a preface of the ministers of the Church of Geneua, and an admonishment made by the deacons there. Also there are annexed two profitable tables, the one containing the chiefe matters; the other the places of Scripture herein alledged. Translated out of French by Arthur Golding.
Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564., Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606., Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607., Ragueneau, Denys.

On Wednesday the xvj. of October. 1555. The Lxxxviij. Sermon which is the third vpon the thirteenth Chapter.

6 If thine owne brother the sonne of thy Mother, or thine owne sonne, or thy daughter, or the wife that is in thy bosomme, or thy neighbour that is to thee as thyne owne soule, goe about to intice thee, saying secretly, Let vs goe and serue other gods which thou hast not knowen, nor yet thy fathers:

7 That is to wit, any of the gods of the nations that are about thee, whether they bee neere thee or farre off from thee, from the one side of the earth to the other:

8 Consent not to him, neither giue eare vnto him: neither let thine eye fa∣uour him, shewe him not any pitie, neither conceale him.

9 But thou shalt put him to death, thy hande shalbe the first vpon him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people.

10 And thou shalt stone him with stones and so he shall die: (for he hath sought to thrust thee from the Lorde thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage:)

11 That all Israell may heare and be afraide, and not doe such a wicked thing among you any more.

Page  540*HAd we the zeale in vs that is spo∣ken of in the Psalme, that wee tooke the reproch which is done vnto GOD, as if it were offe∣red to our selues: this lawe here were in a manner needelesse. For euerie of vs woulde willingly of his owne accorde indeuour to maintaine Gods honour. But nowe inasmuch as manie men thinke it to be too excessiue rigour to put the troublers and [ 10] peruerters of religion to death: thereby it ap∣peareth that we despise Gods honour and make no greate account of it. For euerie of vs would faine haue his owne honour maynteined, and if anie man haue stormed against vs, wee thinke the time will neuer come soone ynough for vs to bee reuenged. If a man doe vs any wrong or iniurie, wee woulde that euerie man shoulde sette himselfe against it in our defence: but if Gods honour bee trampled vnder foote, wee [ 20] lette it slippe. Wee see then howe colde and vnlustie wee bee, but this vnlustinesse of ours deserueth a more shamefull name. For if a man suffer his father to bee scorned, folke will say hee is not worthie to liue in the worlde, be∣cause he doeth against his kinde. And beholde, GOD is as it were torne in peeces by wicked mennes aduauncing of themselues to rend a∣sunder the vnion of the fayth wherethrough it is his will to bee knowen, and whereby it is his [ 30] will to reigne among vs: and that is borne with∣all. And is not that a token, that if it lay in vs wee woulde neuer haue any remembraunce of GOD at all? But forasmuch as there is so litle zeale in vs; therefore is this Lawe giuen vs. And GOD declareth that hee is not vnminde∣full of his owne maiestie, but that hee will haue the defacing thereof to bee punished. Naye rather hee sheweth that hee disclaymeth vs for his people, if we haue not a speciall regarde of [ 40] this case of his.

Wee haue hearde heeretofore what hath beene sayde concerning false prophetes: name∣ly that if anie man troubled the Churche of GOD, hee shoulde bee stoned to death with∣out sparing. Nowe God expresseth yet better the thing that he hadde spoken: which is, that we must put all affections of nature vnder foote, when his honour commeth in question, so as the father must not spare his sonne, nor the bro∣ther [ 50] his brother, nor the husbande his wife, nor the friend his friende yt is as deere to him as his own life, yt he be not put to death. And good rea∣son. For doe not all the friendeshippes in the worlde proceede of that order of nature whiche the creator hath established? Then if wee will not sette the carte before the horses, wee muste alwayes beginne at GOD. And Saint Paule doeth not without cause say;* that al kinred com∣meth from thence, and issueth out of that foun∣tayne. [ 60]

Also when there is any friendshippe betweene man and man; it must alwayes bee referred to this marke, that GOD haue still the cheife preheminence, and that wee be ioyned together in him. And cursed be al alyaunce that separa∣teth vs from our maker, in whome consisteth all our life, welfare, and ioye. Then if a husbande loue his wife, without regarde of GOD, hee is woorthie to bee thrust out amonge the brute beastes. In like case is the father, which aimeth not at the same marke in louing of his children. If wee be so linked together, and haue so pligh∣ted our faith and trothe one to an other, as wee may seeme after a forte to haue as ye would say but one soule in two bodies, and in the mean while GOD be lette alone vnthought on: doe yee not see that it is too shamefull a beastli∣nesse? Then is it not without cause that GOD hath tolde vs expresly that his honour is to bee preferred before al worldely or naturall conside∣rations. And lette vs marke well the wordes that are sette downe heere; for they bee of great weight.

Moses coulde haue sayde singly, If thy brother, thy wife, thy sonne, or some friende of thine inde thee, and goe aboute to allure thee to naughtinesse; but hee addeth (which is of much more vehe∣mencie) If thy brother the sonne of thy mother, which laye in the same bellie that thou thy selfe diddest. And to what ende is this doone of GOD, but to searche the bottome of our affe∣ctions, by entering euen vnto our bowels, as if hee shoulde say, I will see whether yee loue mee better than yee doe these carkesses? For what is thy brother? Hee is but a mortall creature and I will see whether thou sette more store by him than by mee. Naye (say wee) but he and I laye both in one bellie. That is trewe, (sayth GOD:) but is it not meete that I shoulde al∣wayes haue the vpper hande and highest prehe∣minence? The same case is it when hee sayeth, thine owne sonne, thine owne daughter, thy wife that sleepeth in thy bosome. Hee coulde haue sayde singly; thy wife: but hee sayeth, No, thou muste forgette and quite and cleane shake off all the loue which thou bearest to thy wife, if shee goe about to plucke thee away from me.

Agayne, If thou haue a friende (sayeth hee) which is as deere to thee as thine owne life: thou must lay thy hande vppon him also to stone him: thou must not onely bee his accuser and giue e∣uidence against him; but thou must also sette hande vppon him without sparing: all mercie and pitie must bee put away in that case. Here∣by wee see in effect, as I sayde afore, that Gods will is to trie vs, whether wee truely loue him. And for that cause doeth he sette downe vnto vs whatsoeuer might holde vs backe, or hinder our desire from shewing such zeale as wee ought to haue to the mainteinaunce of his honour: declaring vnto vs that if any thing bee an impediment to our continuall keeping of the vnion of fayth aboue all thinges, in such wise as it is contayned in his woorde: wee bee traytoures and false hearted towardes him, and hee will shake vs off; and in steede of taking vs for his children, hee will giue vs ouer and banishe vs from his kingdome and his Churche: for hee will haue that order Page  541 obserued among those that are his. Marke that for one point.

And herewithall it behoueth vs to consider of whome hee speaketh. Hee sayeth not onely, if a man goe about to abolish all religion, as wee see some worldlings doe, which coulde finde in their heartes like a sort of dogges and swyne, that men shoulde make a mockerie of all the seruice of God; hee speaketh not of such kinde of men: But his saying is, if a man go about by supersti∣tious [ 10] meanes to turne thee from mee to the ser∣uing of ydolles; although it bee of the gods that are moste renowmed in the worlde, in the ser∣uing and worshipping of whome, the people that are about thee doe thinke themselues to do well: If any man labour to turne thee from my worde, to make thee followe after those gods: let him bee rooted out.

Nowe then, wee see, that God punisheth, not onely those that woulde abolish all religion: [ 20] but also those that woulde corrupt his trueth. And therefore for the better vnderstanding of this lawe that is giuen vs heere, let vs marke at a worde, that it is not for vs to saye, There is no God, it is but folly for men to trouble them∣selues about any deuotion, for wee shall gaine nothing by it: but [wee must consider,] that if a man bee neuer so deuout, and thinke to doo neuer so well, yet if hee turne himselfe to the superstitions of the Heathen like a renegate, [ 30] and knowe not the true God: hee is condem∣ned. And it is a distinction which wee ought to beare well in minde. For our Lorde sheweth vs, that hee will haue vs to bee contented with his worde, and to rest wholly vppon it, that wee may bee brydled by it, and not attempt to alter any thing, seeing hee hath once declared with his owne mouth what hee alloweth.

And hee sayeth expressely, the gods which nei∣ther thou nor thy fathers haue knowen. By this say∣ing [ 40] hee doeth vs to vnderstande that it behoo∣ueth vs to bee well assured of our religion. For to put a man to death without hauing knowen which is the true God, were but a frantike zeale, as wee see the Papistes doe at this day, and the Heathen haue beene wont to doe at all times, yea, and euen the Iewes also, who haue put this lawe in execution (howbeit a misse) against the prophets. And vnder the same pretence were our Lorde Iesus and his Apostles driuen to suf∣fer [ 50] persecution.

As for the Heathen, when they made lawes for the obseruing of the manner of religion that was stablished among them; they had a good grounde and foundation for the thing they did. For it is not ynough for Magistrates to make lawes to represse robberies, murther, and vio∣lence; but they knewe also howe it was meete that God should haue the forehande. Nowe if nature taught them so much; what excuse will [ 60] there bee for vs that professe Christianitie, if we say it is ynough for men to represse robberies, aduowtries, murthers, and other such violent and outragious dooings that tende to the hurt of priuate persons: and in the meane while make none account of God? What a dealing were that? The Heathen then had a good grounde in that they knewe that in a well or∣dered Common weale, religion ought to bee obserued, and that if any man attempted ought to the contrarie, he was to be punished: in so much that it was a matter of life and death a∣mong them, and it was obserued throughout all the worlde in all ages.

The Iewes did not amisse in beeing zelous in punishing false prophets after that God had gi∣uen them this lawe. Likewise in these dayes, whereas the Papistes say that Heretikes are to bee punished; that is true, wee confesse that they bee worthie of it. But therewithal they ought to come to the poynt that is set downe heere, namely, that it behooueth vs to knowe which is the GOD whome wee serue, and that wee bee sure that our religion is not a thing set foorth at all aduenture, but that wee holde the infallible trueth of Gods owne sending, and that it is preached vnto vs in his name & by his authoritie: so as it is hee on whome our faith is grounded. It woulde become vs (say I) to come to that poynt. But the Papistes play the beasts in that behalfe, bearing themselues in hand that so they shut their eyes, they may execute their rage and furie vppon innocents.

And after the same manner haue the Hea∣then ouershot themselues. For, because religion was to bee maintained, they not discerning what they did, nor perceiuing whether it was good or euill: did set themselues against the seruauntes of God. Likewise dealt the Iewes with the Prophets. Yee see then here is a point which it standeth vs in hande to wey well all our life long: and that is, that wee must haue knowen the true God, so as wee may iustly and without grudge of conscience condemne the errours which men woulde drawe vs to. Which thing will come to passe, if wee haue the light of Gods worde to shewe vs the way: for thence it is that all good discretion commeth.

Nowe then, to the intent wee may benefite our selues by this text, let vs marke first of all what loue wee ought to beare to our Lord God, when hee hath vttered himselfe vnto vs. Name∣ly that wee must beware that in any wise hee may bee serued without gainsaying, and that the rule which hee hath giuen vs bee vnbroken, and that nothing bee chaunged in his worde, but that we make much more account of the do∣ctrine which wee haue receiued of him, than of our liues. And therefore let vs not bee pluc∣ked backe from the saide zeale for any world∣ly respect as wee see the worlde is, which fauou∣reth more his owne fleshly affections than God. But howsoeuer the case stande, yet must wee fight against all impedimentes and distresses, vntill the saide zeale doe get the vpper hande in vs, so as wee will rather cause them to dye which seeke the defacing of the true Religion, than suffer such a plague to preuaile in the Church, to the infecting and marring of our selues or of any others.

Page  542And hereof wee may gather a good exhorta∣tion; which is, that when wee see Gods honour impaired any manner of way, it must greeue vs at the heart, according to the generally saying of the Psalme,* concerning all reproches. I say wee must not beare with any thing whatsoeuer it be, whereby Gods honour may be impeached or defaced. But what? Little (in deede) is this doctrine imbraced nowadaies. For blasphemie hath his ful scope euery where; and if a body [ 10] be to be reproued for so doing; though a do∣sen persons bee at the hearing of the blasphe∣mie; yet shall not a man finde so much as one witnesse. In this case God ordeyneth all both small and greate to bee his aduocates, and hee will haue euery man to doe him seruice in it. For it needes not to bee sayd to a man, Haue a care to bewray blasphemie when ye heare it: No for hee is knowen to haue beene present; and yet if hee bee asked of it, hee doeth but wring [ 20] his groyne like a swyne, and saye, I heard him not. Such folke are well worthie, not only that God should plucke their eares from their head, but also vtterly ouerwhelme them. They bee monsters that can heare the name of their ma∣ker blasphemed, and yet couer such filthines and suffer it to abyde vnpunished. Is it not reason that God should shew how it is hee to whom they be to yeeld accompt for it? And though he winke at it, yet let not vs thinke that they which [ 30] forsweare themselues so vntrustily, shall scape scotfree, but that in the ende GOD will shewe howe it is not without cause that hee hath pro∣nounced, that to fauour euill is worse than to doe euill. For it may bee that hee that doeth the euill is carried to it by choler or by some o∣ther affection: but as for him that cloketh it, he is not onely a partaker of it, but also a wilfull iustifier of it as it were in despite of GOD: and that is an vtter peruerting of the order of na∣ture. [ 40] And therefore lette vs learne by that which is tolde vs heere, that euerie of vs must beare such zeale to the mainteinaunce of Gods honour, as not to spare anie kinne or friende, if they steppe vppe to sette themselues against him to whome wee belong, and to whome wee owe all seruice, going about to ouerthrowe his seate, and to disappoint him that hee may no more reigne among vs. And therefore when∣soeuer Gods honour is darkened or diminished [ 50] among vs, let euerie of vs in his state looke to it that we be so zealous as to redresse it to the vt∣termost of his power. This is ye first point which we haue to marke heere.

And moreouer, if any man shoulde goe about to alter the Religion, so as GOD shoulde af∣ter a sorte bee driuen from among vs; it were meete that our zeale shoulde in that case be kin∣dled yet more. For if wee bee nice in hauing our owne honour touched: what ought wee to be when Gods kingdome is in daunger of vtter [ 60] dispatch? If there be some wicked practise in a Citie, so as some treason, insurrection or altera∣tion of the state is a bruing, and one hauing but some secret incling of it tolde him in his eare, doe conceiue it; shall hee not bee taken as ac∣cessarie, and bee adiudged woorthie of punish∣ment? If it be proued against a man that some wicked treason was a practising; and hee heard of the matter and yet discouered it not; he shal∣be punished as a traytour, and men will say hee was well worthie of such punishment. And shall we bee helde excused of our silence, when an insurrection is made against GOD, and men goe about to ouerthrowe his holy temple, that he might not dwell any more among vs, so as they indeuour to deface his maiestie, and furthermore to cast vp the saluation of mennes soules as a pray to Satan, and wee say nothing to it? Doeth not our dissimulation import both trecherie and periurie against GOD? Yet not∣withstanding there be some so farre past shame, that they demaunde at euerie turne, Who is he that findeth faulte with mee? Whome haue I wronged? Behoulde, hee hath played the blas∣phemous and wicked wretche, in flushing out some matter so vglye against GOD, as hee ought to be rooted out for it; and yet hee sayes, Who complaines of mee? If hee had stolne but fifteene pence, he shoulde be whipped; and for the seconde or thirde offence, he should goe to the gallowes: and like a Churchtraytour hee hath trampled Gods maiestie vnder foote, wher∣in hee hath doone worse than the theefe that cuttes a trauellers throte, in a wood; and yet to his owne seeming he is iust still. And whereof commeth this, but of the foresaid lasinesse, that no man bethinks himself of his dutie in that be∣halfe? GOD doeth vs the honour to make vs mainteyners of his trueth, as though he made vs a solemne commission of it.

And is not that such a preheminence, as of duetie ought to make euerie of vs to streine himselfe (yea euen beyonde his power) to shew a constant and inuincible zeale in causing men to serue and honour GOD? For if a prince imployed a man in his afaires, and did put him in commission; hee woulde strayne himselfe so farre, as he woulde euen hazarde his life; and hee woulde thinke that what paine so euer hee tooke, though he did much more, yet all were too litle seeing hee hadde so honourable a charge.

Beholde, the liuing GOD taketh vs as if wee were his defenders, and will haue euerie of vs to represent his owne person: and yet for all that, we despise all those thinges; when Gods name is blasphemed wee make no reckening of it; the partie himselfe that hath taken the othe to conceale no such thing, shall playe the tray∣tour first. And therefore it is no woonder though wicked folke take such libertie, and that when they bee conuicted, they alleadge that no man complaines of them, & that they haue done no man any wrong.

For were wee the true children of GOD, surely wee woulde tender the wronges that are doone to him, more than the wronges that are doone to our selues, and wee woulde take them much sorer to hearte.

Page  543For if wee our selues bee offended, is it any great matter? But when Gods holy name is lightly esteemed, and reproched; then wee ought to bee verie tender hearted. And be∣cause wee thinke not of it; when wee haue blas∣phemed God, wee say wee haue done no man any wrong.

Furthermore, let vs consider (as I haue saide afore) that if wee must endeuour by all the meanes wee can to haue swearing redressed: [ 10] much more reason is it that wee shoulde not suf∣fer any man to step vp to trouble the Church, and to make any rebellion, but vtterly roote out such a pestilent fellowe out of hande. But yet before all other thinges, let vs looke that wee knowe Gods trueth aforehand, that wee may be able to maintaine the same: for without that, wee shall goe lumpishly to worke, and our zeale shalbee but as the rage of madfolkes, as I haue alreadie shewed by the examples of the hea∣then [ 20] men, Iewes, and Papistes. The Papistes haue a faire colour, in saying that if a man de∣face the maiestie of a Prince, hee shall not scape vnpunished: and therefore it is much more rea∣son that men shoulde bee punished for setting themselues against God. Yea: but in the meane while they wote not what GOD they worship: for they bee carried away with their owne wic∣ked and diuelish superstitions. Let vs marke then, that wee must not take this lawe here at [ 30] alauenture; but that to begin well, wee must lay this foundation, that wee bee sure that the reli∣gion which wee holde is of God. As for exam∣ple, wee haue the holy Scripture; and there our Lorde hath shewed vs his will. Hee protesteth by his Prophet Esay that hee hath not spoken vainly nor couertly,* nor meant to beguile men in bidding them to seeke him. Then haue wee an open declaration of Gods trueth, so wee o∣bey his worde by faith, and receiue it without [ 40] gainsaying.

When wee bee at that poynt, wee may well with good conscience and safetie punish such as seeke to turne vs away from the trueth. But if wee be doubtfull and wauering, and go to it but by weening: what will come of it, but that wee shall punish innocent persons, as wee see the Papistes doe by persecuting our Lorde Iesus in his members? It were better for them now∣adayes that they killed one another without co∣lour [ 50] of iustice, than to persecute the children of God after that fashion. For the matter stan∣deth not vppon the punishing of men by ta∣king away their liues, or by sheading of giltlesse bloud through wicked crueltie: but vppon the making of warre against the liuing God, and v∣pon the suffering againe of our lord Iesus Christ in his members.

And let vs marke, that whensoeuer wee fals∣ly pretende the name of God for a colour; our [ 60] fault is doubled in so abusing it, and we become so much the more blame woorthie. As for ex∣ample, when the Papistes nowadayes doe per∣secute the faithfull, and vse such excessiue cru∣eltie as they doe: they can welynough say, it is the zeale of God that driueth vs to doe it. If a man haue slayne one or robbed one; very well, hee shalbee layde vppon the wheele. And what shalbee done when Gods maiestie is defaced? Shoulde the partie scape vnpunished? So will they alleage. Yea; but first they shoulde inquire of the case. For like as sometimes men pu∣nish giltlesse persons accused of false crymes: so may it well bee (and wee see it by experience,) that Martyres are persecuted in steede of here∣tikes. Therefore were it meete to looke well to the matter.

But nowadayes if a man say that wee ought to call vppon none but onely God in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ, and that wee shoulde not fetche any further compasses after the ima∣ginations of men; by praying to the virgine Marie or other Saintes deceassed to bee our pa∣trones and aduocates; but that wee ought to holde our selues contented with Iesus Christ, to whome that office is giuen by God his Fa∣ther: By and by they crye out, to the fire with him. And howe so? It is the pure doctrine of the holy Scripture. Yea, but the church of Rome admitteth it not.

If a man say, wee must worship God after a spirituall manner, without making any pup∣pets to him, and that the breaking of the rule which our Lorde Iesus Christ hath giuen vs, is vtter abomination: out vppon it, thats a foule heresie, at leastwise by the iudgement of the popedome. But yet for all that, the Scripture beareth it. If a man say wee haue no freewill to doe good, but that wee bee vtterly corrupted; and that if there bee any goodnesse in vs, it pro∣ceedeth of Gods meere grace and mercie, so that our going forwarde towardes the marke, is because wee bee renewed by his holy Ghoste, and yet neuerthelesse that wee bee weake, and had neede to flee continually for refuge to the forgiuenesse which GOD promiseth vs, and whereby wee bee reconciled vnto him, where∣unto wee attaine not by our owne desertes and satisfactions, but must bee faine to bee purged by the bloudshed of our Lorde Iesus Christ, and by that meanes wee obtaine saluation: if these thinges (say I) bee alleaged: by and by hee must bee haled to the stake. And why? Be∣cause all this is condemned by their Syna∣gogues.

Yea, but it were meete for them that they shoulde giue eare vnto God. For did hee for∣go his authoritie when hee sayde that we should neither ad too nor diminish from the thinges that hee hath spoken,* as wee haue seene alrea∣die heretofore? For thereby doeth he shewe at what ende it behooueth vs to beginne. Then is it a hellish kinde of dealing, when men stay not vppon the thinges that GOD commaun∣deth, and that are conteyned in his worde, and yet notwithstanding doe take vppon them to burthen other men with what lawes they list.

If a man say that wee must serue God accor∣ding to his commaundementes, and not depend vpon those that take vpon thē to enioyne lawes to mens soules, and that all such inuentions are Page  544 foolish: What? Shall the traditions of our mo∣ther holy Church bee so reiected? That were a deadly and intolerable cryme. If a man speake of the Sacraments, & say that baptisme ought to be ministred in a knowen tounge, that men may vnderstande to what ende our Lorde Iesus or∣deyned it, what fruite it yeeldeth, and how to vse it a right: and moreouer that men may perceiue that baptisme sendeth vs to our Lorde Iesus Christ, and hath no power of it selfe further than [ 10] God worketh by his holy spirite, which appea∣reth when wee haue an eye to him that is the verie substance of baptisme: and that all the tri∣fling toyes ought to bee put away wherewith men haue mocked God to the full, namely, the ceremonies of their owne inuenting which are but vtter corruptions of baptisme, as their spit∣tle, their salt, & all their other may games which they play withall: If a man talke so of their stuffe, he must be put to death for it out of hand. And [ 20] why? Fye vppon him, hee is a ranke heretike, he is not to bee borne with. Yea, but they shoulde see first whether it bee an heresie or no. For by that meanes they make God him selfe an here∣tike for want of due examination; and what a dealing is that? If a man say that our Lordes supper ought to bee receiued according to the rule which hee him selfe did giue vs, that is to wit, that wee shoulde communicate togither, so as the bread might bee a warrant to vs that wee [ 30] bee truely become partakers of his bodie, and the wine a warrant that wee bee partakers of his bloud, and consequently that the Masse is an abhomination of the diuels owne deuising, for that therein the Christian are so farre off from communicating together, that one man sepa∣rates himselfe from all the rest of the company: beholde, then must excommunication serue as a sauce for all meates.

Againe, if a man come at Easter to receiue the Lordes supper, hee must haue but a morsel, [ 40] and hee must holde him contented with the one halfe of it: and moreouer, contrarie to Christ his institution, which sayes: take and eate: they woulde beare God in hand that he shall receiue; we giue it thee, say they. Besides this, if a man intende to bee reconciled to GOD, the Masse must serue as a new sacrifice, and although they say it is the same that Iesus Christ himselfe of∣fered, yet doe they oftentimes reiterate it. If a man open his muth against such abhominati∣ons, [ 50] O that is an vntolerable cryme. The aire must ring of the great outcryes that shalbe made against it. How now, say they? What ado haue wee here? Hee hath spoken against the decrees of the holy Councels. Yea, but before that God commaunded the punishment of Rent∣gates that shoulde goe about to trouble the Church, and to set diuision in the faith; he saide, Thou shalt not doe what seemeth good in thine [ 60] owne eyes;* but thou shalt submit thy selfe obe∣diently to my sayinges, and not step aside from my worde, but yeelde your selues to it both great and small; and therefore that order ought to bee maintained.

But we see that all thinges are turned vpside downe. And therefore let vs looke that wee bee well informed, (as I saide afore) and that wee bee well assured that wee haue Gods cer∣taine trueth, and that wee bee throughly resol∣ued of it, so as wee may bee able to say, It is God that hath spoken it, we haue beene taught it in his schoole, and wee renounce all imagi∣nations of men: for wee knowe there is no∣thing but vanitie and vntrueth in men. God then must bee the author of our faith, and al∣lowe it, before wee can say. This is the trueth. And when wee bee so resolued, then may wee obey this commaundement here.

But wee must marke therewithall, that it is not ynough for men to excuse themselues by saying, as for mee I meane not to abolish all religion; and yet if I like well of this thing, why shoulde it not bee lawfull for mee to haue it? Moses sheweth vs that although a man pretend the title of some god, yet is that nothing: for wee must haue the liuing GOD; and that when wee haue once the knowledge of the true Religion, that must suffice vs, and that if wee goe astraye, it is through our owne fault, and there is no excuse for vs. That is the mea∣ning of Moses, and it is a doctrine well worthie to bee noted. For many men might finde star∣ting holes in this behalfe.

May not a man bee ouerseene through sim∣plicitie? Yes: but when wee haue once knowen God, wee cannot bee separated from him, but our malice must needes bee vtterly vnexcusa∣ble. And therefore let vs take courage to be∣nefite our selues: and when Gods worde is gi∣uen vs freely and preached vnto vs purely, let vs bee so confirmed in it, as wee bee not anye more like wauering reedes, yeelding to euery wynde,* nor as little children whome euery man may beguyle: but let vs vse wit and discre∣tion. And in deede our Lorde giueth vs his worde, not onely to the intent wee should saye, Lo, this or that is good: but to the ende that euery man shoulde keepe himselfe from euill, & bee fenced and armed against al temptations of Satan, so as wee might haue wherewith to resist him when hee goeth about to thrust vs out of the way.

Nowe,* Gods worde is tearmed a spirituall sworde: and therefore wee haue wherewith to outstande all assaultes, so wee haue profited in Gods worde as wee shoulde doe. And hereby it appeareth what diuels they bee, which would nowadayes leaue all things in dout. For there are fantasticall persons which say, What? If a man will punish Heretikes, hee must do it con∣tinually; because all thinges are out of order. True it is, that men ought to serue God. And if any many woulde saye there were no diuine maiestie in heauen, there is no GOD, there ought to bee no religion in the worlde, O▪ that were not to bee abidden. But as long as men holde this grounde, that there is a GOD; it is ynough.

And although the heathen keepe stil their do∣tages, although the Iewes be wilfull in maintay∣ning their false exposition of ye lawe, although the Page  545 Turkes holde still their Mahomets Alcoran, al∣though the Papistes bee still intangled in their superstitions: all is one, so they holde fast this principle, that there is a God. Yea, but Moses sayeth here expressely, that although a man pre∣tende an intent to serue God: yet must hee bee stoned to death, if it be knowen that hee meant but onely to ouerthrowe or disguise the true re∣ligion. And what more then? For (as I haue sayd) wee must not onely pronounce with our [ 10] mouth that there is a God: but wee must also discerne him from all the abuses that men haue inuented of their owne brayne. For otherwise it is but a mocking of all the holy Scripture. I shall say I worship God, and in the meane time I worship a puppet. And what is my God? It is a fantasie that I haue deuised in mine owne head: it is not the liuing God, hee disclaymeth all such dealings, & so am I but a forger. For (as Saint Paul speaketh of it in the first to the Ro∣manes,*) [ 20] such as haue wandred away after their owne imaginations, haue transformed the maiestie of GOD, though their intent was to worship the liuing God, as the Papistes doe, which protest that they worship God the maker of heauen and earth; and likewise the Turkes, who say the same thing; and so also doe the Iewes, notwithstanding that they abhorre Iesus Christ.

And it is sayd in Saint Iohn, that hee which [ 30] beleeueth not in the Sonne beleeueth not in the Father which sent him.* Nay he that turneth a∣way from Iesus Christ, doeth vtterly renounce God. For where dwelleth the fulnesse of the Godhead but in Iesus Christ?* When the Turks set their Mahomet in the place of Gods sonne,* knowing not that God hath manifested himself in the flesh (which is one of the chiefe articles of our faith): what a dealing is it? So then, how ma∣ny thinges soeuer men terme by the name of [ 40] God, they bee but diuels of their owne deuising and setting vp,* if they keepe not themselues fast inclosed within the boundes of the holy scrip∣ture. And therefore let vs marke well, that wee must holde vs to the pure Religion; and when wee bee well assured of that, then must we come to this lawe whereof Moses speaketh here. And whosoeuer aduaunceth himselfe against it, let him bee rooted out.

Nowe if the man that woulde drawe vs to the [ 50] seruing of straunge gods, deserue to bee put to death: what is to be done to these dogges whose whole indeuour is to turne all vpside downe, and to be sorte the whole worlde, so as men may not knowe any more what religion is? And in these dayes wee see this kinde of weede to rise tho∣rough the whole worlde, a sorte of heathenish people, which serue to no purpose but to scoffe and iest at all thinges that are spoken of GOD. Also what shall become of those that commit so [ 60] open blasphemie, as they may seeme to make but a mockerie of all the holye Scripture, as though it were nothing else but fables? Nowe then, sith wee see that Moses speaketh so: what doe they deserue which do so trouble and defile the holy thinges?

Beholde there comes mee an hypocrite that woulde deuise a newe Religion, as it were to set vp a popedome here againe, or to bring in the Alcoran of Mahomet: nowe ought such a one to bee put to death without forbearing, for so hath God ordeyned. And if any man say, it is crueltie; let him finde fault with God for it, and wee shall see if he can preuaile.

On the other side, if wee may well spit in such mennes faces, notwithstanding that they saye that their so doing is to maintaine Gods honor, what is to bee doone to such as will needes af∣ter a sort deface it quyte and cleane? But let vs come backe againe to the matter. There is a man that goes about to peruert the trueth tho∣rough fonde deuotion; and to turne it into vn∣trueth: the same man ought to dye. There is a Royster that casteth forth lewd scoffes against the holy Scripture, as doeth that diuelish fel∣lowe which is called Pantagruell, and all his fil∣thie and ribauldly writings: and this sort of men pretende not to set vp any newe Religion, as though they were deluded by their owne foo∣lish imaginations: but like madde dogges they belke out their filthinesse against the maiestie of God, and their meaning is to ouerthrowe all re∣ligion: and shoulde such bee spared? Why not? for they haue the Cardinalles for their vphol∣ders, they bee fauoured and maintained by them: in so much that the names of these Lord Cardinalles are blazed in those goodly bookes, which serue to mocke God as well as Mahomet. All is one, all may bee abidden, so the Cardi∣nalles bee curryed, it is welynough, and it doth them good to bee so registred: whereby a man may see that they not onely mocke at all Reli∣gion, but also coulde finde in their heartes to a∣bolish all religion quite and cleane.

But herewithall let vs also see howe wee may apply this to our owne vse, for wee must not onely condemne those that haue shewed them∣selues such as I haue spoken of: but wee must also fare the better by their example, to the end wee may knowe howe it is too wicked, yea, and too diuelish a thing, that when men go about to make some backeslyding or to set some trouble among vs, and much rather to driue away all feare of GOD, and bee fauoured or shrow∣ded, or harkened vnto, or haue any gappe left open to them, or be let alone vnpunished; it is the next way to vndoe and marre all. And yet wee haue seene examples of such as haue main∣tained so cursed thinges, yea, and of such impor∣tance as the verie Papistes themselues coulde not endure them. For it is certaine that the two heretikes that were here, did wrest the ho∣ly Scriptures much more than the Papistes. As touching this Triacle maker, who was the first of them; hee maintayned free will, & destroy∣ed Gods election: and are those thinges main∣tained among the Papistes? Neuerthelesse wee see how he was fauoured, & hee was held vp by the chinne as it were in despite of God.

Againe, as touching the seconde, we knowe how he was so horrible a blasphemer, that al mē abhorred his leawde opinions: and yet for Page  546 all that, had he not his maintainers and defen∣ders? Yes: for men shewed them more fauour than if they had beene the neerest of their kin. And yet was it not euident that they conspired continually against God and his trueth, to wage battel against him? Therefore let vs looke neer∣lyer to our selues, & to conclude let vs vnderstād that when God hath giuen vs the grace to haue the certeintie of faith, so as we be grounded vpō his worde; wee must holde vs to it after such a [ 10] sort, that whensoeuer we see any bodie go about to trouble the order which God hath set, wee may all set our selues against it, and not tary till al agree in one, but that whosoeuer of vs doth first perceiue the mischiefe, the same doe disco∣uer it out of hande, and euery of vs do his due∣tie in such wise, as such plagie persons bee not nourished among vs. For (as I haue declared alreadie) wee see there is such frailtie in vs, that a verie little leauen will sower our whole batche [ 20] of dowe;* and as soone as wee giue eare to Sa∣tans iuggling trickes, by and by wee bee ouer-throwen and so intangled, that in the ende wee bee carryed quite away from our God and from the true religion.

God therefore beeing acquainted with our frailtie, meant to prouide for it by shewing vs that it behoueth vs to cut vp the wicked weedes out of hand. Accordingly also as the Apostle in the Epistle to the Hebrewes sayeth, that wee [ 30] must not suffer any euill weedes to growe:* for they will marre the good corne, and if the time bee foreslowed, it wilbee too late afterwarde. Then must wee not driue off till to morowe; but euery of vs must quicken and stirre vp himselfe, following the exhortation that is made vnto vs heere.

Moreouer, seeing wee bee commaunded to plucke vp whatsoeuer is contrarie to the maie∣stie of God, and whatsoeuer may peruert or put away the true religion: let euery of vs see that hee so offer and dedicate himselfe to our God, as wee may not thrust one another out of the right way. If any man goe about to thrust mee out of the way: beholde, God commaundeth mee to rise vp against him; and though it were mine owne brother, my sonne or my wife; yet is it sayde that I ought not to spare them. Now then, if I my selfe thrust others out of the way, is it not a farre more heynous crime? I shalbe ta∣ken for an accessarie if I doe but conceale ano∣ther bodies misbehauiour, and I shewe my selfe a traytour to Godwarde: Nowe then, if I my selfe bee an author of euill, howe deepe am I in? So then, if wee will correct other folkes misdea∣lings so roughly, let vs beare in minde that wee must in any wise holde our selues in the feare of God, so as in cases concerning his honour, wee bee not a stumbling blocke to driue wretched soules to destruction; but rather indeuour to gather home the stray sheepe into the flocke, & to bring back the wanderers into the right way, and to maintaine and further such as are in the good way alreadie, and all of vs lende our hel∣ping handes one to another, that wee may goe serue our God with one common accord.

Nowe let vs kneele downe in the presence of our good God with acknowledgement of our faultes, praying him to receiue vs into his fauor, and that although wee be wretched sinners and vnworthie to come in his sight; yet notwith∣standing it may please him to accept of vs, and to refourme vs in such wise by his holy spirite, as all our life may bee imployed to his glorie, and our whole seeking hencefoorth may bee to ad∣uaunce the kingdome of our Lorde Iesus Christ his sonne. And so let vs all say, Almightie God, heauenly father, &c.