The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuteronomie faithfully gathered word for word as he preached them in open pulpet; together with a preface of the ministers of the Church of Geneua, and an admonishment made by the deacons there. Also there are annexed two profitable tables, the one containing the chiefe matters; the other the places of Scripture herein alledged. Translated out of French by Arthur Golding.
Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564., Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606., Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607., Ragueneau, Denys.

On Saturday the xij. of October. 1555. The Lxxxvij Sermon, which is the second vpon the thirteenth Chapter.

2.3 And the signe or miracle, &c.

4 Yee shall walke after the Lorde your God, and feare him, and keepe his commaundements, and obey his voyce, and serue him, and sticke to him:

5 But that Prophet or dreamer of dreames shalbee put to death: for hee hath spoken to turne you from the Lorde your God (which hath brought you out of the lande of Egypt, and deliuered you from the house of bondage) and to thrust thee out of the way which the Lorde thy God hath commaunded thee to walke in. And so shall you ridde away the euill from among you.

WEe sawe yesterday wherefore God giueth the brydle to Sa∣tan, in such wise, that hee sow∣eth many errours and corrup∣tions, not onely in the worlde, but also in the Church. For it is good reason that our faith should be tryed, to weete whether we liue in vprightnesse, sound∣nes, and loue before our God, or whether there [ 50] bee any faynednesse in vs. And there is not a truer tryall thereof, than when wee come to the incounter to know, whether Gods trueth ought to bee inuincible against all erroures and lea∣sings. And therefore let it not offende vs when wee see him sowe darnell: but let vs bethinke vs of that which is sayde here, namely, that our Lorde wil search vs to the harde bottome, whe∣ther wee beare reuerence to his worde in good earnest and vnfeynedly or no. Not that hee [ 60] knoweth not welynough what wee bee; (for it is not for himselfe that hee doeth it:) but to the ende that our faith should shewe it selfe, and that there shoulde be true record thereof.

Nowe moreouer it is tolde vs, that wee must followe Gods worde and hearken to him, that wee may serue him and sticke to him. And this is still to shewe vs that which I haue declared afore: namely, that wee can neuer bee at any stay, vnlesse wee knowe well what God it is whome wee worship. For if wee bee in dout, there needeth nothing to shake vs downe, as wee see by experience. Therefore let vs learne to profite so in our Gods schoole, as wee may not bee remoued by false doctrines, but may haue wherwith to with∣stande the sleightes of Satan, as was declared more at large yesterday.

But let vs goe backe againe to this saying, that although the false Prophet haue giuen some signe or foretolde some wonder, and the same thing is come to passe: yet notwithstanding wee must hold our owne still. Here it might be demaunded whether the diuell can prophesie or no. I stande not much vppon that, it is not materiall: but I haue aun∣swered before, that GOD is aboue him, and that it is his will that his Church shoulde liue in warrefare, to the ende that the faith of all his might be exercised. Then if a deceiuer foretell a thing, and the same fal out in deede: it is not to bee saide, but that GOD hath giuen him the brydle. Therefore it is not for vs to trouble

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Page  536entraunce into vs: but also (as Saint Paul sayth) to bee diligent in purging of Gods Churche from them,* that such a plague be not nourished among vs. And truely if wee knewe our owne frailtie, and considered well on the other side what Sathan is able to doe against vs: it is cer∣taine that wee woulde stande more vppon our garde than we be wont to doe. Trewe it is (as I haue sayde alreadie) that wee woulde fayne repose and staye our selues vppon GOD, so as [ 10] we might not minister any occasion to Satan to beguyle vs; and surely if wee through our owne fonde desire of seeking lyes, did not cast our∣selues into Sathans snares, wee shoulde be sure that GOD woulde alwayes preserue vs. But forasmuch as we bee too too weake, and Sathan needes no more but to holde vppe his finger to vs, to carrie vs out of hande from the right way of saluation: in respect thereof wee ought so much the more to seeke the remedies whereby [ 20] to preuent the mischiefe. Againe let vs consi∣der what Satan is able to doe:* He is the prince of this worlde, and therefore wee shall soone be ouertaken by him, the rather if wee be slothfull, carelesse, or negligent. Then is it not with∣out cause that our Lorde warneth vs to take so good order, as such a plague may not lurke a∣mong vs; that is to wit, that wee may not haue deceiuers to beguile the simple, and to marre them by turning them from the pure trueth. [ 30] For it is a likelihoode that wee woulde faine bee turned away from GOD, when wee giue the mischiefe such scope. If there were a breach in our towne wall, and our enemies were at hand or that wee were alreadie beseeged, so as wee looked for the assault euerie minute of an houre; would we not prouide for it? Now the case stan∣deth so with vs, that our enemie is not onely at hande, but also is entered in already. When wee heare his lyes, and withstand them not, ne [ 40] make account of thē; we may seeme to be wilful∣ly disposed to perish, as wee bee worthie. And as touching vs that are shepheardes, it standeth vs in hande to haue a double voyce. For wee must gather together the sheepe as much as is possible: and when they bee in the flocke, wee must keepe them there quietly. But if there be wolues also, and theeues that woulde inuade the flocke: against those we must crye out aloude. And yet besides this, such as haue the sworde [ 50] in their hande, must prouide for it also, and eue∣rie man to his power must streine himselfe to keepe Gods Church from infecting with suche poyson, that the deuill may not haue his full scope to falsifie the pure trueth, to aduaunce himselfe against GOD, to ouerthrowe the right religion, and (at a worde) to turne all thinges vpside downe: but we must let these thinges as much as we can. Wherefore let vs marke, that it was Gods will that falseprophetes shoulde be [ 60] rooted out from among his people. Nowe at the first sight this Lawe seemeth to bee ouer∣streite: for is it meete that a man shoulde bee punished so sore for speaking his minde? Verily it is a wonder that we can abide that one shoulde be punished for speaking against a mortall man, and that when a man shall haue blasphemed the liuing GOD, we coulde finde in our heartes that he shoulde scape vnpunished. It appeareth what zeale is in them, which woulde haue such rigour abolished. If a Prince be misused, men will thinke that death is too small a thing for the offender, and that the fact can not be sufficient∣ly reuendged, insomuch that whosoeuer spea∣keth against the princes authoritie shall bee pu∣nished, and no man will speake against it. If a man be founde so wicked as to procure a rebel∣lion, or to rayse an insurrection among the people, verie well, he must loose his heade for it, and no man will say that such a Lawe is vniust or wicked. And why? Because it serues for the mainteynaunce of the state and common weale of the Countrey. And yet for all this, whereas GOD hath the soueraigne dominion of all, a woorme of the earth shall sette him∣selfe against him, and goe about to robbe him of his honour, and to deface his maiestie and au∣thoritie; and yet all this shall be as nothing, it shall be let slippe, and because it is but woordes, there is no reason why such punishement should ensewe of it. But they that say so, doe well shewe that they haue no loue at all towardes GOD, but (which worse is) that they coulde finde in their heartes that all thinges were con∣founded together in a hotchpotche, so as men might scoffe at GOD and at his maiestie, and turne all religion into a mockerie and scorne. To be shorte, whosoeuer he is that speaketh so: he is not to be taken for an ignoraunt person, seeing hee woulde that false doctrines shoulde be vnpunished: but rather hee is to bee counted a despiser of GOD, and an vphoulder of the deuill, which seeketh nothing else but the ur∣ning of all thinges vpside downe in the worlde. For our parte, lette vs learne to haue Gods ho∣nour in such estimation, that wheras we reuenge the wronges doone to men, wee thinke it much more reason that the partie shoulde bee puni∣shed which violateth the maiestie of him that hath created and fashioned vs. And the mat∣ter concerneth not onely the honour of God, but also the saluation of our owne soules: for they be thinges inseparable. And that ought well to whette vs on the more, not to beare with the erroures and deceites of false prophetes. See howe GOD witnesseth the infinite Loue that hee beareth vs, in that hee matcheth our saluation with his owne glorie, so as men canne not touche the one without hurting of the o∣ther: insomuch that if a man deface the honour of GOD, the saluation of man is assayled therewithall. In respect whereof GOD sayeth vnto vs, suffer mee not to bee misused a∣mong you, nor your selues to bee inticed to shrinke from my obedience: But if there be any wicked man among you, that goeth about to egge you away, beware yee nourishe not such a plague. Doeth not our Lorde in so saying shewe, that wee can not serue to his honour, nor mayntaine him in his estate, but that in so dooing wee procure our owne welfare? And therefore these dalyers and mockers that Page  537 woulde haue vs to beare with all manner of false doctrine, and that it shoulde bee Lawefull for euerie man to spewe out whatsoeuer hee ly∣steth, (besides that they shewe themselues trai∣tours to GOD, and vtter defacers of his ma∣iestie if it lay in them to doe it:) doe also be∣wraye themselues to bee enemies of mankinde, and desirous to bring their soules to ruine and destruction, so as they bee worse than murthe∣rers. Let vs marke then that if Gods honour [ 10] bee precious in our sight, and that the sal∣uation of our owne soules bee deere vnto vs; we must not nourishe heresies, nor abuses, nor any other of Sathans trumperies; but euerie of vs in his owne state and calling, must procure the purging of Gods Churche from all euill, that wee may worshippe him with one com∣mon consent, that his doctrine may bee recei∣ued, and that there may bee no diuision among vs. [ 20]

But this was sayde to the people of olde time. Yea, and Gods honour must not be diminished by vs at this day: the reasons that I haue alleadged alreadie doe serue as well for vs as for them. Then lette vs not thinke that this Lawe is a speciall Lawe for the Iewes: but let vs vnderstande that GOD intended to de∣liuer vs a generall rule, to which wee must tye our selues. In deede it is alleadged that when our Lorde Iesus Christ came into the worlde, [ 30] he aduaunced not his doctrine by the sworde, but rather both he and his were persecuted, and therefore that the right way to mayntaine the true religion, is not to punishe such as set vppe themselues against it: but rather to holde our selues contented with the spirituall swoorde, and to vse that in our fighting against Satan, so as our vnholding of the trueth, bee alwayes by sufferaunce and patience, if the worlde doe per∣secute it. But lette vs see whether our Lorde [ 40] haue excluded and banished Princes and Magi∣strates and Officers of Iustice out of his flocke, so as they may not be Christians. No surely. For when he speaketh of the kingdome of our Lorde Iesus Christe, hee sayeth expresly; Yee kinges stande you in awe; and yee Iudges of the earth,* humble you your selues, and all of you kisse the sonne. Moreouer, before hee speake to priuate persons, hee willeth expresly that Kinges, Iudges, and Officers of Iustice [ 50] shoulde doe homage to our Lorde Iesus Christ: then they bee called to the knowledge of ye Gos∣pell. And in deede, according heereunto it is sayde in the Psalme, that kinges shall come to submitte themselues to him that was to bee sent to be the redeemer.* And againe that they shal be as foster fathers to the Churche, and that Queenes shall giue her sucke; that is to saye, that such as haue the sworde of Iustice in their hande, shall take Gods Churche into their pro∣tection [ 60] to mainteine it in the pure doctrine, and in the same Religion that is set downe in Gods worde. Sith it is so, it is to be concluded, not onely that it is Lawefull for all Kinges and Ma∣gistrates, to punish heretikes and such as haue peruerted the pure trueth: but also that they be bounde to doe it, and that they misbehaue themselues towardes GOD, if they suffer er∣rours to roust without redresse, and employ not their whole power to shewe a greater zeale in that behalfe than in all other thinges. For is it reason that he which sitteth in the seate of Iu∣stice, shoulde punishe a theefe for doing wrong but to the valewe of fiue shillinges: and in the meane while let a traytour to GOD goe vnpu∣nished? Gods name is thereby blasphemed,* his trueth whiche is his image is trampled vnder foote, and it is much more than if a man should rende some [princes] Cotearmour in peeces. In so dooing the liuing image of GOD is skor∣ned, and as it were spitted at, and the saluation of mennes soules hindered: and shall the Ma∣gistrates sit still at it like ydolles? They must punish a theefe for the valewe of fifteene pence; and beholde, this is such a traytour as goeth a∣bout to confounde heauen and earth together, and must the same go vnpunished? What a dea∣ling were that? Doeth not euen nature teache what is to be doone in this behalfe? And as for those that say that we should let the euill weedes growe still, doe they not shewe themselues to be growen out of kinde like monsters, and that they bee more intollerable than if they were starke madde? For it shoulde seeme that their meaning is to defie the whole order of nature, and men see that they not onely speake against GOD, but also poyson mennes soules, and be∣wray themselues not to haue one droppe of set∣led discretion. Nowe then let vs marke, that sith God hath declared that in the reigne of his Sonne, euen kinges shoulde bee called to the knowledge of the trueth, and become a parte of his Church: It behoueth them to giue exam∣ple to their people, and it is good reason that they shoulde employ their whole power and au∣thoritie to maintaine the good doctrine, and to cause GOD to be honored and serued, and to driue away all ydolatrie and superstition, and to see that it bee not Lawefull for anie man to spewe out blasphemies agaynst GOD. That is the thing which we haue to marke vpon this place.

And whereas it is alleadged that Iesus Christ vsed not the materiall sworde to aduaunce his doctrine withall: that is true, and wee also bring not the sworde in our hande into the pul∣pit to prooue the things that wee preache. But lette vs learne to put a difference betweene of∣fices, and let vs consider howe our Lorde Iesus Christe came to preache his worde, when hee woulde that such as receiue it should euerie man in his owne state and calling, followe whatsoe∣uer is ordeined for him. Nowe it is true that in the time of our Lorde Iesus Christ, the great men of the worlde claue not to the Gospell, no more than we see them doe yet still at this day: but the little ones and weaklinges were faine to be chosen, thereby to beate downe the pride of the worlde, as Saint Paule auoweth in the first to the Corinthians. Ye see (sayeth he) that there bee not many noble men,* men of power, or wise men among you. And why? For men Page  538 are but too much giuen to the aduauncing of themselues: and if God had begunne at the great ones, the litle ones shoulde haue seemed as no∣thing. But God ment to beate downe all pride, that men might learne to chalendge nothing to themselues. Notwithstanding howesoeuer the case stand, when the great ones are called to the seruice of God, then must they imploy thēselues in the thinges that belong to their charge. For the thinges that I alleadged out of Esay, Dauid, [ 10] and diuerse other Psalmes, belong to the reigne of our Lorde Iesus Christ, and to the state of the Christian Church. Therefore must we needes conclude, that our Lorde will haue Princes and magistrates to vse the sworde that is giuen them, to the mainteynaunce of his honour, and of the vnitie of faith and good agreement; so as if any man rayse vp trouble or goe about to sowe dar∣nell, he may be rooted out. But is not that pu∣nishment too rigorous? [Yes:] for some will [ 20] well ynough graunt (as constrained thereunto) that it is good that heresies shoulde be repressed: but that it were too great an extremitie to pro∣ceede so farre as to punishe them with death. Yea, but (as I sayde afore) wee must esteeme Gods honour as it deserueth. For if wee woulde that deceiuers shoulde be reprooued, so as they might not haue their mouthes open, and yet that they shoulde not bee vtterly suppressed as were requisite: it were all one as if we shoulde say, In [ 30] deede we ought to please God, but as for to put a man to death for blaspheming him, what a thing were that? Loe at what point we be.

Bet God for all that, will not faile to be had in estimation as I sayde afore: yea and that to our cost, if wee goe that way to worke. For the very cause in deede, why we see the worlde infected with so many troubles and errours, is our lasines in that wee haue neither zeale nor disposition to beate downe the leasinges of Satan. Nay ra∣ther [ 40] (which worse is) there are a great number which maintaine them willingly. And yet in the meane while men crye out that all thinges are confounded, that all thinges goe to hauocke, and that there are so greate troubles as is pitie to beholde. And what is the cause thereof? E∣uen the princes that are willing to maintaine er∣rours, and further them by all meanes they can, so as it may seeme that they bee of Satans setting vp, as it were to vpholde his part against [ 50] God and his worde. Their people likewise de∣sire nothing so much, as to be fedde with lyes; that is al their seeking, and God sendeth it them. For (as I haue shewed afore) it is a iust rewarde for them. Why then should men cry alas, or why should they be greeued at the matter, when all men both great and small seeke the vtter de∣facing of Gods trueth, and to giue scope to all manner of leasinges? Therefore let vs learne in any wise to haue the zeale and affectiō which [ 60] our Lorde commaundeth vs: or else it wil come to passe the heresies and errours shall in the end picke out our eyes, if we feede them still as wee be seene to doe. Let vs take the forementioned example of Ananias, and Ieremie. Ieremie taught in the name of God,* and it was prooued sufficiently that hee stepped not foorth on his owne heade: and yet for all that, the people woulde haue hadde him to let them alone, that euerie man might haue followed his owne wic∣ked lusts; they could not away with him, God his threatninges were to corrasiue, and therefore euery man sought to withstande Ieremie. Yea (quoth they) shall this fellowe trouble vs thus continually? Nowe heereupon God sent a de∣ceiuer that went about to make Ieremie a lyer before all the people assembled in the Temple: and no doubt but a great number were offended at it specially such as might consider, or say thus: What? We haue heere the Temple of God, as he himselfe appointed,* and it is the place where he will be worshipped; wee haue the Lawe, wee haue Gods promise that he will dwell among vs for euer. And yet nowe beholde, heere are two prophetes, of whome the one sayes, ye shall go into captiuitie, and the other sayes, it shall not be so. Besides this the deceiuer fell to buffe∣ting of Ieremie as it were to shame him, and gi∣ueth him the lye, so as Gods prophet was faine to stande there as abashed at the sight of such trouble. By reason whereof many might be sore moued as I sayde afore. But what? Let vs a lit∣le consider the state of that people. For when the gouernours were assembled, (which ought to haue mainteyned the pure religion, and had the prophet Ieremie as it were in their keeping) they to shewe themselues voyde of all iust dea∣ling, did not onely sette themselues against Ie∣remie,* but also (which worse is) affirme him to be worthie of death. Thus yee see howe Gods prophet was condemned both of greate and small: insomuch that euerie man ranne vppon him. For they were fully bent to giue them∣selues to all wickednesse, and to bee no more threatned in the name of GOD. If wee see the like noweadayes, let vs vnderstande that we bee worthy of such payment. For without going anie further, for all the preaching of the Gospell among vs, howe is it receiued? what re∣uerence yeelde wee to it? All men rush out into disorder, and we neede not speake any more of the popishe superstitions: for there is so deuilish wickednesse to bee seene, that euen such as haue beene counted the simplest cloynes, are fraugh∣ted full of blasphemies to spyte GOD withall and to laugh his worde openly to skorne. Yee see what murmuring there is, specially when vi∣ces are rebuked. To be shorte, mennes onely desire is to haue dumbe dogges, such as may haue no authoritie at all to speake, and vnruly people, drunkardes, gluttons, Leacherous, and I wote not what else. At a worde, men woulde haue either dogges or swine in the pulpit. This is the thing that they seeke for; And this is mennes desires in most places; who in steede of good and faithfull seruauntes to GOD, doe choose dogges and swine. And if a man seeke the remedie and the redresse of it: Hee must goe to the newe founde yles, for there is no man heere that will meddle with it. Sith we see such dealing, let vs consider what manner of obedi∣ence and feare of God there is in such folke. So Page  539 much the more therfore doth it stand vs in hand to beare ye exhortation wel in mind which I haue set downe alreadie: namely yt Gods working of our saluation is alwayes matched with his owne glorie. And therefore whensoeuer he perswa∣deth vs to maintaine his honour, it is all one as if he sayd, Ye wretched people, if ye make recke∣ning of the saluation of your owne soules: yee must prouide also that I may beare sway among you, and that I may be honored: and therefore [ 10] see that yee lay for it. Gods meaning then heereby is to shewe vs that he will haue his ho∣nour mainteined by making vs furtherers of his case, and that he will haue vs to sette it foreward as much as in vs lyes, or else we shalbe a pray to the deuill. Seeing that hee vttereth such loue towardes vs, it is no reason that wee on our side shoulde be negligent: but it behoueth vs to in∣deuour that errours and heresies may be rooted out from among vs. For if we doe not, we must [ 20] looke for the rewarde that I spake of, and God giueth vs too much proofe of it. On the other side when wee followe the order that is shewed vs heere, we must vnderstande that it behoueth vs to haue Gods honour in such estimation, as all other thinges may bee nothing with vs in comparison of that. Which thing will come to passe, if wee sticke stedfastly to his worde, and holde our selues to it though wee bee assaulted on all sides; and specially if wee resist the mis∣chiefe by looking to it aforehande, so as it ne∣stle [ 30] not among vs. Therefore let vs take heede that we bende our selues to it euerie man in his calling; and then wee neede not to doubt but that GOD will strengthen vs and stablish vs in the faith which wee haue receiued of him, so as we shal continue stedfastly therein vnto the end, and be throughly well fenced against all the as∣saultes of Satan and his vnderlinges.

Nowe let vs fall downe in the presence of our good God with acknowledgement of our faultes, praying him to make vs perceiue them better, And therewithall forasmuch as wee should soone be ouertaken by false teachers, let vs flee for suc∣cour to our God, and yeelde him thankes for his ridding of vs from the heresies and er∣rours wherein wee were snarled, and for his gi∣uing of vs the foode of life; praying him to make vs to tast thereof in such wise, as wee may neuer be turned away from it, but wisely discerne the way of life and the way of death asunder, to the ende that our saluation may bee kept safe in his handes, and we in the meane while eschewe the wyles that Satan worketh against euerie of vs particularly, so as wee may put them from vs lustily, and they haue no accesse vnto vs: but that wee may sticke so stedfastly to our God, as our whole seeking may be to acknowledge him for our king, and wee behaue our selues as his people, that hee also may alwayes auowe vs to be so. That it may please him to grant this grace not onely to vs, but also to all people and nations of the earth. &c.