How to knowe euery day at what houre the Moone riseth and setteth, and how long she continueth aboue the Horizon, and also when she is full South. The 11. Proposition. (Book 11)
FIrst you must learne by some Almanacke or Ephe∣merides in what signe and degrée the Moone is, and whether it be a Northerne signe or a Southern signe, for if she be in a Northerne signe, then bring her place to the Horizon of your latitude in the Northeast part of the Astrolabe, but if she be in a Southerne signe bring her place to the said Horizon in the Southeast part of the Astrolabe, & there hauing stayed the Rete bring the labell to the place of the Sun for that day, & the labell will point to the houre of the Moones rising in the limbe of the mater: but because the Almanack or Epheme∣rides do not set downe ye true place of the Moone but only at noone, you must therfore consider whether it be in the forenoone or in the afternoone that you séeke, for if it be in the afternoone you had néed to know how many houres are run from noone, and then for euery houre to adde halfe a degrée to the place of the Moone which you found at noonetide, but if it be in the forenoone, then you must sub∣tract from her place at noone, for euery houre halfe a degrée, so shal you go very nigh to finds her true place in the Zodiaque for that houre, though you know not her latitude which is but 5. deg. at the most, & therfore can cause no great error in this matter. Now to knowe when she setteth you must do thus, if the Moone be in any Northern signe, thē you must bring her place to the foresaid Hori∣zon in the Northwest part of the Astrolabe, & by laying the labell to the place of the sunne, it will point to the houre of her setting, but if she be in any Southerne signe, you must bring her place to the Horizon in the Southwesth part of the Astrolabe, and the labell being laide to the place of the Sunne will point to the houre of her setting. Now if you would knowe how long time she is aboue