The rogue: or The life of Guzman de Alfarache. VVritten in Spanish by Matheo Aleman, seruant to his Catholike Maiestie, and borne in Seuill
Alemán, Mateo, 1547-1614?, Mabbe, James, 1572-1642?

To the Translator.

WOuld any man sit still, and yet suruay
The world at large? Or study to betray
All humane Quiddities? Or would he view
All men vnmaskt, discerning false from true?
Would any man see Proteus? Would hee see
Proteus againe, and say; That this is hee?
Or see the Moone? And when she waxes light,
Know her to be the same, at second fight?
In this same Optick-Art, who striues to thriue,
Let him vse Guzman as a Perspectiue.
Page  [unnumbered]
Guzman, is all the World; know him alone,
And then yee know a Multitude in One.
The Spanish, lim's him: But this English phrase,
Adds life and colour; and prolongs his dayes.
The Spanish, was too small a Mapp: But this
Drawes him at large; and shewes him as hee is.
Nor let the subiect of this Booke seeme ill,
Because tis Guzman. Painters, shew their skill
No more in Beauty then Deformity:
No lesse in Deuils then a Deity.
All's one to them. Nor doe they thinke it more
To draw fayre Virgins, then a Blackamore.
Why then, should not a Rascall honour those,
Whose Language showes him to the life in Prose?
Reade him: and as his Labour shall appeare,
Commend his Pen by which he landed here.

Edw: Burton.