Here begynneth a newe boke of medecynes intytulyd or callyd the Treasure of pore men whiche sheweth many dyuerse good medecines for dyuerse certayn dysseases as in the table of this present boke more playnly shall appere. The boke of medecines.

¶Another for the same.

¶Take newe freshe chese & take smal powder of Ri¦salger and medyl it with lyfe Hony and sprede it vp on the chese and take womannes mylke that is newe mylked and with a fether a noynt it a boue and laye it to the sore whan thou goest to bedde and yf there be any canker there in he wyll come out and ete ther∣of & anone he shalbe deed or thys hath bene prouyd often tymes.