Here begynneth a newe boke of medecynes intytulyd or callyd the Treasure of pore men whiche sheweth many dyuerse good medecines for dyuerse certayn dysseases as in the table of this present boke more playnly shall appere. The boke of medecines.

¶Here foloweth dyuers good medy∣cynes for the feuers & for the hote Euyll and fyrste for the Feuer quarteyn.

TAke a hanfull of Percely / & a poūde of Comyn & .v quartes of wyne and sethe all to gether tyll the halfe dele and then gyue hym to drynke that is seke at morne colde and at euen hote & it wyll hell hym.

¶A medycyne for the hote Euyll.

¶Drynke marygolde & Saffrō and stale ale with in the thyrde owre that it is comyn vpō a body but drī∣ke no more therof after ye thyrd howre is passed how so euer ye do.

¶For to make a drynke for all feuers Postumes or any other sekenes in a mannes body.

¶Take euery daye of the pouder be fore sayde for ye dropsy in the wombe / & take I sope Rosemary Uio∣let Ueruayne Betayne herbe Iohū Mousere Mari¦goldes Planten Auence Sage Fetherfewe & of eche a hāfull and wasshe them well & stampe them a litell & do them in to a erthen pottand do ther to a galō of good whyte wyn & let it stāde all nyght wel couered Page  xxxiiii and on the morowe sethe it to a potell / & let it renne thorowe a clothe and do it in a clene vessell & couer it wel & vse therof .ix. dayes at euery tyme halfe a pynt at euen hote and at morowe colde who so euer vse thys medycyne shall be hole of all maner of these a∣foresayde sekenesses by ye grace of god / for so saythe Ipocras the phylosofer.

¶For the feuer quarteyne.

¶Take .iii. sedes of Myrre before the accesse come / & it shall remeue sertayne houres / or elles take a gar∣leke hede & the rotes of Radysshhe a .iii. peper cornes and stame them and temper them with wyne and drynke them & let the blode in the vayne of the mylte or make the hote by the fyre and let the blode vnder thy sholder & thou shalte be hole.

¶For the Feuer cotidian.

¶Stampe the sede of Ache / & whan hou feleste the Accesse come drynke it with iiii. spōful of colde wa∣ter or drynke ye iuse of Fetherfewe & Smalage with water a good quantite or the access come and he shal for sake the with in .iii. drynkynes.

¶For the feuer Ter••an.

¶Take the iuse of Planten & temper it with wyne or with .iiii. sponefull of water and drynke it a lytell be fore the acces come & laye the to slepe & couer the warme or take the lesse Sper worte & Beteye & tem¦per the ioyse ther with wyne or water and drynke a cuppe full by fore the access come and thys wyll swa¦ge the coldenes.

¶Another for the same.

¶Take Betayne Ambrose Horshone Solsequim Page  [unnumbered] Tanseye Mugworte wormewode Rewe Sauyne of eche a handfull & sethe them in water & wyne vn∣to the thyrde parte but let the seconde be of wyne & ye thyrde water and drynke a coppe full or the accesses come and anone it shall passe a waye / or take the myl¦ke of a gote & seth therin the sede of Blanscoke vnto the thyrde parte be wasted / & drynke it .iiii. dayes the euen & morne for it distroyeth all feuers.

¶Another for the same.

¶Take a good hādfull of wormwod & grynde it as small as Uertesausse and put ther in broune Brede and pouder of Comyn & temper it with Aysel made thyke as Uertsawse & whā thou felyste the accesse cū goo to thy naked bedde & make the ryght warme & laye it to thy stomake & laye lether nexte to the plays∣ter to holde in the iuse & bynde it faste to the with a towell tyll it b colde and than laye to a newe as hote as thou mayste suffer and whyle the acces dureth do so and it shall hele the.

¶Another for the same.

¶Take Urtica greca Planten Dandelion Myntes wormod Smalage of eche a handfull and boyle thē in a galō of water vnto a potell and than sett it dou∣ne to clere and drynke the fyrst daye .ix. sponefull the seconde daye .viii. and so euery daye a sponeful lesse tyl ye come to one daye one sponeful but drynke not tyll the accesse come or begyn to come and with in .ix. dayes it shall go a waye for thys hath bene often ty∣mes prouyd.

¶For a feuer Tercian.

¶A feuer tercian ys ingendered of great abundaū¦ce Page  xxxv of red coloure roted in the body as it is proued of wyse men & yf ye wyll be cured there of lyghtly take Quyntacens and yf ye haue not it take good Aqua∣uite & put therto a lytell ruberbe or new ale or some other thynges good to porge red coloure & put therin ye iuse of Dandelyon & vse to drynke these water bo∣the morne and euen and withouten dought ye shall be hole lyghtly.

¶For a Feuer cotydian.

¶A Feuer cotidiā all masters acordeth that he is en∣genderyd of a grete rotyn flewme & of hys abundā∣ce he is colde and moyste / for it take Quintaciencia and yf ye lacke it take Aquauite & put in it a lytel en∣forby or pouder of Elder flouers or of some other yt purgeth flume & vse to take thys at morne & at euen & ye shall be hole.

¶Another for the same.

¶Take one galon of whaye & sethe it to a potell thē take a handfull of Borage a handfull of Uioletes a a handfull of Longdebefe halfe a handfull of Dan∣delion a handfull of Sorell & sethe all to gethere to the quantite of a potell then strayne it & set it on the fyre a gayne and let it sethe and in the sethynge cla∣rifye it with ye whyte of an egge & when it is sodyn and clarifyed scum it clene & put it in a erthen potte stopped and vse to drynke it luke warme and it wyll helpe you

¶Another for the same.

¶Take a pottell of mylke and a sawserfull of ver∣iuse & fayre water and when the mylke is somwhat warme put in the verius and water & it wyl wax to Page  [unnumbered] a curde whyche put a waye & kepe the wheye / thē take a handfull of Borage Longdebefe & Sorell.

¶Another for the same.

¶who'so drynketh the iuse of Betayne an vnce & the iuse of planten wede medled to gether he shall be safe for the feuer tercyan be he neuer so seke. Also it is good for wormes in the wombe.

¶Now it is for to tell of dyuers medycynes for the Canker and Fester.

¶Take Mastyke Reckles Galyngale Spyknarde Gelyfur Canell and a pece of wollen clothe & brenne of yche one a ounce & make pouder and do therof in the mouthe & wasshe the mouthe whē thou wylte spe¦ke with white wyne or wayborde ioyse and scōmed hony.

¶A nother for the same.

¶Take .viii. or .ix. leues of Sage and stampe them with a lytell Salte and Aysel & make a playster and laye therto.

¶For a canker in a womans pappe

¶Take wormode and the white of a egge & scome it and dstyemper it with oyle of Uiolet / & let her blode on the waynes a bought the pappe

¶A Plaster for the Canker

¶Take Lyme in his vertue that is not quenchyd / & blacke Peper & Orpyment & stronge Aysell & Rewe Hony and Bely mele eunly & boyle them in a new potte tyll a man maye make powder of them / ye pou∣der Page  xxxvi is good for to sle bothe the canker & fester.

¶A nother for the same.

¶Take lene bacon and breune it & do it into the sore for it is good to the goute fester.

¶For a Canker on the pappe.

¶Take Fenne of a geyte and ye ioyse of celodyn & blende them to gether and do it to the sore.

¶For the Canker.

¶Take one pounde of virgyne waxe aud a pounde of barowes grece moltyn to gether & halfe a pounde of pured Frankencence an ounce of Mastyke halfe a pounde of spanyshe Code a pounde of stone Pyche iiii. peny wayght of Uerdegrece take al this thynges and breke them small & put them iu to afayre pane & set them on the fyre and melte them together than pouder thy verdegrece & put it in and al waye stere it faste for cleuynge to the botome than take it downe and let it kele tyll thou maste strayne it but a fore let wete the pannes botum for ••leuynge to / & it waxeth colde skymme a waye the fome a boue.

¶Another for the same.

¶Take newe freshe chese & take smal powder of Ri¦salger and medyl it with lyfe Hony and sprede it vp on the chese and take womannes mylke that is newe mylked and with a fether a noynt it a boue and laye it to the sore whan thou goest to bedde and yf there be any canker there in he wyll come out and ete ther∣of & anone he shalbe deed or thys hath bene prouyd often tymes.

¶To sle the canker within a mannes body.

¶Take the rote of Dagon and breke it on smal pe¦ces Page  [unnumbered] and drye it & make it in pouder and take .ix. peny weyght of the pouder & put it in wyne & sethe it well and then let the seke drynke ther of warme fastynge iii. dayes and he shall be hole and neuer haue it after on warantyes.

¶For vaynes broken within a manes body.

¶Take Aueron & Rewe and stampe them together and mengē the ioyse with stale ale & geue it the paci∣ent to drynke.

¶Another for the same.

¶Take flowre of Roses and barly & make a playster and bynde to the forhede & to the twhanges & bynde the knees aboue and benethe & the elbowes aboue & benethe & lett hym blode at the one arme

¶Another for the same.

¶Take Bursa pastoris & frete it well in thy handes and holde it to theyre nose.

¶For bolnynge of a vayne.

¶Take whete flowre the iouce of Ache and talowe and make a playster therof.

¶Another for the same.

¶Also take whete flower & hony and make a plays∣ter therof.

¶Another for the same

¶Also sethe in water groūde Benes & shepys talow and make a playster therof.

¶For a vayne that is broken in too.

¶Take thy blode & blende it with oyle / and smere ye a••• or that stede that is broken and bynde the vay∣ne that is broken.

Page  xxxvii

¶For Uaynes and senowes broken.

¶Take Oxceluen and lynsed and the flower of the whyte Malow & the rotes of the Lely & frye al to ge¦ther in grece / or in swete Mylke and make a playster therof and it shall swage the angushe. Seynt Cut∣bertes playster is good for the sore and sterkenes of the senowes.

¶Another for the same

¶Take the Mylke of a cowe that is of one coloure and the ioyse of Smalage & clene whete flowre and sethe them well and laye to the legge or arme for star¦kenes of the senowe.

¶To stanche blode wha a master vayne is cut

¶Take a pece of salte Befe the fatte and the lene to gether as moche as as thou thynkeste wyll into the woūde & laye it on the hot coles and let it roste ther tyll it be thorough hote & all hote put it in the wound and bynde it faste / and it shall stanche anone / and be not a dred therof on warantyes.

¶For to make a playster of herbes for ioyn∣tys that ar senowe spreynte

¶Take Grounde Iuy Bocklem and Synchon and Nete & Brosworte and S•••rene & pety Morell croppes and the roppes of herbe benet of eche of all this ilyke moche & wasshe thm clene & stampe them and boyle them in a pa••e ouer the fyre well / and as hote as the seke maye suffer it / so laye it to the sore & it shall sece the akynge and do a waye the sore and swellynge.