All the vvorkes of Iohn Taylor the water-poet Beeing sixty and three in number. Collected into one volume by the author: vvith sundry new additions corrected, reuised, and newly imprinted, 1630.

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All the vvorkes of Iohn Taylor the water-poet Beeing sixty and three in number. Collected into one volume by the author: vvith sundry new additions corrected, reuised, and newly imprinted, 1630.
Taylor, John, 1580-1653.
At London :: Printed by I[ohn] B[eale, Elizabeth Allde, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet] for Iames Boler; at the signe of the Marigold in Pauls Churchyard,

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"All the vvorkes of Iohn Taylor the water-poet Beeing sixty and three in number. Collected into one volume by the author: vvith sundry new additions corrected, reuised, and newly imprinted, 1630." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed August 31, 2024.


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THE PRAISE OF HEMP-SEED. WITH The Voyage of Mr. Roger Bird and the Writer hereof, in a Boat of browne-Paper, from London to Quinborough in Kent. As also, a Farewell to the matchlesse deceased Mr. THOMAS CORIAT.

The Profits arising by Hemp seed are
Cloathing, Food, Fishing, Shipping,
Pleasure, Profit, Iustice, Whipping.
The Profits arising by Hemp seed are
Cloathing, Food, Fishing, Shipping,
Pleasure, Profit, Iustice, Whipping.

DEDICATED TO THE RIGHT WORSHIP FVLL, PA∣ternes and Patrons of honest endeuours, Sir THOMAS HOVVET, and Sir ROBERT WISEMAN Knights: And to the worthy Gentleman, Mr. IOHN WISHMAN, Health, Mirth, and Happinesse, be euer attendants.


I Could haue soyled a greater volume then this with a deale of emptie and tri∣uiall scuffe: as puling Sonets, whining Elegies, the dog-trickes of Loue •••••••• to mocke Apes, and transforme men into Asses. Which kind of writing is like a man in Authoritie, ancient in yeares, rouerend in Beard, with a promi∣sing out-side of Wisedome and Grauitie, yet in the expected performances of his profound vnder standing, his capacitie speakes nething but Mutimus, But heere your Worships shall find no such stuffe: for thou I haue not done as I should, yet I haue performed as much as I could. I haue not had riuers of Oyle, or fountaines of wine to fill this my poore caske or booke: but I haue (as it were) extracted oyle out of steels, and wine out of dry chaffe. I haue here of a graine of Hemp∣seed made a mountaine greater then the Apenines or Caucalus, and not much lesser then the whole world. Here is Labour, Profit, Cloathing, Pleasure, Food, Nauigation: Diuinitie, Poetry, the liberall Arts, Armes, Vertues defence, Vices offence, a true mans protection, a Thiefes execution. Here is mirth and matter all beaten out of this small Seed.

With all, my selfe for my selfe, and in the behalfe of Mr. Roger Bird, doe most humbly thanke your Worships for many former vndeserued courtesies and fauours extended towards vs, especially at our go∣ing our dangerous Voyage in the Paper boat: for which wee must euer acknowledge our selues bound to your Goodnesses. Which voyage I haue merrily related at the end of this Pamphlet, which with the rest I haue made bold to dedicate to your Worshipfull and worthy Patronages, humbly desiring your pardons and acceptances, euer remaining to bee commanded by yon and yours in all obsequiousnesse.


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  • 1 The most part of such Authors are nominated, as haue written of triuiall matters.
  • 2 The Names of most of the Pagan and Heathenish Idols, that haue beene and are honoured at this present.
  • 3 The profit and pleasure all Countries haue by Hemp-seed.
  • 4 How it propagates the Gospell.
  • 5 Nauigation, with the Commodities it brings and carries.
  • 6 How many Trades and Functions liue by it.
  • 7 How when it is worne to ragges, it is made into Paper.
  • 8 How many liue by it being Paper.
  • 9 The sacred memory of Patriarchs, Prophets, Euangelists, Apostles, and Fathers.
  • 10 The foure Monarchies.
  • 11 The seauen Wonders.
  • 12 Philosophers, Historians, Chronographers, Poets ancient and moderne, the best fort mentioned.
  • 13 The Anatomy of a Brownist, or precise Amsterdamd Puritane.
  • 14 A Voyage in a Paper-boat to Quinborough.
  • 15 The description of a Sea-storme.
  • 16 The Names of the most famous Riuers in the World.
  • 17 The praise of the noble Riuer of Thames,

A. Preamble, Preatrot, Preagallop, Preauick, Preapace, or Preface; and Proface my Masters, if your stomackes serue.

BOoke, goe thy wayes, and honest mirth prouoke: And spightfull spirits with Melancholy choake. •••••• I command thee, where thou dost resort. To be the bad mens terrour, good mens sport. Netre as thou canst, I pray thee doe not misse, In make them vnderstand what Hempseed &. Me thinkes I heare some knauish foolish head, Accuse condemne, and judge before bee read: Saying, the fellow that the same hath made, It ame bouicke Waterman by trade: And therefore it cannot worth reading be, Being compil'd by such anoue as he. Another spends his censure like Tom ladle, (Brings in his fine egs, soure of which are adle) Mewes and makes faces, yet scarce knowes what's what: Hemp.seed (quoth he) what canbe writ of that? Thus these deprauing minds their iudgements scatter Eyber against the Writer or the Matter. But let them (if they please) reade this Preamble, And they will finde that I haue made a scamble To sew my pocre plentious want of skill, How Hemp-seed doth deserue, preserue, and kill, I muse that neuer any exe'lent wit Of this forgotten subiect yet bath writ. The theams is rich, although esteemed meane, Not scuvrulous, prophane, nor yet obsceane. And such as taske may well become a quill To blaze it, that hath all the grounds of skill. This worke were no dishonour or abuse, To Homer, Ouid, or to Marots Muse. A thousand Writers for their art renown'd Haue made farrt baser things their studies ground. That men haue cause to raile' gainst fruitlesse Rimes, (Vainely compil'd in past and present times,) And say, O Hemp-seed, how art thou forgotten By many Potts that are dead and rotten I And yet how many will forget the still, Till they put on a Tyburne Pickadill.
The Names of most of such Authors or their Workes, as haue writ vpon many poore subiects.
Erasmus, that great Clerke of Rotterdam, In praise of Folly many lines did frame: The summe and pith of all his whole intents Showes Fooles are guilty, and yet Innocents.

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Another, briefly, barely did relate The naked honour of a bare bald Pate: And for there's not a haire twixt them and heau'n, The title of tall men to them is giuen: And sure they put their foes in such great dread. That none dares touch a haire vpon their head.
Mountgomerie, a fine Scholler did compile The Cherrry and the Sloe in learned stile. Homer wrote brauely of the Frog and Rat, And Virgil versifi'd vpon a Gnat, Ouid set forth the Art of lustfull Loue. Another wrote the Treatise of the Deue. One with the Grashopper doth keepe a rut. Another rimes vpon a Hazell Nut. One with a neat Sophisticke Paradoxe Sets sorth the commendations of the Poxe. Signout Inamorato's Muse doth sing In honour of his Mistris Gloue or Ring, Her Maske, her Fanne, her Pantosle, her Glasse. Her Any thing, can turne him to an Asse. Plinie and Aristotle Write of Bees. Some write of Beggeries twenty foure degrees. One of the Owle did learnedly endite, And brought the Night bird welcome to day-light. A second did defend with tooth and nayle. The strange contentment men may find in Iayle. A third doth the third Richard much commend, And all his bloudy actions doth defend. A fourth doth shew his wits exceeding quicknesse, In praise of Tauerns healths and Drunken sicknesse. A fift doth toyle hit Muse quite out of breath, Of aduerse Fortune, banishment or death. A sixt the very Firmament doth harrow, Writes of the Parret, Popinjay and Sparrow, The Storke, the Cuckoe: Nothing can escape, The Horse, the Dog, asse, foxe, ferret, and the ape. Mounsieur de Gallia, writes all night till noone, Commending highly Tenis or Baloone. Anothers Museus high as Luna flies, In praise of hoar sursse, dropsies, and bleare eyes, The Gout, Sciatica, scab'd hams, small legs: Of thred-bare cloakes, a jewes-trump, or potch'd egges. One, all his wit at once, in Rime discloses The admirable honour of red noses: And how the nose magnificat at doth beare A tincturs, that did neuer colour feare. One doth her icke it throng hout our coast, The vertue of muld-facke, and ale and toast. Another takes great paints with inke and pen, Approuing fat men are true honest men. Out makes the ha••••ig hy vaty welkin ring In praise of Custards, and a bag, pudding. Another, the•••••• inke and paper, Exalting Dauncing makes his Muse to caper. Anothers humour will nothing allow To bee more profitable •••••• a Cow, Licking his lips, in thinking that his theame Is milke, cheese, butter, whay, whig, curds, and creame, Leather ana Veale, and that which is most chiefe Tripes, chitterlings, or fresh powder'd beefe. A number haue contagiously rehearsed And on Tobacco vpouriz'd and vearsed. Maintaining that it was a drug deuine Fit to be seru'd by all the Sisters nine. Yet this much of it, I shall euer thinke, The more men stirre in it, the more 'twill stinke, A learned Knight, of much esteeme and worth, A pamphlet of a Priuie did set forth, Which strong breath'd Ajax was well like'd, because Twas writ with wit and did deserue applause. One wrote the Nightingale and lab'ring Ant. Another of the Flea and th'Elephant. Tom Nash a witty pamphlet did endite In praise of Herrings, both the red and write. And some haue writ of Maggots and of Flies A world of fables, fooleris, and lies. And this rare Hempsee a that such profit brings, To all estates of subiects, and of Kings, Which rich commoditie of man should lacke, He were not worth a shirt vnto his backe. And shall is no tryamphant honour haue, But lye dead, buried in obliuions graue? Some Critticks will perhaps my writing tax With falshood, and maintaine their shirts are flax, To such as those, my answer shall be this, That Flax the male and Hemp the female is, And thier engendring procreatiue seed A thousand thousand helpes for man ath breed. And as a man by glauncing vp his eye Sees in the aire a stocke of wilde Geese flye: And ducks, and woodcocks, oyboth sexes be Though men doe name but one, forbreuity, There'eganders 'mongst the geese, hens with the cocks, Drakes with the ducks, all male and female stocks, The Ewe, the Ram, the Lambe, and the sat weather, In generall are called sheepe together. Harts, Stages, Bucks, Does, Hinds, Roes, Fawnes, euery where, Are in the generality call'd Deere. So Hemp and Flax, or which you list to name Are male and female, both one, and the same. Those that 'gainst these comparisons deride, And will not with my lines be satisfide, Let them imagine e'e they doe condemne I loue to play the foole with such as them. The cause why Hempseed hath endur'd this wrong And hath its worthy praise obscur'd so long, I doe suppose it to bee onely this That Poets know their insufficience is, That were earth Paper, and Sea inke, they know 'T were not enough great Hempseeds worth to show, I muse the Pagans, with varietie, Of godles Gods, made it no Deity.

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Heeree followes the names of most of the heathen Gods and ••••••s.
The AEgyptians to a Bull, they Arts nam'd A temple most magnificent they framed, The ••••is, Crocodile, a cat, a dog, The Hippopostamy, beetles, or a frog. ••••••••••••mons, dragons, the wolfe, aspe, ••••le, and R••••, (Base beastly gods, for such curst •••••••• of Cham,) ••••s were so with I dolatry misted, They worship'd Onios, and a garlike had.
If these people had tasted but a messe of Tewxbury must and they would surely haue honoured it ot a God or eared it as a ••••••••••.
King Ieroboam for his gods did take, Two golden calues, and the tru God forsake, •••••• Philistins, and the Assirians, The Persians and Babilonians, S••••••••ritns, and the Arabians, The Thebans, Spartans, and Athenians, The Indians, Parthians, and the Libians The Britaines, Galliant, and Hibernians: Since the first Chaos, or creation ••••••ry hath crept in euery Nation, And as the diuell did mens minds inspire, Some worshipt, earth, seme aire, or water, fire, Windes, Riuers, Rainbow, Stars, and Moone and Sun: Ceres, and Bacchus riding on his un, Mars, Saturne, Ioue, Apollo, Mercury; Priapus and the Queene of techery, Vulcan, Diana, Pluto, Proserpine, P••••••••••, Neptune, and Pan piping shrine: Old B••••••m Bercrthia: Stones and Trees Bwit •••••• creatr•••• worshipt on their knees. B••••l, B••••••z, ••••••, Niro••••, the Di••••ll, and D••••gon, Asha••••oth, Rmmon, Belus, Bli, the Dragon: Flies, soules, hawkes, ••••••men; any thing they) saw: Their very P••••••ies they did serne with awe: And the did sacrifice, at sundry ••••••sts Their ch••••••••e vnto diuels, stockes, stones and beasts. O had these men the worth of Humpseed knowne, Their b••••••••, z•••••• (no doubt) they would haue showne In building Temples, and would alters frame. Lake Ephesus to great Dianaes name. And therefore Merchants, Marrners, people all Of all trades, on your marrow bones •••• •••••• fall: For you could neither rose, or bte or ••••p, If noble Hempseed did not hold you vp. And Reader now •••• •••••••••• it is •••• •••••••• To come vnto the matter with my ••••••••. But iudge not •••••••• you •••••• well read and scan'd. And asks your selues if you dec vnder stand: And if you can, doe but this fauour shew Make no ill faces, cry•••••• •••••••• and ••••mew: For though I dare not brag, I dare •••••••• taine Tue censurers will iudge I haue •••••••• paine. Vnto the wise I humbly doe submit: For those that play the fooles for want of wit, My poore reuenge against them st•••••• shall be, Ile laugh at them whilst they doe scoffe at me.

THE PRAISE OF HEMP-SEED: WITH The Voyage of Mr. Roger Bird and the Writer hereof, in a Boat of browne-Paper, from London to Quinborough in Kent.

SWeet sacred Muses, my inuention raise Vnto the life, to writ•••• great Hempseeds praise. This grain growes to a stalk, wrose coat or ••••in, Good industry doth achellt ••••••, and pin, And for mans best aduantage and auailes It makes clothes, cordage, halters, ropes and sailes, From this small Aome, mighty matters springs, It is the Art of nauigations wings; It spreads aloft, the lofty skie it scales, ••••••s o're the great Leuiathan and Whales, D••••es to the boundlesse bottome of the deepe, What Neptune doth mongst dreadful monsters keep,

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From Pole to pole, it cuts both Seas and Skyes, From th'orient to the occident it flyes. Kings that are sndred farre, by Seas and Lands, It makes them in a manner to shake hands. It fils our Land with plenty wonderfull, From th'Esterne Indi•••• from the great Mogull, From France, from Portiagale, from Venice, Spaine, From Denmarke, Norwy, it seds o'er the maine, Vnto this Kingdome it doth wealth acrue From beyond China. farre beyond 'Peru From Bega, Almaine, the West Indies, and From Guiny, Biny, ••••••and, New sound land, This little seed is the great instrument To shew the power of God Omnipotent, Whereby the glorious Gospell of his Sonne, Millions misled soules hath from Sathan wonne.
It is an instrument by the appointment of God for the encrease of the Gospell of Christ.
Those that knew no God in the times of yore, Now they their great Creator doe adore, And many that did thinke they did doe well To giue themselues a sacrifice to Hell, And seru'd the Diuell with th'inhumane slaughters, Of their vnhappy haplesse sonnes and daughters. Now they the remnant of their liues doe frame To praise their Makers and Redeemers name. Witnesse Virginia, witnesse many moe, Witnesse our selues few hundred yeares agoe, When in Religion, and in barbarous natures, We were poore wretched misbeleeuing creatures. How had Gods Preachers faild to sundry coasts, Tinstrust men how to know the Lord of Hosts? But for the Sayles which he with wind doth fill. As Seruants to accomplish his great will. But leauing this high supernaturall straine, I'le talke of Hempseed in a lower vaine. How should we haue gold, siluer, jems, or Iewels, Wine, oyle, spice, rice, and diuers sorts of fewels: Food for the belly, clothing fot the bake, Silke, Sattin, Veluat, any thing we lacke, To serue necesicies? How should we get Such sorts of plenteous fish, but with the net? The smelt, Roaoh, Salmon, Flounder and the Dace, Would in fresh riuers keeps their dwelling place. The Ling, Cod, Herring, Sturgeon, such as these Would lie and dy in their owne natiue Seas. Without this feed the Whale could not be caught, Whereby our oyles are out of Greenland brought. Nay wer't not for the net made of this seed, Mn could not catch a Sprat whereon to feed. Besides, it liberally each where bestowes A liuing vpon thousands where it growes: As beaters, Spinners, Weauers, and a crue Of halter makers which could s••••rce line true, But for th'imployment which this little graine Doth vse them in, and payes them for their paine.
Mirth and Truth are good companions.
The Rope makers, the Net makers, and all Would be trade falne, for their trade would fall. Besides, what multitudes of Fishers are In euery Sea, town, numbers past compare, Whilest they their seruants, children and their wiues. From Hempsceed get their liuing all their liues. The Fish-mongers would quickly goe to wrack, The lacke of this seed would be their great lack, And being now rich, and in good reputation, They would haue neither Hall nor Corporation, And all that they could buy, or sell, or barter Would scarce be worth a Gubb in once a quarter. The mounting Larke, that seemes so high to fye, Vntill she seemes no greater then a Flie; And to the flaming Sunne doth chirp and prate, Doth in the net come to her ending date. My neighbour Woodcocke, buzzard and the Gull, And Philip Sparrow all most plentifull. All sorts or faire fowle, or the soule•••• fowle, From the degree of the Eagle to the Owle, Are with ingenucut jns, grins, nes and snares For mans reliefe oft taken vnawares: Deeres, Hares, and Conies would too much abound, And ouer-run the beating breeding ground, And Wezls, Polcats, Wildcats, Stoats ans such Like spoyling Vermin, would annoy men much But for toyles, hayes, for traps, for snares and grins, Which brings vs food, and profit by their skins, No Plowman liues beneath the azure Cope, But for his plough or cart must vse the rope: No Hotler liues in ours, or other Lands, But makes the halters Horses falling bands. Bl would hang dead within the loftie steeple And neuer call to Church forgetfull people, Mute like a bagbite, that hath lost his bag, Except the Bell ropes made the clappers wag. It were an endlesse t••••keo goe about it, To reckon those that cannot liue without it, Alasse what would our silken Mercers be? What could they doe (sweet Hempseed) but for thee? Rash, Taffata, Paropa, and Nouato, Shagge, Pillizetta, Damaske and Mockado, No Veluers Piles, two Piles, pile and halfe Pile, No Plush, or Grograines could adorne this Ile, No cloth of siluer, Gold, or Tisue, here: Philip and Cheiny neuer would appeare Within our bounds, nor any Flanders-ferge Could euer come within our Kingdomes verge: Should Mercers want these things with diuers more Their trade were nothing or else very poore. This seed doth helpe the Grocer euery season, Or else his wisedome could not yeeld a reison;

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He could not long be Currant in his state. And (scarcely worth a fig) would end his Date. For Cloues his credit would be clouen quick, Not from the loafe or lumpe, his lips could licke: No Natmegs, Liquoris, or biting graines Or Almons for a Parrat, were his gaines, Sans Ginger weakely he would run his Race, And Powltry Mace, would put downe Indian Mace: And he vnable (through his want of pelfe) To pepper vs, or yet to prune himselfe. The Draper of his wealth would much be shorted But that our cloathes and Kersies are transported, Our cottons, penistones, frizadoes, baze, Our sundry sorts of frizes, blackes and grayes. And linnen Dapers but for transportation, Could hardly, Canuase out their occupation. Hempseed doth yeeld or else it doth allow Lawne, Cambricke, Holland, Canuase, Callico, Normandy, Hambrough, strong poledauis, Lockram, And to make vp the Rime (with reason) Buckram. The Gold smiths trade would totter and vnsettle, And he could be a man of no good mettle, Were't not for Sailes and Ropes that Ships doe rig, That bring gold, siluer, many a Sow and Pig; Which makes them by an admirable skill To liue by that which many a Horse doth kill, Which is the* 1.1 Fashions: for continually They sell the fashion, but they seldome buy.
And braue wine Marchants, little were your gaine, By Mallegoes, Canaries Sacke from Spaine, Sweet Allegant, and the concocted Cute, Hollock and Tent would be of small repute.
O all you Bahinalian drnkards honour Hamp-seed.
Your Bastards their owne Fathers would forget, Nor they our Gossips lips no more would wet. The wind no Muskadine could hither bandy, Or sprightfull Malmesey out of fruitfull Candy. Liatica or Corsica could not From their owne bearing breeding bounds be got. Peter-se-me, or head strong Charnico, Sherry, nor Rob-o-Dauy here could flow. The French Frontinicke, Claret, Red nor White, Graues nor High-Country could our hearts delight. No Gascoygne, Orloance, or the Chrystall Sherrant Nor Rhenish from the Rheine would be apparant. Thus Heempseed, wth these wines, our land doth spread Which if we want, wine Marchants trades were dead.
The Vintners trade were hardly worth a rush Vnable to hang vp a signe, or bush; And were't not for this small forgotten graine Their coniuring at midnight would be vaine. Anon, anon, would be forgotten soone, And he might seore a pudding in the Moone, But not a pinte of Clarret in the Sunne, Because the emptie hogshead cok not runne, His blushing lattice would looke pile and wan. Nor could he long be a well liquord man: No more could all his regiment of pots A••••right men daily, with scores bells, and sots.
The Taylors trade would hardly get them bread If Hempseed did not furnish them with thread; And though it •••• a terror to most ••••ues Yet it thus occupation neuer greeues, They loue it, black, brown, yellow greene, red, blew, Which is a signe, that Taylers must be true:
The worthy Company, or warme lin'd Skinners Would in short spact be miserable sinners It Hempseed did not oft supply their boxes With Russian Sables, Miniuers and Foxes: With Beares & Budges, and rare powered Ermines, And with the skins of diuers beasts and Vermines.
The Habberdasher of small ware, would be In a small time, a man of small degree: If Hempseed did not helpe him by the great, Small would his gaines be, to buy cloathes or meat. Then might his wares be rightly tearmed small Which would be eyther few or none at all,
And* 1.2 Dyers though you doe no colours feare, 'Tis Hemseed that doth you to riches reare, Woad, Madder, Indico and Cutcheneale, Brazil, and Logwood, and aboundant deale Of drugs, which did they not your wants supply, You could not liue, because you could not dye.
Apothecaries were not worth a pin, If Hempseed did not bring their commings in; Oyles, Vnguents, Sirrops, Minerals, and Baulmes, (All Natures treasure, and th'Almighties almes,) Emplasters, Simples, Compounds, sundry drugs With Necromanticke names like fearefull Bugs, Fumes, Vomits, purges, that both cures, and kils, Extractions, consernes, preserues, potions, pils, Ellixers, simples, compounds, distillations, Gums in abundance, brought from foraigne nations.
A braue world for Physitions and Chyrurgions the while.
And all or most of these forenamed things Helps, health, preseruatiues: and riches brings. There's many a Gallant dallying with a Drab, Hath got the Spanish pip, or Naples scab. The Golliae Morbus or the Scottish fleas, Or English Poxe, for all's but one disease, And though they were perfum'd with Ciuet hot Yet wanting these things they would stinke and rot, With gowts, Consumptions, Palsies, Lethargies, With apoplexies, quinzies, plurifies, Cramps, cataracts, the teare-throat cough and tisick From which, to health men are restor'd by Physicke,

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Agues, quotidian, quartan:, tertian, or The leprosie, which all men doe abhor. The stone, strangury, botches biles, or blaines, Head aches, cankers, swimming of the braines, Ruptures, Herni••••quosa, or Carnosa, Or the Evlien hernia veniosa. All Dropsies, Collicks, laundizes, or Scabs, Gangrenaes, Vicers, wounds, and mortall stabs. Illiaca passioes, Megrims, Mumps, or Mange, Contagious bloods, which through the veins do range S••••rsses, eazles, murraines, fluxes, all these griefes, Tansported me••••••ines daily bring releefes, Most seruiceable Hempseed but for thee, These helpes for man could not thus scattered be. Tbacoes fire would soone be quenched out, Nor would it leade men by the nose about: Nor could the Merchants of such Heathen Dcks From small beginnings purchase mighty stocks: By folles daily dancing to their pipe Their states from rotten stinking weeds grow ripe; By which meanes they haue into Lordships run The Clients being beggered and, vndone: Who hauing smock'd their Land to fire and ayre They whiffe and puffe themselues into dispaire. Ouid 'mongst all his Metamorphosis Ne're knew a* 1.3 transformation like to this, Not yet could Ocdipus e're vnderstand, How to rurne Land to smoake, and smoake to Land. For by the meanes of this bewitening smother, Oe Element is turn'd into another, As Land to fire, fire, into Ayrie matter, From ayre (too late repenning) turnes to water.
By Hempseed thus, fire water, aire, earth, all Are chang'd by padding, leafe, roule, pipe and ball. Lip licking Comfit-makers, by whole trade, Dainties come thou to me are quickly made; Baboones, and hobby horses, and owles, and apes, Swans, geese, dogs, woodcocks, & a world of shapes, Castles for Ladies, and for Carpet Knights, Vnmercifully spoyld at feasting fights. Where hattering bullets are fine sugred plums, No feare of roaring guns, or thundring drums: There's no tantara, sa sa sa, or force, Of man to man, or warlike horse to horse; No mines, no countermines, no pallizidoes, No parrapets, or secret ambuscadoes, Of bloud and wounds, and dismall piercing lances Men at this fight are free from such mischances. For many gailants guilded swords doe weare, Who fight these battels without wit or feare: All ••••uing as they did for honour thirst, All greedy which can giue the onser first; Each one contending in this Candied coyle, To take most prisoners, and put vp most spoyle.
Sweet warris, and dangerous toth.vlours.
Retiring neuer when they doe assoile, But most aduenturously with tooth and nayle, Raze, r••••••te, demol'sh, and con'ound, The sugred fabricke ••••••ll with the ground. And hauing lad the buildings thus along, They swallow downe, and pocket vp the wrong. That who so that way afterwards doe passe. Can see no signe where such a Castle was: For at these warres most commonly 'tis seene, Away the victors carry all things cleane. It fortunes in these battels now and then Women are better Souldiers farre then men: Such sweet mouth'd fights as these doe often fall After a Christning, or a Funerall. Thus Hempe the Comfit-makers doth supply, From them that newly liue, and newly dye. If the blacke Indians or Newcastle coles Came not in Fleets, like fishes in the sholes, The rich in gownes and rugs themselues might sold, But thousands of the poore might statue with cold.
The commodities of these blacke indis are worth more white money to vs, then eyther the East or West Indes •••••• be profitable.
Smiths, Brewers, Diers, all estates that liues, This little seed seruice or comfort giues. For why, our Kingdome could not serue our turne, For Londons vse, with wood uen yeares to burne: And which way then could coales supply our need, But by th' Almightie bounty and this seed? You braue Neptunians, you salt water crew, Sea-plowing Marriners; I speake to you: From Hemp you for your selues and others gaine Your Spit sayle, fore-sayle, top-sayle, & your maine, Top, and top-gallant, and your mizzn abaft, Your coursers, bonnets, drablers, sore and aft, The sheats, tacks, boliens, braces, halliars, tyes, Shrowds, tatlings, lanyards tackles, lists, and guies, Your martlines, ropeyarnes, gaskets, and your stayes, These for your vse, small Hemp-seed vp doth raise:
The boirope, boatrope, guestrope, catrope, portrope The bucket rope, the boat-rope, long or short rope, The entering-rope, the top rope (and the rest Which you that are acquainted with know best: The lines to sound in what depth you slide, Cables and hausers, by which ships doe ride: All these, and many moe then I can name, From this small seed, good industry doth frame. Ships. Barks, Hoyes, Drumlers, Craires, Boats, all would sink, But for the Ocum aulk'd in euery chink. Th'vnmatched Loadstone, and best figur'd Maps Might shew where foraine Countries are (perhaps)

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The Compasse (being rightly toucht) will show The thirty two points where the winds do blow; Men with the Iacobs staffe, and Astrolobe May take the height and circuit of the Gloe: And sundry Art like instruments looke cleare In what Horizon, or what Hemisphere Men sayle in through the raging ruthlesse deepe, And to what coast, such and such course to keepe; Guessing by th'Artike, or Antartike starre, Climates and countries being ne're so farre. But what can these things be of price or worth To know degrees, heights, depths, East. W.S. North What are all these but shadowes, and vaine hopes, If ships doe eyther want their Sailes or Ropes? And now ere I offend, I must confesse A little from my theame I will digresse; Striuing in verse to shew a liuely forme Of an impetuous gast, or deadly storme. Where vncontrouled Hyperborean blasts Teares all to tatters, Tacklings, Sailes, and Masts; Where boy ••••erous puffes of Eurus breath did hiz And mongst our shrouds and cordage wildely whiz; Where thundering Ioue amidst his lightening flashing Seem'douerwhelm'd with Neptunes mountaine da∣shing Where glorious Titan hath his burning light, Turning his bright Meridian to blacke night: Where blustring Eole blew confounding breath, And thonders fearefull larum threatned death, Where Skyes, and Seas, Haile, Wind, and slauering Sleet As if they all at once had meant to meet In fatall opposition, to expire The world, and vnto Chaos backe retire. Thus whilst the Winds and Seas contending gods, In rough robustious fury are at ods, The beaten ship tost like a forcelesse feather, Now vp, now downe, & no man knowing whither: The Topmast some time tilting at the Moone, And being vp doth fall againe as soone, With such precipitating low descent, As if to hels blacke Kingdome downe she went. Poore ship that rudder. or no steerage feeles, Sober, yet worse then any Drunkard reeles, Vnmanag'd guidlesse, too and fro she wallowes, Which (seemingly) the angry billowes swallowes.
A storme.
Midst darkenesse, lightning, thunder, sleet, and raine, Remorcelesse winds and, mercy wanting Maine, Amazement, horror, dread from each mans face Hid chas'd away liues bloud, and in the place Was sad despaire, with haire heau'd vp vpright With ashy visage, and with sad affright, As if grim Death with his all-murdering dart, Had ayming beene at each mans bloudlesse heart, One tryes the Master, lower the top-saile, lower, Then vp aloft runs scambling three or foure, But yet for all their hurly urly hast, E're they got vp, downe tumbles Saile and Mast. Veere the maine sheat there, then the Master cride, Let rise the fore tack, on the Latboord side: Take in the sore-sayle, yare, good fellowes, yare, Aluffe at helme there, ware no more, beware. Steere South, South East there I say ware, no more, We are in danger of the Leeward shore, Cleere your maine brace, let got the bol in there, Port, port, the helme hard, Rumer come no neere. Sound, sound, heaue, heaue the lead, what depth, what depth? Fadom and a halfe, three all, Then with a whisse, the winds againe doe puffe, And then the Master cries aluffe, aluffe, Make ready th'anker, ready th'anker hoe, Cleere, cleere the boighrope, steddy, well steer'd, so; Hale vp the boat, in Sprit-sayle there afore, Blow winde and burst, and then thou wilt giue o're, Aluffe, clap helme a lec, yea, yea, done, done, Downe, downe alow, into the hold, quicke runne. There's planck sprung, somthing in hold did break. Pump bullies, Carpenters, quicke stop the leake. Once heaue the lead againe, and sound abafte, A shafnet lesse, seuen all. Let fall the Ancker there, let fall, Man man the boat, a woat hale, vp hale, Top yet maine yard, a port, veere cable alow, Ge way a head the boat there hoe, dee row, Well pumpt my hearts of gold, who sayes amends East and by South, West and by North she wends. This was a weather with a witnesse here, But now we see the skyes begin to cleare, To dinner hey, and lets at ancker ride. Till winds grow gentler, and a smoother tide.
I thinke I haue spoken Heathen. Greeke, Vtopian, or Ber∣mudian, to a great many of my readers, in the descrip∣tion of this storme, but indeed I wrote it onely for the vnderstanding Mariners reading. I did it three yeares since, and could not finde a fitter place then this to insert it, or else it must haue laine in silence. But to proceed to my former theame of Hemp-seed.
The Shoe-maker and Cobler with their Ends One alwayes makes, and t'other euer mends: Take away Hemp, the sole and vpper leather I know could neuer well be sow'd together. And for the Cobler it appeareth plaine That hee's the better workman of the twaine, For though a Shoomaker in art excell, And makes his shoes and boots neuer so well: Yet euermore it is the Coblers trade To mend the worke the Shoomaker hath made.
The Character of a Cobler.
The Cobler (like a Iustice takes) delight To set men that doe walke aside, vpright,

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And though he looke blacke as he carried coles, He daily mendeth desperate wicked soles: Though Crownes and Angels may perhaps be scant, Yet store of peeces he doth neuer want: And let his woke be ended well or ill, Here's his true honour, he is mending still. And this his life and occupation is, And thus he may thanke Hempseed for all this. For Hempseed if men rightly vnderstand, Is knowne the greatest Iustice in a Land: How could men trauaile safely, here and there, If Hempseed did not keepe a Theefe in feare; No man within his house could liue or rest For villuines, that would pilfer and molest, And breakedowne walls, and rifle chests and truncks To maintaine drinking, dicing, Knaues and Punks: That many a one that's wealthy ouer night, Would t're the breake of day bebegger'd quite: Worth thousands lately, now not worth a groat, And hardly scapes the cutting of his throat. No doubt but many a man doth liue and thriue, Which but (for Hemp-seed) would not be aliue; And many a wife and Virgin doth escape A rude deflouring, and a barbarous rape: Because the halter in their minds doe run, By whom these damned deeds would else be done. It is a bulwarke to defend a Prince. It is a Subiects armour and defence: No Poniard, Pistoll, Halbert, Pike, or Sword Can such defensiue or sure guard afford. There's many a Rascall that would rob, purloine, Pick pockets, and cut purses, clip and coine, Doe any thing, or all things that are ill, If Hempseed did not curbe his wicked will. 'Tis not the breath or letter of the Law That could keepe Theeues rebellious wils in awe; For they (to saue their liues) can vse perswasions. Tricks, sleights, repriues, and many strange euasions. But tricke, repriue, or sleight nor any thing Could euer goe beyond a Hempen string. This is Lawes period, this at first was made To be sharpe Iustice executing blade. This string the Hangman monthly keepes in tune, More then the Cuckoes song in May or Iune, It doth his wardrobe, coine and stocke vproare, In euery moneth and quarter of the yeare.
Yet there hath beene two or three Sessions, wherein none hath beene execused; by which meanes he is in danger of breaking, or bankeruptisiue; for the Hangmans trade is maintained by Iu∣stice, and not by mercy.
Besides it is an easie thing to proue, It is a soueraigne remedie for loue: As thus, suppose your thoughts at hourely strife Halfe mad, and almost weary of your life, All for the loue of some faire female creature, And that you are entangled with his feature, That you are sad, and glad, and mad and tame, Seeming to burne in frost, and freeze in flame, In one breath, sighing, singing, laughing, weeping, Dreame as you walke, and waking in your sleeping, Accounting houres for yeares, and moneths for ages, Till you enioy her, that your heart encages, And she hath sent you answers long before That her intent is not to be your whore: And you (for your part) meane vpon your life Ne're while you liue to take her for your wife, To end this matter, thus much I assure you, A Tiburne Hempen-caudell well will cure you. It can cure Traytors, but I hold it fit T'apply't ere they the treason doe commit: Wherefore in Sparta it yeleped was, Snickup, which is in English Gallow-grasse.
The names that diuers Nations did attribute to Hemp-seed.
The Libians call'd it Reeua, which implies It makes them dye like birds a twixt earth and skyes, The name of Choak-wort is to it assign'd, Because it stops the venom of the mind. Some call it Neck-weed, for it hath a tricke To cure the necke that's troubled with the crick, For my part all's one, call it what you please, 'Tis soueraigne 'gainst each Common-wealth disease, And I doe wish that it may cure all those That are my Soueraignes and my Countries foes. And further, I would haue them searchd and seene With care and skill when as their wounds be green, For if they doe to a Gangrena runne, There's little good by Hempseed can be done; For could I know mens hearts, I hold it reason To hang a Traytor in his thought of treason: For if his thought doe grow vnto an act It helpes not much to hang him for the fact. But that example may a terror strike To others, that would else attempt the like.
To end this point of Hempseed, thus in briefe It helps a truemanl, and it hangs a Theefe. Rates, Imposts, Customes of the Custome-house Would at the best rate scarce be worth a Louse: Goods in and our, which dayly ships doe fraight, By guesse, by tale, by measure and by weight, Which yearely to such mighty summes amount, In number numberlesse: or part account: Were't not for Hempseed, it doth plaine appeare These profits would not be a groat a yeare.
The names of many braue discouerers: Sir Richard Grile, Charles Earle of Nottingham, Henry Earle of South ••••••••••••
Columbus, Cortois, Magellan, and Drake, Did with this seed their great discoueries make, Braue Hawkins, Baskeruile, Cauendish, Fenner, Best. Smith, Sherley, Rawleigh, Newport, and the rest,

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Web, Towerson, Willoughby, Sir Thomas Roe, The Lord'la Ware, Frobusher, many moe. Nubols and, Malum, Rolph, and Midleton, And Sir Iames Lancaster, and Withringheton. And all the worthy things that these men did Without this seed had bin vndone, and hid, ••••me ne're had trumpetted their noble fames And quite forgotten were their acts and names.
The worlds seuen wonders, we•••• not for this grain In poore remembrance, or forgot had laine. The wals of Babel, sixty miles about, Two hundred foote in height, thick fifty foot: Which Queene Samiramis is state did reare, Imployed three hundred thousand men ten yeare.
Nor the great Image that at Rooles was made Whose mettall did nine hundred Camels lsde. The Pyramides of AEgypt, so renownd At th' oat in compasse forty acres ground: The which in making twenty yeares did then Imploy worke thirty sixs thousand men.
The Toomb of Mausull, king of Carea Built by his Queene, (kind Artimisia) So wondrous made by art and workemanship That skill of man could neuer it outstrip; 'Twas long in building, and it doth appeare The charges of it full two millions were.
Dianaes Temple built at Epbesus Had bin vnheard of, vnknowne to vs, Which was two hundred twenty yeares in building With marble pillars and most sumptuous guilding.
The Image of Olimpique Iupiter, Had from Achay not beene fam'd so farre, Not Pharoes Watch towre wch the world renownes Which cost 400. fourescore thousand crownes. Thus Without Hemp-seed we had neuer knowne These things, nor could they to the world be shown. O famous Coriat, hadst thou come againe Thou wouldst haue told vs newes, direct and plaine, Of Tygers, Elephants, and Antelops And thousand other things as thicke as hops, Of men with Iong tailes, faced like to hounds, Of oysters, one whose fish weign'd forty pounds, Of spiders greater then a walnut shell Of the Rhinoceros thou wouldst vs tell, Of horses tane with hawkes, of beares of buls, Of men with eares a span long, and of guls, As great as Swans, and of a bird call'd Ziz Whose egge will drown'd some there score villages, Of cranes, And pigmies, lizzards, buzzards, owles, Of swine with hornes, of thousand beasts and soules, All these and more then I to minde can call Thou wouldst haue told vs, and touch more then all, But that our expectations were preuented, By death, which makes thy friends much discontented. But farewell Thomas, neuer to returne. Rest thou in peace within thy forraigne Vine, Hempseed did beare thee o're the raging some And O I wish that it had brought thee home, For if thou had't come backe, as I did hope, They fellow had not beene beneath the Cope. But we must loose that which we cannot saue. And freely leaue thee whom we cannot haue.
I thinke it best to sow all our Land with it euery third yeare, for now ou bread and drinke corne growing out of the excre∣ments of beasts, makes vs to participate of thn beastly natures, as when barly growes where •••••• haue dungd, those that drinke the ale or beere made of that malt, are many times as beastly as swing, and as drunke as hogs.
Moreouer, Hempseed hath this vertue rare In making bad ground good, good corne to beare, It fats the earth, and makes it to excell No dung, or marle, or mucke can do't so well: For in that Land which beares this happy seed In three yeares after it no dung will need, But sow that ground with barley, wheat, or rye And still it will encrease aboundantly; Besides, this much I of my knowledge know That where Hemp growes, no stinking weed can grow, No cockle, darnell, henbane, tare or nettle Neere where it is can prosper, spring, or settle, For such antipathy is in this seed, Against each fruitlesse vnderseruing weed, That it with feare and terror strikes them dead, Or makes them that they dare not shew their head. And as growing it all weeds doth kill So being growne, it keepes it nature still, For good mens vses, serues, & still releiues And yeelds good whips and ropes for rogues and theeues. I could rehearse of trades a number more Which but for Hempseed quickly would grow poore;
As Sadlers for their elks haire to stuffe their sadles, And girses, and a thousand fidle fadles; But that Ile put my Reader out of doubts, What a rich thing it is being worne to clouts: For now how it to Paper doth conuert My poore vnable Mule shall next insert. And therefore noble and ignoble men Iudge gently of the progresse of my pen, In forma pauperis, poore men may sue, And I in forme of paper speake to you. But paper now's the subiect of my booke, And from whence paper its beginning tooks: How that from little Hemp and flaxen seeds, Ropes, halters, drapery, and our napery breeds, And from these things by art and true endeauour, All paper is deriued, whatsoeuer. For when I thinke but how is paper made Into Phylosophy I straight wayes wade: How here, and there, and euery where lyes scatter'd, Old ruin'd rotten rags, and ropes all tatter'd. And some of these poore things perhaps hath beene The linnen of some Countesse or some Queene,

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Yet lyes now on the dunghill, bare and poore Mix'd with the rags of some baud, theefe, or whore. And as these thing haue beene in better states Adorning bodies of great Potentates, And lyes cast off despised, scorn'd, deiected, Trod vnder foot, contemn'd and vnrespected, By this our vnderstandings may haue seeing That earthly honour hath no certaine beeing. For who can tell from whence these tatters springs? May not the torne shirt of a Lords or Kings Be pasht and beaten in the Paper mill And made Pot-paper by the workemans skill? May not the linnen of a Tyburne slue, More honour then a mighty Monarch haue: That though he dyed a Traitor most difloyall His shirt may be transform'd to Paper-royall? And may not dirty socks from of the feet Form thence be turn'd to a Crowne-paper sheet? And dunghill rags, by fauour, and by hap, May be aduanc'd aloft to sheets of cap? As by desert, by fauour and by chance Honour may fall, and begg'ry may aduance, Thus are these tatters allegoricall Tropes, types, and figures, of mans rise or fall.
Thus may the reliques of sincere Diuines Be made the ground-worke of lasiuious lines, And the cast smocke that chast Lucretia wore Beare baudy lines betwixt a knaue and whore.
Thus may a Brownists zealous ruffe in print Be turn'd to Paper, and a play writ in't. Or verses of a May pole, or at last Iniunctions for some stomacke hating Fast. And truely 'twere prophane and great abuse, To turne the brethrene linnen to such vse, As to make Paper on't to beare a song, Or Print the Superstitious Latine tongue, Apocrypha, or Ember-weekes, or Leus, No holy brother surely will consent To such ldolatry, his spirit and zeale Will rather trouble Church, and common-weale. He hates the Fathers workes, and had much rather To be a bastard, then to haue a Father. His owne interpretation he'll affoord According to the letter of the word, Tropes, Allegories, Types, similitudes, Or Figures, that some my sticke sense includes. His humour can the meaning so vnfold, In other fashions then the Fathers could: For he (dogmatically) doth know more Then all the learned Docters knew before. All reueread Ceremonies he'l oppose, He can make an Organ of his nose, And spin his speech with such sincerity, As if his bridge were falne in verity. The Cope and Surplesse he cannot abide, Against the corner-Cap he outhach cride, And calls them weeds of Superstition, And liueries of the whore of Babylon. The Crosses blessing he esteemes a curse, The Ring in marriage, out vpon't 'tis worse. And for his kneeling at the Sacrament, In sooth he'le rather suffer banishment, And goe to A••••••erdamd, and liue and dye E're he'l commit so much ldolatry. He takes it for an outward Seale or Signe, A little consecrated bread and wine, And though it from his blessed Saulour come His manners takes it fitting on his bum, The spirit still directs him how to pray, Nor will he dresse his meat the Sabbath day, Which doth a mighty mysterie vnfold, His zeale is hot, although his meat be cold, Suppose his Cat on Sunday kill a Rat, She on the Munday must behang'd for that. His faith keepes a continuall Holy day, Himselfe doth labour to keepe it at play: For he is read and deeply vnderstood That if his faith should worke 'twould doe no good, A fine cleane fingerd faith must saue alone, Good workes are needlesse, therefore ho'l do none, Yet patience doth his spirit so much inspire, He'l not correct a Seruant in his ire, But when the spirit his hot furie layes. Hee congregates his folkes, and thus he sayes;
Attend good Nichodemus, and Tobi, List to your reuerend Master Ananias, And good Aminadab, I pray attend, Here's my man I smael highly did offend; He told a lye, I heard his tongue to trip, For which most surely he shall tast the whip.
Then after some sententious learned speech, The seruant humbly doth let fall his breech, Mounts on his fellowes backe as on a Mule, Whilst his pure Maister mounts his rod of rule. The boy in lying with his tongue did faile, And thus he answers for it with his taile. O Vpright, Sincere, Holy execution, Most patient, vnpolluted absolution.
Shall Paper made of linnen of these men, Be stain'd with an vnsanctified pen? In sooth who ere doth so, be't he or she, They little better then the wicked be, Children of Sathan and abhomination, The brood of Belials cursed congregation, The bastard off spring of the purple where, Who doe the Babylonish Beast adore.
From the Creation to the generall Fleed, The name of Paper no man vnderstood: But by tradition still from Sire to Son, Men liuing knew the deeds by dead men dont, Yet many things were in the Deluge san'd In stony Pillars charactered and grau'd

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For the most part antlquity agrees, Long since the floud men writ in barkes of trees: Which was obseru'd late in America, When Spanish Cortois conquered Mexica. Then after in Fig-leaues and Sicamour, Men did Characters their minds explore.
•••••• when it is worne to Rags, it is made into Paper.
Long after, as ingenuous spirits taught, Rags and old Ropes were to perfection wrought Into quare formes yet how to giue a name Vnto their workemanship they could not frame.
The Originall of Paper.
Some Authors doe the name of Paper gather, To be deiu'd from Papa, or a Father. Because a learned man of Arrius sect Did Christendome with heresie infect: And being grear errors much mistooke, Writ and divulged in a Paper booke. And therefore Nimphsag thus much doth inferre, The name of Paper sprung from Papaerr. Some bold the name doth from a Rush proceed, Which on Egiptian Nilus bankes doth breed: Which rush is call'd Paptr us for on it Th' Egiptian people ofteneimes had writ.
And some againe of lesse authoritie Because it's made of rags and pouerty, In stead of Paper name it Paperis, Be sure thinkes they take their markes amisse, For foure and twenty sheets doe make a Quire, And twenty Quire doth to a Reame aspire, And euery Reame were kingdomes for their strength •••• that they want a single (1) in length. A Reame of Paper therefore keepes great port, And were a Realme, wer' not an (1) too short.
Besides, we haue an old Progu••••icater, An erring Father, quast arta Pater. •••••• euerlasting Almanack tels plaine, How many miles from hence to Charles his waine. From •••••••• vnto Mercury how farre To venus, Sol and Mars that warlike strre: From Mars to merry thunder-thumping Iea: And thence to fullen Saturns highest aboue: This if I lye not, with advice and leasure, Old Erra Pater to an inch did measure, But hollow, Muse what mounted to the sky, I'le clip your soaring plumes for you and I Must talke of Paper, Hemp, and such as this, And what a rich commodity it is.

It was time to remember my selfe, for I was a degree too high.

The best is I haue elbow roome to trace, I am not tide to times, to bounds, or place, But Europe, Asia, Sun-burnt Affrica, America, Terra••••••••••, The Christians, Heathens, Pagans, Turkes & Iewes. And all the world yeelds matter to my Muse: No Empire, Kingdome, Region, Prouince, Nation. No principality, Shire, nor Corporation: No Country, County, City, Hamlet, Towne, But must vse Paper, eyther white or browne. No Metropolitane, or gracious Primate No Village, Pallace, Cottage, function, Climate, No age, sex, or degree the earth doth beare, But they must vse this seed to write or weare.
How it Propagates the Gospell.
This Paper (being printed) doth reueale Th'Eternall Testament of all our Weale: In Paper is recorded the Records Of the Great all-Creating Lord of Lords. Vpon this weake ground strongly is ingrau'd The meanes how man was made, and lost and sau'd, Bookes Patriarchall, and Propheticall, Historicall, or Heauenly Mysticall, Euangelicall, and Apostolicall, Writ in the sacred Text, in generall.

The sacred memory of Patriarchs, Prophets, Euangeiists,-A∣postles, and Fathers.

Much hath the Church (our Mother propagated) By venerable Fathers workes translated Saint Ierome, Gregoris, Ambrose, Augustius, Saint Basil, Bernard, Cyprian, Constantive: Eusebius, Epipleanssu, Origen. Ignatius and La ctantius (reuerend men) Good Luther, Caluine, learned Zwinglius, Melancton, Beza Oecolampadius, These, and a world more then I can recite Their labours would haue slept in endlesse night, But that in Paper they preseru'd haue bin T'instruct vs how to shun death hell, and sin.

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The memoriall of Monarchies and Wonders with their altera∣tions from time to time, and chiefly by Paper.

How should we know the change of Monarchies. Th'Assyrian, and the Persian Emperies, Great Alexanders large, small lasting glory Or Romes High Casars often changing story? How should Chronologies of Kings be knowne Of eyther other Countries, or our owne?

Phylosophers, Hystorians, Chronographers, Poets ancient and moderne, the best fo mentioned.

But that Iosephus and Sueronius Possedore, Virgil, and Or••••lius, Seneca, and Cornelins Tacitus With Sca••••ger, and Quintus Curticus; Piutarch, Guichiardiue, Gallobelgicus Thomasio, and Hector Boetius; Fox, Cooper, Froysard, Grafton Fabia, Hall, Houe den Lanquit, Sleiden, Buchanan, The Reuerend learned Cambden, Selaen, Stowe, With Polychronicon, and Speed, and Howe, With Parris, Mal••••••bury, and many more Whose Workes in Paper are yet extant store.
Philemon Holland (famous for translation) Hath (with our owne tongue) well inricht our Na∣tion. Esope, and Aristotle, Plinse, Plato. Pythagoras, and Cicero, and Cato, Du Bartas, Ariost, Martial, Tasso Pla••••••us and Homer, Terence, Virgil, Naso, Franciscus Petrark, Horace, Iuenal, Philosophers and exc'lent Poets all. Or Orators Hystorians, euery one In Paper made their worthy studies knowne.
Who euer went beyond our famous King Whose •••••• throughout the spacious world doth ring; Such a Diuine, and Poet, that each State Admires him whom they cannot imitate.
In Paper, many a Poet now suruiues Or else their lines hed perish'd with their lines. Old Chaucer, Goer, and Sir Thomas More, Sir Philip Sidney, who the Lawrell wor. Spencer, and Shakespeare did in Ar excell, Sir Edward Dy••••••. Gr••••••, Naso, Daniel, Silnester, Be••••••••••, Sir Iohn Harington. Forgetfulnesse their workes would ouer ru, But that in Paper they immortally Doe liue in spight of Death, and cannot dye.
And many there are liuing at this day Which doe in paper their true worth display: As Dauis, Drayton, and learned D••••. Iohnson and Chapman, Marston, Midd••••ton, With Rowley, Fletcher, Withers, Massinger, Heywood, and all the rest where e're they are, Must say their lines but for the paper sheete Had scarcely ground, whereon to set their feete.
Acts, Statutes, Lawes would be consum'd and last All right and order topsy-••••••uy tost: Oppression, wrong, destruction and confusion Wer't not for Paper, were the worlds conclusion. Negotiation, and Embassages Maps Chartes, discoueries of strange passages: Leagues, truces, combinations, and contracts, Ecelefiasticke monuments and acts, Lawes, Nat'rall, Morall, Ciuill and Diuine, T'instruct, reproue, correct, inlarge, confine.
All Memorandums of forepassed ages, Sayings and sentences of ancient Sages, Astronomy, and Phisicke much renownd, The lib'rall Arts, rules, maxicmes, or ground, The glory of Apolloes Radient shine, Supporter of the Sacred Sisters Nine, The Atlas, that all Histories doth beare Throughout the world, here, there, and euery where.
How many line byst being Paper.
All this and more is paper, and all this, From fruitfull Hempseea still produced is. Were't not for rags of this admired Lint, Dead were the admirable Art of Print. Nor could the Printers with their formes & proofes. Worke for their owne and other mens be••••oofe, Octano, Quarto, Folie or sixteene: Twelues, nor yet sixty foure had ere beene seene, Nor could thier Pages be the meanes to feed And cloth them and their families at need.
The Stationer that liues, and gaineth well, And doth the word of God, both buy and sell, I know not which way he could liue and eate, It printed paper did not yeeld him meat.

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Some foolish knaue (I thinke) at first began The ••••••der that three Taylers are one man: When many a Taylers boy, I know hath beene, •••••• made tall men much fearefull to be seene, The boy hath had no weapon, nor no skill, •••• armed with a Taylers Paper-bill, Which being edgd with Items, stiffnings facings, With Bumbast, cottons, linenings, and with laccings, The boy hath made a man his head to hide And not the bare sight of the Bill abide. When boyes with paper Bils frights men so sore, ••••••is doubtlesse but their Masters can doe more. And many millions both of boyes and men, •••••• onely liue, and flourish with the pen: Yet though the pen be through the world renown'd ••••were nothing except paper were the ground.
All Lawyers from the high'st degree or marke. Vnto the lowest Barrester or Clarke, How could they doe if paper did not beare The memory of what they speake or heare? And justice Clarkes could hardly make strong war∣rants. For Theeues, or Baudes, or whores, or such like ar∣rants, •••••• that in Paper 'tis their onely vse To write, and right the Common-wealths abuse. Thus much of Paper here my Muse hath said, •••• yet if all its profits were displaid, en paper Mils could not affoord enough To write vpon in praise of writing stuffs:.
A Uoyage in a Paper-boat from London to Quinborough.
I therefore to conclude this much will note How I of Paper lately made a Boat, And how in forme of Paper I did row From London vnto Quinborough lle show, I and a Vintner (Roger Bird by name) (A man whom Fortune neuer yet could tame) Tooke ship vpon the vigill of Saint Iames And boldly ventur'd downe the Riuer Thames, Leiuing and cutting through each raging billow, (In such a Boat which neuer had a fellow) Hauing no kinde of mettall or no wood To helpe vs eyther in our Ebbe or Flood: For as out boat was paper, so our Oares Were Stock-fish, caught neere to the Island shores.

Stock-fishes vnbeaten, bound fast to two Canes with pack∣thread.

Thus being Oar'd and shipt away we went. Driving 'twixt Effex Calues, and sheepe of Kent: Our Boat a female vessell gan to leake Being as female vessels are, most weake, Yet was shee able which did greeue me sore, To downe Hodge Bird and I and forty more. The water to the Paper being gt, In one halfe houre our boat began to rot: The Thames (most lib'rall) fild her to the halues, Whilt Hodge and I sate liquor'd to the calues. In which extremity I thought it fit To put in vso a ••••ratagem of wit, Which was, eight. Bullocks bladders we had bought Pust stifly full with wind, bound fast and tought, Which on our Boat within the Tide we ty'de, Of each side foure, vpon the outward side. The water still role higher by degrees. In three miles going, almost to our knees, Our rotten bottome ali to tatters fell, And left our boat as bottomlesse as Hell. And had not bladders horne vs stifly vp, We there had tasted of deaths fatall cup.
And now (to make some sport) Ile make it knowne By whose strong breath my bladders all were blown. One by a chuerell conscienc'd Vsurer, Another by a drunken Bag piper, The third a Whore, the fourth a Pander blew, The fist a Cutpurse, of the Cursed crew, The sixt, apost-knight that for fiue groats gaine Would sweare & for foure groats forsweare't agine, The seauenth was an Informer, one that can By informations begger any man. The eight was blowne vp by a swearing Royster, That would cut throats as soone as eate an Oyster.

We had more winds then the Compasse, for we had eight seue∣rall winds in our bladders, and the 32 of the Compasse in all 40.

We being in our watry businesse bound, And with these wicked winds encompass'd round, For why such breaths as those it fortunes euer, They end with hanging, but with drowning neuer: And sure the bladders bore vs vp so tight, As if they had said, Gallowes claime thy right. This was the cause that made vs seeke about, To finde these light Tiburnian vapoursour. We could haue had of honest men good store, As Watermen, and Smiths, and many more, But that we knew it must be hanging breath, That must preserue vs from a drowning death.

Carefully and discreetly prouided.

Yet much we fear'd the graues our end would be Before we could the Towne of Grauesand see: Our boat drunke deepely with her dropsie thirst; And quast as if she would her bladders burst,

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Whilst we within sixe inches of the brim (Full of salt water) downe (halfe sunck) did swim. Thousands of people all the shores did hide, And thousands more did meet vs in the tide With Sc••••crs, Oares, with ship boats, & with Bar∣ges To gaze on vs, they put themselue, to charges.
Thus did we driue, and driue the time away, Till pitchy night had driuen away the day: The Sun vnto the vnder world was fled: The Moone was loath to rise, and kept her bed, The Stanes did winckele, but the Ebon clouds Their light, our fight, obseures ouer shrowds. The tosling billowes made our boat to caper. Out paper forme scarce being forme of paper, The water foure mile broad, no Oares, to row, Night darke, and where we were we did not know. And thus 'twixt doubt and feare, hope and despaire I sell to worke, and Roger Bird to prayer. And as the surges vp and downe did heaue vs, He cry'dmost feruently, good Lord receiue vs. I pray'd as much, but I did worke and pray, And he did all he could to pray and play. Thus three houres darkeling I did puzzll and toile Sows'd and well pickl'd chafe and muzzell & moile, Dernch'd with the swaffing waues, & stew'd •••• sweat Scarce able with a cane our boat to set, At last (by Gods great mercy and his might) The morning gan to chase away the night. Aurora made vs soone perceiue and see We were three miles below the Towne of Lee. And as the morning more end more did cleare, The fight of Quinborogh castle did appeare. That was the famous monumentall marke, To which we striu'd obring our rotten barke: The onely ayme of our intents and scope. The anker that brought Roger to the Hope.

He dwelleth now at the Hope on the Banck-side.

Thus we from Saturday at euening Tide, Till Monday more, did on the water bide, In rotten paper and in boy sterous weather, Darke nights, through wet, and toyled altogether. But being come to Quinborough and aland, I tooke my fellow koger by the hand, And both of vs ere we two steps did goe Gaue thankes to God that had preseru'd vs so: Confessing that his mercy vs protected When as we least deseru'd, and lesse expected The Maior of Quinborough in loue affords To entertaine vs, as we had beene Lords; It is a yearely feast kept by the Maior, And thousand people th••••her doth repaire, From Townes and Villages that's neer about, And twas our luck to come in all this roue. I'th'street, Bread, Beere, and Oysters is their meat, Which freely, friendly, shot-froe all doe eat, But Hodge and I were men of ranck and note, We to the Maior gaue our aduenturous boat; The which (to glorifie that Towne of Kent) He meant to hang vp for a monument. He to his house inuited vs to dine, Where we had cheare on cheare, and wine on wine, And drinke, and fill, and drinke, and drinke and fill, With welcome vpon welcome, welcome still.
But whilst we at our dinners thus were merry, The Country people tore our tatter'd wherry In mammocks pecoemeale in a thousand scraps, Wearing the reliques in their hats and caps. That neuer traytors corps could more be scatter'd By greedy Rauens, then out poore boat was tatter'd; Which when the Maior did know, he presently Tooke patient what he could not remedie The next day we with thankes left Quinbroght coast And hied vs home on horse-backe all in post. Thus Master Birds strange voyage was begun, With greater danger was his mony won. And those that doe his coine from him detaine (Which he did win with perill and much paine) Let them not thinke that e're 'twill doe them good, But eate their marrow and consume their blood. The worme of conscience gnaw them euery day That haue the moanes, and not the will to pay. Those that are poore, and cannot, let them be Both from the debt and malediction free.
Thus (I in part) what Himp-seed is haue showne, Cloth, ropes, rags, paper, poorely is made knowne How it maintaines each kingdome, starte and trade, And how in paper we a voyage made. I therefore to conclude, thinke not amiss To write something of Thames, or Thamasis,

The names of the most famous riuers in the world.

Maz, Rubicon, lue, Volga, Ems, Scamander, Loyre, Moldous, Tybar, Albia, Scyne, Meander, Hidaspes, Indus, Iuachus, Tanaies, (Our Thames true praise is sarre beyond their praise) Great Euphrates, Jordans, Nilus, Ganges, Poe, Tagus and Tygris, Thames doth farre out-goe. Danubia, Ister, Xanthus, Lisus, Rhrine, Wey, Seuerue, Auon, Medway, Isis, Tin, D•••• Ouze, Trent, Humber, Eske, Tweed, Annan, Tay. Firth (that braue Demy-ocean) Clide, 'Dun, Spay, All these are great in sames, and great in names, But great'st in goodnesse is the riuer Thames, From whose Diurnall and Nocturnall flood Millions of soules haue fewell cloathes and food; Which from twelue houres to twelue doth still suc∣ceed, Hundreds, & thousands both to cloath & feed. Of watermen, their seruants, children, wiues, It doth maintaine neere twenty thousand lines. I can as quickly number all the starres, As reckon all things in particulars:

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Which by the bounty of th' All-giuing giuer Proceeds from this most matchlesse, famous Riuer. And therefore' cis great pitty, shelfe or sand From the forgetfull and ingrate full land, Should it's cleare chrystall entrailes vilesy, Or soyle such purenesse with impurity. What doth it doe, but seruas our full contents, Brings food, and for it takes our excrements, Yeelds vs all plenty, worthy of regard And dirt and mucke we giue it for reward?

Riuers sabled or seigned to be in Hell.

Oh what a world of Poets that excell Is ar, haue fabled riuers out of hell, As Erebus, Cocitus, Acheron, Sur Orchus, Tartarus, and Phlegeton, And all internall Barathrums Damn'd Creekes, With Charous Passengers, and fearefull shriekes, Who writing drinking Lethe to their shames Vnthankefully they haue forgot the Thames. But noble Thames, whilest I can hold a pen I will diuulge thy glory vnto men: Thou in the morning when my coine is seant Before the euening dost supply my want. If like a Bee I seeke to liue and thriue, Thou wile yeeld hony freely to my hiue, If like a drone I will not worke for meate, Thou in discretion giues me nought to eate Thou the true rules of Iustice dost obserue, To feed the lab'rer, let the idle sterue, And I so many faithlesse men haue found As any man that liues vpon the ground, Who haue done me wrong and themselues no good, And swore, and forswore in their damned mood: Whilst I (fond I) haue lent and giuen away To such as not so much as thankes will pay, For shame and modesty I name them not; But let their black soules beare the impure blot Of falshood periury, and odious lyes That diuels in shape of Mankind can deuise, If these lines happen to their hands to come. They'l pick their teeth, look downward and cry hum' But goodnesse how should euer I expect, From such who doe so true a friend neglect. And therefore Thames, with thee I haue decreed Because thou neuer faild me in my need, To thee, to thee againe I doe retire And with thee Ile remaine till life expire.

The Oare hath foure or fiue vertues; first, it is healthfull, se∣cond, it auoyds bad company, third, it keeps men sober, seurh is gets mony, filt, it anoyds expences all which vertues I will put in practise and fall to rowing.

Thou art my Mistresse, and oft times from thee Thy liberalitie hath flow'd to me, And for thou alwayes giuest me meanes to lin•••• My self (most thankefully) my selfe doe giue, Momus thou Sonne of Somnus, and of Nox, Take not my lines all for a Paradox: For most of them seeme true, and I doe rue That many of them I doe know too true. Sleepe Momus sleepe, in Murceas slothfullbed, Let Morpheus locke thy tongue within thy head: Or if thou need•••• wilt prate, prate to this end To giue commends to that thou canst not mend. 'Tis not a guilded Gull made vp with oathes, That sweares and dams himselfe into good cloathes. That weares his cloake beneath his skirts and wast Cause men may see how he is trust and brao'd: Such a fantasticke a••••e, I care not for, He flewts my lines, and I doe him abhor. My poore inuention no way is supply'd, With cutting large thong from anothers hide: I haue not stolne a syllable or letter From any man, to make my booke seeme better. But similies, comparisons, each line, Indifferent, good or bad, they all are mine, Yet I confesse I haue read many a booke From whence I haue some obseruations tooke. Which I make vse of, as occasions touch, And any Poet (I thinke) will doe as much. I will not brag, to all men bee it knowne (By learning) I haue nothing of mine owne, But had I tongues and languages, like many Sure I should filch and strale as much as any. But like an Artlesse Poet, I say still, I am a Taylor, true against my will. Thus ending (like to Iasons Golden-fleece) This worke of Hempsecd is my Master-p••••••••.


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