The Byble in Englyshe that is to saye, the content of all the holye scrypture, bothe of the olde and newe Testament, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excellent lerned [men e]xperte in the fore[saide] tongues.

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The Byble in Englyshe that is to saye, the content of all the holye scrypture, bothe of the olde and newe Testament, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excellent lerned [men e]xperte in the fore[saide] tongues.
Prynted at L[ondo]n :: by [Thomas] Petyt, and [Robert] Redman, for Thomas Berthelet: prynter vnto the kyngis grace. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum,

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"The Byble in Englyshe that is to saye, the content of all the holye scrypture, bothe of the olde and newe Testament, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excellent lerned [men e]xperte in the fore[saide] tongues." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


¶ The power of fayth, hope and loue: and howe death raygned from Adam vnto Chryst, by whom onely we haue forgeuenesse of synnes.


BEcause therfore that we are iustyfyed [unspec A] by fayth, we are at peace with God, thorowe oure Lorde Iesus Christ, by whom also it chaunsed vnto vs to be brought in thorowe fayth, vnto this grace, wherin we stande, and ☞ reioyce in hope of the glory {fleur-de-lys} (of the chyldren) of God. Not that onely: but also we reioyce in tribulacyons: kno∣wynge, that tribulacyon bringeth paciēce, bryngeth experience, experience bryngeth hope. And hope maketh not asha∣med: for the loue of God is shed abrode in oure hertes, by the holy goost whiche is ge∣uen vnto vs. For whē we were yet weake accordynge to the tyme, Christe dyed for vs whiche were vngodly. Yet scace wyll any man dye for a ryghtewis man. Parauēture for a good man durste a man dye. ✚ But God setteth out his loue towarde vs, seyng that whyle we were yet synners {fleur-de-lys} (according to the tyme) Christ dyed for vs. Much more thē now (seyng we are iustifyed by h{is} blode) [unspec B] shall we be saued frō wrath thorowe hym.

For yf when we were enemyes, we were reconcyled to God by the deeth of his sonne: moche more, seynge we are reconcyled, we shalbe preserued by his lyfe. Not only this, but we also ioye in God by the meanes of our Lorde Iesus Chryst, by whom we haue nowe optayned the attonment. [unspec C]

Wherfore, as by one man, synne entred into the worlde, and deeth by the meanes of synne. Euen so deeth also wente ouer all men, in so muche as all men synned. For euen vnto the lawe was sinne in the worlde, but synne is not imputed, whan there is no lawe: neuerthelesse deeth raygned from A∣dam to Moyses, euen ouer them also that had not synned with lyke transgressyon as dyd Adam: which ☞ beareth the similitude of hym that was to come. But the gyfte is not lyke as the synne. For yf thorowe the synne of one, many be deed: much more plen¦teous vpon many was the grace of God and gyfte by grace: ☞ which was geuen by one man Iesus Christ.

And the gyfte is not ouer one synne: as [unspec D] deeth came thorowe one synne of one that synned. For damnacyon came of oue synne vnto condemnacyon: but the gyfte came to iustify frō many sinnes. For yf by the synne of one, deeth raygned by the meanes of one: much more they (whiche receaue aboundāce of grace and of the gyfte of ryghtewesnes) shal raygne in lyfe by y meanes of one (that is to saye) Iesus Christe.

✚ Lyke wyse then as by the synne of one there sprange vp euell on all men to con¦demnacyon: euen so by the ryghteousnes of one, spryngeth good vpon all men to the ryghteousnes of lyfe. For as by one man∣nes dysobedience many became synners: so by the obedience of one, shal many be made ryghteous. But the lawe in the meane tyme entred in, that synne shulde encreace. Neuerthelater where aboundaunce of syn∣ne was, there was more plenteousnes of of grace. That as synne had raygned vnto deeth, euen so myght grace raygne thorowe ryghtewesnes, vnto eternal lyfe, by the help of Iesu Chryste. ⊢


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