Biblia the Byble, that is, the holy Scrypture of the Olde and New Testament, faithfully translated in to Englyshe.

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Biblia the Byble, that is, the holy Scrypture of the Olde and New Testament, faithfully translated in to Englyshe.
[Southwark?,: J. Nycolson],
M.D.XXXV [1535]

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"Biblia the Byble, that is, the holy Scrypture of the Olde and New Testament, faithfully translated in to Englyshe." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


The XIIII. Chapter.

[ A] IT fortuned at Iconium, that they wēte both together in to the synago¦ge of the Iewes, and spake so, that a greate multitude of the Iewes & of the Gre¦kes beleued. But the vnbeleuynge Iewes moued and disquyeted the soules of the Hey∣thē agaynst the brethrē. So they had their beynge there a lōge season, and quyte them¦selues boldly in the LORDE, which gaue tes¦timony vnto the worde of his grace, and caused tokens and wonders to be done by their handes. Howbeyt the multitude of the cite was deuyded, some helde wt the Iewes, and some with the Apostles.

But whan there rose vp an insurreccion of the Heythē and of ye Iewes, and of their rulers, to put them to shame, and to stone thē, they perceaued it, and fled vnto lystra and Derba cities of ye countre of Licaoni•••• and vnto ye region that lyeth rounde abou¦te, and there they preached the Gospell.

[ B] And amonge them of Lystra, there was a man, which sat beynge impotent of his fe∣te, and was crepell frō his mothers womb, and had neuer walked, the same herde Paul speake. And whan he behelde him, and per∣ceaued that he had faith to be made whole, he sayde wt a loude voyce: Stonde vprighte on thy fete. And he sprange vp and walked. But whan the people sawe what Paul had done, they lifte vp their voyce, and sayde in ye speache of Lycaonia: The goddes are be∣come like vnto men, and are come downe vn¦to vs. And they called Barnabas Iupiter, and Paul Mercurius, because he was the preacher. But Iupiters prest which dwel before their cite, broughte oxen and garlan∣des before the gate, and wolde haue done sa¦crifice with the people.

Whan ye Apostles Barnabas and Paul [ C] herde that, they rent their clothes, and ran∣ne in amonge the people, cryenge and sayen¦ge: Ye mē, Why do ye this? We are mortall mē also like vnto you, & preach vnto you ye Gospell, that ye shulde turne from these vay¦ne thinges vnto ye lyuynge God, which ma¦de heauē and earth, and the see, and all that therin is, which in tymes past suffred all ye Heythen to walke after their awne wayes. Neuertheles he hath not left hī selfe with∣out wytnesse, in yt he hath shewed his bene∣fites, and geuen vs rayne from heauen, and frutefull seasons, fyllynge oure hertes with fode and gladnesse. And whan they sayde this, they scarse refrayned the people, that they dyd not sacrifice vnto them.

But there came thither certayne Iewes from Antioche and Iconiū, and persuaded the people, and stoned Paul, and drue him out of the cite, supposinge he had bene deed. Howbeyt as ye disciples stode rounde abou¦te him, he rose vp, & came in to the cite. And on the nexte daye he departed with Barna∣bas vnto Derba, and preached the Gospell [ D] vnto the same cite, and taughte many of them. And they wēte agayne vnto Lystra, and Iconium and Antioche, strengthinge the soules of ye disciples, and exortinge thē to cōtynue in the faith: and that we thorow moch tribulacion must entre in to the kyng∣dome of God. And whā they had ordeyned them Elders by eleccion thorow all the con¦gregacions, they prayed and fasted, and cō∣mended them vnto the LORDE, on whom they beleued.

And they wente thorow Pisidia, and ca∣me to Pamphilia, and spake the worde at Perga, and wēte downe to Attalia, and frō thence departed they by shippe vnto Antio¦che: from whence they were delyuered to the grace of God vnto ye worke, which they had

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fulfylled. Whan they came there, they ga∣thered the congregacion together, & shewed them, how greate thinges God had done with thē, and how he had opened the dore of faithe vnto the Heithen. And there they abode a longe tyme with the disciples.


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