Biblia the Byble, that is, the holy Scrypture of the Olde and New Testament, faithfully translated in to Englyshe.

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Biblia the Byble, that is, the holy Scrypture of the Olde and New Testament, faithfully translated in to Englyshe.
[Southwark?,: J. Nycolson],
M.D.XXXV [1535]

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"Biblia the Byble, that is, the holy Scrypture of the Olde and New Testament, faithfully translated in to Englyshe." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


The prayer of Azarias and the songe of ye thre children after Theo¦dotios translacion: which wordes are wryten in ye thirde chapter of Daniel after the olde text in Latyn.

ANd they walked in the myddest [ A] of the flamme, praysynge God and magnifienge ye LORDE. Asa¦rias stode vp, and prayde on this maner, Euen in the myddest of the fyre ope∣ned he his mouth, & saide: Blessed be thou (o LORDE God of or fathers) right worthy to be praysed and honoured is yt name of thine for euermore: for thou art righteous in all ye thinges yt thou hast done to vs: Yee faith∣full are all ye workes, ye wayes are right, & ye iudgmētes true. In all ye thinges yt thou hast brought vpon vs, & vpon the holy cite of or fathers (euen Ierusalem) thou hast executed true iudgment: Yee acordinge to right and equyte hast thou brought these thinges vpō vs, because of oure synnes.

For why? we haue offended, & done wic∣kedly, departynge from the: In all thinges haue we trespaced, & not obeyed thy cōmaun¦dementes, ner kepte thē, nether done as thou hast bydden vs, yt we might prospere. Wher¦fore, all yt thou hast brought vpon vs, & eue∣ry thinge yt thou hast done to vs, thou hast done them in true iudgment: As in delyue∣ringe vs in to the hondes of oure enemies, amōge vngodly & wicked abhominacions, & to an vnrighteous kinge, yee ye most frowar¦de vpō earth. And now we maye not opē or mouthes, we are become a shame & reprofe vnto ye seruauntes, & to thē yt worshipe the.

Yet for thy names sake (we beseke the) ge∣ue vs not vp for euer, breake not thy coue∣naunt, & take not awaye thy mercy from vs, for thy beloued Abrahams sake, for thy ser∣uaunt Isaacs sake, & for thy holy Israels sa¦ke: to whom thou hast spoken & promysed, yt thou woldest multiply their sede as ye starres of heauen, & as the londe yt lieth vpon ye se shore. For we (o LORDE) are become lesse thē eny people, & be kepte vnder this daye in all the worlde, because of oure synnes: So ther now we haue nether prynce, duke, prophet, burnt offerynge, sacrifice, oblaciō, incēse•••••• Sanctuary before the.

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Neuerthelesse, in a contrite herte and an humble sprete let vs be receaued, yt we maie opteyne thy mercy. Like as in the burnt offe¦rynge of rammes & bullockes, and like as in thousandes of fat lambes: so let or offrynge be in thy sight this daye, yt it maye please ye, for there is no cōfucion vnto them, yt put the¦re trust in the. And now we folowe the with all or herte, we feare the, & seke thy face. Put vs not to shame, but deale wt vs after thy lo¦uynge kyndnesse, & acordinge to the multitu¦de of thy mercies. Delyuer vs by thy mira∣cles (o LORDE) & get thy name an honoure: that all they which do thy seruauntes euell, maye be confoūded. Let them be ashamed thorow thy Allmightie power, and let their strength be broken: that they maye knowe, how that thou only art the LORDE God, & honor worthy thorow out all the worlde.

And the kynges seruātes yt put them in, ceassed not to make the ouen hote with wyl¦de fyre, drye strawe, pitch & fagottes: so that the flamme wente out of the ouen vpon a xlix. cubites: yee it toke awaye, & brent vp tho¦se Caldees, yt it gat holde vpon besyde the ouen. But the angel of the LORDE came downe in to the ouen to Asarias and his fe∣lowes, & smote ye flamme of the fyre out of the ouen, & made the myddest of the ouen, as it had bene a coole wynde blowinge: so that the fyre nether touched them, greued them, ner dyd them hurte. Then these thre (as out of one mouth) praysed, honoured, and blessed God in the fornace, sayenge:

Blessed be thou, o LORDE God of oure fathers: for thou art prayse & honoure wor∣thy, yee & to be magnified for euermore. Bles¦sed be ye holy name of thy glory, for it is wor¦thy to be praysed, and magnified in all worl∣des. Blessed be thou in the holy temple of ye glory, for aboue all thinges thou art to be praysed, yee & more then worthy to be magni¦fied for euer. Blessed be thou in the trone of ye kyngdome, for aboue all thou art worthy to be wel spoken of, & to be more then magni¦fied for euer. Blessed be thou, that lokest tho¦row the depe, & syttest vpon the Cherubyns: for thou art worthy to be praysed, & aboue all to be magnified for euer. Blessed be thou in ye firmament of heauen, for thou art pray¦se and honoure worthy for euer.

O all ye workes of the LORDE: speake good of ye LORDE, prayse him, and set him vp for euer.

O ye angels of the LORDE, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, and set him vp for euer.

O ye heauēs, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, and set him vp for euer.

O all ye waters that be aboue the firma∣mēt, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, and set him vp for euer.

O all ye powers of the LORDE, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, & set him vp for euer.

O ye Sōne & Moone, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, & set him vp for euer.

O ye starres of heauē, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, & set him vp for euer.

O ye schowers & dew, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, & set him vp for euer.

O all ye wyndes of God, speake good of ye LORDE: prayse him, & set him vp for euer.

O ye fyre & heate, speake good of ye LOR¦DE: prayse him, and set him vp for euer.

O ye wynter and sommer, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, and set him vp for euer.

O ye dewes & frostes, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, & set him vp for euer.

O ye frost and colde, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, and set him vp for euer.

O ye yse and snowe, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him and set him vp for euer.

O ye nightes and dayes, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, and set him vp for euer.

O ye light and darcknesse, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, and set vp him for euer.

O ye lightenynges and cloudes, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, & set him vp for euer.

O let the earth speake good of the LOR∣DE: yee lett it prayse him, and set him vp for euer.

O ye moūtaynes and hilles, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, and set him vp for euer.

O all ye grene thinges vpon the earth, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, & set him vp for euer.

O ye welles, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, and set him vp for euer.

O ye sees and floudes, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, & set him vp for euer.

O ye whalles and all that lyue in the wa¦ters, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, and set him vp for euer.

O all ye foules of the ayre, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, and set him vp for euer.

O all ye beastes & catell, speake good of ye LORDE: prayse him, & set him vp for euer.

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O ye children of men, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, & set him vp for euer.

O let Israel speake good of the LORDE, prayse him, and set him vp for euer.

O ye prestes of ye LORDE, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, and set him vp for euer.

O ye seruauntes of the LORDE, speake good of the LORDE: prayse him, & set him vp for euer.

O ye spretes and soules of the righteous, speake good of ye LORDE: prayse him, and set him vp for euer.

O ye holy and humble men of herte, spea¦ke ye good of the LORDE: prayse ye him, & set him vp for euer.

O Ananias, Asarias and Misael, speake ye good of the LORDE: prayse ye him, and set hī vp for euer. Which hath delyuered vs from ye hell, kepte vs from ye honde of death, rydde vs from the myddest of the burnynge flamme, and saued vs euē in the myddest of ye fyre. O geue thākes therfore vnto ye LOR¦DE: for he is kynde harted, and his mercy en¦dureth for euer. O all ye deuoute men, speake good of the LORDE, euen the God of all goddes: O prayse him, and geue him than∣kes, for his mercy endureth worlde without ende.


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