Biblia the Byble, that is, the holy Scrypture of the Olde and New Testament, faithfully translated in to Englyshe.

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Biblia the Byble, that is, the holy Scrypture of the Olde and New Testament, faithfully translated in to Englyshe.
[Southwark?,: J. Nycolson],
M.D.XXXV [1535]

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"Biblia the Byble, that is, the holy Scrypture of the Olde and New Testament, faithfully translated in to Englyshe." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


The XV. Chapter.

BEhelde, speake thou in the eares of [ A] my people the wordes of prophecie, which I wyll put in ye mouth, saieth the LORDE: and cause them to be wrytten in a letter, for it is the trueth. Feare not the ymaginaciōs against yt, let not ye vnfaithful¦nes of them trouble the, that speake agaynst the. For all the vnfaithfull shal dye in their vnfaithfulnes. Beholde saieth the LORDE, I wil brynge plages vpon the worlde: ye swer∣de, honger, death and destruccion, for wicked¦nes hath the vpper hande in all ye earth, and their shamefull workes are fulfilled.

Therfore saieth the LORDE: I wil hol∣de [ B] my tonge nomore vnto their wickednesse, which they do so vngodly: nether wil I suf∣fre them in the thinges, that they deale with all so wickedly. Beholde, the innocent bloude of the troubled crieth vnto me, and the soules of the righteous complayne cōtynually: and therfore (saieth the LORDE) I wil surely auē¦ge, and receaue vnto me all the innocēt blou∣de from amonge them.

Beholde, my people, is led as a flock of she¦pe to be slayne, I wil not suffre them now to dwel in Egipte, but wyl brynge them ou with a mightie hande and a stretched out ar¦me, and smyte it with plages as afore, and wyl destroye all the londe off it. Egipte shal mourne, and the foundacions of it shalbe smytten with the plage and punyshment, yt God shal brynge vpon it.

They that tyll ye groūde, shal mourne, for their sedes shal be destroyed thorow the blas¦tinge [ C] and hale, and an horrible starre. Wo worth ye worlde and them that dwell therin, for ye swerde & their destrucciō draweth nye: & one people shal stōde vp to fight against a∣nother, & swerdes in their hādes. For mē shal be vnstedfast, and some shal do violence vnto other: they shal not regarde their kynge and prynces, the wayes of their doinges and hā∣delinges in their power. A man shal desyre to go in to the cite, & shal not be able. For be¦cause

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of their pryde ye cities shalbe brought in feare, ye houses shal shake, and men shalbe afrayed. A man shal haue no pitie vpon his neghboure, but one shal prouoke another vn¦to battayll, to spoyle their goodes because of the honger of bred, and because of the greate trouble.

Beholde, I gather & call together all the [ D] kynges of ye earth which are from the vpry¦singe, from the south, from the east and Liba¦nus to turne vnto them, and restore the thin∣ges that they haue geuē them. Like as they do yet this daye vnto my chosen, so wil I do also, and recōpense thē in their bosome. Thus sayeth ye LORDE God: My right hande shal not spare ye synners, and my swerde shal not ceasse ouer them, that shed the innocēt blou∣de vpon earth. The feare is gone out frō his wrath, and hath cōsumed the foundacions of the earth, and the synners like the strawe that is kindled. Wo worth them that synne, and kepe not my commaundementes, saieth the LORDE. I wil not spare them. Go youre waye ye children from violence, defyle not my Sanctuary: for the LORDE knoweth all thē that synne agaynst him, and therfore delyue¦reth he them vnto death and destrucciō: For now are the plages come vpon the worlde, & ye shal remayne in thē. For God shal not de∣lyuer you, because ye haue synned agaynst him.

[ E] Beholde, an horrible vision commeth frō the east, where generacions of Dragons shal come out, and the people of the Arabes with many charettes, and the multitude of them shalbe as the wynde vpō earth, that all they which heare them ragynge in their wrath, maye feare and be afrayed: and as the wylde bores out of ye wod, so shal they go out, and with greate power shal they come, and ston∣de fightinge with thē, and shal waist the por¦cion of the londe of the Assirians.

And then shal the Dragons haue the vp∣per hande, not remembringe their byrth, and shal turne aboute swearinge together in grea¦te power, to persecute them. But these shalbe afrayed, and kepe sylence at their power, and shal fle: and one out of the londe of the Assi∣rians shal besege thē, and consume one of thē, and in their hoost shal be feare and drede, and strife amonge their kynges.

Beholde cloudes from the east, and from [ F] the north vnto the south, and they are very horrible to loke vpon, full of wrath and stor∣me. They shal smyte one vpon another, and they shal smyte at ye greate starre vpon earth and their starre, and the bloude shalbe from the swerde vnto the bely, and the smoke of mā vnto ye Camels lytter: And there shalbe grea¦te fearfulnes and tremblinge vpō earth, and they that se the wrath, shal be afrayed, and a tremblinge shal come vpon them.

And then shal there come greate raynes from ye south and from the north, and parte from the west, and from the stormy wynde from the east, and shal shutt them vp agay∣ne, & the cloude which he raysed vp in wrath, and the starre to cause feare towarde ye east and west wynde, shalbe destroyed, & the grea¦te cloudes shalbe lift vp, and ye mightie clou∣des full of wrath, and the starre, that they maye make all the earth afrayed and thē yt dwell therin, and that they maye poure out ouer all places an horrible starre, fyre and h¦le and flyenge swerdes, and many waters: yt all feldes maye be full, and all ryuers, & they shal breake downe the cities & walles, moun¦taynes & hylles, all trees, wod, and the gras∣se of the medowes, and all their frute. And they shal go stedfast vnto Babilon, and m¦ke her afrayed, they shal come to her and be∣sege her: the starre and all wrath shal they poure out vpon her.

Then shal the dust and smoke go vp vnto the heauen, and all they that be aboute her, shal bewayle her: and they that remayne vn∣der her, shal do seruyce vnto them that haue put her in feare. And thou Asia yt cōfortest thyself also vpō the hope of Babilon, and art a worshipe of hir personne: Wo be vnto the thou wretch, because thou hast made thyself like vnto her, & hast decte ye daughters ī who¦dome, that they might tryumphe and please thy louers, which haue allwaye desyred to cō¦mytte whordome wt the: thou hast folowed the abhominable cite in all hir workes and in¦vencions.

Therfore sayeth God: I wyl sende plages vpon the, wyddowhode, pouerte, hōger, war¦res, and pestilence, to waist thy houses with destruccion and death, and the glory of thy power shal be dryed vp as a floure, whan ye heate aryseth yt is sent ouer the. Thou shalt be sick as a poore wife that is plaged & beatē of wemen: so yt the mightie and louers shal not be able to receaue the. Wolde I so hat the saieth the LORDE? Yf thou haddest not allwaye slayne my chosen, exaltinge the stro∣ke of thy handes, and sayde ouer their death, whan thou wast dronkē: set forth the betw•••• of thy countenaunce.

The rewarde of thy whordome shalbe re∣compensed the in thy bosome, therfore shalt thou receaue rewarde.

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[ H] Like as thou hast done vnto my chosen (sayeth the LORDE) euen so shal God do vn¦to the, and shal delyuer the in to the plage. Thy childrē shal dye of honger, & thou shalt fall thorow ye swerde. Thy cities shalbe bro¦ken downe, & all thine shal perish wt the swer¦de in ye felde. They yt be in ye moūtaynes shal dye of honger, & eate their owne flesh, & drin¦ke their owne bloude for very hōger of bred & thyrst of water. Thou vnhappie shalt co∣me thorow the see, & receaue plages agayne.

In the passage they shall cast downe the slayne cite, & shal rote out one parte of ye lon¦de, & cōsume the porcion of thy glory. They shal treade the downe like stuble, & they shal be thy fyre and shal consume the: thy cities and thy londe, thy wod & thy frutefull trees shal they burne vp with the fyre. Thy chil∣dren shal they cary awaye captyue, and loke what thou hast, they shal spoyle it, and mar¦re the bewtie of thy face.


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