Life eternall or, A treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes Delivered in XVIII. sermons. By the late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston, D. in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Majestie, master of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolns Inne.

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Life eternall or, A treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes Delivered in XVIII. sermons. By the late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston, D. in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Majestie, master of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolns Inne.
Preston, John, 1587-1628.
Imprinted at London :: By R[ichard] B[adger] and are to be sold by Nicholas Bourne at the Royall Exchange, and by Rapha Harford, in Pater-noster Row, in Queenes-head Alley, at the signe of the guilt Bible,

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"Life eternall or, A treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes Delivered in XVIII. sermons. By the late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston, D. in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Majestie, master of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolns Inne." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed August 31, 2024.


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  • Absolute.
    • THe perfection of God ab∣solute. Part. 1, Pag. 121
  • Adorne.
    • The spirit of man how it should be adorned. Part. 2, Pag. 15
    • Adorning of the spirit com∣mends us to God. Part. 2, Pag. 18
  • Adversaries.
    • The truth of the Scriptures proved by the testimony of the adversaries. Part. 1, Pag. 53
  • Advantage.
    • Hee that puts himselfe from Gods worke for his owne advantage, makes himselfe his end. Part. 1, Pag. 149
  • Affections.
    • Affections inordinately set on a thing, make it a god. Part. 1, Pag. 90
    • Affections sinfull must be pur∣ged out. Part. 2, Pag. 62
    • Affections to the creatures, what raiseth them. Part. 2, Pag. 204
    • Affections strong breed strong afflictions. Ibid.
  • Agreement.
    • Agreement of the prophecies in Scripture. Part. 1, Pag. 52
  • Alcoran.
    • Alcoran of Mahomet barba∣rous. Part. 1, Pag. 84
  • Almighty.
    • God is almighty. Part. 2, Pag. 128
    • That God is almighty, 70 times repeated in Scripture. Part. 2, Pag. 177
    • VVee should rejoyce that our

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  • ...
    • God is almighty. Part. 2, Pag. 186
  • Alone.
    • To beleeve that God is God alone. Part. 1, Pag. 85
    • To behold God alone in serving him. Part. 2, Pag. 36
    • VVhy men are not content with God alone. Part. 2, Pag. 187
  • Angels.
    • Angels used in guiding the course of things. Part. 1, Pag. 35
  • Antiquity.
    • Antiquity of Scripture proves them true. Part. 1, Pag. 57
  • Apprehension.
    • Apprehension of things makes them heavy or easy. Part. 2, Pag. 30
  • Arts.
    • Arts why invented. Part. 1, Pag. 3
  • Assent.
    • Assent double. Part. 1, Pag. 46
    • Assent bred differently in the Saints and others. Part. 1, Pag. 62
  • Atheisme.
    • Atheisme of two kindes. Part. 1, Pag. 24
    • Atheisme, the effects of it. Part. 1, Pag. 25
    • Iunius converted from atheisme Part. 1, Pag. 56
  • Attributes.
    • Attributes of God of two sorts Part. 1, Pag. 119


  • Beast, see Man.
  • Before.
    • God before all things. Part. 1, Pag. 120
    • If God had any cause, some∣what was before him. Part. 1, Pag. 140
  • Being.
    • Being properly onely in God. Part. 1, Pag. 97
    • Being of God explained in five things. Ibid.
    • Being given to all things by God. Part. 1, Pag. 99
    • VVee should give God the praise of his being. 1.112
    • All things but God are capable of not being. 1.142
    • VVhat being hee must have that is eternall. Part. 1, Pag. 157
    • God the first being. Part. 2, Pag. 50
    • God not capable of any new being. Part. 2, Pag. 73
  • Beginning.
    • He that is eternal must be with∣out beginning. Part. 1, Pag. 157
  • Body.
    • Body must bee kept downe. Part. 2, Pag. 23
    • ...

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  • ...
    • Body, gestures of it used in Gods worship. Part. 2, Pag. 38
  • Busie.
    • VVhy men are so busie in worldly things. Part. 2, Pag. 132


  • Cast off.
    • VVe should take heed God cast us not off. Part. 2, Pag. 80
    • The time of Gods casting off unknowne. Part. 2, Pag. 83
  • Cause.
    • The creatures should be with∣out cause, if they were not made. Part. 1, Pag. 8
    • God the first cause. Part. 1, Pag. 39
    • God without all cause. Part. 1, Pag. 140
    • God a voluntary cause. Part. 2, Pag. 181
  • Change.
    • Change in the creature whence it is. Part. 2, Pag. 75
    • Change in us a token of good. Part. 2, Pag. 94
    • VVhen we thinke our conditi∣on cannot change, we doubt of Gods power. Part. 2, Pag. 195
    • See Imperfect.
  • Chronology.
    • Chronology of Scripture exact. Part. 1, Pag. 55
  • Church.
    • Churches testimony proves the truth of Scripture. Part. 1, Pag. 58
    • Scriptures of greater authority than the Church. Part. 1, Pag. 59
    • God will shew himselfe God in raising the Churches. Part. 1, Pag. 87
    • Not to faint in the misery of the Churches. Part. 1, Pag. 109
  • Christ.
    • Christ his humanity alone not to be worshipped. Part. 2, Pag. 45
    • See Mahomet.
  • Cleaue.
    • What makes us cleave to a thing. Part. 1, Pag. 86
  • Conceive.
    • God is beyond all that we can conceive. Part. 2, Pag. 129
  • Complaint.
    • Complaint and griefe whence it ariseth. Part. 1, Pag. 104
  • Command.
    • The creature at Gods command. Part. 1, Pag. 138
  • Confusion.
    • Confusion, when the body rules the spirit. Part. 2, Pag. 21
    • Comfort, see God, see Heaven.
  • Composition.
    • God without composition. Part. 2, Pag. 49
  • ...

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  • ... Counsell, see Eternity.
  • Covenant.
    • How to know we are in cove∣nant with God. Part. 2, Pag. 85
    • Covenant twofold. Part. 2, Pag. 86
    • Covenant not frustrate by our sinnes. Part. 2, Pag. 87
  • Constancy.
    • To judge of our spirits by con∣stancy in well-doing. 2; 111
    • Constancy in ill nothing worse. Part. 2, Pag. 113
    • Constancy, to beg it of God. Ibid.
    • Constancy, two meanes to get it. Part. 2, Pag. 115
  • Company.
    • Company, why it is desired. Part. 2, Pag. 166
    • Companions that a man may al∣way have Part. 2, Pag. 167
    • Company, the more griefe in want of it, the lesse wise∣dome. Ibid.
  • Contradiction, see Infinite.
  • Content.
    • To be content with GOD, though with crosses, Part. 1, Pag. 130
    • To be content with a simple condition. Part. 2, Pag. 54
    • Content bred by godlinesse: Part. 2, Pag. 58
  • Creature.
    • Creatures, to learne the vanity of them. Part. 1, Pag. 116
    • Creatures of themselves can doe nothing for us. Part. 1, Pag. 137
    • Creatures, difference betweene God and them. Part. 1, Pag. 146
    • Creatures, not to goe to them but God. Part. 2, Pag. 67
    • Creatures, difference betweene God and them in respect of his unchangeablenes: Part. 2, Pag. 103
    • Creatures, not to expect much from them: Ibid:
  • Creation.
    • Workes of creation shew the greatnesse of God: Part. 2, Pag. 123
    • Gods omnipotence in the crea∣tion. Part. 2, Pag. 178
  • Crosses.
    • Crosses, God doth his good by them: Part. 1, Pag. 41
    • Crosses, faith strengtheneth in them, how: Part. 1, Pag. 105
    • See Content.


  • Dead, Death.
    • He that beleeveth not Christ, would not beleeve one rising from the dead: Part. 1, Pag. 42
    • ...

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  • ...
    • We cannot see reason for many things till death: Part. 1, Pag. 103
    • Death sweetned by walking with God: Part. 1, Pag. 165
  • Decree.
    • Decree of God unchangeable, yet unknowne: Part. 2, Pag. 92
  • Defend.
    • GOD is able to defend us: Part. 2, Pag. 166
  • Delay.
    • Delay of GOD should not of∣fend us, why. Part. 1, Pag. 168
    • Delay seemes long, why: Part. 1, Pag. 169
  • Depend, Dependent.
    • Not to depend on many things: Part. 2, Pag. 56
    • Dependent felicity to trust in the creature: Part. 2, Pag. 106
  • Desires.
    • Desires must bee strong that helpe resolution: Part. 2, Pag. 121
    • How to get strong desires: Ibid:
  • Despise.
    • What makes a man despise out∣ward things: Part. 2, Pag. 138
  • Destroy.
    • A man destroyeth himselfe, how Part. 1, Pag. 10
  • Die, Dying.
    • Mortifying of lusts a dying dai∣ly: Part. 1, Pag. 66
    • Heathen gods die, therfore false Part. 1, Pag. 81
  • Direction.
    • Men desire company for dire∣ction: Part. 2, Pag. 166
  • Discontent.
    • Discontent, whence it is: Part. 1, Pag. 123
  • Dispose.
    • Affliction and prosperity dispo∣sed by GOD: Part. 1, Pag. 40
    • To be content with GODS dis∣posing of us: Part. 1, Pag. 124
  • Doe, Doing.
    • VVe are present with GOD by doing his will: Part. 2, Pag. 161
    • To consider what GOD doth to us: Part. 2, Pag. 162
    • Some things that GOD cannot doe, why: Part. 2, Pag. 182
  • Double.
    • Double-minded man who: Part. 2, Pag. 60
    • Sinful affections make the heart double: Part. 2, Pag. 62


  • Effects.
    • Three effects of a firme assent

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  • ...
    • that there is a GOD: Part. 1, Pag. 70
  • Efficacy.
    • Efficacy of the creature from GOD: Part. 1, Pag. 137
  • Enemy.
    • VVhat an enemy GOD is to wicked men: Part. 2, Pag. 175
  • End.
    • All creatures have an end: Part. 1, Pag. 9
    • VVe should doe nothing for our owne ends: Part. 1, Pag. 146
    • End of mens callings appoin∣ted by GOD: Part. 1, Pag. 147
    • VVhen a man makes himselfe his end: Part. 1, Pag. 148
  • Ending.
    • Hee that is eternall must be without ending: Part. 1, Pag. 157
    • See Advantage.
  • Ensignes.
    • Ensignes of GODS greatnes: Part. 2, Pag. 124
  • Equall.
    • Attributes of GOD equall: Part. 2, Pag. 53
    • Equality of GODS Attributes prove him omnipotent: Part. 2, Pag. 180
  • Erre, see Rule.
  • Essence.
    • Essence of GOD what: Part. 1, Pag. 94
    • Essence of GOD infinite, 2:148
  • Eternall, Eternity.
    • Eternity of GOD: Part. 1, Pag. 156
    • Eternity 5 things in it: Part. 1, Pag. 157
    • VVhy God must be eternall: Part. 1, Pag. 158
    • Foure differences betweene the eternity of GOD, and duration of the creatures: Part. 1, Pag. 159
    • Eternall things to be minded more: Part. 1, Pag. 161
    • Eternity, an exhortation to con∣sider of it: Part. 1, Pag. 165
    • Eternity, motives to consider it: Part. 1, Pag. 167
    • Eternity what: Part. 1, Pag. 168
    • Love and enmity of GOD eter∣nall: Part. 1, Pag. 171
    • Hatred and joy in GOD from eternity: Part. 2, Pag. 78
    • Counsels of God from eternity: Part. 1, Pag. 81
  • Evill.
    • Things are not alway evill that we think are: Part. 1, Pag. 42
  • Everlasting.
    • GOD from everlasting: other gods new: Part. 1, Pag. 79
    • GODS being everlasting. Part. 1, Pag. 98
  • Events.
    • Events contrary to mans pre∣parations. Part. 1, Pag. 39
  • Exalt.
    • To exalt GOD as GOD: Part. 1, Pag. 135
  • Excellency.
    • Excellency outward not to be

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  • ...
    • sought after: Part. 2, Pag. 17
    • Excellency outward of 3 sorts: Ibid:


  • Faculties.
    • Men desire company to exercise their faculties: Part. 2, Pag. 166
    • ...Faint, see Church.
  • Faith.
    • That there is a GOD, proved by faith: 1, 19, 45
    • Faith what. Part. 1, Pag. 20
    • Faith in this that there is a GOD should be confirmed: Part. 1, Pag. 61
    • Faith of elect and others differ: Part. 1, Pag. 62
    • Faith though the same hath se∣verall acts: Part. 1, Pag. 72
    • Faith strengthened by revea∣ling GODS name: Part. 1, Pag. 103
  • False.
    • The gods, and religion of the Gentiles false: Part. 1, Pag. 80
    • The religion of Mahomet false. Part. 1, Pag. 82
  • Feare.
    • VVhy we should feare God: Part. 1, Pag. 171
    • See Goodnesse.
  • Fire.
    • The Spirit as Fire: Part. 2, Pag. 15
  • Fill.
    • The Lord fills heaven and earth Part. 2, Pag. 45
  • Flee.
    • God such an enemy as the wic∣ked cannot flee from: Part. 2, Pag. 174
  • Force.
    • Force in the motion of a spirit: Part. 2, Pag. 3
  • Foundation.
    • Foundation of faith stable: Part. 2, Pag. 51
  • Friendship.
    • Friendship of God to be estee∣med: Part. 1, Pag. 129
  • Future.
    • Future things knowne onely to God. Part. 1, Pag. 79


  • GOD.
    • God, that he is: Part. 1, Pag. 3
    • That there is a God: Part. 1, Pag. 5
    • Creatures should be God, if they were not made: Part. 1, Pag. 8
    • A God sought naturally by all: Part. 1, Pag. 14
    • That there is a God, consequents of it: Part. 1, Pag. 28
    • Meanes to confirme our faith, that there is a God: Part. 1, Pag. 68
    • That God is God, and none be∣sides him: Part. 1, Pag. 75
    • 5 Arguments, that there is no other God: Part. 1, Pag. 76
    • God, what he is: Part. 1, Pag. 94
    • God, how to conceive of him in prayer: Part. 2, Pag. 44
    • ...

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  • ...
    • GOD, how said to come and goe: Part. 2, Pag. 77
    • GOD, the comfort of all things in him: Part. 2, Pag. 188
    • See Affections.
  • Good, Goodnesse.
    • The commands of GOD for our good: Part. 1, Pag. 127
    • Eternity makes things infinite∣ly good: Part. 1, Pag. 160
    • To feare GOD for his goodnes: Part. 2, Pag. 14
    • See Observe.
  • Government.
    • Government of the world by GOD Part. 2, Pag. 150
    • See Spirit.
  • Grace, Gracious.
    • Grace of GOD free: Part. 1, Pag. 125
    • The Lord is gracious: Part. 2, Pag. 46
    • To goe to GOD for grace: Part. 2, Pag. 69
    • See Light, Sin, Vnchangable.
  • Grieve, see Himselfe.
  • Greatnesse.
    • Greatnesse of GOD: Part. 2, Pag. 123
    • Greatnesse of GOD declared in sixe things; Ibid:
    • Greatnesse of GOD compared: Part. 2, Pag. 126
    • Greatnesse of mind to be sought Part. 2, Pag. 129
    • VVhat makes the mind great: Part. 2, Pag. 130
    • Greatnesse outward why men are led away with it: Ibid:
    • Greatnesse of minde how got∣ten: Part. 2, Pag. 137
    • To feare GOD for his greatnes: Part. 2, Pag. 140


  • Hate.
    • Pollution of spirit to hate it: Part. 2, Pag. 12
    • How to come to hate it. Part. 2, Pag. 13
  • Heathen.
    • Passages of Scripture acknow∣ledged by Heathen. Part. 1, Pag. 53
  • Heaven.
    • No want of outward comforts in heaven. Part. 2, Pag. 19
    • See Humble.
  • Helpe.
    • No case so desperate but GOD can helpe: Part. 2, Pag. 203
  • Hindred.
    • GOD cannot be hindred: Part. 2, Pag. 52
  • High.
    • Not to put our selves to things too high: Part. 1, Pag. 149

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  • Himselfe.
    • Being of God of himselfe. Part. 1, Pag. 98
    • GOD may doe things for him∣selfe. Part. 1, Pag. 144
    • what he doth that greiues most for things that concerne him∣selfe. Part. 1, Pag. 150
  • Hope.
    • Hope of the Saints whereon built: Part. 1, Pag. 63
  • Holinesse.
    • Holinesse of Scripture: Part. 1, Pag. 52
    • Holinesse what: Part. 2, Pag. 37
    • Holinesse expressed outwardly: Part. 2, Pag. 39
    • Holinesse of God shewes his greatnesse Part. 2, Pag. 127
  • Holy ghost.
    • Holy ghost guided penmen of Scripture: Part. 1, Pag. 48
  • Humble.
    • An Humble man takes heauen how Part. 1, Pag. 121
    • Humanity, see CHRIST.


  • I am.
    • I am, what meant by it: Part. 1, Pag. 95
  • Idolatry.
    • To keepe our hearts from Ido∣latry: Part. 1, Pag. 88
    • Idolatry of two kinds: Ibid:
    • Idolatry 3 grounds of it: Part. 1, Pag. 82
    • Idolatry to resolve on things by our owne strength: Part. 1, Pag. 112
  • Image.
    • Image of God: Part. 1, Pag. 15
    • Image of God in the soule dou∣ble: Part. 1, Pag. 16
    • ...Immediate, see Government.
  • Impure.
    • The life and doctrine of Maho∣met impure Part. 1, Pag. 84
  • Immense.
    • The Immensity of Gods being: Part. 1, Pag. 97
    • Immensity of Gods being shews his greatnesse: Part. 2, Pag. 127
    • Immensity of God: Part. 2, Pag. 147
    • Immensity of God we should rejoyce in it: Part. 2, Pag. 152
    • Immensity of God we should studie it. Part. 2, Pag. 153
  • Imperfection.
    • Imperfection negatiue in the Saints: Part. 1, Pag. 121
    • Imperfection where there is change: Part. 2, Pag. 73
    • ...See perfect.
  • Impenitence.
    • Impenitence punnished in Gods children: Part. 2, Pag. 99
  • Immutable.
    • Immutability of God Part. 2, Pag. 72
    • 5: reasons of Gods Immutabi∣lity:

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  • ...
    • 2, 73
    • Grace in it selfe not immutable: Part. 2, Pag. 115
  • Inconstancy.
    • Inconstancy, to be humbled for it. Part. 2, Pag. 112
    • Inconstancy, two causes of it: Part. 2, Pag. 115
    • Inconstancy from weaknesse: Part. 2, Pag. 117
  • Indeavour.
    • Indeavours help not when God hath cast off a man: Part. 2, Pag. 83
    • Indeavour, not taken away by Gods decree: Part. 2, Pag. 92
  • Infinite.
    • God is infinite: Part. 2, Pag. 74
    • To make a creature infinite, were a contradiction: Part. 2, Pag. 186
    • See Essence, Presence.
  • Invisible.
    • To be invisible, a property of a spirit: Part. 2, Pag. 2
  • Inquire.
    • Somewhat in God we must not inquire into. Part. 1, Pag. 100
  • Injuries.
    • Injuries of men, why we are so affected with them: Part. 2, Pag. 133
    • How to be patient in injuries: Part. 2, Pag. 156
  • Influence.
    • To beleeve there is a God hath influence into the whole life: Part. 1, Pag. 64
  • Iustification.
    • Faith strengthened in matters of justification, whence. Part. 1, Pag. 71
  • Iust, see Will.
  • Iudgements.
    • Iudgements spirituall the grea∣test: Part. 2, Pag. 27
    • Iudgements dispensed by God now as in former time: 2:98
    • Iudgements of God different in time, and meanes. 2:101


  • Kill.
    • Lusts must be killed: 2:13
  • Knowledge.
    • Knowledge experimentall that there is a God: 1:63


  • Labour.
    • Labour, how it is sweetned: 1:151
  • ...

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  • Lame.
    • Performances lame when the body is not exercised: 2:40
  • Law.
    • Law written in mens hearts proves that there is a God: Part. 1, Pag. 13
  • Liberty.
    • Gods presence gives liberty: Part. 2, Pag. 164
  • Life.
    • God onely the living God: Part. 1, Pag. 80
    • Life, the shortnesse of it should make us thinke of eternity: Part. 1, Pag. 167
  • Light.
    • What makes all outward things light: Part. 1, Pag. 163
    • Prophecies of Scripture limited to a set time: Part. 1, Pag. 50
    • God without limits: Part. 1, Pag. 121
    • Our obedience to God should not be limited: Part. 2, Pag. 142
    • VVhen wee limit God, wee doubt of his power: Part. 2, Pag. 195
  • Lips.
    • Our spirits must be neare God, as our lips: Part. 2, Pag. 33
  • Long, see Short.
  • Low.
    • VVe should not rest in things too low: Part. 1, Pag. 149
    • GODS power can raise from a low condition: Part. 2, Pag. 201
  • Love.
    • GODS immutability makes us love him: Part. 2, Pag. 88
    • Love of other things must be subordinate to the love of GOD: 2.144
    • To walke with GOD a signe of love: Part. 2, Pag. 163
  • Lusts.
    • Lusts defile the spirit of man: Part. 2, Pag. 6
    • The tenth commandement a∣gainst lust: Part. 2, Pag. 7
    • Lusts restrained hatefull to GOD: Part. 2, Pag. 9
    • Lusts mortified make us con∣stant in well-doing: Part. 2, Pag. 115
    • See Doing.


  • Magnanimity.
    • An holy magnanimity in enjoy∣ing of GOD: Part. 1, Pag. 134
    • Magnanimity false: Ibid
  • ...

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  • Mahomet.
    • Mahomet denied two things in Christ: Part. 1, Pag. 84
    • See false.
  • Maiesty.
    • Majesty of Scripture proue the truth of them: Part. 1, Pag. 56
    • Majesty of GOD 1, 76.77
  • Man.
    • That there is a GOD proued by the making of man: Part. 1, Pag. 6
    • Difference betweene the acti∣ons of man and beast: Part. 1, Pag. 17
    • Heathen Gods men: Part. 1, Pag. 81
  • Matter.
    • GOD without matter: Part. 2, Pag. 127
    • GOD can worke without mat∣ter: Part. 2, Pag. 180
  • Merit.
    • All that we can doe cannot me∣rit of GOD: Part. 1, Pag. 123
  • Mercie.
    • Mercie of GOD how it is o∣ver all his workes: Part. 2, Pag. 54
    • Mercie we should goe to God for it: Part. 2, Pag. 68
    • See Iudgement.
  • Minde.
    • To worship GOD with all the minde. Part. 2, Pag. 35
    • See Great.
  • Miracles.
    • Miracles proove the truth of the Scriptures: Part. 1, Pag. 48
    • Mahomets religion wanted miracles: Part. 1, Pag. 84
  • Monuments.
    • Monuments, none more anci∣ent than those in Scripture: Part. 1, Pag. 11
  • Morrow.
    • Morrow, not to boast of it: Part. 1, Pag. 118
  • ...

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  • Move, Motion.
    • GOD not subject to motion. Part. 1, Pag. 170
    • A spirit moves it selfe and other things: Part. 2, Pag. 3
  • Multiplication.
    • No multiplication in GOD: Part. 2, Pag. 48
  • Mutability.
    • How to comfort our selves in the mutability of things: Part. 1, Pag. 172
    • Mutability of the creature for∣gotten: Part. 2, Pag. 203


  • Nature.
    • Nature, the course of it altered since the creation. Part. 1, Pag. 32
    • Faith strengthened from Gods workes in Nature: Part. 2, Pag. 193
  • Need.
    • God hath no need of any crea∣ture. Part. 2, Pag. 193
  • Nothing.
    • Outward things nothing in two respects: Part. 1, Pag. 131


  • Object, Objection.
    • Single heart lookes but upon one object. Part. 2, Pag. 60
    • Objections against this princi∣ple, that there is a God: Part. 1, Pag. 30
  • Observe.
    • GOD observeth all wee doe: Part. 2, Pag. 168
    • See Sinne.
  • Omnipotent.
    • Omnipotency of GOD: Part. 2, Pag. 176
    • Omnipotency of GOD where∣in; Part. 2, Pag. 177

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  • Omnipresence.
    • A caution concerning the omni∣presence of GOD Part. 2, Pag. 14
  • Originall.
    • Originall of all creatures Part. 1, Pag. 6
    • Love, wisedome &c. originally in GOD: Part. 2, Pag. 49
  • Owne.
    • Two cases when God punnish∣eth his owne children: Part. 2, Pag. 99
  • Outward.
    • Outward man stirrs up the in∣ward: Part. 2, Pag. 40


  • Parts.
    • GOD: what parts: Part. 2, Pag. 50
  • Perish.
    • Why it is nothing to GOD, that many perish: Part. 1, Pag. 127
  • Particular.
    • Prophecies of Scripture parti∣cular: Part. 1, Pag. 50
  • Perspicuouse.
    • Prophecies of Scripture perspi∣cuouse: Part. 1, Pag. 50
  • Perfect,
    • GOD is perfect: Part. 1, Pag. 120
    • Perfection what Ibid
    • 5 differences betweene perfecti∣on in God, and in the crea∣tures: Part. 1, Pag. 121
    • To praise GOD for his perfecti∣on: Part. 1, Pag. 129
    • 4 Signes of praising Gods per∣fection. Ibid:
  • Place.
    • A spirit not held in any place: Part. 2, Pag. 4
  • Pleasure.
    • Pleasures, why men are car∣ried away with them: Part. 2, Pag. 131
  • Power.
    • Power of GOD every where: Part. 2, Pag. 149
    • Power of GOD the end of it: Part. 2, Pag. 185
    • Power of GOD, we should be∣lieve it; Part. 2, Pag. 194
    • Power of GOD doubted of: Part. 2, Pag. 197
    • Power of GOD manifested: Part. 2, Pag. 199
  • Pollution.
    • Pollution of spirit to find it out. Part. 2, Pag. 10
    • Pollution, directions to finde it out. Part. 2, Pag. 11
    • See Prayer.
  • Prayer.
    • Fervency in prayer one ground

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  • ...
    • of it: Part. 1, Pag. 71
    • Pray against pollution of spirit. Part. 2, Pag. 14
    • Men may pray much, yet not aright. Part. 2, Pag. 42
    • Prayer, two times of it: Part. 2, Pag. 43
    • He that is rejected of GOD cannot pray: Part. 2, Pag. 93
    • Prayer heard of God now as in former time. Part. 2, Pag. 103
    • Power of God should make us pray. Part. 2, Pag. 198
  • Praise.
    • Praise of men why men are led away with it Part. 2, Pag. 131
    • See weakenesse.
  • Presence, Presently
    • Presence of God infinite: Part. 2, Pag. 148
    • How men are present: Part. 2, Pag. 155
    • Why God auengeth not pre∣sently: Part. 2, Pag. 157
    • Presence seene in 3. things: Part. 2, Pag. 160
    • How we are present with God. Ibid.
    • How wee make God present with us: Part. 2, Pag. 161
  • Prophets, Prophecies.
    • Prophecies in Scripture prove the truth of it. Part. 1, Pag. 50
    • Poets the Gentiles Prophets: Part. 1, Pag. 81
  • Providence.
    • Providence of God, the great∣nesse of it proves that there is no other God. Part. 1, Pag. 79
    • Greatnesse of God seene in his providence. Part. 2, Pag. 125
    • The ground of Gods particu∣lar providence. Part. 2, Pag. 154
  • Provoke, See Casting off.
  • Prosper.
    • Those that trust not in God may prosper: Part. 1, Pag. 115
  • Profession.
    • why men leaue their profession: Part. 2, Pag. 88
    • Fearfulnes in profession whence: Part. 2, Pag. 134
  • Promiscuously.
    • Outward things dispensed pro∣miscuously Part. 2, Pag. 28
  • Probabilities.
    • VVhen we are incouraged by probabilities we doubt of Gods power: Part. 2, Pag. 194
  • Punish, see owne.
  • Purity.
    • Purity of Scriptures prove them true: Part. 1, Pag. 56
  • Purposes.
    • Purposes of GOD brought to

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  • ...
    • passe by wayes vnknowne to us: Part. 1, Pag. 36
    • Stronge lusts breake stronge purposes: Part. 2, Pag. 116
    • Purposes 3. helpes to strength∣en them: Part. 2, Pag. 117
    • Purposes must be renewed: Part. 2, Pag. 118


  • Quantity.
    • God simple without quantity. 2, 74.


  • Reall.
    • Miracles in Scripture reall. Part. 1, Pag. 49
  • Reason.
    • Difference betweene faith and reason: Part. 1, Pag. 46
    • Reason for that faith beleeveth: Ibid.
    • Reason raised by faith. Part. 1, Pag. 47
    • Purposes grounded on reason. Part. 2, Pag. 118
    • VVee must get strong reasons for our resolution. Part. 2, Pag. 119
  • Regard.
    • VVe should regard the Lord in three things. Part. 1, Pag. 171
  • Rejoyce, see Immensity.
  • See Almighty. Religion, see False. Repentance.
    • Repentance, how attributed to God. Part. 2, Pag. 76
    • Gods gifts and calling without Repentance. Part. 2, Pag. 84
  • Resolution.
    • Resolution, meanes to helpe it. Part. 2, Pag. 119
    • Resolution must be renewed: Part. 2, Pag. 122
    • ...See Desire.
  • Reject, see Pray.
  • Rest.
    • Of resting in things concerning a mans selfe. Part. 1, Pag. 151
  • Reward.
    • He that lookes for reward from men, makes himselfe his end Part. 1, Pag. 15
  • Reverence.
    • VVe should reverence God why Part. 2, Pag. 145
  • Righteous.
    • ...

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  • ...
    • GOD righteous in his wayes: Part. 2, Pag. 79
  • Roote.
    • The roote of all sin what: Part. 1, Pag. 66
  • Rule.
    • That which goeth by a rule may erre: Part. 1, Pag. 144
    • We should let the Spirit rule: Part. 2, Pag. 19
    • How to know when the Spirit beareth rule: Part. 2, Pag. 22
    • See confusion.


  • Scandall.
    • GOD punnisheth his owne children in case of Scandall: Part. 2, Pag. 99
  • Scriptures.
    • Scriptures proved true by faith 3. wayes: Part. 1, Pag. 48
    • Scriptures proved by them∣selues: Part. 1, Pag. 56
    • Difference betweene penmen of scripture and other writers: Part. 1, Pag. 80
    • Whence it is that men take the judgement of scripture rather then mens fancies: Part. 1, Pag. 70
    • How to understand scriptures: Part. 2, Pag. 78
  • Seek.
    • How to know we seeke to God Part. 1, Pag. 130
  • Serve, service.
    • He that neglects GODS service makes him not his end: Part. 1, Pag. 150
    • VVhy we should labour to serve GOD: Part. 1, Pag. 172
  • Secure.
    • GODS power in bringing downe those that are secure: Part. 2, Pag. 202
  • Seeing.
    • We are present with GOD by seeing of him: Part. 2, Pag. 160
    • GOD present with us by see∣ing us: Part. 2, Pag. 161
  • Short.
    • The good the creatures do us is short: Part. 1, Pag. 138
    • To GOD no time long or short: Part. 1, Pag. 160
  • Sinne.
    • The perfection of GOD to bee vncapable of sinne: Part. 1, Pag. 122
    • Sinne 3. things in it: Part. 1, Pag. 166
    • Sinne and grace to be thought on cheifly: Part. 1, Pag. 167
    • Sinne observed by GOD: Part. 2, Pag. 168
    • GOD therefore Omnipotent because he cannot sinne: Part. 2, Pag. 182
    • ...

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  • ...
    • See Light.
  • Simplicity.
    • Simplicity of God what. 2, 1.
    • Simplicity of God proved by 6 reasons. Part. 2, Pag. 49
    • Simplicity, two things in it: Part. 2, Pag. 60
    • See Quantity.
  • Singlenesse.
    • Singlenesse of heart what. Part. 2, Pag. 37
    • Singlenesse to be laboured for. Part. 2, Pag. 59
  • Sicknesse.
    • Sicknesse in the body of the world. 1.33
  • Soule.
    • A God proved by the soule of man. Part. 1, Pag. 15
    • Soule, the acts of it depend not on the body: Part. 1, Pag. 18
    • God in the world as the soule in the body. Part. 1, Pag. 23
  • Spawne.
    • Spawne of sinne in the lusts of the spirit 2; 10
  • Speake.
    • Speaking to GOD makes us present with him. 2; 161
    • GOD present with us by spea∣king to us; Ibid.
    • How GOD speakes to us now; Part. 2, Pag. 162
  • Spirit:
    • GOD a spirit: Part. 2, Pag. 2
    • VVhat kinde of spirit God is; Ibid
    • 4 Properties of a spirit. Ibid
    • Gods eye especially on the spi∣rit of man. Part. 2, Pag. 4
    • How to fit our spirits for com∣munion with God: Part. 2, Pag. 6
    • Pollution of spirit, how hatefull to God, Part. 2, Pag. 7
    • Spirit broken pleaseth God. Part. 2, Pag. 8
    • Directions for cleansing the spi∣rit: Part. 2, Pag. 10
    • Gods government chiefly on mens spirits: Part. 2, Pag. 25
    • Spirit GOD guides onely: Part. 2, Pag. 28
    • Spirit, the guiding of it of great consequence: Part. 2, Pag. 29
    • GOD must be worshipped in spirit. Part. 2, Pag. 32
    • To serve GOD in spirit what: Part. 2, Pag. 33
    • How to conceive of a spirit: Part. 2, Pag. 45
    • See Adorne, Iudgement.
  • Stability.
    • Stability in that we enjoy to be begged of GOD: 2 10,

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  • Stronger.
    • The assent in the elect stronger that there is a God, than in others. Part. 1, Pag. 62
  • Substantiall.
    • Perfection in God substantiall. Part. 1, Pag. 122
  • Succession.
    • God without succession. Part. 1, Pag. 98
    • Hee that is eternall, must be without succession. Part. 1, Pag. 157
  • Suffer.
    • VVhy men rather sinne than suffer: Part. 1, Pag. 25


  • Temptations.
    • Temptations, we must outbid them. Part. 2, Pag. 120
  • Testament.
    • Testament both olde and new acknowledged by Mahomet. Part. 1, Pag. 82
    • Testimony, see Adversaries, Church.
  • Theologie.
    • Theologie what. Part. 1, Pag. 1
    • Theologie, wherein it differeth from other sciences. Part. 1, Pag. 2
    • Theologie, the parts of it. Part. 1, Pag. 3
    • Difference in points of Theo∣logie. Part. 1, Pag. 5
  • Time.
    • Time dispensed by God. Part. 1, Pag. 158
    • All time present with God. 1.159
    • Time of outward things short. Part. 1, Pag. 162
    • God the Lord of time. Part. 1, Pag. 174
    • Time as a field to be sown. Ibid.
    • Time double. Part. 2, Pag. 83
    • ...See Iudgement.
  • Thoughts.
    • How to be rid of ill thoughts. Part. 2, Pag. 169
  • Together.
    • God possesseth all things toge∣ther. Part. 1, Pag. 159
  • Trust.
    • To trust in God. Part. 1, Pag. 171


  • Vanity.
    • ...Vanity 〈…〉〈…〉 our owne stre•••••••• 1 13
    • See 〈◊〉〈◊〉

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  • Vessells.
    • All outward things earthen vessells. Part. 2, Pag. 105
  • Visible.
    • Miracles of Scripture visible: Part. 1, Pag. 48
  • Vnderstanding.
    • Objects of the understanding of two sorts. Part. 1, Pag. 21
  • Vnchangeable.
    • Men make excuses from this, that Gods decree is unchan∣geable. Part. 2, Pag. 95
    • Vpon what occasion the do∣ctrine of Gods unchangea∣blenesse is revealed. Part. 2, Pag. 96
    • The end, and use of the doctrine of Gods unchangeablenesse: Part. 2, Pag. 97
    • To prize things by their un∣changeablenesse. Part. 2, Pag. 106
    • Grace unchangeable. Part. 2, Pag. 107
    • See Decree.
  • Vnmixed.
    • The perfection of God unmix∣ed. Part. 1, Pag. 121
    • ...Voluntary, see Cause.


  • Walke.
    • To walke with God. Part. 2, Pag. 159
    • To walke with God what: Part. 2, Pag. 160
    • ...See Love.
  • Want.
    • How faith is strengthened in our wants. Part. 1, Pag. 103
    • Perfection of GOD without want: Part. 1, Pag. 122
    • To make use of Gods power in our wants; Part. 2, Pag. 19
  • Weaknesse.
    • Weaknesse, to regard praise of men; Part. , Pag. 133
    • ...See Inconstancy.
  • Weaned.
    • To use outward things with weaned hearts; Part. 2, Pag. 57
  • Weary.
    • The soule not weary in its acti∣on; Part. 1, Pag. 19
  • Wheeles.
    • Observations from the wheeles in Ezek: 1. Part. 1, Pag. 35
  • Will.
    • God wills not things because they are just, but they are just because he wills them: Part. 1, Pag. 143
    • Gods power large as his will: Part. 2, Pag. 181
    • ...

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  • ...
    • Men doubt more of Gods pow∣er than his will Part. 2, Pag. 194
    • No losse by yeelding to Gods will: Part. 2, Pag. 204
  • Wisedome.
    • Wisedome carnall opposite to sincerity. 2.65
    • See Company:
  • Word.
    • Word of God unchangeable, Part. 2, Pag. 108
  • Workes.
    • Workes of God, the greatnesse of them: 1, 78:
    • Good workes unchangeable: Part. 2, Pag. 108
    • Gods greatnesse seene in his workes: Part. 2, Pag. 129
  • World:
    • World, the dissolution of it pro∣ved: Part. 1, Pag. 31
    • World, why we are sent into it, Part. 1, Pag. 168
    • World, God without it as well as in it: Part. 2, Pag. 148
    • God able to make other worlds 1.149
  • Worship, see Spirit, Christ.
  • Worth:
    • VVant of worth in us must not discourage us from comming to God. Part. 1, Pag. 125
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