Reuelatio Dei The reuelation of God, and his great propheatie: which God now; in the last daye; hath shewed vnto his elect. Set-fourth by HN, and by him pervsed anew and more distinctlie declared. Translated out of Base-almayne.

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Reuelatio Dei The reuelation of God, and his great propheatie: which God now; in the last daye; hath shewed vnto his elect. Set-fourth by HN, and by him pervsed anew and more distinctlie declared. Translated out of Base-almayne.
Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?
[Cologne :: Printed by N. Bohmberg,

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"Reuelatio Dei The reuelation of God, and his great propheatie: which God now; in the last daye; hath shewed vnto his elect. Set-fourth by HN, and by him pervsed anew and more distinctlie declared. Translated out of Base-almayne." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


The VII. Chap.

THissame Sonne of God / Iesus [ A] or Sauiour / which wasa begotten out of Heauen {reversed ;}to a Seede of Blessinge; to the

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Howse of Israel and to the Howse of Iuda, is likewise {reversed ;}after his Resurrection from the Death; receaued-vppb of his Father / into the heauenlie Beeinge. and in-sort of the fleashlie Procreatinge / was vnfruitfull on the Earth: Wherin that the Lawe after the Fleash / was not fulfilled. But-yet well / after the Spirit. For in the Lawe ther stan∣deth writen:c None amonge you shall be vn∣fruitfull.

2. Wher-out now it seemeth according to the Fleash / as-though his Genealogie {reversed ;}after the Pro∣creation of the Generations of Israel;d ceassed with Him / or was at-an-end in Israel. But that is not so / after the Spirit.

3. For Hee hath {reversed ;}out of the heauenlie Beeing; eauen from the Right-hande of God his Father / powred-fourthe his holie Spirit / vpon all those which beleeued in Him / and were his obedient Dis∣ciples: and is euenso {reversed ;}through thesame Seede of his holie Spirit; becom very fruitfull / f to manye thowsande Children of his Holyones / in the hea∣uenlie Beeing: First / in Israel. and then fourth / amonge allg Heathen / through the Beleef of A∣braham.

[ B] 4. BEhold: Thissame Sonne of God {reversed ;}which is a Beeinge / Light / Life / and Woorde / withh God his Father; and ye manyi Multitudes of his Sainctes / is the heauenlie Bodie / which raignethk or hath his Dominion / with God: and is named Israel and Christian. And Those-same are also the Multitudes of the manye thowsande

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Heauens / which thou hast seene so triumphantlie. All which these Sainctes / or Members of thesame spirituall and heauenlie Bodie / are begotten of the Sonne of God (eauen as I haue tolde thee heere) / and arel becom to so many thowsande Sainctes / in the heauenlie Beeinge.

5. MOreouer / in that thou hast also seene / that these-same Multitudes of Heauēs / did also reach euerye-wheare ouer the vniuersall Earth ؛them Beanch of the Lordes Feete?: That is: Those-same Sainctes ؛Israel and Christian? shall now in this Daye of ye Loue {reversed ;}as true Priestes orn Elders of the holie Vnderstandinge / and as Kinges {reversed ;}or wise Gouernours; raigne with God and his Righteousnes / euerlastinglieo vpon the Earth: and all Generations of the Earth / shall euenso {reversed ;}through thesame Sainctes; obtainep their Blessinge according to the Promises of God / and Testimonies of the holie Scriptures.

6. BEholde: This is thesame Sonne of [ C] God / which now at the last time / name∣lie / in this Daye of the Loue / appeereth in his Cominge-againe {reversed ;}with God his Father / q and with all his Children and Sainctes; verie glori∣ous and triumphantlie / to Iudgment / with Righteousnes. Wher-with also Hee now expres∣seth / that his Name / is not put-out in Israel. but shall continuer in Israel for euer-and-euer: Also that the Lawe becometh not broken / nether through Him / nor-yet through his Children or Sainctes· buts fulfilled and accomplished: and that God his

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Father / hath had the Power {reversed ;}through ye Sonne; to raise-vpp / out-of the dead Stones / and out-of the brutish Heathen / t Children vnto Abraham.

7. See / this is the Fruitfulnes of Christ / the Sonne of the God of Abraham. Which Fruit∣fulnes {reversed ;}to an Increasinge of his Holyones / and to many-more Thowsandes of his Children; shall now likewise in thissamev last Daye, com-to-passe or take-effect, vnder the Obedience of his Loue: and that altogether after the former sort / like-as it came-to-passe {reversed ;}through his holie Spirit; in times-passed / namelie / out-of the Beleef / and in the Be∣leef of Abraham.

8. Which new-begotten Children / do all {reversed ;}tho∣rough thesame Christ;x obtayne the Purginge of their Sinnes / and becomy Coenheritours in the Testamentes of God / and of ye holie Fathers / according to the Promises. For their Righteous∣nes / Faithfulnes / and Trueth / shall now {reversed ;}in this∣same Daye of the Loue; enlardge itself / so wide as the Worlde is / z to-thende that it all {reversed ;}what-soeuer is writen of Christ; mought euenso becom fulfilled in the Loue.

[ D] 9. WHen I now vnderstoode all this {reversed ;}that was saide vnto mee; according to the Trueth / I reioyced mee very-much / in my Spirit: chiefliest / for that I had heard this Resolution / with so cleere Distinction· and& seene the Daye of the Lorde / cominge ouer the Worlde. and that in thesame / the vniuersalla Earth should be iudged with Righteousnes·b gouerned by the Sainctes

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of God· and all Vngodlie / rooted-out from the Earth / c and becom condemned.

10. Moreouer / in all thissame / I lauded and thanked the God of Heauē / for his great Loue and Mercie / which Hee in this last Time {reversed ;}d that is full of all Iniquitie; is extending ouer vs Littelones and Poore: and for that Hee also reuealeth to vs so nakedlie / and letteth vs see / e to what a Glori∣ous-dignitie / He hath created, chosen, and also {reversed ;}through his Christ; called the manlie Genera∣tion: and ceasseth not yeat presentlie in this last Daye {reversed ;}through the holie Spirit of his Loue; to call and intirelie-bidde them / To-thende that they all now whichf loue the Righteousnes / and which areg laden with many Sinnes / or are fallen into manifolde Iniquities / mought yeath turne them· and becomi incorporated {reversed ;}to their Preseruation and Saluation; into the louelie Beeing of God.


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