Reuelatio Dei The reuelation of God, and his great propheatie: which God now; in the last daye; hath shewed vnto his elect. Set-fourth by HN, and by him pervsed anew and more distinctlie declared. Translated out of Base-almayne.

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Reuelatio Dei The reuelation of God, and his great propheatie: which God now; in the last daye; hath shewed vnto his elect. Set-fourth by HN, and by him pervsed anew and more distinctlie declared. Translated out of Base-almayne.
Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?
[Cologne :: Printed by N. Bohmberg,

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"Reuelatio Dei The reuelation of God, and his great propheatie: which God now; in the last daye; hath shewed vnto his elect. Set-fourth by HN, and by him pervsed anew and more distinctlie declared. Translated out of Base-almayne." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


The XXVI. Chap.

AFter these Woordes / the Lordes [ A] and Iudges spake yet one other Sayinge / before the last Sentence. and saide:

2. FOrasmuch now as that ya Iniquitie / together with the subtile Falshod / and the most-wylie Heartes / are so exceedinglie multi∣plied euery-wheare / with the Man on the Earth / and that the Occasion of all this Iniquitie / is not knowen vnto eueryone: and that moreouer God and Prouidence, and eueryone that loueth the Righteousnes / wolde most-gladlie se the Salua∣tion

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and Welfare of the Man / and the Peace on the Earth: and yet neuertheles / ther is greatb Va∣riaunce entred-in: and that therto eueryone that loueth the Righteousnes / hath now goodwilling∣lie c geeuen-ouer himself / in our Woorde & Coun∣sell of the Wisdom· and sett all thinges in our Handes (to-thende that all this Controuersie / andd the Meane wher-through the Iniquitie hath so multiplied itself / as also the Iniquitie herself / should be remooued or vtterlye rooted-out· and so al-thinge bee restored againe / into hys vpright Fourme) / So harken heere now therfore vnto this our Saying and Requiringe. For euen after-that / wee will pronounce-fourth an vpright Sen∣tence of it all.

3. For that euery-one mought now {reversed ;}in this∣same Daye of the righteous Iudgment of God; be preserued from thef Perrels of great Damaige both to Soule and Bodie / so let not anyone {reversed ;}from thissame present Daye fourth;g take vpon hym for to blame or accuse the one the-other / as touching his Offices behalf. nether-yet also that the Ini∣quitie and Variaunce is growen to be on ye Earth / by anymans Fault: Nether shall also anyone {reversed ;}the one against the-other; esteeme or geeue-fourth him∣self h for great {reversed ;}ether high-of-reputation; for his knowledgfull Wisdoms cause: nor desire in such respect / to be the Lorde / or to beare the Lordship. But that which Wee pronounce to an vpright Iudgment or Sentence / shall eueryone doo / and not omitt to accomplish thesame.

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4. Eueryone shall from this howre-fourth [ B] / endeuour hym for to enter-in or com theare with his Beeinge / wheare hee and his Beeing was in the Beginning / er-euer Godi made the Man on the Earth: and assemble hym euenso againe / to his vp∣right Beeinge [namelie / into thesame State / as his Beeinge was in his Peace / er-euer God made the Man on the Earth.] And all what eueryone had then / and all whatsoeuer is flowen or issued with Hym / out of thesame former Beeinge / all that shall hee bring-in againe {reversed ;}with hymself; to thesame Bee∣inge: k Also forsake all that which is not of thesame Beeinge / or proceedeth not ther∣from.

5. Beholde / and haue now all / a good regarde to this last Sentence: for in the Fulfillinge of the∣same /l all Middel-walles / Dissentions / and Ini∣quities {reversed ;}which are growen to be euen from the Be∣ginninge / and haue brought-in all Variaunce and Disturbaunce; shall not choose but remaine with∣out the Man / and passe-awaye to nothinge / inas∣much as thesame Iniquities / are not of the vpright Beeinge of God nor of the Man / nether-yet pro∣ceede ther-from.

6. When now then thissame is thus accompli∣shed

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by eueryone / so shall it be well seen-into and knowen by eueryone / what hee ism of himself. Also what Seruice or Office ther belongeth to him for to minister or vse: and which is also his Glorie / whervnto hee hath right. For hee shall then inherit all thesame / and liue therin peaceablie.

[ C] 7. O God, Heer-in shalt thou first haue the Fore-goinge: Settinge thy-self in the Fourme of thesame Beeinge / like-as thou hast ben from in Eternitie / and like-as thou wast in the Be∣ginninge / er-euer thou madest the Man / on the Earth.

8. Forasmuch then as that thou art an heauen∣lie Beeinge / n Light / and Spirit / so shalt thou plucke all that which is gon-fourth or flowen-out from Thee to the Earth {reversed ;}to-wit / heauenlie Bee∣inges / Lightes / and Spirites; againe vnto thee. And all what cometh to thee ther-of / that-same shalt thou receaue / and set or ordaine it in his vp∣right Ordinaunce.

9. In such like-sort / shalt thou also {reversed ;}O Proui∣dence; sett thyself in the Fourme of thesame Bee∣inge / like-as thou hast ben from in Eternitie / and like-as thou wast in the Beginninge / er-euer God made the Man / on the Earth: And all that which was than by thee / and all what is flowen-fourth with thee / out of thesame Beeinge / that-same shalt thou plucke againe vnto thee / into thesame Bee∣inge. And all what cometh to thee ther-of / that shalt thou receaue: and euenso shall then that-same also enter-in with thee / to his right Ordinaunce.

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10. LEt eueryone respect-well this vpright [ D] Sentence of the righteous Iudgment / which Wee heere-now {reversed ;}in the last or newest Daye; do pronounce-fourth according to ye Trueth. For it concerneth eueryone / o so-well the earthlie and naturall Beeing / in His / as the heauenlie and spi∣rituall Beeinge / in His. For this is nowp the Last Iudgment / wher-vnto the Loue and her Seruice reacheth.

11. For-that-cause / O thou earthlie and natu∣rall Beeing / thou shalt also endeuour thyself / for to sett thee {reversed ;}accordinge to the Requiringe of the Woorde of the Lorde and his Seruice of Loue; in the Fourme of thesame Beeinge / like-as thou wast in the Beginninge / er-euerq God made the Man / on the Earth: And all what-soeuer is de∣parted from thy Beeinge / as earthlie and Nature / that shalt thou pluck vnto thee againe. And all what cometh vnto thee ther-of / that shalt thou also receaue / and sett or ordaine each-one {reversed ;}according to his right Beeinge and Nature; in his right Or∣dinaunce.

12. And when-as now thissame {reversed ;}with eueryone which hath a Lust for to enter into his right Bee∣inge and Ordinaunce; is all euen-thus brought-to-passe and accomplished. and when-as also the Tymer of Grace {reversed ;}for eueryone to enter-in to his vpright Beeinge; is ouer-passed or ended / Then shall all that which remayneth-ouer / with-out the vpright Beeinge [namelie / of that which is Spiri∣tuall and Naturall]: and whatsoeuer is not profi∣table

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or necessarie for anythinge in Heauen nor on Earth / be vtterlie rooted-out / ands burnt with the Fire: So shall then trulie the manyfolde-sort of Iniquitie and Variaunce {reversed ;}together with all those that loue or practise Iniquitie / Variaunce / & Ren∣tinge; com euenso vtterlie to an ende.

[ E] 13. For all that which is of wicked Kynde and Will / shall be throwen to-gethert into the hellish Fire of the euerlastinge Damnation:v wheare the Worme of their gnawinge Conscience doth neuer dye / nether shall the hellish Fire of their Condem∣nation / be euermore quenched-out: for their Con∣demnation shall endure euerlastinglie.

14. Then shal-ther not be els-what in Heauen and on Earth / but Righteousnes / Loue / & Peace. andx the vniuersall Earth be inhabited in Peace· andy gouerned with Righteousnes / euerlastinglie. For so {reversed ;}like-as wee haue saide it; it is right / and an vpright Iudgment / For to bringe all that which is declyned or estraunged from his vpright Beeinge / into his vpright Fourme and peaceable Beeinge againe.


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