The true originall edict of Nants as it was enacted by Henry the third, and confirmed by the last French King Henry the fourth of famous memory. And reestablished by Lewis the thirteenth, for the better assurance of those of the reformed religion, as appeareth by the Kings Edict of peace, dated in the campe at Mompellier the nineteenth of October 1622. and proclaimed throughout all his dominions for a finall ending of all ciuill troubles. Cum priuilegio.
France., France. Sovereign (1574-1589 : Henry III)


All Commanders, Lordes, Knights, Gentlemen, Officers, corporations of Townes and Communal∣ties, and all others who haue aided & succoured them, their widowes, heires and successors, shall be quitted and discharged of all monies which by them and their Ordinances haue bene leuied and taken vp, as well roy∣all debts to what summe soeuer they amount, as of Townes and Communalties, and the particulars of rents, reuenues, plate, Vents of Ecclesiasticall moue∣able goods, and other woodes of high growth, whe∣ther of Demaine or other forfeitures, booties, ransoms, or monies of any other nature, by them raised by meanes of the troubles begunne in the moneth of March, a thousand fiue hundred fourescore and fiue, and other precedent troubles, till our comming to the Crowne: neither they, nor those by them authorized for the leuie of the said monies, or that haue giuen and furnished them by their Ordinances, shall be any waies troubled for it, either now or hereafter: and both they and their Committies shall be discharged of all the managing and disbursements of the said moneys, bringing in for a full discharge within foure moneths after the publication of this present Edict made in our Court of Parliament of Paris, acquittances duly taken Page  42 from the Heads of those of the said reformed Reli∣gion, or from those who by them shall be deputed to the heating and clearing of Accompts, or from the Communalties of the Townes which had authoritie and power during the said troubles. They shall in like manner be quitted and discharged of all acts of hostili∣tie, leuies and conducts of men of warre, enhauncing and raising of monies, raised according to the Ordi∣nance of the said Heads; the melting and taking of artilleries and munitions, making of powder, and saltpeeters, surprisals, fortifications, dismantellings and demolitions of Townes, Castles, boroughs, or villa∣ges; of any enterprise vpon them, combustions, and ruining of Churches or houses, establishments of Iu∣stice, iudgements and executions by them, whether in matter ciuill or criminall, of any policie or gouern∣ment instituted amongst them, of voyages and intelli∣gences, of negotiations, Treaties, or any Contracts made with all forreine Princes or Communalties, and introduction of the said strangers into Townes or any other part of our Kingdome, and generally of what∣soeuer hath bene done or negotiated during the said troubles, from the death of the late King Henrie our most honourable Lord and father in law, for those of the said Religion, or others who haue followed their partie, though it be not particularly specified nor ex∣pressed.