The true originall edict of Nants as it was enacted by Henry the third, and confirmed by the last French King Henry the fourth of famous memory. And reestablished by Lewis the thirteenth, for the better assurance of those of the reformed religion, as appeareth by the Kings Edict of peace, dated in the campe at Mompellier the nineteenth of October 1622. and proclaimed throughout all his dominions for a finall ending of all ciuill troubles. Cum priuilegio.
France., France. Sovereign (1574-1589 : Henry III)


Neither do we meane, that they of the said Religion, and others who haue followed their parties, nor the Catholickes who dwelt in the Townes and places by them occupied and detained, and who haue contribu∣ted to them, shall be prosequuted for the payment of taxes, aydes, grants, increase, sessments, wastes, repa∣rations, or other impositions and subsidies, accrewing and imposed during the troubles happened before and since our comming to the Crowne, whether it were by Edicts and commandements from the late Kings our Predecessors, or by the counsell and aduice of the Go∣uernours and States of Prouinces, Courts of Parlia∣ment Page  41 and others, whereof we haue and do discharge them, forbidding our Treasurers generall of France, and of our Exchequers, and Receiuers generall and particular, their Committies, Intermedlers, and other Ouer-seers and Commissaries of our Exchequers, to seeke after them, neither to molest or trouble them, di∣rectly or indirectly, in any sort whatsoeuer.