The copie of a letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine declaring the state of England, contrary to the opinion of Don Bernardin, and of all his partizans Spaniardes and others. This letter, although it was sent to Don Bernardin Mendoza, yet, by good hap, the copies therof aswell in English as in French, were found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh a seminarie priest, who was lately executed for high treason committed in the time that the Spanish Armada was on the seas. Whereunto are adioyned certaine late aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish nauie, aswell in fight with the English nauie in the narrow seas of England, as also by tempests, and contrarie winds, vpon the west, and north coasts of Ireland, in their returne from the northerne isles beyond Scotland.

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The copie of a letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine declaring the state of England, contrary to the opinion of Don Bernardin, and of all his partizans Spaniardes and others. This letter, although it was sent to Don Bernardin Mendoza, yet, by good hap, the copies therof aswell in English as in French, were found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh a seminarie priest, who was lately executed for high treason committed in the time that the Spanish Armada was on the seas. Whereunto are adioyned certaine late aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish nauie, aswell in fight with the English nauie in the narrow seas of England, as also by tempests, and contrarie winds, vpon the west, and north coasts of Ireland, in their returne from the northerne isles beyond Scotland.
Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598.
Imprinted at London :: By I. Vautrollier for Richard Field,

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Armada, 1588 -- Early works to 1800.
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"The copie of a letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine declaring the state of England, contrary to the opinion of Don Bernardin, and of all his partizans Spaniardes and others. This letter, although it was sent to Don Bernardin Mendoza, yet, by good hap, the copies therof aswell in English as in French, were found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh a seminarie priest, who was lately executed for high treason committed in the time that the Spanish Armada was on the seas. Whereunto are adioyned certaine late aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish nauie, aswell in fight with the English nauie in the narrow seas of England, as also by tempests, and contrarie winds, vpon the west, and north coasts of Ireland, in their returne from the northerne isles beyond Scotland." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed August 31, 2024.


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AFORE THE LOSSE OF THE FORE-said seuenteene ships in Ireland, there perished in Iuly & August fifteene other great ships in the fight betwixt the English and Spanish Nauies in the narrowe seas of England, where no one English Vessell or person of any reputation, perished or was taken.

First Gallies.41622. 
Neare Ediston by Plimouth at the first conflict.10000. 
* 1.1 The same time was distressed & taken Don Pedro de Valdes ship1422.These two remaine in Eng∣land.
At the same time by fire a great Biscaine ship.1289.* 1.2
* 1.3 Afore Callis spoiled the princi∣pall Galeasse of Naples.1686. 
In the conflict was sonke a great Biscaine.1000. 
The Gallion S. Philip.1532.These two forced into Flu∣shing being sore beaten by the English great shot.
* 1.4 The Gallion S. Matthew.1397.
A Biscaine wrecked before Ostēd.1.000. 
The day after the fight there sank two Venetians.2843. 
A great Biscaine forced by two of the Queenes ships to perish at Newhauen.1000. 
Total of these ships154791. 
Totall of both these losses.3210185.Whereof there are prisoners in England & Zeland at the least 1000. besides a great multitude of men not here accounted, that were slaine in the fight, and that haue died of famine, as by the exa∣minations aforesaid appea∣reth.
Beside many ships not yet heard of, thought to be lost.   

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