The copie of a letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine declaring the state of England, contrary to the opinion of Don Bernardin, and of all his partizans Spaniardes and others. This letter, although it was sent to Don Bernardin Mendoza, yet, by good hap, the copies therof aswell in English as in French, were found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh a seminarie priest, who was lately executed for high treason committed in the time that the Spanish Armada was on the seas. Whereunto are adioyned certaine late aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish nauie, aswell in fight with the English nauie in the narrow seas of England, as also by tempests, and contrarie winds, vpon the west, and north coasts of Ireland, in their returne from the northerne isles beyond Scotland.

About this Item

The copie of a letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine declaring the state of England, contrary to the opinion of Don Bernardin, and of all his partizans Spaniardes and others. This letter, although it was sent to Don Bernardin Mendoza, yet, by good hap, the copies therof aswell in English as in French, were found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh a seminarie priest, who was lately executed for high treason committed in the time that the Spanish Armada was on the seas. Whereunto are adioyned certaine late aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish nauie, aswell in fight with the English nauie in the narrow seas of England, as also by tempests, and contrarie winds, vpon the west, and north coasts of Ireland, in their returne from the northerne isles beyond Scotland.
Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598.
Imprinted at London :: By I. Vautrollier for Richard Field,

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Armada, 1588 -- Early works to 1800.
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"The copie of a letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine declaring the state of England, contrary to the opinion of Don Bernardin, and of all his partizans Spaniardes and others. This letter, although it was sent to Don Bernardin Mendoza, yet, by good hap, the copies therof aswell in English as in French, were found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh a seminarie priest, who was lately executed for high treason committed in the time that the Spanish Armada was on the seas. Whereunto are adioyned certaine late aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish nauie, aswell in fight with the English nauie in the narrow seas of England, as also by tempests, and contrarie winds, vpon the west, and north coasts of Ireland, in their returne from the northerne isles beyond Scotland." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.


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CERTEINE ADVER∣TISEMENTS OVT OF IRELAND, CONCERNING THE LOSSES HAPPE∣ned to the Spanish armie vpon the West costes of Irelande, in their voyage intended from the Northerne Isles beyond Scotland, towardes Spaine.

VPon Saterday the vii. of September,* 1.1 the barke which was in peril of wrack in the bay of Tray∣ly, of betwéene fortie and fiftie tonne, did render them selues, in which there were xxiiii. men, whereof two were the Dukes owne seruaunts and two litle boyes.

On Tuesday the tenth of this September, there was a Fri∣gat cast of as it séemeth by this Nauy, which, as Sir William Herbert saith, wrecked vpon the coast of Desmond.

On the same Tuesday there wrecked in the sound of the Bleskeys,* 1.2 a ship called our Ladie of Rosary, of one thousande tonne. In this shippe was drowned the Prince of Ascule, the Kings base sonne, one Don Pedro, Don Diego, and Don Fran∣cisco with seuen other Gentlemen of accompt, that accompa∣nied the Prince.* 1.3 There was drowned in her also Michael O∣quendo a principal sea man chief gouernour of the ship: Villa Franca of S. Sebastians, Captain of the same ship: Matuta, Cap∣taine of the Infanterie of that ship: Captaine Suwares a Por∣tingall, Garrionerie, Lopecho de la Vega, Montenese, and one Francisco Castilliā, Captains, one Iohn Rise an Irish Captain, Francis Roch an Irish man & about fiue hūdred persons,* 1.4 wher∣of one hundred were Gentlemen, but not of that reckoning as the former were, and onely one Iohn Anthonio de Monona a Genuan being the Pilotes sonne of that ship, saued.

The same Tuesday it wad aduertised to the Uicepresident

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of Mounster, that there were lost vpon the coast of Thomond two great ships out of which there were drowned about seuen hundred persons,* 1.5 & taken prisoners about one hundred & fiftie.

About that Tuesday also, as appeareth by a letter writtē to Stephan White of Limmerik the twelfth of this September, there was cast vpon the sandes of Ballicrahihy a ship of nine hundred tonnes,* 1.6 thirtéene of the Gentlemen of that ship, as he writeth are taken, and so writeth that he heard the rest of that ship being aboue foure hundred haue sought for their defence,* 1.7 being much distressed, to intrench themselues.

He writeth also of another ship which was cast away at the Isle of Clere in Irrise,* 1.8 and lxxviij. of the men of that ship are drowned and slaine.

He writeth also that there was about the same time another great ship cast away in Tireawley, & that there are thrée No∣ble men, a Bishop, and a Frier, and lxix. other men taken by William Brook of Ardnerie, and all the residue of that ship are slaine and drowned, in somuch as he writeth that one Melagh∣lin Mac Cab, a Galloglasse killed fourescore of them with his Galloglasse axe.* 1.9 Wednesday the xi. of September, seuen of those ships that then remained within the Shenan departed out of that Rode with an Easterly winde,* 1.10 and before their going foorth they set on fire one other very great ship of their compa∣ny, which was one thousand tonnes at least.

It was enformed from the Uicepresident at Cork, vpon this seuentéenth of September last,* 1.11 that two other great ships of that Fléete should be lost vpon the coastes of Connaught.

The Admirall called Iohn Martin de Ricalde came into the sound of Bleskeys* 1.12 with one other great ship and a barke about the vi. day of this Septēber, & remaineth there with one other ship of foure hundred tonnes, & a bark which came in since that time, if they be not dispersed or lost by the great tempest that was the xvii. and xviii. of this moneth: for the state of the Ad∣mirall at his comming in was thus, the ship had bene shot tho∣rough xiiii. or xv. times, her maine mast was so beatē with shot as she durst not beare her full saile, and now not lx. mariners left in her, and many of them so sicke that they lye downe, and

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the residue so weake, that they were not able to do any good seruice, and there is daily cast ouer the boord out of that ship fiue or sixe of the company.

After this vvas printed thus farre, as euery day bringeth more cer∣taintie in particulars of the losse of the Spaniardes in Irelande, these reportes vvhich follovve came from Ireland, being the ex∣aminations of seuer all persons there taken and saued.

IOHN ANTHONIO DE MONONA AN Italian, sonne to Francisco de Monona Pilot of the ship called Sancta Marie de la Rose, of a thousand tonnes cast away in the sound of Bleskey. 11. September. 1588.

EXamined the xi. of September saith, that he and the rest parted from the English Fléete, as he thinketh, about the coast of Scotland, and at that time they wanted of their whole Fléete foure Gallies, seuen ships, & one Galliasse which was the Captaine Galliasse, and there were then dead by fight & by sicknes viii.* 1.13 thousand men at the least. Where he left ye Duke he knoweth not, but it was in the North Seas about eightéene daies sithence, he saw then no land, and therefore can name no place, but they seuered by tempest, the Duke kept his course to the sea: we drew towards land to finde Cape Clere, so did di∣uers other ships, which he thinkes to amount to the number of forty ships: with the Duke there went fiue and twenty ships.

Hither he came round about Scotland, he thinkes the Duke is by this time nere Spaine, the Dukes desire was, after his stay before Callice, to go to Flanders, but by reason of the contrariety of the winds, the shallownesse of the water (his ships being great) he could not arriue there.

Besides the ships before mentioned, he remembreth that two ships were sonke vpon the coast of Scotland,* 1.14 by reason of shottes receiued from the English ships, the one called S. Matthew of fiue hundred tonnes, wherein were drowned foure hundred and fifty men, the other ship a Biskey of S. Sebastian of foure hundred tonnes, wherein were drowned

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thrée hundred and fiftie men, and the ship wherein he was cal∣led S. Marie Rose, of one thousand tonnes, wherein of fiue hundred there escaped but himselfe, in which ship of principall men there were drowned, these principall men following. The Prince of Ascule base sonne to the King of Spaine, Cap∣taine Matuta,* 1.15 Captaine Conualle a Portingall, Rupecho de la Vego of Castill, Suryuero of Castill, Montanese of Castill, Villa Franca of S. Sebastian Captaine of the said ship. The Ge∣nerall of all the Fléete of Guipusque called Don Michael d'O∣quendo, twentie other Knights and Aduenturers vpon their owne charges.

He saith,* 1.16 that the Fléete was in great want of fresh water, and being examined what ordinance, wines or other matters of moment were in the ship here cast away, saith, there were fiftie great brasse péeces▪ all Canons for the field, fiue & twenty péeces of brasse and cast iron belonging to the ship, there is also in her fiftie tonnes of Secke. In siluer there are in her fiftéene thousand Duckets,* 1.17 in gold as much more, much rich apparell and plate and cups of gold.

He saith also, that the Duke of Medina appointed all the Fléete to resort and méete at the Groyne, & none of them vpon paine of death not to depart there hence afore they should know his farther pleasure.

The examination of Emanuell Fremosa a Portingall 12. September 1588.

HE saith, he was in the ship called S. Iohn of the porte of Portingall of one thousand one hundred tonne. In which Don Iohn Martines de Ricalde is, who is Admirall of the whole Fléete, and is next vnder the Duke who is Generall, in which ship at their comming foorth there were eight hundred souldiers, and for marriners thréescore Portingales and fortie Biskeyns, this is the greatest ship of the whole Nauie.

He saith, they were in all at their comming foorth a hundred thirty and fiue saile, wherof foure were Galliasses, foure Gal∣lies, and nine of them were victuallers.

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They came from the Groyne on the fifteenth day next ar∣ter Midsommer last past, by their accompt.

He saith they were directed to the Duke of Parma and by him to be imployed for England at such time as Parma should appoint.

He saith after their departure from the Groine about eight daies the Fléete came to the Lysardes.

He saith about that place, the Generall strake saile where∣upon they all stroke saile all night, and the next morning they saw the English Fléete, whereupon they hoised their sailes.

He saith they were before enformed that the English Fléet was in Plimmouth and Dartmouth.

He saith on the Northeast of the Lysards the first fight began betwéene the Fléets,* 1.18 & in that fight their ship lost fiftéene men.

He saith that there were other fights within a foure or fiue daies after along the coasts,* 1.19 in which the ship that this exami∣nat was in, lost fiue and twenty men, what were lost in these fights out of the other ships he can not tell, and in these fights they lost two ships,* 1.20 in the one of which Don Pedro was, and one other that was burned.

They ankered at Callice expecting the Duke of Parma, where through the fiering of the English ships they were dri∣uen to leaue their ankers and to depart, so as ech of the ships lost two ankers at that place, the next morning, the fight be∣gan about eight of the clocke in the morning, and continued eight houres along the chanell to the North, all which time the English Fléete, pressed the Spanish Fléete in such sort as if they had offred to boord the Spanish Fléete, they saw their Ad∣mirall so fearefull, that he thinketh they had all yéelded.

He saith that in the said fight the Spanish Fléete lost one Galliasse,* 1.21 which ranne a shore about Callice, two Gallions of Lisbone which were sonke being the kings,* 1.22 and one Biskeine ship sonke, of betwéene foure and fiue hundred tonnes, and one other ship sonke also, after which fight, the Generall tooke accompt of the whole Nauy, & found that they were left about a hundred & twenty sailes of the whole Fléete, as was deliue∣red by those that came frō the top, but of his owne sight he saw

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not passing fourescore and fiue saile or there about, but what was become of the rest he cannot tell.

He saith that there were also in that fight thrée great Vene∣tian ships,* 1.23 which were in danger of sinking, being sore beaten and shot through in many places, but were for that time hol∣pen by the Carpenters, and as he hath heard, for that they were not able to kéepe the Seas, tooke them selues toward the coast of Flanders, but what is become of them he cannot tell.

He saith they were pursued by some of the English Fléet a∣bout fiue daies after this fight Northward out of the sight of a∣ny land, and as he thinketh of the North part of Scotland.

He saith that about foure daies after the English Fléete left them, the whole Fléet remaining being towards one hundred and twentie saile, as it was said, came to an Iland as he thin∣keth of the North part of Scotland, where they stayed not, nor had reliefe, but at this place the General called all the ships to∣gether giuing them in charge that they should with the best they could hast them to the first place they could get to of the coast of Spaine or Portingal: for that they were in such great distresse, through their great wants of victuals and otherwise. He saith they came foorth the worse furnished thereof, for that they expected to be reléeued of those things more amply by the Duke of Parma: he saith that out of this ship there died foure or fiue euery day of hunger and thirst, and yet this ship was one that was best furnished for victuals, which he knoweth, for out of some of the other ships some people were sent to be re∣léeued in this ship.

After this for a ten daies the whole Fléete remaining, held together, holding their course the best they could towardes Spaine.

He saith that at the same time, which is now about twentie daies or more past, they were seuered by a great storme which held from foure of the clocke in the after noone of one day, to tenne of the clocke in ye morning the next day, in which storme the Admirall came away with seuen and twentie saile which this examinat did tell, and that one of them was a Galliasse

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of eight and twenty owers on a side, what is become of the rest of the Nauy he can not tell.

He saith also that about ten dayes past, they had one other great storme with a mist, by which storme they were againe seuered, so as of those seuen & twenty saile there came into the coast by Dingle Cushe, but the Admirall, one other ship of foure hundred tonnes and a barke of about forty tonnes, and what is become of the rest of the seuen and twenty saile he can not tel, but of one great Hulke of foure hundred tonnes which was so spoiled as she cast towards the shore about twenty leagues from Dingle Cushe, he knoweth not who was Cap∣taine of this Hulke, he saith that of all sorts there be now re∣maining in the Admirall néere about fiue hundred, of which there be fiue & twenty Biskers & fourty Portingals which are marriners, the Master being very sicke and one of the Pilots.

He saith, there be foure score souldiers & twenty of the ma∣riners in the Admirall very sicke, and do lie downe and die daily, and the rest he saith be all very weake, and the Captaine very sad and weake, he saith this Admirall hath in her fiftie foure brasse peeces, and about foure score kintals of pouder.

He saith they were so néere the coast before they found it, that by meanes of the strong Westerly winde they were not able to double out from it.

There is in the Admirall left but fiue and twenty Pipes of wine, and very little bread, and no water, but what they brought out of Spaine, which stinketh maruellously, and their flesh meate they can not eate their drought is so great.

He saith no part of the Nauy to his knowledge euer tou∣ched vpō any land vntil such time as they came to this coast at Dingle Cushe, nor hath had any water, victuall, or other relief from any coast or place sithence the English Fléete left them.

He saith, that when they lay before Callice there came a Pinnace to their fléete from the Duke of Parma who told them the Duke could not be ready for them vntill the Friday fol∣lowing, but by reason of this fight of the English Fléete with them, they were not able to tarry there so long.

He saith, that the Admirals purpose is vpon the first winde

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that serueth, to passe away for Spaine.

He saith also, that it is a common brute amongst the soul∣diers, if they may once get home againe, they will not meddle againe with the English.

He saith, there be of principall men in the Admirals ship, Don Iohn de Lina a Spaniard, who is chiefe Captaine of the souldiers of that ship, Don Gomes a Spaniard, an other Cap∣taine: Don Sebastian a Portingall gentleman an Aduentu∣rer: and a Marquesse an Italian, who is also an Aduenturer, and one other Portingall Gentleman whom he knoweth not, but that they are principal men that haue crosses on their gar∣ments: other meane Gentlemen there be also in the same ship: He saith, al the souldiers in this ship were Spaniards, he saith there are in the small Barke that is with them about fiue and twenty persons, how many are in the Hulke that is there, he knoweth not.

He saith, he thinketh that the Duke is past towards Spaine, for that he was some twelue leagues more Westerly, then the Admirall was in the first storme.

He saith, that the great Gallion which came from the Duke of Florence, was neuer séene sithence they were in the sight at Callice: He saith, the people of the Galliasses were most spoi∣led by the English Fléete.

The examination of Emanuell Francisco a Portingall. 12. September. 1588.

EManuell Francisco a Portingall, saith in all things as the former examinat, till the fight at Callice, in which fight he saith he knoweth there was lost a Galliasse that ran ashoare at Callice, two Gallions of the Kings, the one called S. Philip of the burden of seuen hundred, and the other called S. Mat∣thew of eight hundred, a Biskeine ship of about fiue hundred, and a Castillian ship about foure hundred tonne all sunke. This he knoweth for that some of the men of those ships were deuided into the Admirals ship, in which this examinat was.

He saith, after this fight ended, it was deliuered by him at

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the top, that there was one hundred and twentie saile left of the Spanish Fléet, and saith that those were very sore beaten, and the Admirall was many times shot through, and one shot in their mast, and their deck at the prow spoiled, and doth con∣fesse that they were in great feare of the English Fléete, and doubted much of bording.

He saith, the Admirals mast is so weake by reason of the shot in it, as they dare not abide any storme, nor beare such saile as otherwise he might doe, & for the rest he agréeth in euery thing with the former examinat, sauing that he saw not, or vnder∣stood of any Pinnace that came from the Duke of Parma, nor doth remember that he saw aboue twentie saile with the Ad∣mirall after the first storme: and saith, that those in the shippe that he is in, doe say that they will rather go into the ground themselues, then come in such a iourney againe for England: and saith, the best that be in the Admirals ship, are scarse able to stand, and that if they tarry where they are any time, they will all perish as he thinketh, & for himself he would not passe into Portingall againe, if he might choose: for that he would not be constrained to such an other iourney.

Iohn de le Conido of Lekit in Biskey mariner 12. September. 1588.

IOhn de le Conido of Lekit in Biskey mariner, saith he was in the ship that the Admirall is in, and that he told the Nauie after the fight ended at Callice, & that there were then remai∣ning not passing a hundred and ten or a hundred and twelue of the whole Spanish Nauie: and saith that a leake fell vpon one of the Galliasses about fiteene daies past, which he taketh to be fallen vpon the North coast of this land: he saith, he doth not remember that there were aboue twentie saile left in the company of the Admirall after the first great storme, which fell on them about thirtie daies sithence: he saith the Duke did giue them expresse commaundement that they should not goe on land in any place without his order: he confesseth that the Nauie that remained after the last fight, were maruelously

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beatē and shot through,* 1.24 and their tackle much cut and spoiled with the shot, and for the rest of the matter agréeth with the former examinat in euery point in effect, and saith there was an English Pilot with the Duke. He saith that the Scot that is taken was taken in the North part, after the English fléete parted from them in a ship of fifty tonnes in which were about seuen men, which the fléete hath caried with them, both the ship and people, sixe of which Scottes were aboord the Admirall, whereof one is he that is taken.

He saith,* 1.25 after the English Fléete parted frō them the Spa∣nish Fléete cast out all the horses & mules into the sea to saue their water, which were caried in certaine Hulks prouided for that purpose.

The reexamination of Iohn Anthonio of Genua mariner. 15. September. 1588.

HE saith his father and him selfe with others came into Lisbone in a ship of Genua, about a yeare sithence where they were embarqued by the King of Spaine, that ship was of about foure hundred tonne.

He saith his father after this was appointed Pilote in the ship called our Lady of the Rosarie, of the burden of a thousand tonne being the Kings: he saith the Prince of Ascule ye Kinges base sonne came in the companie of the Duke in the Dukes ship called the Gallion of S. Martine of a thousand tonne, but at Callice when ye English Nauy came neare thē, this Prince went to the shore, & before his returne the Duke was driuen to cut his Ankers, and to depart: whereby the Prince could not recouer that ship, but came into the said shippe called our Lady of the Rosarie, and with him there came in also one Don Pedro, Don Francisco, and seuen other Gentlemen of accompt that accompanied the Prince. He saith the Captaine of this ship was Villa Franca of S. Sebastians, and Matuta was Cap∣tains of the Infanterie of that ship. There was also in her Cap∣taine Suwares a Portingall, and one Garrionero a Castillian Captaine, Lopicho de la Vega, a Castillian Captaine, Cap∣taine

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Montanese, a Castillian: and one Captaine Francisco a Castillian: and Michael d'Oquendo who was Generall of this ship. There was also in her one Irish Captaine called Iohn Rise, of about thirtie yeares of age, and one other Irish man, called Francis Roche. The Prince was of about eight & twen∣tie yeares of age. He saith there were other Gentlemen Ad∣uenturers in the ship, but not of that reckoning as the former were. He saith there were in all seuen hundreth men in this ship at their comming foorth: he saith, there were about fiue hundred in this shippe at such time as she sonke: the rest peri∣shed by fight and by sicknesse. He saith, this ship was shot tho∣rough foure times, and one of the shot was betwéene the wind and the water, whereof they thought she would haue sonke, and the most of her tackle was spoyled with shot, this shippe stroke against the rockes in the sound of the Bleskyes, a league and a halfe from the land vpon Tuesday last at noone, and all in the ship perished sauing this examinat, who saued himselfe vpon two or thrée plankes that were loose, the Gentlemē thin∣king to saue themselues by the bote, it was so fast tied as they could not get her lose, whereby they perished: he saith as soone, as the ship stroke against the rocke, one of the Captaines slue this examinates father, saying he did it by treason. He saith, there came in their company a Portingall ship of about foure hundreth, who comming into the same sound, cast anker neare where they found the Admirall of the Fléet at Anker, called S. Iohn▪ in which Don Martine de Ricalde the Admirall was, he saith that about two and twentie dayes past the Duke depar∣ted from them, and about fiue and twentie ships in his compa∣nie, and about fortie ships were with the Admirall, but this ship was not able to follow the Admirall, by reason her sayles were brokē: and for the rest of the Nauie that remained, they were so dispersed, as he cannot tel what is become of them▪ He saith the Duke being better watered then the others were, held more Westerly into the seas, and willed the Admirall with his company being in worse estate for water to sée if he could touch with any coast to get fresh water, sithence which they haue bene seuered by the nights and by tempest: he saith,

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this ship nor any other of the shippes touched vpon any land, nor had any reliefe of water or victuall at any place sithence they parted, but from two Scottes, which they tooke vpon the coast of Scotland, whose fish and victuall the Duke tooke, but paied them for it.

He saith, their ships were so beaten, and the winde so con∣trary, and the sholles vpon the coast of Flanders, so daunge∣rous, as the Pilot that was in the Dukes ship, directed them this course Northward as their safest way. He saith, that in one of the dayes in which the fight was betwéene both the Na∣uies, the Duke séeing the English Fléete so hardly to pursue them willed his Fléete, seing no other remedy, to addresse thē selues to fight.* 1.26 He saith, that in that day of the fight at Callice they lost foure thousand men in fight, one thousād were drow∣ned in two ships, he saith ye master of the Cauallary of the Ter∣cij of Naples and Sicile was slaine in this fight by a great péece that brake his thigh, his name he remembreth not: at which time also the Maister of the Campe of the horsemen,* 1.27 and the Maister of the Campe of the footmen were both slaine,* 1.28 but their names he remembreth not: He saith the foure Galliasses were of Naples: He saith the foure Gallies left ye Fléete, before they came to ye English by well neare xl. leagues: He saith, the Flo∣rentine ship is gone with the Duke: He saith, there were xiiii. Venetian ships in this Fléete, two of them he saith are drow∣ned, what is become of the rest he knoweth not, they serued the king but by arrest: he saith there be thrée English men Pilotes in the Dukes ship.

He saith, this ship that is drowned hath in her thrée chests ful of money: he doth not know what moued the Duke to cōmand that ye whole Nauie that remained should repaire to ye Groine and not to depart without his direction vpon paine of death.

The examination of Iohn Antonio de Moneke xxx. miles from Ganna. 17. September. 1588.

HE saith, the Prince of Ascule was a slender made mā, and of a reasonable stature, of xxviii. yeares of age, his haire

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of an aborne colour stroked vpward, of a high forehead, a ve∣rie little beard marquesotted, whitely faced with some little red on the chéeks, he was drowned in apparrell of white satten for his doublet and bréeches after the Spanish fashion cut, with russet silke stockings. When this Prince came into their ship at Callice, he was apparelled in blacke rased veluet laid on with broade gold lace. He saith, that this Princes men, for the most part were in the shippe that this examinat was in, from their comming out of Spaine: and when they were at Callice the Prince passed in a litte Phelocke with six others from ship to ship to giue order to them, and some said he went to the shore at that time.

He saith, it was thought to be about lx. leagues West from the Northwest part of Ireland, that the Duke departed from the rest of the companie. Hee saith, they parted by a tempest growing in the night, & that about sixe daies after, a Portin∣gall Gallion ouertaking this ship told vnto those of this ship, that there were xxv. ships of the whole Nauie passed away with the Duke, and that the rest then remaining of the whole Nauy were dispersed by this tempest, some eight in one com∣pany, and foure in another: and thus dispearsedly passed on the seas. But how many ships remained after their departure from the coast of Scotland, of the whole Nauy, this examinat can not tell. He saith that after this first tempest which was a∣bout xxv. dayes now past, growing of a Southwest wind, they had sundry tēpests before they were lost with variable winds, sometime one way, and sometimes an other.

The reexamination of Emanuell Fremosa. 17. September. 1588.

EManuel Fremosa mariner examined the same day, saith that the day next before the great tempest, in which the Duke was seuered from them, being a very calme day, him selfe counted the Nauie then remaining, which then were about lxxviij. saile in all: when they were farthest of in the North, they were at lxii. degrées Northward, and were then a¦bout

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foure score leagues and somewhat more from any land, and at the Northwest part of Scotland, Cape Clere being then from them South and by West, and this was about foure or fiue dayes, before the said great tempest, and from that time vntill the same tempest, they had the winde most West, and West Southwest, and sometimes West Northwest, but that not very long, he saith that it was knowne to very few of the Nauy that the Prince the Kings base sonne was in this Na∣uie vntill they came to Callice, where this Prince about the time of the fight, was said to take him selfe into a little boate vpon the coast of Callice, but before that, he kept him selfe as priuate in the Dukes owne ship, as it was said, and not noted or spoken of in the Nauy vntill then. But he saith there was a great Prince an Italian, that was a chiefe man in a great Argosie very wel furnished, who before their comming to the English coast did very often banket the Duke and the other great men of the Nauy. This Argosie was called the Ratte: he saith he did not perceiue if this shippe were in this Fléete the day before the said tempest or not, but he saith this being a famous ship, it was often demanded, if she were in their com∣pany, and it was answered that she was: he saith, the chiefest of the treasure that serued for the pay, was as he heard in the Galliasse that arriued on the shore at Callice, and in a shippe of Siuil made in Galisia called the Gallega of about vij. hundred tonnes, in which Don Pedro de Valdez was, which was taken on the South coast.

The examination of Pierre Carrea Flemming.

HE saith that in the ship that he came hither in called Saint Iohn a Galliō of nine hundred tonnes, besides Iohn Mar¦tin de Ricalde, there are fiue Captaines, Don Iohn de Lune, Don Gomes de Galanezar, Don Pedro de Madri, the Count of Parades, Don Felice, and there is also an Italian Marquesse of Piemont called the Marquesse of Faruara.

He saith also, that the Admirall after such time as the fight was at Callice came not out of his bed, vntill this day seuen

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nights in the morning that they ranne vpō the shore.* 1.29 He saith his Admirall is of Biskeye either of Bilbo or Allerede, and of lxii. yeares of age, and a man of seruice. He saith, that there were in this nauie of the old souldiers of Naples vnder the con∣duct of Don Alonso de Sono & of the old souldiers of Sicile vn∣der the conduct of Don Diego de Piementell whose ship was lost néere Callice. There was also Don Alonso de Leua maister of the cāp of the Cauallery of Millan: he saith, there is a bastard sonne of King Phillips of xxviii. yeares of age in this Fleete in the ship with the Duke, called the Prince of Ascule in Italie, who passed from thē in a Pinnace about Callice as he tooke it.

By other Aduertisements of the fourteenth of September, it is certified to the Lord Deputie of Ireland, from the Earle of Tyron being at his Castle of Dongannon that vpon intelli∣gence brought to him of the landing of certaine Spaniards in the North of Ireland, he sent two English Captaines with their bandes towardes them, to the nomber of an hundred and fiftie, who found them at Sir Iohn Odogherties towne called Illagh,* 1.30 and there discouering their nomber to be aboue six hundred, did that night encamp within a musket shot of them, and about midnight did skirmish with them for the space of two houres, in which skirmish the Spanish Lieutenant of the field and twentie moe of the Spaniardes were slaine, be∣sides many that were hurt.

The next day following they did offer skirmish agayne to the Spaniardes, whereupon they all yelded, and so as priso∣niers were caried to Dongannon to the Earle, who meant to send them to the Lord Deputie, being iudged to be men of good value and one thought to be a man that hath had some great charge and conduct of men for many yeares, whereof the Lord Deputie will geue knowledge as soone as they shall be brought to Dublin.

There may be some errours in the writing of the Spanish names in English, because the same are written by way of interpretation, but there is no errour in the nom∣bring of the persons that are either dead or aliue.

26. September. 1588.


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