The noble experyence of the vertuous handy warke of surgeri, practysyd [and] compyled by the moost experte mayster Iherome of Bruynswyke, borne in Straesborowe in Almayne ... Item there after he hath authorysed and done it to vnderstande thrugh the trewe sentences of the olde doctours and maysters very experte in the scyence of surgery, as Galienus, Ipocras, Auicenna, Gwydo, Haly abbas, Lancfrancus of mylen, Iamericus, Rogerius, Albucasis, Place[n]tinus, Brunus, Gwilhelmus de saliceto, [and] by many other maysters whose names be wryten in this same boke. ... Item yf ye fynde ony names of herbes or of other thynges wherof ye haue no knowlege, yt shall ye knowe playnly by the potecarys. Item here shall you fynde also for to make salues, plasters, powders, oyles, and drynkes for woundes. Item who so desyreth of this science ye playne knowlege let hym oftentymes rede this boke, and than he shall gette perfyte vnderstandynge of the noble surgery

About this Item

The noble experyence of the vertuous handy warke of surgeri, practysyd [and] compyled by the moost experte mayster Iherome of Bruynswyke, borne in Straesborowe in Almayne ... Item there after he hath authorysed and done it to vnderstande thrugh the trewe sentences of the olde doctours and maysters very experte in the scyence of surgery, as Galienus, Ipocras, Auicenna, Gwydo, Haly abbas, Lancfrancus of mylen, Iamericus, Rogerius, Albucasis, Place[n]tinus, Brunus, Gwilhelmus de saliceto, [and] by many other maysters whose names be wryten in this same boke. ... Item yf ye fynde ony names of herbes or of other thynges wherof ye haue no knowlege, yt shall ye knowe playnly by the potecarys. Item here shall you fynde also for to make salues, plasters, powders, oyles, and drynkes for woundes. Item who so desyreth of this science ye playne knowlege let hym oftentymes rede this boke, and than he shall gette perfyte vnderstandynge of the noble surgery
Brunschwig, Hieronymus, ca. 1450-ca. 1512.
[Imprynted at London :: In Southwarke by Petrus Treueris,
In the yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxv. [1525] and the. xxvi. day of Marche]

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Subject terms
Surgery -- Early works to 1800.
Medicine -- Formulae, receipts, prescriptions -- Early works to 1800.
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"The noble experyence of the vertuous handy warke of surgeri, practysyd [and] compyled by the moost experte mayster Iherome of Bruynswyke, borne in Straesborowe in Almayne ... Item there after he hath authorysed and done it to vnderstande thrugh the trewe sentences of the olde doctours and maysters very experte in the scyence of surgery, as Galienus, Ipocras, Auicenna, Gwydo, Haly abbas, Lancfrancus of mylen, Iamericus, Rogerius, Albucasis, Place[n]tinus, Brunus, Gwilhelmus de saliceto, [and] by many other maysters whose names be wryten in this same boke. ... Item yf ye fynde ony names of herbes or of other thynges wherof ye haue no knowlege, yt shall ye knowe playnly by the potecarys. Item here shall you fynde also for to make salues, plasters, powders, oyles, and drynkes for woundes. Item who so desyreth of this science ye playne knowlege let hym oftentymes rede this boke, and than he shall gette perfyte vnderstandynge of the noble surgery." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


¶ Of the wounde bytwene the hyppes / and the ne∣ther parte of the backe. Ca. liij

IN this woūde is no grete peryll / but yf it be very great / yt the skyn flesshe / and the synewes be hurt / yt the same synewes be schronkē so shal ye man halte. ¶ If ye wounde be cut with a knyfe sworde or oterlyke wepē. If the woūde be smal / it shall be boūde after ye. xij. chap. ¶ If the woūde be grete yt it must be sowē / than sowe & bynde it after the. xij. chaptre. & shall be heled as another woūde wt ye gre¦ne wounded plaster / or bawm / as it is afor¦sayd. ¶ If ye woūde be strykē wt a dagger / ye shal tente it wt a comely tēte depte in oyle of roses warme / and with ye yolke of egges and so put it therin as farre as ye may with the foresaydoyle / vnto the tyme the woūde begyn to gyue matter / then clense it and he le it as another woūde. ¶ Je may aske me wherfore I haue lerned to put so moche rose oyle in the woūde / and that I haue forbyd∣den the rose oyle in the. xij. and. xiij. chapt. Thervpō answere I / that ye sholde be the surer & faster in your workyng / & that ther to the lesser com the yll accydentes of ye hote impostumacyō. It is more profytable such euyll accydēt to defende / thā ye yll accydēt to drawe away / for the nature of ye oyle by ye warmnes getynge of the fyre / is swettyn¦ge / softenynge / & openynge / pryncypally in the narow and shoten woūdes / for a stycke or a woūde come to matter than cometh sel¦dome ther to euyll accydent. Therfore I cō¦maūde you to do therto a lytell of the yolke of an egge / for the woūde to get a lytell clē synge / yt the matter sooner shold come. And al tymes is very good to make such an oyle of roses of vnrype grene oyle olyue / for the ose oyle & such oyle olyue haue in them aly¦tel bytynge wt styptica. Also ye rype oyle oly¦ue is good to make rype ye yl accidēt / ye myd¦dell rype oyle doth auoyde ye matter / ye vn∣rype grene oyle is good for ye cōsolidatiuū and for helynge togyder the wounde.

If ye woūde be made by ye shot of an arowe in this parte of the body / than drawe it out

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& take as I haue sayd in ye. xvij. chapytre. Or supple the wounde withoyle of roses and ther with shall it be tentyd for to come out / and lay aboute the place a defensiuum than shall it be clensed with this salue.

And after yt hele it with a grene wounded plaster / and the salue shall be made of rose hony. xij. ounces / fenigreke meele / lyusede meele of eche. iiij. ounces / oyle of camomell & barley meele of eche. ij. ounces / lay this theron / for it taketh away the payne / and clēseth the place / his drynke shall be made with barley water sodden with parseley ro¦tes / & let hym take hede of blood lettynge / and to ye drawght goynge for it is nedefull to these woundes / and cōmaunde them to be quyet for there is no better thynge for a wounded parsone / and often cometh of a ly¦tel woūde grete harme bycause yt he taketh no hede of suche a woūde / therfore take he∣de in suche a cause.

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