The noble experyence of the vertuous handy warke of surgeri, practysyd [and] compyled by the moost experte mayster Iherome of Bruynswyke, borne in Straesborowe in Almayne ... Item there after he hath authorysed and done it to vnderstande thrugh the trewe sentences of the olde doctours and maysters very experte in the scyence of surgery, as Galienus, Ipocras, Auicenna, Gwydo, Haly abbas, Lancfrancus of mylen, Iamericus, Rogerius, Albucasis, Place[n]tinus, Brunus, Gwilhelmus de saliceto, [and] by many other maysters whose names be wryten in this same boke. ... Item yf ye fynde ony names of herbes or of other thynges wherof ye haue no knowlege, yt shall ye knowe playnly by the potecarys. Item here shall you fynde also for to make salues, plasters, powders, oyles, and drynkes for woundes. Item who so desyreth of this science ye playne knowlege let hym oftentymes rede this boke, and than he shall gette perfyte vnderstandynge of the noble surgery

About this Item

The noble experyence of the vertuous handy warke of surgeri, practysyd [and] compyled by the moost experte mayster Iherome of Bruynswyke, borne in Straesborowe in Almayne ... Item there after he hath authorysed and done it to vnderstande thrugh the trewe sentences of the olde doctours and maysters very experte in the scyence of surgery, as Galienus, Ipocras, Auicenna, Gwydo, Haly abbas, Lancfrancus of mylen, Iamericus, Rogerius, Albucasis, Place[n]tinus, Brunus, Gwilhelmus de saliceto, [and] by many other maysters whose names be wryten in this same boke. ... Item yf ye fynde ony names of herbes or of other thynges wherof ye haue no knowlege, yt shall ye knowe playnly by the potecarys. Item here shall you fynde also for to make salues, plasters, powders, oyles, and drynkes for woundes. Item who so desyreth of this science ye playne knowlege let hym oftentymes rede this boke, and than he shall gette perfyte vnderstandynge of the noble surgery
Brunschwig, Hieronymus, ca. 1450-ca. 1512.
[Imprynted at London :: In Southwarke by Petrus Treueris,
In the yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxv. [1525] and the. xxvi. day of Marche]

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Subject terms
Surgery -- Early works to 1800.
Medicine -- Formulae, receipts, prescriptions -- Early works to 1800.
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"The noble experyence of the vertuous handy warke of surgeri, practysyd [and] compyled by the moost experte mayster Iherome of Bruynswyke, borne in Straesborowe in Almayne ... Item there after he hath authorysed and done it to vnderstande thrugh the trewe sentences of the olde doctours and maysters very experte in the scyence of surgery, as Galienus, Ipocras, Auicenna, Gwydo, Haly abbas, Lancfrancus of mylen, Iamericus, Rogerius, Albucasis, Place[n]tinus, Brunus, Gwilhelmus de saliceto, [and] by many other maysters whose names be wryten in this same boke. ... Item yf ye fynde ony names of herbes or of other thynges wherof ye haue no knowlege, yt shall ye knowe playnly by the potecarys. Item here shall you fynde also for to make salues, plasters, powders, oyles, and drynkes for woundes. Item who so desyreth of this science ye playne knowlege let hym oftentymes rede this boke, and than he shall gette perfyte vnderstandynge of the noble surgery." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


¶ Of the grayne or semynall vessellys. Ca. ix.

THe semynalle vessellys be in them selfe vaynes / that haue theyr begynnynge by the kyd¦neys / of the vaynes of Chyli and Adorati / descendynge & be••••••ge the blode to the cod∣des / bothe 〈◊〉〈◊〉 man and womā / wherfor in the last•…•…yon the sede is namyd sper¦ma / whiche is the sede of our humayne na∣nature. In a man these vessellys be out∣wardys / for theyr coddys be without / and the womens vesselles be within / for theyr coddys or stonys be within / and by thys may be marked that this sede hath the na∣ture of the herte / the lyuer / and ye kydneys and the brayne / for this cause / for to make dilectacyon / the senowes com from ye bray¦nes to the stonys / & also the hole body hath felowshyp therwith. ¶ The matrix or mo¦der is an acker of the generacyon of man∣kynd / and an organ for to conceyne / whose maner & posycyō or place is betwen ye blad¦der & fūdament / and is made of. ii. stronge pannycles / and is rounde / and hath armis wt coddys or stonys lyke ye pursse of ye cod¦dis & hath a thynge lyke a bely ī ye myddyl and a necke holowe and small at the ende lyke a mānys yarde that is crokyd / & hath a cleft namyd vulua / and hath aprepuciū or couerynge lyke a mānys yarde / and is of lengthe. viii. or. ix. ynches. And though she hath. ii. holownessys yt be openly kno∣wē after the nōbre of her brestys or pappis yet she hath eche deuyded in. iii. cellys or chābres / and one in the myddys / and thus she hath. vii. cellys or places of cōceyuyng She hath also collygacyon with the bray∣nes / hert / lyuer / and the stomacke / and is bounde to the backe / betwene her and the brestys be ioyned to gydder the mylke and the menstruall vaynes. Therfor Ypocras sayth that the womās mylke is the broder of mēstruum. And Galienus sayth therfor that the woman can nathaue theyr costu∣mable diseas of menstruum & gyue mylke at one tyme. ¶ Under ye moder is ye ryght fundament whiche is the keper of the su{per}¦fluyte of the fyrst dysgestyon / and is made of pānycles / and is of the length of a shaft∣ment / rechynge nygh to the kydneys / stret¦chynge in length nyghe to the romp bonys and the vndermost parte of it is namyd the ars / and the ars gut hath collygacyō with the bladder / therfore in theyr sekenes they suffer wt eche other. ¶ The mannys y•••••••• is a plowman of the nature of mankynd / and is also a waye of the vryne / & is made of skyn̄e / musclus / vaynes / senowes / and grosse stryngys / and it is plantyd vpon the bone Pectinis / and ye bondys com from the bone Sacris / or holy bone. In the yarde be. ii. pryncypall wayes or pypes / the one for the sede / and the other for the vryn. The ende of the yarde is namyd Ballanum & the hole is namyd mitra. The fyrst ouer∣goynge skynne of the yarde is prepucium / and the yarde is commonly. viii. or. ix. fyn¦ger brede longe / and must be of resonable bygnes / accordynge to the quantyte of the matrix or moder. Permenium or Perito∣nium is the place betwene the ars and the yarde / the whiche is a seme that foloweth the lyne of the yarde. Inguina or lyskes be ye clynsers of ye lyuer / ordeyned in ye foldys of the thyges. ¶ Nates be the buttockes /

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ordeyned vpō ye bone semoris / and is grofe lacertous flesshe.

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