The noble experyence of the vertuous handy warke of surgeri, practysyd [and] compyled by the moost experte mayster Iherome of Bruynswyke, borne in Straesborowe in Almayne ... Item there after he hath authorysed and done it to vnderstande thrugh the trewe sentences of the olde doctours and maysters very experte in the scyence of surgery, as Galienus, Ipocras, Auicenna, Gwydo, Haly abbas, Lancfrancus of mylen, Iamericus, Rogerius, Albucasis, Place[n]tinus, Brunus, Gwilhelmus de saliceto, [and] by many other maysters whose names be wryten in this same boke. ... Item yf ye fynde ony names of herbes or of other thynges wherof ye haue no knowlege, yt shall ye knowe playnly by the potecarys. Item here shall you fynde also for to make salues, plasters, powders, oyles, and drynkes for woundes. Item who so desyreth of this science ye playne knowlege let hym oftentymes rede this boke, and than he shall gette perfyte vnderstandynge of the noble surgery

About this Item

The noble experyence of the vertuous handy warke of surgeri, practysyd [and] compyled by the moost experte mayster Iherome of Bruynswyke, borne in Straesborowe in Almayne ... Item there after he hath authorysed and done it to vnderstande thrugh the trewe sentences of the olde doctours and maysters very experte in the scyence of surgery, as Galienus, Ipocras, Auicenna, Gwydo, Haly abbas, Lancfrancus of mylen, Iamericus, Rogerius, Albucasis, Place[n]tinus, Brunus, Gwilhelmus de saliceto, [and] by many other maysters whose names be wryten in this same boke. ... Item yf ye fynde ony names of herbes or of other thynges wherof ye haue no knowlege, yt shall ye knowe playnly by the potecarys. Item here shall you fynde also for to make salues, plasters, powders, oyles, and drynkes for woundes. Item who so desyreth of this science ye playne knowlege let hym oftentymes rede this boke, and than he shall gette perfyte vnderstandynge of the noble surgery
Brunschwig, Hieronymus, ca. 1450-ca. 1512.
[Imprynted at London :: In Southwarke by Petrus Treueris,
In the yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxv. [1525] and the. xxvi. day of Marche]

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Subject terms
Surgery -- Early works to 1800.
Medicine -- Formulae, receipts, prescriptions -- Early works to 1800.
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"The noble experyence of the vertuous handy warke of surgeri, practysyd [and] compyled by the moost experte mayster Iherome of Bruynswyke, borne in Straesborowe in Almayne ... Item there after he hath authorysed and done it to vnderstande thrugh the trewe sentences of the olde doctours and maysters very experte in the scyence of surgery, as Galienus, Ipocras, Auicenna, Gwydo, Haly abbas, Lancfrancus of mylen, Iamericus, Rogerius, Albucasis, Place[n]tinus, Brunus, Gwilhelmus de saliceto, [and] by many other maysters whose names be wryten in this same boke. ... Item yf ye fynde ony names of herbes or of other thynges wherof ye haue no knowlege, yt shall ye knowe playnly by the potecarys. Item here shall you fynde also for to make salues, plasters, powders, oyles, and drynkes for woundes. Item who so desyreth of this science ye playne knowlege let hym oftentymes rede this boke, and than he shall gette perfyte vnderstandynge of the noble surgery." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


¶ Here foloweth the correctyons of this presence boke.

¶ In the. xli. chapytre standeth howe that yt the wounde be in the syne ws besyde the ceces that ye pacyent shall lose his lyfe / but it is not so / for it sholde be the pacyent shal lose his herynge and not his lyfe.

¶ Also in the same chapytre in the makyng oplasters standeth / frankensence / mastye of eche an ounce / and it sholde be of eche a dragma.

¶ Also ye shall fynde in the. xlv. chapytre in the glystres / vyolet leues / & herba mer∣curians of eche an oūce / and it sholde be of eche an handfull.

¶ Also in the same chapytre in the purga∣cyou sholde be pillule retidis maioris.

¶ Also in the. xlvi. chapytre in ye fyrst pow¦der sholde be the lyme of eggeshelles.

¶ Also in the. xlvii. chapytre in the salue makynge standeth florum camomille / ab∣scinthei / calamenti / salte rubbed of eche. vii. ounces & it sholde be but. iiii. ounces

¶ Also in the. lxv. chapytre standeth ma∣stycke / gomine of araby: and therby sholde stande dragantum of eche. ii. ounces.

¶ Also in the. xcii. chapytre in the eperte plastre standeth whyte rosyll / turpentyne blacke pytche / and there sholde be of eche lyke moche.

Page [unnumbered]

¶ Also in the. xciii. chapytre in the recepte in latyn. Recipe specie cū electuarū de gu∣mis siue species a dragma / specierium dia∣dragantum frigidum. i. dragmas / and therby sholde be diapenidiacū / manus xp̄i ¶ Also in the same chapytre sholde stande in the syrupe of hartes tonge leues or scho∣lopendre / and there sholde be also borage flouces / plantayne / ofeche anounce.

¶ Also in the. xcv. chapytre / in ye last salue and in the seconde paragraphe for to consu∣me the engyled blood / take venys sope cut small. iii. ounces / and there shall folowe aqua vite. iij. ounces / vnguentū dyalthea. i. ounces.

¶ Also in Antithodario in vnguentū apo∣stolorum is wryten / stepe this in vynegre ii. dayes longe / as is galbanum armonia cum bdelliū / and therby sholde stande ap∣poponatum. &c.

¶ Also in vnguentum dialthea is wryten turpentyne albanū / & it sholde be galbanū ¶ Also in the same dial the a standeth in the ende grekes pytche or colophonia in latyn rosyll / and therby sholde stande of eche a pounde.

¶ Also in vnguentum defenstuum is wry¦ten terra sigillata / fenigreke / and that fe∣negreke sholde be vynegre.

¶ Also in ye thyrde powder standeth yrros and it sholde be yrees.

¶ Also in the fourth powder standeth spa∣nysshe grene an ounce / and it sholde be hal∣fe an ounce.

¶ Also in ye. vi. powder standeth flou•…•… and it sholde be floures. Also in the 〈…〉〈…〉 is ypoquiscidos / and it sholde be ypoquisci¦dos. Also in the same is nune for 〈◊〉〈◊〉.

¶ Also in the. vii. powder standeth vpon graues / and it sholde be vpon deed mēnes heedes.

¶ Also in the. ix. powder standeth eyes of our lady / and it sholde be yee of our rady & it is lyke whyte asume.

¶ Also in the seconde oyle standetholeam / and it sholde be olium. Also in the same is cestorie / and it sholde de castorie.

¶ Also in the. iiii. drynke standeth 〈…〉〈…〉 •…•…rum / and it sholde be cent•…•… & in the same is arthemusia for •…•…

¶ Also in the. vi. drynke standeth 〈…〉〈…〉 and it sholde be pyrola. Also in ye 〈…〉〈…〉 herba grosse / & it sholde he herbe 〈…〉〈…〉 rewe in englysshe.

¶ Also in ye. ix. drynke standeth 〈…〉〈…〉 and it sholde be ambrosia.

¶ Finis.
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