The regiment of life, whereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the boke of children, newly corrected and enlarged by T. Phayre

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The regiment of life, whereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the boke of children, newly corrected and enlarged by T. Phayre
Goeurot, Jean.
[Imprinted at Lo[n]don :: In fletestrete at the signe of the Sunne ouer against the condite, by Edwarde whitchurche, [i.e. 1550]]

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Medicine -- Early works to 1800.
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"The regiment of life, whereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the boke of children, newly corrected and enlarged by T. Phayre." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.


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The boke of children.

TO begyn a treatyse of ye cure of childrē, it shoulde seme ex∣pedient, yt we should declare somwhat of the principles, as of the generacion, the beyng in the womb, the tyme of procedynge, the maner of the byrthe, the byndynge of the nauyl, settynge of the members, lauatoryes, vnctions, swathinges, and entreate∣mentes, with the cyrcumstaunces of these & many other: which if I shoulde reherse in particles, it woulde requyre both a longer tyme, and encrease into a greater volume. But forasmuch as the most of these thinges are very trite & manifest, some pertainyng only to the office of a midwyfe, other for the reue∣rence

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of the matter not mete to be dis∣closed to euery vyle person: I entende in this booke to let them all passe, and to treat onely of the thinges necessary, as to remoue the sicknesses, wherwith the tender babes are oftētimes afflic∣ted, and desolate of remedye, for so∣muche as manye doe suppose that ther is no cure to be ministred vnto thē, by reason of theyr weakenes. And by that vayne opinion, yea rather by a foolishe feare, they forsake manye that myghte be well recouered, as it shall appeare by the grace of god hereafter, in thys lytle treatyse, when we come to decla∣racion of the medicines. In the meane season for confinitye of the matter, I entend to write somewhat of ye nourc and of the milke, with the qualityes, & complexions of ye same, for in that cō∣sisteth the chief point and summe, no only of ye mayntenaunce of health, but also of the fourmyng or infectyng ey∣ther of the wytte, or maners, as the Poet Vergyl when he would describ

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an vncurteys, churlysh, & a rude con∣dishioned tyraunt, dydde attribute the faute vnto the gyuer of the mylke, as in saying thus.

Nec tibi diua parens, generis nec Dardanus author, Perfide, sed duris genuit te cauti∣bus horrens Caucasus, hircane{que} admorunt vbera tigres.

For that deuine Poet being through∣ly expert in ye priuities of nature, vn∣derstode ryght wel how great an alte∣racion euery thynge taketh of the hu∣moure, by the whyche it hath his aly∣mente and nourishinge in the youthe whiche thynge also was considred & alleged of many wyse Philosophers: Plato, Theophrastus, Xenophon, Aristotle, and Plinie, who dydde all ascribe vnto the nourcement as moch effect or more, as to the generacyon. And Phauorinus the Philosopher (as wryteth Aulus gelius) affirmeth yt yf lambes be nouryshed with ye milke of

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goates, they shall haue course wolle, like the heare of goates: and yf kiddes in lyke maner sucke vpō shepe, ye heare of them shalbe soft lyke wolle. Wher∣by it doth appeare, that the mylke and nouryshyng hath a marueylous effecte in chaunging the complexiō, as we se likewise in herbes and in plantes, for let the seed or ympes be neuer so good & pure, yet yf they be put into an vn∣kynde earth, or watred with a nough∣ty and vnholsome humour, either they come not vp at al, or els they wyll de∣generat and turne out of theyr kinde, o ye scarse it may appeare frō whence they haue ben takē: accordīg to ye verse

Poma{que} degenerant, succos oblita priores.
Wherfore as it is agreing to nature, so is it also necessarye & comly for the own mother to nource the own child. Whiche yf it maye be done, it shal be most cōmendable and holsome, yf not ye must be well aduised in taking of ¦nource,

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not of yll complexion and of worse maners: but such as shal be so∣bre, honeste and chaste, well fourmed, amyable and chearefull, so that she may accustome the infant vnto myrth, no dronkard, vyeyous nor sluttysshe, for suche corruptethe the nature of the chylde.

But an honest woman (suche as had a man chyld ast afore,) is best not with∣in two monethes after her delyue∣raunce, nor approchyng nere vnto her time againe. These thinges oughte to be cōsidred of euery wyse person, that wyll set theyr children out to nource. Moreouer, it is good to loke vpon the milke, and to se whether it be thicke & grosse, or to moch thinne and watrye, blackysshe or blewe, or enclynyng to rednesse or yelowe, for all suche are vnnaturall and euyll. Likewise whē ye taste it in your mouthe, yf it be ey∣ther bytter, salte, or soure, ye may we perceyue it is vnholsome.

That mylke is good, that is whyte

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and sweete, and when ye droppe it on your nayle, and do moue your finger, neyther eteth abrod at euery stering, nor wyll hange faste vpon your naile, whē ye turne it downeward, but that whyche is betwene bothe is beste. Somtime it chaunceth that the milke wasteth, so that ye nource can not haue sufficiente to susteine the child, for the which I wil declare remedies leauing out the causes for breuitie of time.

¶Remedies appropriate to ye encrea∣syng of mylke in the brestes. PAsneppe rootes, and fenelle rootes, soddē in broth of chic∣kens, & afterward eaten with a litle fresshe butter, maketh encrease of mylke within the brestes.

¶An other. The pouder of earth wormes dryed and dronken in the broth of a neates tonge, is a singuler experiment for ye sme intent.

Also the broth of an olde cocke, with myntes, cynamome and maces.

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Ryce also sodden in cowes mylke, with the cromes of white breed, fenell seede in pouder, and a litle sugre is ex∣cedyng good.

¶An other good medicine for the same. Take Cristall, and make it in fyne pouder, and myxe it with asmoche fe∣nell seede and suger, and vse to drinke it warme with a litle wyne.

A playster for the encrease of milke.

Take fenell and hoorehounde, of euery one two handefulles, ys seede foure drammes, Saffron a scruple in poudre, swete butter thre ounces, seeth them in water, and make a playster to be layed vpon the nurces brestes.

These thynges haue propertie to augment the mylke, dylle, anyse seede, fenelle, cristal, horehounde, fresh chese, honye, lettuse, beetes, myntes, carette rootes, parsneppes, the dugges or yd∣der of a cowe or a shepe, gootes milke, blaunched almondes, ryce porrigge, a cowes toung dryed and made in pou∣der,

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poched egges, saffron, and the iuce of rosted veale dronken.

Thus moche of the nource, and of the mylke: nowe wil I declare the in∣firmities of children.

Althoughe (as affirmeth Plinie,) there be innumerable passions & dis∣eases, wherunto the bodye of man is subiecte, and as well maye chaunce in the yonge as in the olde: Yet for most commonly the tender age of children is chefely vexed & greued with these diseases folowyng.

  • Aposteme of the brayne.
  • Swellyng of the heed.
  • Scalles of the heed.
  • Watchyng out of measure.
  • Terrible dreames.
  • The fallyng euill.
  • The palseye.
  • Crampe.
  • Styfuesse of lymmes.
  • Bloodshoen eyes.
  • Watryng eyes.
  • Scabbynesse and ytche.
  • ...

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  • Diseases in the eares.
  • Nesyng out of measure.
  • Bredyng of teeth.
  • Canker in the mouth.
  • Duynsye, or swellyng of throte.
  • Coughe.
  • Sreaytnesse of wynde.
  • Feblenesse of the stomake & vomiting.
  • Yeaxyng or hycket.
  • Colyke and rumblyng in the guttes.
  • Fluxe of the belly.
  • Stoppyng of the bellye.
  • Wormes.
  • Swellyng of the nauill.
  • The stone.
  • Pyssyng in bedde.
  • Bruslynge.
  • Fallyng of the skynne.
  • Chafyng of the skynne.
  • Small pockes and measels.
  • Feuers.
  • Swellyng of the coddes.
  • Sacer ignis or chingles.
  • Burnyng and scaldyng.
  • Rybbes.
  • ...

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  • Consumpcion.
  • Leanenesse.
  • Gogle eyes.

¶Of apostemes of the brayne. IN the fylme that couereth the brayne chaunceth often ty∣mes apostemacion & swellynge, eyther of to moche crying of ye chylde, or by reason of the mylke immo∣deratelye hote, or excesse of heate in the bloode, or of colde teume, and is knowen by these sygnes.

Yf it be of hote matter, the heed of the chylde is vnnaturally swollen, redde, and hote in the eelyng: if it come of colde matter, it is somwhat swollen, pale, and colde in the touchyng, but in bothe cases the chylde can not reste, and is euer lothe to haue hys heed touched, cryeth and vexeth it selfe, as it were in a frenesye.

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¶Remedye. Make a bath of mallowes, camo∣mylle, and lyllyes sodden with a she∣pes heed, tyll the bones fall, and with a spong or soft cloutes, al to bath the head of the childe in a colde aposteme, with the broth hote as maye be suffe∣red, but in a hote matter wete the broth luke warme, or in the cooling, & after the bathe, set on a playster, thus.

A playstre. Take fenugreke, camomill, worm∣wood, of euery one an handfull, seethe them in a close vessell, till the thyrde parte be consumed, then stampe thē in a mortar, and stirre them, to the which ye shall put of the same brothe againe ynough to make a plaister, with a litle beane floure, yolkes of egges & saffrō, adding to them fresh butter or duckes grese sufficiente, & applye it. In a cold matter lette it lye a day: but in a hote cause ye muste remoue it euery syxe houres.

Of swellyng of the heed.

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TNstation or swellynge of the heed, cōmeth of a wyndye matter, gathe∣red betwene the skynne and the fleshe, and some∣tyme betwene the fleshe and the boones of the sculle, the tokens wherof are manifest ynoughe to the syght, by the swellyng or puffinge vp, and pressed with ye fin∣ger, there remayneth a prynte, whyche is a sygne of wynde and viscous hu∣mours, ye shall heale it thus.

¶Remedye. Fyrst let the nourse auoide al thyn∣ges that engendre wynd, salt or slymy humours, as beanes, peasō, eles, sam∣mon, saltfysshe, and lyke: then make a playster to the chyldes heed, after this fashion.

Take an handful of fenel, smal∣lache and dylle, and seeth them in wa∣ter in a close vessel, afterwarde stampe them, and with a lytle cumyne, and oyle of bytter almondes, make it vp,

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and laye it often to the childes heed, warme. In defaulte of oyle of almons take gosegrese, adding a litle vinegre. And it is good to bathe the place with a softe cloute, or a sponge in the broth of these herbes: Rue, tyme, maiorym, hysope, fenell, dylle, comyne, salitre, myntes, radysh rotes, rocke, or some of them, euer takyng heede, that there droppe no porcion of the medicines in the babes eyes, mouthe, or eares.

¶Scalles of the head. THe heades of chyldrē are oftē∣tymes vlcered, & scalled, aswel when they sucke, and thē most commonly by reason of sharpe milke, as also when they haue bene weaned, & can go aloone. Sometimes it happeneth of an euil complexion of humours by eatyng of rawe frute, or other euill meates, and somtyme by longe continuynge in the sonne, many tymes by dropping of restye bacon, or of salte beefe on theyr bare heades.

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Other whyles they be so borne out o theyr mothers wombe, and in al the is no greate difficultie til the heere b growen: but after that, they requyre greater cure, and a conning hand, not withstandynge as God shall gyue m grace, here shal be sayde remedyes for the cure of them, such as haue ben of¦tentymes approued: wherin I haue entended to omyt the disputacions o the dyfference of scalles, and the hu∣mours whereof they do proceade, and wyl go strayght to the composicion o medicynes, folowyng the good expe¦ryence, here ensuynge.

¶Remedyes for scalles. Yf ye se the scalles lyke the shelle of oysters, blacke and drye, cleauing vpon the skynne, one within an other ye maye make a fomentacion of hoot and moyste herbes, as fenugreke, hol hocke, beares breache, lyneseede, an suche other, sodden al or some of the in the brothe of netes feete, and so t bathe the sores, and after that apply

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a soft plaistre of the same herbes, with gosegrese or butter, vsynge thys styll, tyl ye se the scabbe remoued, and then wasshe it with the iuce of horehound, smallach and betony, sodden togither in wyne, and after the wasshyng put vpō it pouder of myrre, aloes and frā∣ensence, or holde his heed ouer a cha∣syngdisshe of coles wherin ye shal put frankensence and saunders in pouder. But yf ye se the scabbes be verye sore and mattrye wyth great payne, & bur∣nynge of the heede, ye shall make an oyntment to coole the matter thus.

¶An oyntment to coole the bur∣nynge of a sore heade. Take white leade and lytarge, of e∣uery one .v. drammes, lye made of the sshes of a vyne .iii. drammes, oyle of ses, an ounce, waxe, an ounce, melte he waxe fyrste, than putte to the oyle nd lye, with the reste, and in the ende . yolkes of egges, make an oyntmēt, and laye it to the head. Thys is the omposicion of Rasis.

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¶An other oyntment singuler for the same pourpose. Take betony, grounswel, plantayn fumytorie, and dayses, of euerye or lyke moche, stampe them, and myng them with a pounde of fresshe swin grece, and lette them stand closed in moyst place .viii. dayes, to putrify, t frye them in a panne, and straine the into a cleane vessel and ye shal haue grene ointment of a singuler operac for the sayd dysease, and to quenc all vnkind heates of the bodye.

Also ye must vse to shaue the hea what so euer thīges ye doe lai nto If there lacketh the cleansīg of the ¦res, and the chylde weaned, ye shal d wel to make an oyntment of a ly turpentyne, bulles gall, and hony, a lay vpon the sores.

Also it is proued, that the vryne o bulle, is a singuler remedy to mūdi the sores, and to loce the heares by the rootes, without any peyne or pille.

The iuyce also of morel, dayfye 〈◊〉〈◊〉

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and groundswel fryed with grece and made in an oyntmente, cooleth al vnkynde heates, and pustes, of the heade.

Here is to be noted, that durynge thys disease in a suckynge chylde, the ourse must auoyde al salt, and sower meates that engēder cholere, as mus∣tarde, vinegre, and suche: and al maner frutes, (excepte a pomegranate) and she muste abstayne in thys case, bothe from egges, and from other kynde of white meates in general, and aboue al be may eate no dates, figges, nor pur∣celane, for many holde opynion that purcelane hath an euyll propertye to neede scabbes and vlcers in the head. Moreouer the childes head may not be kept to hote, for that is oftentimes the cause of thys disease.

Sometymes it chaunceth that there readeth in the head of chyldren as it ere litle wartes or knobbes some∣what hard, and can not be resolued by he said medicines. Wherfore whē ye

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se that none other thyng wyll healpe ye shall make a good oyntment to re¦moue it, in maner as herafter is decl¦red.

¶An excellent remedy for wartes or knobbes of the heade. Take lytarge and whyte lead, of ec a like quantitie, brymstome & quick syluer quenched with spittle, of eche lesse quantity, twise asmoch oile of ro∣ses, and a sponefulle or .ii. of vinegr mixe them al togither, on a marble, t they be an oyntment, and lay it on the head, & whan it hath ben dry an hour or .ii. wasshe it of, with water, wheri was soddē maiorym, sauery and mi¦tes, vse it thus twyse a daye, morning and euenynge tylle ye se it hole. Th thyng is also good in al the other kind of scalles.

¶Of watchyng out of measure. SLepe is the nouryshment and food of a suckyng chylde, and asmuch r¦quisite as the very tete, wherfore wh••••

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it is depriued of the naturall reste, all the hole body falleth in distemper, cru∣ditie and weakenes, it procedeth com∣monly by corrupcion of the mylke, or to muche aboundaunce which ouerla∣deth the stomake, & for lacke of good dygestyon, vapours and fumes aryse into the head, and infect the braine, by reason wherof the childe cannot slepe, but turneth and vexeth it selfe wyth crying. Therefore it shall bee good to prouoke it to a naturall slepe thus, ac∣cordyng to Rasis.

Annoynte the foreheade and tem∣ples of the chylde, wyth oyle of vyo∣lettes and vineger, puttynge a droppe or two in the nosethrylles, and yf ye can gette any syrupe of poppye, geue it the chylde to lycke, and than make a playster of oyle of saffron, lettuse, and the iuyce of poppye, or wette cloutes in it, and laye it ouertwharte the temples.

Also the seades and the heades of pop∣pye, called chessbolles, stamped wth

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rosewater, and myxte wyth womans mylke, and the white of an egge, bea∣ten al together and made in a plaister, causeth the chylde to receiue hys natu∣ral slepe.

Also an ointmente made of the seede of popy and the heades, one ounce, oile of lettuse, and of popye, of eche .ii. oun∣ces, make an ointment and vse it.

They that can not gette these oyles, maye take the berbes, or iuyce of let∣tuse, purcelane, houseleke, and popye, & with womans mylke, make a play∣ster, and laye it to the forehead.

Oyle of violettes, of roses, of nenu∣phar, are good, and oyle of populeon, the broth of mallowessodden, and the iuyce of water plantayne.

¶Of terrible dreames and feare the slepe. OFtentymes it happeneth that the child is afraid in the slepe, and sometimes waketh soo∣dainly, and sterteth, sometime shriketh and trembleth, which

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effect commeth of the arysyng of styn∣king vapours, out of the stomake into the fantasye, and sences of the brayne, as ye maye perceyue by the breath of the chylde: wherfore it is good to geue him a litle hony to swallow, and a ly∣tle pouder of the seedes of peonye, and sometymes treacle, in a litle quantity with milke, and to take hede that the chylde sleepe not with a full stomake, but to beare it about wakyng, tyl par bee dygested, and whan that it is laide, not to rocke it much, for ouermuch shaking letteth digestion, and maketh the chylde many tymes to vo∣myte.

¶The fallynge euyll called in the greke tonge epilep∣sia.

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NOt only other ages but also lytle chyl∣dren, are oftentimes afflycted, wyth this gryeuouse syckenes, some tyme by na∣ture receyued of the parentes, and thā it is impossible, or difficile to cure, some∣time by euil & vnholsome diet, where∣by there is engendred many colde and moist humors in the brayne, whervpō this infirmity procedeth, which if it be in one that is younge and tender, it is very hard to be remoued, but in them that are somewhat strong, as of seuen yeres and vpwarde, it is more easye.

I fynde that manye thynges haue a natural vertue against ye falling euill, not of any qualitye elementall, but by a singuler propertye, or rather an in∣fluence of heauen, whiche almyghtye god hathe geuen vnto thynges here in earth, as be these and other.

Saphires, smaragdes, redde coral, pi∣ony,

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mystletow of the oke takē in the moneth of March, and the moone de∣creasynge, tyme, sauein, dylle and the stone that is founde in the bellye of a yong swallow being the first brood of the dame. These or one of them, han∣ged about the necke of the child, saueth and preserueth it, from the sayd sicke∣nes. Now wil I describe some good & holsome medicines to be takē inward for thesame disease.

If the chylde be not very young, the mawe of a leueret, dronke with water and honye cureth thesame.

¶A medicine for the fallinge syckenesse. Take the roote of pionye, and make it into pouder and geue it to the childe to lycke in a litle pappe and suger. They that are of age, maye eate of it a good quantity at once and likewise of the blacke sedes of the same piony. Item the purple violettes that crea∣peth on the ground in gardeines with a longe stalke, and is called in englishe

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and fryed meates, but abstaine from mylke and al maner fyshe. And it shall be good for her, to eat a lectuary made after this sorte.

Take nuntis, cinamone, cumine, rose leaues dryed, mastike, fenugreke, vale∣rian, ameos doronisi, zedoarye, cloues, saunders, and lignum aloes, of euerye one a dramme, muske half one drāme, make an electuary with clarified ho∣ny, and let her eat of it, and geue the chylde as muche as halfe a nut euerye daye to swallow.

A plaister. Take an ounce of waxe, and a dramme of euphorbium, at the potecaries, and temper it with oyle olyue on the fyer, and make a serecloth, to coumforte the backe bone, and the sinewes.

¶A goodly lauatorye for the same purpose. Take lye of ashes, and seeth therein baye buryes, and asmuch piony sedes, in a close vessel to the thyrde parte and washe the childe often with thesame.

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Item a bathe of sauerye, maiorym, tyme, sage, nepte, smallage, & mintes, or some of them is verye good and holesome.

Also to rubbe the backe of the chylde and the limmes, with oyles of roses, and spyke, myxte together warme, and in stede of it ye mai take oyle of baies.

¶Of the crampe or spasmus. THis disease is often sene amōg chyldren and commeth verye lyghtely, as of debilytye of the nerues and cordes, or elles of grosse humors, that suffocate thesame: the cure of yt whiche is declared of au∣thours to bee doone by friccions and oyntmentes that comfort the sinowes & dissolue the matter, as oile of floure-deluyce, with a litle anyse, saffron and the rootes of pionie

Item oyle of camomil, fenugreke, and mellilot, or the herbes soddē, betony, wormewood, verueyne, and tyme, are exceding good to washe the chylde in.

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Item the plaister of exphorbium, written in the cure of palsey.

Of the stifnes or starknes of limmes. SOmetime it happeneth the lymmes are starke, can not well come toge∣ther, withoute the grea∣ter peyne, whiche thyng procedeth mani times of cold, as whan a chylde is found in the frost or in the streete, caste awaye by wycked mother, or by som other chaunce, although I am not ignoraun that it maye procede of manye other causes, as it is sayde of Rasis, and o Arnolde de villa noua, in his boke of the cure of infantes.

And here is to bee noted, a wonder∣full secret of nature, manye tymes ap∣proued, written of Auicenne in hy fyrste Canon, and of Celius Antiqua∣rium electionū, libro .xiii. capit .xxxvii▪ that whan a mēber is vtterly benum 〈◊〉〈◊〉 and taken thorough colde, so tha

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the paciente cannot feele hys lymmes nor moue them accordynge to nature, by reason of the vehement congelaciō of ye bloud, in such case ye chiefest hel or remedy is not to set them to the fy∣er to receiue heat, for by that meanes, lightly we se that eueri one swowneth and manye dye outeryghte, but to sette the feete, legges, and armes in a payle of clere colde water, whiche im∣mediatly shal dissolue the congelaciō, and restore the bloude to the former passage and fredome, after that ye ma lay the pacient in a bed to sweate, and geue him hote drinke and caudels or a coleis of a capon hote, with a litle ci∣namome & saffrō to cōfort the hart. An argument of this cure ye may se thus.

When an apple or a pere is frosen in the winter sette it to the fyer, and it is destroyed: but yf ye putte it into colde water it shall as well endure, as it did afore, whereby it doth appere, that the water resolueth colde, better with hi moysture, than the fyer can do by rea∣son

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of his heate: for the water relen∣teth and the fyer draweth and dryeth as affyrmeth Galene in hys booke o elementes.

Hitherto haue I declined by occasi∣on, but I trust not in vayne to the rea∣der, now to my purpose.

When a yonge childe is so taken with a colde, I esteme it best for to bath th bodye in luke warme water, wherei hath bene sodden maiorim and time, sope, sage, mintes, & suche other goo and comfortable herbes, thē to relieu it with meates of good nourishment accordyng to the age and necessity, and yf neede be, when ye se the limmes y to be starke, make an oyntmente after this fourme.

¶An oyntment for styffe and stoyned limmes. Take a good handefull of nettles, and stampe them, then seth them in oyle the thirde part in a double vessel, kep that oyntmēt in a drye place, for it w last a great while, and is a singuler r¦medy

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for the styfnes that commeth of cold, & whoso anoynteth hys handes & fete with it in the morning, shal not be grieued with colde al the daye after. The sedes of nettles gathered in har∣ueste and kepte for thesame entente, is excedyng good sodden in oyle, or fryed with swines grece, which thing also is verye good to heale the kybes of hee∣les, called in latin Perniones. The vrine of a goate with the donge stam∣ped and layed to the place, resolueth the stifnes of limmes.

When the cause commeth not by ex∣treme cold, but of some other affeccion of the sinowes and cordes, it is best to make a bath or a fomētaciō of herbes that resolue and comfort the sinowes, with relaxacion of the grosse humors, to open the pores, as by exāple thus. Take malowes, holyhocke and dyl, of eche a handful or two, seth them in the water of netes fete, or in broth of flesh without salt, with a handful of branne nd comine, in the which ye shall bath

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the chyld, as warme as he may suffe and yf ye see necessitie, make a plaist with the same herbes, and lay it to th griefe with a litle gosegrece, or duck grece, or if it may be gotten, oyle of c¦momil, of lylyes, and of dyll. Clout wette in the sayde decoccion, and la about the members, helpeth.

Of bloude shotten eyes, and other infyrmityes. SOmetyme the eyes a bloudeshotten, and oth whiles encreasing a fil and white humour, cou¦ring the sight, the cause often of to much crying, for the whi it is good to drop in the eyes a litle the iuyce of nighteshade, other w called morel, and to annoint the for head with the same, and if the iye sw to wette a cloute in the iice, and 〈◊〉〈◊〉 white of egges, and lay it to the gre

If the humoure bee clammyshe a tough, and cleueth to the corners o

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eyes, so that the chylde can not open them after his slepe, it shalbe remoued with the iuyce of housleke dropped on the eye with a fether.

When the eye is bloudeshotten and edde, it is a singuler remedye to putte in it, the bloude of a yonge pigion, or a doue, or a partriche, eyther hoate from the bird, or els dried and made in pou∣der, as subtyl as maye be possible.

A playster for swellyng and payne of the eyes. Take quinces and cromes of white head, and seeth them in water tyl thei be softe, then stampe them, and with a litle saffron and the yolkes of twoo egges, make a playster to the childes yes and forehead. Ye may let him al∣ receiue the fume of that decoction. It is also good in the meigrim: yf ye il haue further, loke in the regiment of lyfe, in the declaracion of paynes of he heade.

Of watryng eyes.

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IF the chyldes eyes wa∣ter ouermuche without crying, by reason of a di∣stillacion comming from the head, Manardus tea∣cheth a goodlye playster to restrayne the reumes and is made thus.

Hartes horne brent to pouder, and washed twise, guaiacū, otherwise cal∣led lignum sanctum, corticum thuris, antimonie, of eche one part, muske the iii. part of one parte, make a fine pou∣der and vse it with the iuyce or water of fenel. These thinges haue vertue to staunche the running of the eyes. Th shelles of snayles brent, the ticke tha is found in the dugges of kyne, phily pendula, frankensence & the white o an egge laied vpon ye forehead, flewor or the water wherin it is steped, tutie ye water of duddes of oke stilled, bea floure finely sisted, and with the gūm of a cheritree steped in vineger, & lay ouer al the temples.

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¶Of scabbynesse and ytche. SOmetyme by reason of excesse of heate, or sharpenesse in the milke, throughe the nourses eatyng of salt & eygre meates, it happenethe that a chylde is sene full of ytche by rubbing, fretyng, and chafyng of it selfe, encresyng a scabbe called of the Grekes Psora: whyche thynge also chaunceth vnto many after they be weaned, procedinge of salte and aduste humoures, the cure wherof dyfferethe in none other, but according to the dif∣ference of age, for in a sucking babe ye medicines may not be so sharpe, as it may be suffered in one that is alredye weaned. Against suche vnkinde ytche, ye maye make an oyntment thus. Take water of betony .ii. good hand∣fulles, daysye leaues, & alehofe other∣wyse called tūnour or ground yuye, of eche one handfull, the red docke rotes, two or thre, stampe them al togyther, and grinde them wel, then mingle thē with fresshe grese, and againe stampe

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them. Let them so stande .viii. daies to putrifye tyll it be hore, then frye them out and strayne them and kepe it for the same entent.

Thys oyntment hath a greate effecte, both in yong and olde, and that with∣out repercussion or dryuing backe of the matter, whyche shoulde be a pe∣ryllouse thyng for a yong chld.

The herbe water betonye alone, is a greate medicyne to quenche al vnkind heates without daūger, or the sething of it in cleare well water, to annoynte the membres. It is a commen herbe, & groweth by ryuers sydes & smal ren∣ning waters, and wette places, arysīg many tymes the heygth of a mā out of the grounde, where he reioyseth, with a stalke foure square, and many braū∣ches on euery syde, and also it beareth a whytysh blewe flowre very smal, & in haruest it hath innumerable seedes, blacke, and as fyne as the seed of tut∣sone or lesse, the leues bygge and lōg, accordyng to the ground, ful of iuyce,

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iagged on the sides lyke a sawe, euen as other betonye, to whom it appro∣cheth in figure, & obtemeth his name of water betony. The sauoure of the leafe is somwhat heauye, moste lyke to ye sauoure of elders or walwort, but when it is brused it is more pleasaūt, whych thyng induceth me to vary frō the myndes of them that thynke this herbe to be Galiopsis in Dioscorides, wrytten of hym that it shulde stynke when it is stamped, but the more this herbe is stamped, the more swete and herbelyke it sauoureth: therfore it can not be galeopsis: and besides that, it is neuer founde in drye and stony groūd as the Galiopsis is. Neyther is thys herbe mencyoned of the newe or olde authours, as farre as I can see, but of only Vigo, ye famous surgion of oure tyme in Italye, whych wryteth on it, that this herbe exceadeth al other in a malo mortuo (so calleth he a kynde of eprye elephantyk, or an vniuersal & fylthy scabbe of all the body:) and in

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lyke maner he sayeth it is good for to cure a canker in the breastes. Ye maye reade these thīges in his second boke. Capitul .iii. and his fifte booke of the Frenche pockes, in the thyrd chapter: where he doth describe thys aforesaid herbe, with so manyfeste tokens, that no mā wil doubt it to be water beto∣ny, conferryng the boke and the herbe duly togither. Moreouer he nameth in Italye a brydge where it growethe in the water in greate aboundaunce, and is called of yt nacion Alabeueratore, which in dede the Italtons that come hyther and knowe both the place and the herbe, doe affyrme playnely, it is our water betony.

And where as he allegeth Dioscori∣des in climeno, which by cōtemplaciō of both hath but smal affiniti or none with this herbe, it was for nothinge els but lack of the tōges, which faute is not to be so highly rebuked in a mā of his study, applying him selfe more in the practyse of surgery, & to handye

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operaciō, wherin in dede he was nere incomparable, then he did to search ye variaūce of tonges, & rather regarded to declare ye operaciō of thinges with truthe, then to dispute vpon the pro∣pertyes or names with eloquence.

Thus haue I declyned agayne from my matter, partly to shewe ye descrip∣cion of thys holesome herbe, partelye to satisfie the mindes of ye surgions in Vigo, whiche haue hitherto redde the sayd places in vayne, and furthermore bicause ther is yet none that declareth manyfestly the same herbe.

¶An other remedye for scabbes and ytche. Take the rootes of dockes, and frye thē in fresh grese, then put to it a quā∣titie of brimstone in pouder, and vse to rubbe the places twise or thrise a day. Brimstone poudred & souped in a rere egge healeth the scabbes, which thing is also very good to destroye wormes.

¶A goodly swete sope for scabbes and ytche.

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Take whyte sope halfe a pounde, and stepe it in suffyciente rosewater, til it be wel soked, then take two drammes of mercinye sublymed, dissolue it in a lytle rosewater, labour the sope and ye rosewater wel together, & afterward put in it a litle muske or cyuette, and kepe it. This sope is exceding good to cure a great scabbe or ytche, and that without perill, but in a chylde it shall suffyce to make it weaker of the mer∣curye.

An other approued medicine for scabbynesse and ytche. Take fumyterrie, docke rootes, sca∣biouse, & the roote of walwort, stampe them al, & set thē in fresh grece to pu∣trifye, then frye them and strayne thē, in which lycour ye shal put turpētine a lytle quantitie, brymstone, and frā∣kensence very fynely poudred and sif∣ted a porciō, and with sufficient waxe make an ointment on a softe fyre: this is a singuler remedy for the same pur∣pose. But ī this cure ye ought to gyue

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the chylde no egges, nor any eygre or sharpe meate, and the nurse also muste auoyde the same, and not to wrappe it in to hoote, and yf nedde be, to make a bathe of fumitorye, centaurye, fether∣fewe, tansie, wormwood, and sauge a∣lone, yf ye se the cause of the ytche or the scabbe to be wormes in ye skinne, for a bytter decoecion shal destroy thē and dry vp the moistures of the sores.

Of diseases in the eares. MAny diseases happen in the eares, as payne, apostemes swellynges, tynklynge and soūd in the heed, stoppinge of the organes of hearynge: Water, wormes, & other infortunes gotten into the eares, wherof some of them are daungerous and harde to be cured, some other expelled of nature without medicyne.

¶Remedye for payne in the eares. For payne in the eares wythout a manifest cause, as often chaunceth, it is a singuler remedye to take the chest

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wormes, that are found vnder barkes of trees, or in other stumpes in the groūd & wil turne round like a pease, take of them a good quantytye, and seeth them in oyle, in the rynde of a pomegranarde on the hote ymbres, yt it brenne not, and after that straine it and put into the eares a droppe or two luke warme, and then lette him lye v∣pon the other eare, and reste. Ye maye gyue thys to al ages, but in a child ye muste put a very lytle quantitie.

¶An other. The hame or skynne of an adder or a snake, that she casteth, boiled in oile, & dropped into the eares, easeth ye paine, & it is also good for an eare that mat∣tereth mingled with a litel hony, and put in luke warme. It is also good to droppe into the eares the iuyce of or∣ganye and mylke.

¶For swellyng vnder the eares. Paynters oyle, which is oyle of lyne∣seed, is excedyng good for ye swellyng

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of the eares, and for paine in the eares of all causes.

Item a plaister made of lineseede and dille, with a litle duckes grese & hony, Yf ye se the aposteme breke, & renne, ye may clense it with the iuce of smal∣lach, the white of an egge, barly flour, and hony, which is a common plaister to mundifye a sore.

When the eares haue receiued water or any other licour, it is good to take and stampe an onion and wryng out ye iuce with a litle gosegrese, & droppe it hote into the eare as it may be suffred, and laye hym downe on the contrarye syde an houre, after that cause hym to nese yf his age will suffre, with a litle pellitorie of Spayne, or nesinge pou∣der, and then enclyne his eare downe∣warde, that the water maye issue.

¶For wormes in the eares. Take myrre, aloes, and the seede of colocinthis, called coloquintida of the apothecaries, a quantity of eche, seeth thē in oile of roses, & put a litle ī ye eare

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Myrre hath a great vertue to remoue the stenche that is caused in the eares by any putrefaction, and the better with oyle of bitter almons, or ye may take ye iuce of wormwood with honye and salte peter.

¶For wynde in the eares and tinklyng. Take myrre, spykenarde, cumyne, dylle, and oyle of camomyl, and put a droppe in ye eares. They that haue not al these maye take some of them, and applye it accordyng to discretion.

To amende deafnesse ye shal make an ointment of an hares galle, and the grese or droppyng of an ele, which is a souerayne thyng to recouer hearynge.

¶Of nesyng out of measure. WHen a chylde neseth out of measure, yt is to saye, with a longe continuaunce, and therby the braine and ver∣tues animal be febled, it is good to stoppe it, to auoyde a further inconuenience.

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Wherfore ye shal annoynt the heade wyth the iuyce of purcelane, sorel, and nyghtshade, or some of them, and make a playster of the whyte of an egge, and the iuyce, with a litle oyle of roses, & emplayster the forhead and temples, with the mylke of a woman, oyle of roses, and vynegre a lytle.

If it come of cold reume, ye shall make a playster of mastyke, frankensens, myrre, wine, and applye it to ye former parte of the head. A fume of the same receyued in axe, and layed vpon the chyldes head, is holsome.

¶Breedyng of teeth. ABout ye seuēth moneth, som∣time more, somtyme lesse af∣ter ye byrth, it is natural for a chyld for to breede teeth, in which time many one is sore bered, with sōdry diseases & peines, as swelling of ye gummes & iawes, vnqui∣ete cryeng, feuers, crampes, palsies, tuxes, reumes, and other infirmities, specially whā it is lōg or ye teeth come

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forth, for the soner they apere, the bet∣ter, and the more eafe it is to ye childe. There be diuers thinges ye are good to procure an easy breeding of teeth, a∣mong whom the chiefest is to annoint the gummes, with the braynes of an hare, myxte with asmuch capons grece and hony, or any of these thynges a∣lone, is exceadynge good to supple the gummes and the synewes.

Also it is good to wasshe the chylde two or three tymes, in a weeke, with warme water, of the decoccion of ca∣momyll, hollyhocke and dylle.

Fresh butter, with a litle barly flour, or honye, with the fine pouder of frā∣kinsence & liquirice, are commēded of good authoures for the same entente. And whan the peyne is greatte, and intollerable, with aposteme or inflām∣macion of the goummes, it is good to make an ointmēt of oile of roses, with the iuyce of morelle, otherwise called nyghtshade, and in lacke of it, annoint the awes within, with a litle fresshe

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butter and honye.

For lacke of the hares brayne, ye may take the conyes, for they be also of the kynde of hares, and called of Pli∣nye Dasypodes, whose mawes are of the same effecte in medicine, or rather more, than is written of authoures, of the mawes of hares.

If ye se the gummes of the chylde to aposteme or swelle with softe flesshe, full of matter and paynefull, the beste shal be to annoint the sore place with the brayne of an hare, & capons grece, equally myxt togither, and after that ye haue vsed thys, ones or twise, an∣noynte the gummes, and apostemaci∣ons with honye.

Thyrdlye yf this helpe not, take tur∣pentyne myxte with a litle hony in e∣qual porcion: And make a bath for the head of the chylde, in this fourme. Take the floures of camomylle and dyl, of eche an handful, seeth them in a quarte of pure rennyng water, vntil they be tender, and wasshe the head a∣fore

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any meate, euerye mornyng, for se pourgeth the superfluytye of the bray∣nes, through the seames of the skull, and wythdraweth humours from the sore place, fynally cōforteth ye braine and al the vertues animal of the child. To cause an easie breedyng of teethe, many thīges are rehersed of auctours besydes the premisses, as the fyrst cast tooth of a colte set in syluer & borne, or redde coralle in lyke maner, hanged about the necke, wher vpon the chylde shuld oftentimes labour his gummes, and many other lyke, whyche I leaue out at this time, to auoide tediousnes, onely content to declare this of coral, that by consent of al authours, it resi∣steth the force of lyghtenyng, helpeth the chyldren of the fallynge euyll, and is verye good to be made in pouder, & dronken agaynst al maner of bleeding of the nose or fundament.

¶Of a canker in the mouthe.

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MAny tymes by reason of corrupcion of the milke, venimous vapoures ari∣sing from the stomake, & of many other infortu∣nes there chaunceth to brede a cāker in ye mouthes of childrē, whose signes are manifest ynough, yt is to saye by stinking of the mouthe, peyne in the place, contynual rennyng of spittle, swellynge of the cheke, and when the mouth is opened against the sonne, ye maye se clereye where the canker lieth. It is so named of the latter sort of phisicions, by reason of crepynge and eatynge forwarde and backewarde, and spreadethe it selfe abrode, lyke the feete of a creues, cal∣led in latine cancer, notwithstanding I knowe that the Greekes, and aun∣cient latynes, gyue other names vnto thys dysease, as in callynge it an vlcer, other whyles the, neme, carcinomata, and 〈…〉〈…〉 al in englyshe, knowen by the 〈◊〉〈◊〉 of can∣ker

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in the mouthe, and although there be many kindes according to the mat∣ter wherof they be engendred, & ther∣fore require a diuersitie of curing, yet for the moste parte, whan they be in childerne, the cure of them al differeth very litle or nothing, for ye chiefe en∣tent shal be to remoue the malignitye of the sore, and to drye vp the noisome matter and humours, thā to mundify and heale, as in other kindes of vicers, sores, and woundes.

¶Remedies for the canker in the mouth of children. TAke drye redde roses, & violettes, of eche a lyke quantity, make them in pouder, and myxt them with a lytle honye, thys medicine is verye good in a tender suckynge childe, and many times healeth alone, without any o∣ther thing at al. But yf ye se there be great heat & burning in the sore, with exceding paine, ye shal make a iuice of

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purcelane, lettuse & nightshade, & wash the sore wyth a fyne pyece of sylke, or driue it in with a spoute, called of the surgions a sprynge.

This by the grace of God, shall a∣bate the brennyng, aswage the peyne, and kyl the venime of the vlcer.

But yf ye see the canker yet encrease with great corrupciō & matter, ye shal make an oyntmente after this maner.

Take mirre, galles wherewith they make ynke, or in defaute of them, oken apples dryed, frankinsence, of eche a lyke much, of the blacke buries grow∣ynge on the bramble, taken from the bushe while they be grene, the .iii. part of al the rest, make them al in pouder, and mixt them with asmuch hony and saffron, as is sufficient, and vse it.

¶A stronger medicine for the canker in the mouth of children. Take the roote of celidonye dryed, the rinde of a pomegranate, redde co∣rall in pouder, & the pouder of a hartes horne, of eche a lyke, roche alume a li∣tle.

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Fyrste washe the place wyth wyne, or warme water, and hony, and afterwarde putte on the foresayd pou∣der, very fyne and subtyle.

An other singuler medicine for the canker in the mouth of al ages. ℞. ysope, sage, rue, of eche one good handeful, seeth them in wyne and wa∣ter, to the thirde part, then straine thē out, and putte in it a litle white cope∣rose, accordyng to necessitye: that is to saye, whan the sore is great, put in the more, whan it is small ye maye take ye lesse, than adde to it a quantitie of ho∣ny claryfied, and a sponeful or twoo of good aqua vite, washe the place wyth it, for it is a singuler remedye, to re∣moue ye malice in a short while, which done ye shal make a water incarnatiue and healyng thus.

℞. rybwoort, betonye and daysies, of eche a handefull, seeth them in wyne and water, and washe hys mouth, two or thre times a day with the same iuce.

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Moreouer some write yt christal made in fyne pouder, hath a singuler vertue to destroie the canker, and in lyke ma∣ner the pouder of an hartes horne brēt with asmuche of the rinde of a pome∣granade, and the iuyce of nyghtshade, is very good and holsome.

Of quinsye and swellyng of the throte. THe quinsy is a daūgerous sick∣nes, both in young & olde, cal∣led in latin angina, it is an in∣flammacion of the necke with swellyng and greate peyne, sometyme it lyeth in the verye throte, vpon the wesaunt pype, and than it is exceding perillous for it stoppeth the breath, & stranguleth the paciente anone.

Other whyles it breaketh oute like a bonche on the one syde of the necke, and than also with verye great dyffy∣cultye of breathynge, but it choketh not so sone as the fyrst doeth, and it is more obediente to receiue curacion. The signes are apparaunt to syghte, &

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besides that the chylde can not crye, neyther swallow downe his meat and drynke without payne.

¶Remedye. It is good to annoynt the griefe with oyle of dyll, or oyle of camomyll, and lylies, and to laye vpon the head, hote cloutes dipte in the waters of rosema∣ry, lauender, and sauery.

The chiefest remedy commended of authours in this outragious sickenes, is the pouder of a swallow brent wyth fethers and all, and myxte with hony, whereof the paciente muste swallowe downe a litle, and the reste annoynted vpon the payne. They prayse also the pouder of the chyldes dunge to the chyld, and of a man to a man, brente in a pot, and annointed with a litle hony. Some make a compouned oyntmente of both, the receite is thus. ℞. of the swallow brent, one porcion, of the se∣cond pouder another, make it ī a thicke fourme with hony, and it wyll endure longe for the same entent,

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Item an other experiment for the quinsy and swellynge vnder the eares.

Take the musherun that groweth v∣pon an elder tree, called in englysh, Iewes eares (for it is in dede croncled and at, muche lyke an eare) heat it a∣gaynst the fyer, and put it hote in anye drinke, thesame drinke is good & hole∣some for the quinsye.

Some hold opinion that whoso vseth to drinke with it, shall neuer bee trou∣bled with this disease, and therefore carye it about with them in iorneys.

¶Of the cough. THe cough in children for ye most part, procedeth either of a cold, or by reason of reumes, descen∣ding from the head into ye pipes of the longes or the breaste, and that is most commonly by ouermuche aboundaunce of milke, corruptyng the stomake and brayne: therefore in that case, it is good to fede the chylde wyth a more slender dyete, and to annoynte

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the head ouer, with hony, and now and than to presse his toungue wyth youre fynger, holdyng downe hys heade that the reumes may issue, for by yt meanes the cause of the cough shall runne oute of his mouthe, and auoyde the chylde of many noughty and slimy humours: whiche done, many tymes the paciente am endeth, wythout any further helpe of medicine.

¶For the cough in a chylde. Take gumme arabike, gumme draga∣gant, quince sedes, liquirice and peri∣dies, at the pothecaries, break them al together, and geue the childe to suppe a litle at once, with a draught of milke newli warme, as it commeth from the cowe.

Also stampe blaunched almons, and wringe them out with the iuyce of fe∣nell, or water of fenell, and geue it to the chylde to fede with a litle suger.

¶Against the great cough, and heate in the bodye. The heades of whyte poppye, and

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gumme dragagant, of eche a litle much, long cucumer seedes, as muche as al, seth them in whaye, wyth raysons and suger, and lette the chylde drynke of it twyse or thryse a daye luke warme, or colde.

¶Of straytnesse of wynde. AGainst the straitnesse of breathyng whiche is no quinsie, the consente of authours do attribute a great effecte, to lyuesede made in pouder, & tem∣pered with hony, for the chylde to swallowe downe a lytle at once. I find also yt the mylke of a mare newly receiued of ye chyld with suger, is a siguler remedy for ye same purpose, Which thing moreouer, is excedynge holesome to make the belly laxe with∣out trouble.

¶Of weakenes of the sto∣make, and vomi∣tynge.

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MAni times the stomake of the child is so feble that it cānot retain eyther meat or drinke, in which case, and for al debi∣litye therof, it is verye good, to washe the stomake, with warme water of ro∣ses, wherein a litle muske hathe beene dissolued, for that by the odour and na∣tural heate geueth a comfort to all the spirituall members.

And then it is good to rost a quince tender, & with a litle pouder of cloues and suger to geue it to the child: to eat cōserua quīces, with a litle cinamome and cloues, is synguler good for the∣same entent. Also ye may make a iuice of quinces and geue it to the chylde to drinke with a litle suger.

¶An oyntmente for the stomake. Take gallia muscata at the potheca∣ries .xx. graine weight, myrrhe a verye litle, make it vp in oyntment fourine, with oyle of mastike, and water of ro∣ses sufficient, this is a very good oint∣ment

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for the stomake.

¶An other singuler receit. Take mastike, frankinsence, and drye redde roses, as muche as is sufficient, make them in pouder, and temper thē vp, with the iuyce of mintes, and a sponful of vineger, and vse it.

¶An other. Take wheat floure, and parche it on a panne, tyll it begynne to brenne and waxe redde, than stampe it with vine∣ger, and adde to it, the yolkes of two egges harde rosted, mastike, gumme, & frankinsence sufficient, make a plaister and laye it to the stomake.

To recouer an appetite lost.

Take a good handfull of ranke and lustye rewe, and seth it in a pint of vy∣neger to the thyrde parte or lesse, and make it very stronge, wherof yf it be a chylde, ye may take a tooste of brown bread, and stampe it with the same vy∣neger, and laye it plaisterwyse to the stomake, and for a stronger age besides the plaister, lette hym suppe morning

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and euenyng of thesame vineger. This is also good to recouer a stomak lost, by comming to a fyer after a long iourneye, and hath also a singuler ver∣tue to restore a man that swowneth.

¶An experiment often appro∣ued of Rasis for the vomite of chyldren. Rasis a solemne practicioner amonge phisicions, affyrmeth that he healed a great multitude of this disease, onelye with the practise folowinge, whiche he taketh to bee of great effect in all lyke eases.

Fyrst he maketh as it were an elec∣tuarye of pothecarye stuffe, that is to saye, lignum aloes, mastike of euerye one half a dramme, galles half a scru∣ple, make a lectuary with syrupe of ro∣ses, and gallia muscata and suger.

Of this he gaue the children to eat a very litle at once & often. Afterwarde he made a plaister thus. ℞, mastike, a∣loes, sloes, galles, frankensence, and brent bread, of ech a like porcion, make

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a plaister with oile and sirupe of roses to be laid to the childes stomake hoe.

¶An other oyntment for the sto∣make, described of Wilhel. Placentino. Take oyle of mastike or of worme∣wood .ii. ounces, waxe .iii. ounces, clo∣ues, macis, and cinamome of eche thre drammes, make an oyntment, adding in the ende a litle vineger.

The yolke of an egge hard rosted, mas∣tyke, frankinsence and gumme, made in a playster with oyle of quinces, is excedyng good for the same purpose.

Of yeaxing or hicket IT chaunceth oftētymes that a chyld yeaxeth out of measure. Wherfore it is expedient to make the stomake eigre afore it be fed, & not to replenish it wyth to much at once, for this dysease cōmonly procedeth of fuines, for yf it come of emptines, or of sharp humors in the mouth of the stomake, which is

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seldome sene: the cure is then very di∣ficill and daungerous.

Remedye. When it commeth of fulnesse that chylde yeaxeth incessauntlye without measure and that by a long custome, i is good to make him vomit with a fe¦ther or by some other lighte meanes, yt the matter which causeth ye yeaxynge mai issue and vncomber the stomake, yt done, brynge it a slepe, and vse to an∣nointe the stomake with oyles of cas∣tor, spike, camomyll, and dyll, or twoo or, iii. of them, ioined together, warme.

Of colike and rumblyng in the guttes. PEine in the belly is a common disease of children, it commeth either of wormes, or of taking cold, or of euyl mylke, yt signes thereof are to well knowen, for the chylde cannot rest, but cryeth and fret∣teth it selfe, and manye tymes cannot make theyr vryne, by reason of winde, that oppresseth the necke of the blad∣der,

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and is knowen also, by the mem∣ber in a manne chylde, which in thys case, is alwaye stiffe, & pricking, more∣ouer the noyse and rumblinge in the guttes, hither and thyther, declareth ye chylde to be greued, with winde in the belly, and colike.

¶Cure. The nourse muste auoyde all maner meates, that engēder wind, as beanes peason, butter, harde egges, and suche.

Than washe the childes bellye with hote water wherein hath bene sodden comine, dyll and fenel, after that make a playster of oyle and waxe, and clappe it hote vpon a cloth vnto the belly.

An other good playster for thesame entent. Take good stale ale and freshe but∣ter, seeth them with an handfull of co∣mine poudred, and after put it all to∣gether into a swines bladder, & bynde the mouth faste, that the licoure yssue not out, then wind it in a cloth, & turne it vp and doune vpon the belly as hote

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as the pacient may suffer, this is good for the colke after a sodayne colde, in all ages, but in chyldren ye muste bee∣ware ye applye it not to hote.

Of fluxe of the bellye. MAny tymes it happeneth ey∣ther by takynge colde, or by reason of great pain in brea∣dyng of teeth, or els through salt and eiger steume or cholere enge∣dred in the bodye, that the chylde faeth into a soodayne laxe, whiche yf it longe continue and bee not holpen, it may bring the pacient to extreme lea∣nes, and consumpciō: wherfore it shall be good to seke some holsome remedi, & to stop the runnynge of the fluxe thus.

Remedy for the fluxe in a chylde.

First make a bath of herbes that doe restrayne, as of plantaine, saint Iohns weede called ipericon, knotgrasse, bur∣sa pastoris and other suche, or some of them, and vse to bath him in it as hote as he mai wel suffer, then wrap him in with clothes, and laye hym downe to

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And yf ye se by this twise or thryse v∣sing, that the belly bee not stopped: Ye maye take an egges yolke harde ros∣ted, and grinde it with a litle saffron, myrrhe and wyne, make a plaister, and apply it to the nauyl hote. Yf this suc∣cede not, then it shalbe necessary for to make a pouder to geue him ī his meat with a litle suger and in a smal quan∣titye thus.

Take the pouder of hartes horne brēt, the pouder of goates clawes, or of swines clawes brent, the pouder of ye sede of rose which remain in the bery when the rose is fallen, of euery one a porcion, make them verye fyne, & with good redde wyne or almon mylke, and wheat floure, make it as it w a paste, and drye it in litle balles tyll ye se ne∣cessitye, it is a singuler remedye in all suche cases.

Item the mylke wherein hath bene sodden whte paper, and afterwarde quenched many hote irons or gaddes

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of stele, is excedinge good for thesame entent to drinke.

And here is to be noted, that a natu¦rall fluxe is neuer to bee feared afore the seuenth daye, and except there issue bloude, it ought not to bee stopped a∣fore the sayde tyme.

Pouder of the herbe called knot∣grasse or the iuce thereof in a possette dronkē, or a plaister of thesame herbe, and of bursa pastoris, bolearmeny, and the iuyce of plantaine with a litle vy∣neger, and wheate floure is excedynge good for thesame cause.

Also the rindle maw of a young suc∣kynge kydde geuen to the chylde, the weight of .x. graines, with the yolke of an egge soft rosted, and let the pacient abstayne from mylke by the space of .ii houres before and after, in stede wher∣of ye maye geue a rosted quince or a warden with a litle suger and, sina∣mome to eate.

Item an other goodly receit for thesame entent.

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Take sorel seed and the kernelles of greate raysyns dryed, acorne cuppes, and the seed of white popie, of eche .ii. drammes, saffron a good quantytye, make them in pouder and tempre thē with the iuce of quynces, or syrupe of red roses, this is a souerayne thyng in al fluxes of the woumbe.

Many other thinges are written of authours in the sayd disease, whiche I here leaue out for breuitie: & also by∣cause the afore reherced medicines are sufficiēt ynough in a case curable: yet wyl I not omytte a goodly practise in the sayde cure. The pesyl of an hart or a stagge dryed in pouder and dronken, is of great & wonderful effect in stop∣pyng a fluxe. Which thing also is ap∣proued in the lyuer of a beast called in Englysshe an otter. The stones of him dronken in pouder, a litle at ones thir∣tye daies togyther, hath healed men for euer of the sallyng euyl.

¶Of stoppyng of the bellye.

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EVen as a fluxe is daun∣gerous, so is stoppynge & hardenesse of the bel∣lye greuous & noyesome to the chylde, and is of∣ten cause of the colycke and other diseases.

Wherfore in this case ye must alway put a litle hony into ye chyldes meate, and let the nource gyue hym honye to sucke vpon her fynger, and if this wil not helpe, then the nexte is to myxe a lytle fyne and cleare turpentine, with honye, and so to resolue it in a saucer, and let the chylde suppe of it a lytle. This medicine is descrybed of Pau∣lus Agineta, and recited of dyuers other as a thyng very holsom and a∣greing to the nature of the child: for it doeth not only losen ye bellye without grefe or daunger, but doeth also purge the lyuer and the longes, with ye splene and kidneies, generally comforting al the spirituall membres of the bodye.

The gall of an oxe or a cowe layed

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vpon a cloute on the nauylle, causeth a chyld to be loose bellyed, lykewyse an emplayster of a rosted onyon, the gall of an oxe, & butter, layed vpon the be∣lye as hote as he maye suffre. Yf these wyl not helpe, ye shal take a lytle cot∣ten, and roll it, and dypped in the sayd gall, put it in the fundament.

¶Of wormes. THere be dyuerse kindes of wormes in ye belly, as longe, short, rounde, at, and some small as lyce, they be al engendred of a crude, grosse, or phleg∣matike mater, & neuer of choler nor of melancholy, for al bytter thynges kyl∣leth them, & al swete meates that en∣gendre fleume, nourissheth and fedeth the same. The signes dyffer according to ye wormes. For in the long & roūd, the paciēt cōmonly hath a drye cough, paine in the belly about ye guttes, som¦tyme yeaxing & trēbling in ye nighte, & starte sodaynely, and fal aslepe againe,

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other whyles they gnasshe and grynd theyr teeth togither, the eies waxe ho∣lowe, with an eygre loke, & haue great delyte in slombryng, and sylence, very loth whē they are awaked. The pulse is incertayne, and neuer at one staye, somtyme a feuer with greate colde in ye ioyntes, which endureth thre or .iiii oures in the night or day, many haue but small desire to meate, and when they desyre, they eate very greedelye, which yf they lacke at theyr appetyte, they forsake it a great whyle after, the hole body cōsumeth and waxeth leane the face pale or blewe: somtime a uxe, somtimes vomite, and in some the be∣lye is swollen as styffe as a taberet. The long and brode wormes are kno∣wen by these sygnes, that is to say, by yelownesse or whittishnesse of ye eyes, intollerable hunger, greate gnawinge and grypyng in the belly, specially a∣fore meat, water commyng out at the mouth, or at ye foundament, continuall ytche and rubbing of the nosethrilles,

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sonken eies and a stynkyng breath, al∣so when the person doth his easement, there appeareth in the donge lytle flat substaunces, moche lyke the seedes of cucumers or gourdes.

The other lesse sorte are engendred in the great gutte, & may wel be kno∣wen by the excedyng ytche in the fun∣dament within, & are oftentimes sene commyng out with the excrementes. They be called of phisiciōs, ascarydes.

¶Remedy for wormes, in chyldren. The herbe that is founde growyng vpon oisters by the seas syde, is a syn∣guler remedy to destroye wormes, and is called therfore of ye Grekes Scoly∣tabotan, that is to say, the herbe that kylleth wormes: it muste be made in pouder, and gyuen with sweate milke to the chylde to drynke. The Phisici∣ons call the same herbe coralino.

¶A singuler receyte for to kyll wormes. Take the gall of a bull or oxe, new∣lye

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kylled, and stampe in it an handful of good comyne, make a playstre of it, and lay it ouer all the belly, remouing the same euery syxe houres.

Item the gall of a bull with seedes of colocinthis, called colloquintida of the pothecaryes, and an handfull of baye beries wel made togither in a plaister, with a sponful of strong vinegre, is of greate effecte in the same case.

Yf the childe be of age or strong com∣plexion, ye may make a fewe pilles of aloes, and the pouder of wormeseed, then wynd them in a pece of a singing lofe, and annoynte them ouer wyth a lytle butter: and let thē be swalowed downe hole without chewyng.

¶Of swellyng of the nauill. IN a child lately borne, and ten∣der, somtyme by cuttyng of the nauyll to nere, or at an incon∣ueniente season, sometyme by swadlynge or byndynge amysse, or of moche cryinge, or coughynge, it hap∣peneth otherwhyles, that the nauyll

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aryseth and swelleth with great paine and apostemacion, the remedy wherof is not muche differente from the cure of vlcers, sauynge in thys that ye oughte to applye thynges of lesse at∣traction, then in other kind of vlcers, as for an example, ye maye make an oyntmente vnder thys fourme. Take spike or lauender, halfe an ounce, make it in pouder, and wyth thre ounces of fyne and cleare turpentyne, tempre it in an oyntmente, addyng a portion of oyle of swete almons. But yf it come of cryinge, take a lytle beane floure, and the asshes of fyne lynnen cloutes brente, and tempre it with redde wine and honye, and laye it to the sore.

¶A playster for swellyng in the nauill. Take cowes donge, and drye it in poudre, barlye floure, and beane floure of eche a porcion, the iuyce of knot∣grasse a good quantitie, comine a litle, make a playster of all and set it to the nauyl.

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¶An other. Take cowes donge and seeth it in the mylke of the same cowe, and lay it on the grefe. This is also marueylouse effectuall to helpe a soodayne ache, or swelling in the legges.

Of the stone in chyldren. THe tender age of children as I sayd afore, is vexed and afflic∣ted with manye greuous and peryllous diseases, amōg whō there is fewe or none so violente or more to be feared in them, then that whiche is most feared in al kindes of ages, that is to say, the stone, an houge and a pityful disease, euer the more encreasyng in dayes, ye more rebelling to the cure of Physycke, Therfore is it excedyng daungerouse whan it falleth in children, for asmoch as neither the bodyes of them may be wel purged of the matter antecedent, called humor peccans, nor yet cā abide any vyolent medecyne hauyng power

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to breake it, by reason wherof the said dysease acquyreth suche a strengthe a∣boue nature, that in processe of time it is vtterlye incurable.

Yet in the begynning it is oftentimes healed thus.

Fyrste lette the nurse be well dyeted, or the chyld, yf it be of age, abstaining from al grosse meates, and hard of di∣gestion, as is beafe, bacon, salt meates and cheese, than make a pouder of the roote of peonye dryed, and myngle it with as muche hony as shal be suffici∣ent, or yf the child abhorre hony, make it vp with suger molten a lytle vpon the cooles, and gyue thereof vnto the chylde, more or lesse, accordinge to the strengthe, twyse a daye, tylle ye se the vryne passe easelye, ye maye also giue it in a rere egge, for without dout it is a synguler remedye in chyldren.

¶An oyntment for the same. Oyle of scorpions, yf it may be got∣ten, is exceding good to annoint with∣al the membres, and the nether parte

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of the bellye, ryghte agaynst the blad∣der, ye may haue it at the pothecaries▪

¶A singuler bath for the same entent. Take mallowes, holyhocke, lyly roo∣tes, lynseed, and parietary of the wal, seeth them all in the broth of a shepes head, and therin vse to bathe the chyld oftentymes, for it shal open the strayt∣nes of the condites, that the stone may issue, swage the payne, and brynge out the grauel with the vrine, but in more effect whan a playster is made, as shal be sayde herafter, and layed vpon the raynes, and the belly, immediatly af∣ter the bathyng.

¶A playster for the stone. Take parietarie of the wal, one por∣tion, and stampe it, doues donge an o∣ther porcion, and grynde it, than frye thē both in a panne, with a good quā∣titye of freshe buttyre, and as hote, as may be suffered, lay it to the belly and the backe, and from .iiii. houres to .iiii let it be renewed.

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This is a souerayne medicine in all maner ages.

Item an other pouder whiche is made thus.

Take the kernels or stones that are found in the fruyte, called openers or mespiles, or of some, medlars.

Make them in fine pouder, whiche is wounderfull good for to breake the stone without daunger, both in yonge and olde.

The chestwormes dryed and made in fyne pouder, taken with the brothe of a chycken, or a lytle suger, helpeth them, that can not make theyr vryne.

¶Of pyssyng in the bedde. MAny times for debility of ver∣tue retentiue of the reines or blader, as wel olde mē as chil∣dren are oftentimes annoyed, whan their vrine issueth out either in theyr slepe or waking against theyr wylles, hauing no power to reteine it whan it cōmeth, therfore yf they wil be holpē, fyrst they must auoid al fat meates, til

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ye vertue retentiue be restored againe and to vse this pouder in their meates and drynkes.

Take the wesande of a cocke, and plucke it, thā brenne it in pouder, and vse of it twise or thryes a daye. The stones of an hedgehogge poudred is of the same vertue.

Item the clawes of a goate, made in pouder dronken, or eaten in pottage. If the pacient be of age, it is good to make fyne plates of leade, with holes in them, and lette them lye often to the naked backe.

¶Of brustynge. THe causes of it in a childe are many, for it may come of very lyghte occasions, as of greate cryeng, & stopping the breathe, byndyng to strayghte, or by a fal, or of to greate rockyng, and such lyke, may cause the filme that spreadeth ouer the bally, to breake or to slacke, and so the guttes fall downe, into the cod, which yf it be not vtterly vncurable, may be

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healed after thys sorte.

Fyrste laye the paciente so vpon his backe, that hys heade maye be lower than his heales, than take and reduce the bowels with youre hande, into the due place, afterwarde ye shall make a playster to be layde vpon the coddes, and bounde with a lace round aboute the backe, after this fourme.

Take rosin, frankynsence, mastyke, comyne, lyneseed, & anyse seed of eue∣ry one a lyke, pouder of osmonde roo∣tes, that is to saye of the brode ferne, ye .iiii. parte of al, make a plaister with sufficient oyle olyue, and fresshe swy∣nes grece, and sprede it on a lether, and let it cōtinue (except a great necessity) two or thre wekes, after that applye an other lyke, tyll ye see amendment. In thys case it is verye good to make a poudre of the heares of an hare, & to temper it with sugre or conserua ro∣ses and giue it to the child twies eue∣ry daye.

If it be aboue the age of .vii. yere, ye

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may make a singuler receyte in drinke to be taken euerye daye twyse, thus.

¶A drynke for one that is brosten. Take matfelon, daysies, comfery, and osmundes, of euerye one a lyke, seet them in the water of a smythes forge to the third part, in a vessel couered, o a softe fyer, than strayne it and giue to drynke of it, a good draughte at ones mornyng and euenynge, addyng euer∣more in his meates and drinkes, the pouder of the heare of an hare, beynge dryed.

¶Of fallyng of the fundament. MAny times it happeneth that the gut called of the latīes rectum intestinū, falleth out at the fūda∣ment, & can not be got∣ten in againe wythoute peyne and labour, whiche disease is a common thynge in children, comming oftentimes of a sodayne cold or a long laxe, and maye well be cured by these subscribed medicines.

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If the gutte hath ben longe out, and be so swollen that it cānot be reposed, or by coldnes of the ayre be congeled, the best counsell is to let the child sit on a hote bathe, made of the decoccion of mallowes, holihocke, lineseed, and the rootes of lyllyes, wherin ye shall bathe the fundamente, wyth a softe cloute or a sponge, and whan the place is suppled thruste it in agayne, whiche done, than make a pouder thus.

¶A pouder for fallyng of the foundament. Take the poudre of an hartes horne brent, the cuppes of acornes dried, rose leaues dryed, goates clawes brent, the rinde of a pomegranate, and of galles, of euerye one a portion. Make them in pouder, and strowe it on the funda∣ment. It shal be the better, yf ye put a lytle on the gutt, afore it be reposed in ye place, & after it be setled, to put more of it vpon the fūdament, than binde it in with hote lynnen clothes, and gyue the childe quynces, or a rosted warden

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to eate with cinamome and suger.

¶An other good pouder for the same. Take galles, myrre, frankensence, mastike, and aloes, of euery one a litle make them in a pouder, and strowe it on the place.

A lytle tarre with gosegrese is also very good in this case.

¶An other good remedye. Take the wolle from betwenethe legges, or of ye necke of a shepe, which is full of sweate and fattie, than make a iuce of vnsette leekes, and dippe the wolle in it, and laye it to the place as whotte, as may be suffered, and whan it waxeth cold remoue it and apply an other hote, this is a very good remedy for fallynge of the fundament.

If the chylde prouoke many tymes to seege, and can expell nothynge, that dysease is called of the Grekes tenes∣mos, for the whiche it shall be verye good to apply a playster made of gar∣deine cressis & a comine in lyke quāti∣tye,

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frye them in butter, and laye it on the bellye as hote as he maye suffer. It is also commended, to fume the ne∣ther partes with turpentine and pitch, and to sit longe vpon a bourd of ceder or iuniper, as maye be possible.

¶Chafyng of the skynne. IN the flankes, armeholes, & vn∣der the eares, it chaunceth often times that the skynne fretteth, ether by the childes own vryne, or for the defaute of washyng, or els by wrappyng and kepyng to hote.

Therefore in the begynnyng, ye shall annoint the places, with freshe capons grece, then yf it wyll not heale, make an oyntment, and laye it on the place.

¶An oyntment for chafyng and gallyng. Take the roote of the floure deluyce dryed, of redde roses dryed, galingale and mastike, of eche a lyke quantytye, beate them into moste subtyle pouder: than with oyle of roses, or of lineseede make a soft oyntment.

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Item the longes of a wether dryed, and made in very fyne pouder, healeth al chafynges of the skinne: and in lyke maner the fragmentes of shomakers lether, brent and cast vpon the place, in as fine pouder as is possible, hath the same effecte, whiche thing is also good for the galling or chafing of the fete, of whatsoeuer cause it commeth.

Item beane floure, barly floure, and the floure of fitches tempered with a lytle oyle of roses, maketh a soueraine ointment for the same entent.

If the chafinges be great, it is good to make a bath of holihocke, dyll, violets and lineseede with a litle branne, than to washe thesame places oftentymes, and lay vpon the sore, some of thesame thinges. The decoction of plantaine, bursa pastoris, horsetaile and knot-grasse, is exceadynge good to heale all chafynges of the skynne.

¶Of smal pockes and measilles. THis disease is common & famil¦er, called of ye grekes by the gene∣ral

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name of exanthemata, and of P••••∣nie, papule et pituite erupciones, not∣withstanding ye cōsent of writers, hath obteined a distinctiō of it in .ii. kindes: that is to saye, varioli the measils, and morbilli called of vs the smal pockes.

They bee bothe of one nature, and procede of one cause, sauinge that the measils are engendred of the inflāma∣cion of bloude, and the small pockes of the inflammacion of bloude myngled with cholere.

The sygnes of them bothe are so manyfeste to syghte, that they nede no farther declaracyon, for at the fyrste some haue an ytche and a freting of the skynne as yf it hadde bene rub∣bed wyth nettles, payne in the heade and in the backe, the face redde in co∣loure and flecked, feare in the sleepe, greate thyrst, rednesse of the eyes, bea∣tynge in the temples, shotynge and pryckyng thorough all the bodye, then anone after, when they breake out, they bee sene of dyuers fashions and

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fourmes, sometimes as it were a drye scabbe or a lepry spredyng ouer all the members, other whiles ī pushes, pim∣ples, and wheles, rennyng with much corrupcion and matter, and with great peine of the face and throte, drines of the toungue, horcenes of voyce, and in some quiuerynge of the hearte with swownyng.

The causes of these euil affeccions, are rehersed of authours, to be chiefly .iiii. Fyrst of the superfluities which might be corrupt in the womb of the mother, the chylde there beyng, and receiuinge thesame into the poores, the whiche at that tyme for debility of nature, could not be expelled, but ye chyld encresyng afterward in strength, bee dryuen out of the veines into the vpper skynne.

Secondarilye it maye come of a cor∣rupt generacion, that is to saye whan it was engendred in an euyll season, ye mother being sycke of her naturall in∣fyrmitye, for such as are begotten that tyme verye seldome escape the disease

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of leprye.

The thyrde cause maye bee an euyll dyete of the nourse, or of the chylde it self, whan they fede vpon meates that encrease rotten humours, as mylke and fyshe both at one meale, lykewyse excesse of eating and drinking, and sur∣fitte.

Fourthly this disease commeth by the waye of contagion, whan a sycke person infecteth an other, and in that case it hath great affinitie with the pes∣tilence.

¶Remedy. The beste and most sure help in this case, is not to meddle with anye kynde of medicines, but to let nature worke her operacion, notwythstandynge yf they be to slowe in commyng oute, it shal be good for you to geue the childe to drinke, sodden mylke and saffron, & so kepe hym close, and warme, wherby they may the soner issue foorth, but in no case to administer any thynge that myght eyther represse the swelling of

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the skinne, or to coole the heate that is within the members. For yf this dys∣ease which should be expelled by a na∣tural accion of ye body to ye long health afterward of the pacient, wer by force of medicine cowched in againe, it wer euē inough to destroy the child Ther∣fore abide ye ful breaking out of ye said wheales, and then (if they be not ripe) ease the childes peyne by makynge a bath of holihock, dyl, camomil & fenel: if thei be ripe & matter, thē take fenel, wormewood and sage, and seeth them in water, to the thirde part, wherin ye maye bathe him with a fine cloth or a sponge. Alwaies prouided yt he take no cold duryng the time of his sickenesse. The wyne wherein fygges haue bene sod, is singuler good in thesame case, & may be wel vsed in all times & causes.

Yf the wheales bee outragious and great, with much corrosiō and venime, some make a decoction of roses & plā∣taine, in the water of oke, and dissolue in it a litle englishe hony & camphore.

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The decoction of water betonye, is approued good in the sayed diseases. Likewise ye ointment of herbes, wher∣of I made menciō ī ye cure of scabbes, is exceding holsome after the sores are rype.

Moreouer it is good to droppe in the pacientes eyes .v. or vi. tymes a daye, a litle rose or fenell water, to coumforte the syght, leste it be hurte by continual rennīg of matter. This water must be ministred in the sommer colde, & in the wīter ye ought to apply it luke warm.

Thesame rose water is also good to gargle in his mouth, yf the chylde bee then payned in the throte.

And lest the condites of ye nose should be stopped, it shalbe very expedient to let him smel often to a sponge wete in the iuce of sauerye, strong vineger, and a litle rose water.

To take away the spottes & scarres of the smal pockes and measels.

The bloude of a bull or of an hare is much commēded of authours to be an∣nointed

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hote vpon the scarres, & also ye licour ye issueth out of shepes clawes or goates clawes het in the fier. Item the dripping of a cignet or swanne laid vpon the places oftentimes hote,

Feuers. YF the feuer vse to take the chylde with a great shakyng, and after∣warde hote, whether it be cotidi∣an or tercian, it shall be singuler good to geue it in drinke, the blacke seedes of Peony made in fine pouder, searced and mingled with a litle suger.

Also take plantain, fetherfew and ver∣neine, and bath the chyld in it once or twyse a daye, binding to the pulces of the handes and fete a plaister of ye same herbes stamped, and prouoke the child to sweate afore the fitte commeth.

Some geue counsell in a hote feuer, to applye a colde plaister to the breast, made in this wyse. Take the iuyce of wormewood, plantain, mallowes and housleke, and temper in them asmuche barly floure as shal bee sufficiente, and

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vse it. Or thus, and more better in a weake paciente.

Take drye roses and pouder them, then temper the pouder with the iuice of endiue or purcelane, rose water, and barly floure, and make a plaister to the stomake.

Item an ointmente for hys temples armes and legges, made of oyle of ro∣ses, and populeon, of eche like muche.

A good medicine for the ague in children. Take plantaine with the roote, and wash it, then seeth it in fayre runnyng water to the thirde parte: whereof ye shal geue it a draught (yf it bee of age to drinke) with sufficiente suger, & laye the sodden herbes as hote as maye be suffred, to the pulses of the handes and fete. Thys must be done a litle afore ye fit, & afterward couer it with clothes.

The oyle of nettles wherof I spake in the title of stifnes of limmes, is ex∣ceding good to annointe the members in a colde shaking ague.

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of the griefe. Yf there be muche inflāmacion or heate in the coddes, ye may make an oyntment of plantaine, the whyte and yolke of an egge, and a porcion of oyle of roses, styrre them wel aboute, & ap∣plye it to ye grefe twise or thrise a day.

When the paine is intollerable, and the child of age, or of strong complexi∣on, yf the premisses wil not helpe, ye shal make a plaister after this sorte. Take henbane leaues, an handful and an halfe, mallowe leaues, an handfull, seeth them well in cleare water, then stampe them and styrre them, and with a litle of the brothe, beane floure, barly floure, oyle of roses and camomyl suf∣ficient, make it vp and set on the swel∣ling luke warme. Henbane as Auicēne sayth, is excedynge good to resolue the hardnes of the stones by a secret qua∣litye. Notwithstandyng, yf it come of winde, it shalbe better to vse the sayde plaisters yt are made with comine, for that is of a singuler operaciō in dissol∣uyng

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winde, as affirmeth Dioscorides writyng of the qualities of cumine.

Of sacer ignis or chingles IN Greke herisipelas, and of the Latines Sacer ignis, oure En∣glishe women call it the fyre of Saynt Anthony, or chingles, it is an inflammacion of members wyth exceding burnynge and rednesse, harde in the feelyng, and for the moste parte crepeth aboue the skynne or but a ly∣tle depe within the fleshe.

It is a grieuous paine, & may be like∣ned to the fyre in consuming. Where∣fore the remedies yt are good for bur∣ning are also very holesome here ī this case. And fyrste the grene ointment of herbes described in ye chapter of itche, is of good effect also in this cure: more ouer ye medicines yt are here described. Take at the pothecaries of vnguentū Galeni an ounce and an halfe, oyle of roses two ounces, vnguenti populeon one ounce, ye iuce of plantain, & night∣shade one ounce or more, the whites of

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iii. egges, heat thē altogether, & ye shal haue a good ointmēt for the same pur∣pose.

An other. Take earthwormes and stampe them in vineger, then annoint the grefe eue∣ry two houres.

Item ye donge of a swan, or in lacke of it the donge of a gose stamped with the whyte and yolke of an egge, is good.

Item doues donge stamped in salet oyle or other, is a singuler remedy for the same purpose.

Of burnyng and scalding. FOr burning and scalding whe∣ther it be with fier, water, oile, leade, pytch, lime, or any suche infortune: Ye must beware ye set no repercussiue at ye fyrst, that is to saye no medicine of extreme colde, for that might chaunce to driue the feruēt heat into the sinowes and so stoppethe poores, that it could not issue, whereof should happen much inconuenience in a great burnyng (but in smal it coulde not be so daungerous:) wherfore ye best

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is when ye see a member eyther brent or scalded, as is sayde afore.

Take a good quantitie of brine, which is made of water and salt, not to exce∣dyng eyger or stronge, but of a meane sharpnes, and with a clout or a sponge bathe the member in it colde, or at the least bloud warm, thre or foure houres together, the longer the better: For it shall asswage muche of the peine, open the pores, cause also the fyer to vapour and geue a great comfort to the weake member. Thē annoint the place with one of these medicines.

Take oyle of roses one parte, swete creme two partes, hony halfe a parte, make an oyntment and vse it.

Item all the medicines described in the last chapter, are of greate effecte in this case, likewyse the grene ointment made of water betonye.

Item a soueraine medicine for bur∣nynge and scaldynge, and all vnkynde heates is thus made. Take a dosen or more of hard rosted egges, and put the

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yolkes in a pot on the fyer by thē self, without licour, styrre them and braye them with a strong hand, tyll there a∣ryse as it wer a froth or spume of oyle to the mouth of the vessell, then presse the yolkes and reserue the licour, this is called oile of egges: a very precious thyng in the foresayde cure.

Moreouer ther is an oyntment made of sheepes dounge fryed in oyle or in swines grece, than putte to it a litle waxe, and vse it.

Also take quicke lime and washe it in veriuce .ix. or .x. tymes, than mingle it with oile, & kepe it for thesame entent. Item the iuyce of the leaues of lylyes v. partes, and vineger one parte, hony a lytle, maketh an excellent medicine, not onely for this entent, but for al o∣ther kynd of h and runnyng vlcers.

Note that w••••tsoeuer ye vse in thys case, it must be laid vnto, bloud warm. Also for auoydyng of a scarre kepe the sore alwaye moyste with medicine.

¶Of kybes.

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The kybes of ye heeles, are called in latyne perniones, they procede of cold, & are healed with these subscribed remedies. A rape rote, rosted wyth a litle fresh butter, is good for the same gryefe. Item a dosen figges, sodden & stamped with a lytle goosegrece, is good. Earth wormes sodden in oyle, hath the same effecte.

Item the skinne of a mouse clapped a hote vpon ye kibe, with the heare out∣warde, and it shoulde not be remoued durynge .ii. dayes.

¶A playster for a kybed heele. Take newe butter, oyle of roses, hen∣nes grece, of ech, an oūce, put the but∣ter and the grece in a bygge rape rote, or in lacke of it, in a greate apple, or onion, & whan it is rosted softe, braye it with the oyle, & laye it playsterwyse vpon the kybe.

¶An oth Take the 〈◊〉〈◊〉 of apples and rapes rosted on the coses, of eche .iii. ounces, freshe butter .ii. ounces, duckes grese

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or swannes grece, an ounce, stamp thē all in a morter of leade yf it maye be had, or els grynde them on a fayre marble, and vse it.

¶Of consumpcion or leanesse. WHan a child cōsumeth or wax∣eth leane withoute anye cause apparaunt, there is a bathe cō∣mended of authours, to wasshe ye childe many times, & is made thus. Take the head and feete of a wether, seeth thē til the bones fal a sunder, vse to bath ye child in this licour, and after annointe hym wyth thys ointmente folowing. Take butter without salt, oile of roses and of violettes, of eche .i ounce, the fat of rawe porke, halfe an ounce, waxe, a quarteron of an ounce, make an ointmēt, wherwith the child must be rubbed euery daye twyse, this with good fedinge shall encrease his strength by the grace of God.

¶Of gogle eyes. THis impedimēt is neuer healed but in a very yong child, euen at the be∣ginning,

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whervnto there is appointed no manner kind of medicine, but only an order of kepyng, that is to saye, to laye the chylde so in his cradelle, that he maye beholde directe agaynste the light, & not to turne his eies on either of bothe sydes. If yet he beginne to gogle, than set the cradell after suche a fourme, that the light maye be on the contrary side: that is, on the same syde frō whence he turneth his eies, so that for desyre of light he may dyrect them to the same part, & so by custome, bring them to ye due fashion, and in the night there ought to be a candel set in lyke∣wyse to cause him to behold vpon it, & remoue his eies from ye euil custome. Also grene clothes, yelowe, or purple, are very good in this case to be set, as is said afore. Furthermore a coyfe or a biggē stonding out besides his eies, to constraine the sight to beholde directe forwarde.

Of lyce. SOmtimes not only chyldrē but also other ages, are annoyed with lyce,

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they procede of a corrupt humour, and are engendred within ye skynne, crepīg out alyue thorough the poores, which yf they beginne to swarme in exceding numbre, that disease is called of the grekes Phthiryasys, whereof Herode dyed, as is writtē in the actes of apo∣stles: & among the Romaines Scilla, which was a great tyraunt, and many other haue ben eaten of lice to deathe, whiche thing, whā it happeneth of the plage of god, it is past remedy, but yf at procedeth of a natural cause, ye may wel cure it by the meanes folowynge. Fyrste let the paciente abstayne from al kynde of corrupt meates, or ye brede fleume, and among other, ygges and dates must in this case be vtterly ab∣horred. Thā make a lauatory to wash and scoure the body twise a day, thus. Take water of the sea, or els bryne, & strong lye of asshes, of eche a lyke por∣cion, wormwood a handfull, seth them a whyle, and after wasshe the bodye with the same licour.

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¶A goodly medicine for to kyl lyce. Take the groūdes or dregges of oyle, aloes, wormwood, & the gal of a bull, or of an oxe, make an ointment which is singuler good for the same purpose.

¶An other. Take musterde, and dissolue it in vi∣negre, with a litle salte peter, and an∣noynt the places, where as the lice are wont to breed.

Item an herbe at the pothecaries cal∣led stauisacre, brimstone, and vinegre, is excedyng good.

It is good to giue the pacient often in his drincke, pouder of an hartes horne brente.

Stauisacre with oile is a marueilouse holsome thyng in thys case.

¶An experte medicine to dryue away lyce. Take the groūdes or dregges of oile, or in lacke of it, fresh swines grece, a sufficiēt quātitie, wherin ye shal chase an oūce of quicksiluer til it be al sōken

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into the grece, than take pouder of a∣••••sacre serced, and myngle al togither, make a gyrdyll of a wollen list meete for the middle of ye patient, & al to an∣noynte it ouer with the said medicine, than let him were it contynually next his skinne, for it is a singuler remedy to chase awaye the vermyn. The only odour of quyckesiluer killeth lyce.

These shall be suffycient to declare at this time in this litle treatise of the cure of children, which yf I may know to be thankefully receiued, I will by gods grace, supplye more hereafter: neyther desyre I any lenger to liue, than I will employ my studyes to the honour of god, and profit of the weale publike.

¶Thus endeth ye boke of childerne, composed by Thomas Phayer, studiouse in Phi∣losophie and Phisicke.
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