A vvonderfull, strange and miraculous astrologicall prognostication for this yeere 1591 Discouering such wonders to happen this yeere, an neuer chaunced since Noes floud. Wherein if there be found one lye, the author will loose his credit for euer. Newly corrected. By Adam Fouleweather, student in astronomy.

About this Item

A vvonderfull, strange and miraculous astrologicall prognostication for this yeere 1591 Discouering such wonders to happen this yeere, an neuer chaunced since Noes floud. Wherein if there be found one lye, the author will loose his credit for euer. Newly corrected. By Adam Fouleweather, student in astronomy.
Foulweather, Adam.
Imprinted at London :: By Thomas Scarlet,

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Subject terms
Harvey, Richard, 1560-1623? -- Plaine Percevall the peace-maker of England.
Harvey, Richard, 1560-1623? -- Theological discourse of the Lamb of God and his enemies.
Marprelate controversy -- Early works to 1800.
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"A vvonderfull, strange and miraculous astrologicall prognostication for this yeere 1591 Discouering such wonders to happen this yeere, an neuer chaunced since Noes floud. Wherein if there be found one lye, the author will loose his credit for euer. Newly corrected. By Adam Fouleweather, student in astronomy." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A01097.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


¶ The Eclipse of the Sunne.

THe Eclipse of the Sun according to Pro∣clus opinion, is like to produce many hot and pestilent infirmities, especially amongst Sunmers and Pettyfoggers, whose faces being combust with manye fierye inflamati∣ons, shall shewe the dearth that by their de∣uout drinking is like to ensue of Barly, if vi∣olent death take not awaye such consuming maultwoormes.

Diuers are like to be troubled with such hot rewmes in their heads, that their haire shall fall off: and such hot agues shall raigne this yeere, with strange feuers and calami∣ties, that if the Sunne were not placed in a colde signe, Renishe Wine would rise to ten

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pence a quart before the latter end of August.

But diuers good planets being retrograde, foretelleth that Lemmans this yeere shal be plenty, insomuch that many shall vse them to bedward, for the quallifying of their hot and inflamed stomackes.

And Mars being placed neere the Sunne, sheweth that there shall be a great death a∣mong people, olde women that can liue no longer shall dye for age: and yong men that haue Usurers to their father, shall this yeere haue great cause to laugh, for the Deuil hath made a decree, that after they are once in hell, they shall neuer rise againe to trouble their executors.

Beside that by all coniecturall argumentes the influence of Mars shall be so violent, that diuers souldiers in partes beyond the seas, shall fall out for want of their pay, and heere in our meridionall clime, great quarrels shal be raised between man and man, especiallye in cases of Law: gentry shal goe check mate with Iustice, and coyne out-countenance oft times equitie: the poore sitting on pennylesse benche, shall sell their Coates to striue for a straw, & Lawyers laugh such fooles to scorn as cannot keep their crowns in their purses.

Further there is like to be great falling out amongst Church men, and certaine fond sects

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of religion like to trouble the commons: selfe conceipters and ouer holy counterfeites that delight in singularitie, shall rise vp and de∣spise authoritie, presuming euen to abuse the higher powers, if Saturne with a frowning influence, did not threaten them with Ti∣bornes consequence.

But wheras the Sun is darkned but by di∣gits, and that vpon the south points, it presa∣geth great miseries to Spaine and those Sou∣therlye Countries, Friers and Monks shall heat them so this yeer with confessing of har∣lots, that their crownes shall wax balde of their own accord, to the great impouerishing of the Spanish Barbers: Surgeons in Spain shall wax rich, and their Hospitals poore: such a pestilent mortallitye is like to fall amongst those hipocriticall Masse-mongers. The dukes, Marquesses and Counties, shall haue their dublets closed with such Spanish but∣tons, that they shall neuer proue good quire∣sters, for the hot and inflamed rewms fallen downe into their throats.

It is further to be feared that because the Eclipse hapneth in Iulye, there will through the extreame heat growe such abundance of Fleas, that women shall not go to bed before twelue a clocke at night, for the great mur∣thers and stratagems they are like to com∣mit vpon those little animalls.

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And whereas this Eclipse falleth out at three of the clocke in the afternoone, it fore∣sheweth that manye shall goe soberer into Tauernes then they shall come out: and that he which drinkes hard and lyes cold, shal ne∣uer dye of the sweate.

Item, Gemini combust and retrograde, sheweth that some shall haue so sore a swea∣ting, that they may sell their haire by the pound to stuffe Tennice balles: but if the Beadles of Bride well be carefull this Sum∣mer, it may be hoped that Peticote lane may be lesse pestered with ill aires then it was woont: and the houses there so cleer clensed, that honest women may dwel there without any dread of the whip and the carte.

And I finde that the altitude of that place and of Shordich are al one eleuated, and two degrees, and vnder ye zenith or verticall point of venus, which presageth that sundry sortes of men & women shalbe there resident: some shall be so short heelde and so quesie stomackt, that they shal lye in their beds while noon, by which means they shal grow so full of grosse humors, that they shalbe troubled wt strange timpanies and swellings in their bellies, vn∣curable for forty weeks vntill they be helped by the aduice of some skilfull Midwife.

Besides, other of the same sex and faction,

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shall learn to cosin young nouices, and fetch in young Gentlemen, to the great ouerthrow of youth, if some sharpe and speedye redresse be not fetcht from the woorshipfull Colledge of Phisitions in the parrish of S. Brides.

But heere by the waye gentle Reader, note that this Eclipse sheweth, that this yeer shall be some strange birthes of Children produ∣ced in some monstrous forme, to the greefe of the Parentes, and fearefull spectackle of the beholders: but because the Eclipse chaunseth Southerlye, it is little to be feared that the effectes shall fall in England: yet some what it is to bee doubted, that diuers Children shall be borne, that when they come to age shall not knowe their owne Fathers: others shall haue their fingers of the nature of Lyme twigges, to get most parte of their li∣uing with fiue and a reache: some shall be born with feet like vnto Hares, that they shal run so swift, that they shall neuer tarry with maister, but trudge from poste to piller, till they take vp beggars bush for their lodging: Others shall haue Noses like Swine, that there shall not be a feast within a myle, but they shall smell it out: But especiallye it is to be doubted, that diuers women this yeere shall bee borne with two tungs, to the terrible greefe of such as shall marry them,

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vttering in their furye such rough cast elo∣quence, that knaue and slaue shalbe but holy∣day woords to their husbands.

And whereas this fearefull Eclipse dooth continue but an houre and a half, it signifieth that this yeere womens loues to their hus∣bands shal be very shorte, some so momenta∣ry, that it shal scarse continue from the church doore to the wedding house: and that hennes, capons, Geese, & other pullin shall little haunt poore mens tables, but flye awaye with spits in their bellies to fat Churls houses, yt pam∣per themselues vp with delicates & dainties.

And although verye fewe other effectes are to be prognosticated, yet let me giue this caueat to my Countrymen, as a clause to this wonderfull Eclipse. Let such as haue clothes enow, keep themselues warme from taking of coldes and I would wishe rich men all this winter to sit by a good fire, and hardlye to goe to bed without a Cuppe of Sack, and that so quallified with Suger, that they proue not rewmatick: let them feede daintilye and take ease enough, and no doubt according to the iudgement of Albumazar, they are like to liue as long as they can, and not to dye one hower before their time.

Thus much for this strange Eclipse of the Sunne.

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