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Title: Glass making – Wood glass making or bottle glass making
Original Title: Verrerie – Verrerie en bois ou petite verrerie à pivette
Volume and Page: Plates vol. 10 (1765)
Author: Unknown
Original Version (ARTFL): Link

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Citation (MLA): "Glass making – Wood glass making or bottle glass making." The Encyclopedia of Diderot & d'Alembert Collaborative Translation Project. Ann Arbor: Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library, 2010. Web. [fill in today's date in the form 18 Apr. 2009 and remove square brackets]. <>. Trans. of "Verrerie – Verrerie en bois ou petite verrerie à pivette," Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, vol. 10 (plates). Paris, 1765.
Citation (Chicago): "Glass making – Wood glass making or bottle glass making." The Encyclopedia of Diderot & d'Alembert Collaborative Translation Project. Ann Arbor: Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library, 2010. (accessed [fill in today's date in the form April 18, 2009 and remove square brackets]). Originally published as "Verrerie – Verrerie en bois ou petite verrerie à pivette," Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, vol. 10 (plates) (Paris, 1765).

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Wood Glass Making or Bottle Glass Making, Containing Twenty-Nine Plates Because of Seven Double Ones. First Section, Small Glass Work Such as Drinking Glasses and Other Utensils.

Plate I: Wood Glass Making, Interior of a Wood or Bottle Small Glass Making Manufacture

Plate II: Wood Glass Making, Geometral Plan of a Small Bottle Glass Making Manufacture With its Furnace in the Center and Related Parts

Plate III: Wood Glass Making, Cut View of a Furnace of the Small Bottle Glass Making Manufacture Along the A-B Lines of the Geometral Plan; Plans of the Same Furnace at the Level of the Arch and of the Pots, and Cut View of the Embers Compartment

Plate IV: Wood Glass Making, Plan and Cut of a Furnace of a Small Bottle Glass Making Manufacture and Various Operations Related to its Construction

Plate V: Wood Glass Making, Molds and Proportions of the Bricks Used for the Construction of the Furnace

Plate VI: Wood Glass Making, Operation of Grinding Dry Clay in a Wooden Trough for the Production of Bricks and Pots, and Operation of Wetting it and Mixing with Old Pot Scrap to Correct it

Plate VII: Wood Glass Making, Operation of Breaking Old Pots, Grinding and Sieving Them to Mix Them With Clay, and Tools

Plate VIII: Wood Glass Making, Various Operations for the Production of a Pot for a Small Bottle Glass Making Manufacture

Plate IX: Wood Glass Making, Various Tools Used in Small Bottle Glass Making Manufactures

Plate X: Wood Glass Making, Operation of Recovering the Red Pot from the Pot Furnace, Plan and Cut of the Pot Furnace or Furnace to Temper Pots

Plate XI: Wood Glass Making, Operation of Removing the Old Broken Pot and Cleaning of the Bench

Plate XII: Wood Glass Making, Operation of Preparing the Bench and of Raising Pots

Plate XIII: Wood Glass Making, Operation of Preparing the Bench, and Construction of the Frame Used to Support the Little Clay Wall Closing the Glass Furnace

Plate XIV: Wood Glass Making, Operation of Taking the Pots out of the Pot Furnace to the Glass Furnace and Operation of Closing the Large Opening of the Furnace With Clay Stayed by the Frame

Plate XV: Wood Glass Making, Plan and Cut of the Furnace to Bake Frit, and Operation of Raking Out Baked Frit

Plate XVI: Wood Glass Making, Workers in the Process of Choosing Cullet or Broken Glass and of Carrying it to the Batch to Mix it With Frit

Plate XVII: Wood Glass Making, Operation of Mixing Cullet and Frit, and Operating of Placing this Mixture in the Furnace Pot for Melting

Plate XVIII: Wood Glass Making, Various Tools for Glass Work

Plate XIX: Wood Glass Making, Operation of Stirring the Mixture in the Cast Iron Pot, of Gathering the Matter or Poste, of Rolling it on the Marble, of Blowing it in the Mould and Other Operations Relating to Glass Making

Plate XX: Wood Glass Making, Previous Glass Making Operations, Continued

Plate XXI: Wood Glass Making, Various Operations to Draw Barometer Tubes, to Cut Them, Etc.

Plate XXII: Wood Glass Making, Operation of Removing the Sheet-Iron Boxes filled With Various Glass Objects from the Annealing Furnace to Bring them to the Storage Room

[missing figure]