Everyman :

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Everyman :
Manchester, Eng.: Manchester University Press

Oxford Text Archive number: U-1350-A

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"Everyman :." In the digital collection Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/Everyman. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed August 31, 2024.


Scene 7

A, Iesus, is all come here-to? Line 378 Lo, fayre wordes maketh fooles fayne; Line 379 They promyse, and nothynge wyll do, certayne. Line 380 My kynnesmen promysed me faythfully Line 381 For to a-byde with me stedfastly, Line 382 And now fast a-waye do they flee. Line 383 Euen so Felawshyp promysed me. Line 384 What frende were best me of to prouyde? Line 385 I lose my tyme here longer to abyde. Line 386 Yet in my mynde a thynge there is: Line 387 All my lyfe I haue loued ryches; Line 388 If that my Good now helpe my myght, Line 389 He wolde make my herte full lyght. Line 390 I wyll speke to hym in this dystresse. Line 391 Where arte thou, my Gooddes and ryches? Line 392
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