[To be buried in St. Mildred's, Bread St. Gifts to that Church, its Priest, Clerk, &c.; to Poor, to Prisoners in London and Westminster, to the Poor in Spitals, and the 4 Orders of Friars. To Apprentice H. Thomason, money, the rest of his apprenticeship, term in The Mermaid, Bread St. [after, SHAKSPERE'S Tavern], Wine, Silver Cups, Pewter Pots, Napery, and kitchen utensils, and the service of his fellow-apprentice, who is given 40s. Clothing to be sold, and money divided among bedrid folk, &c. Gifts for poor Maiden's Marriages, for Executors, for a Priest to sing 3 years for Testator's soul; to which his Residue is bequeathd.]
(More, 3 Commissary Court of London, leaf 202 bk.)In the name of god, Amen. I, Ioℏn Toker, Citezein and Vineter of London̄, hool of mynde and of body, And in my good memorie being, the sixte day of the moneth of August, the ȝere of oure lord̛ god A MlCCCC And xxviij, And the ȝere of the regne of Kyng Henri the Sixthe, aftur the conquest the sixte, I make and ordeigne my present testament in this maner and fourme. First I be-quethe my soule to almygℏti god my creatour and maker, And to his blessed modur oure lady saynte Marie, and to aƚƚ the holy companye of heuene, and my body to be buried in the chirche of Seynt Mildredis, in Brede Stret in London̄. Also I be-quethe to the hygℏ auter of the same Chircℏe for my tythes and offrynges forgȝeten and withdrauien, xl s'. Also I be-quethe to euery prest of the forseid Chircℏ, forto praie for my sowle, vj s' viij d̛. Also I be-quethe to the Clerk of the same Chirche, iij s' iiij d̛. Also I be-quethe to the werkis and profitis of the seied chirche, xiij s'