Selections from early Middle English, 1130-1250 [extracts]

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Selections from early Middle English, 1130-1250 [extracts]
Hall, Joseph, 1854-1927.
Oxford,: The Clarendon press,

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English language -- Middle English, 1100-1500 -- Readers.
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"Selections from early Middle English, 1130-1250 [extracts]." In the digital collection Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed June 5, 2024.



Ȝe mine leoue sustren *bute ȝef neod ow driue* ne [1. mine . . . sustren om.] schulen habben no best . bute kat one. ancre þet [2. schule ȝe C haue na nan C beast B cat ane B þe C] [f. 116 r] haueð eihte þuncheð bet husewif ase marthe was . þen ancre . ne none [3. haues ahte achte C semes betere B as B wes C þen ancre om. B nanes for 'lihtliche oðer' nanes C] weis ne mei heo beon marie . *marthe suster * mid griðfulnesse of [4. weies mai ho ha C beo wið B] heorte. Vor þeonne mot heo þenchen of þe kues foddre and of [ 5] [5. for þenne B ho ha C cuwes C and om. B] heordemonne huire . oluhnen þene heiward . warien hwon me punt [6. þe heordes hure C Olcne olchni C þe B haiward haiwart C hwen he B pundes] hire & ȝelden þauh ðe hermes. wat crist þis is lodlich þing . hwon [7. ȝelde B þah þach C harmes B ladli ladlich C þing is wat crist hwen B] me [f. 116 v] makeð mone in tune of ancre eihte. Þauh ȝif eni mot [8. me me MS.] [8. mon makes B in tune man itune man C ancres B ahte achte C Nu þenne latter deleted, þah in margin Nu þach C ȝef C ani B] nede habben ku: loke ðet heo none monne ne eilie: ne ne hermie. [9. nedinge nedunge C haue ku] hit B hit na mon B eile eili C harme harmi C] ne þet hire þouht ne beo nout þeron i uestned. ancre ne ouh nout [ 10] [10. ni þoht þocht C nawt nawicht C ter on þron C ifestnet Anker ah ach C nawt T om. C] to habben no þing þet drawe utward hire heorte. none cheffare ne [11. haue no þing om. T nan C utward drahe utwart draȝe C Na B chaffare cheffere C] driue ȝe. ancre þet is cheapild. * þe buð for te sullen efter biȝete * [12. ȝe over an erasure.] [12. Anker chapmon chepilt] heo cheapeð hire soule: þe chepmon of helle. * Þing þah {that} ha [13. ho ha C cheapes cheapeð C sawle saule to C chapmon chepmon C] wurcheð{punctel} ha mei wel þurh hire meistres read{punctel} for hire neode sullen . þah swa dernliche as ha mei for misliche monne wordes.* Ne wite ȝe [ 15] [15. Nawt ne Naut ne C ȝe om. C] nout in oure huse of oðer monnes þinges . ne eihte . ne cloðes . ne [16. owre ouwer C hus B of om. B monne C ahte achte C claðes ne nout . . . caliz om. C, then interlined bute neod . . . eie' ne . . . ȝe om.] nout ne vnderuo ȝe ðe chirche uestimenz ne þene caliz bute ȝif * neod [17. Nawt te churche uestemenz ne þe chaliz ȝif . . . oðer om.] oðer * strencðe hit makie: oðer muchel eie. vor of swuche witunge [18. strengðe make vor om. B swuch swich C lokinge witing C] is i kumen muchel 'vuel' oftesiðen. wiðinnen ower woanes: ne lete [19. vuel on margin.] [19. muchel bifallen muchel uuel ilumpen C vuel om. siðe Inwið B owre wahes wanes C lete ȝe bis] ȝe nenne mon slepen. ȝif muchel neode mid alle makeð breken [ 20] [20. na wepmon nan mon C ȝef C muche B ned neod C wið makes B to breke breoken C]

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ower hus: þeo hwule ðet hit euer is i broken: loke þet ȝe habben þerinne [21. owre þe om. B hwil B ðet om. B eauer B loke þet ȝe om. B haues habbeð C ter inne þrinne C] mid ou one wummon of clene liue . deies & nihtes. [22. wið ow B a an C cleane lif B daies nichtes C]

Uor ði þet no mon ne i sihð ou . ne ȝe ne i seoð nenne mon: wel [23. For B na nan C seo sið C ow B ne iseoð om. B ham him C] mei don of ower cloðes . beon heo hwite: beon heo blake . bute [23, 24. welmeidon MS.] [24. duhen owre ouwer C clað B beo hit hwit beo hit blac bute hit beo B] þet heo beon unorne & warme & wel i wrouhte . uelles wel i tauwed . [ 25] [25. & om. B warm B iwraht iwracht C felles B iteawet itauwet C] & habbeð ase monie ase ou to neodeð . to bedde and eke to rugge. [26. habbes as ow B to nedes eke om. B]

Nexst fleshe ne schal non werien no linnene cloð bute ȝif hit beo [27. Nest flesch B nan B werie no om. nan C cloð om. B ȝif om. B] of herde and of greate heorden. stamin 'habbe' hwo se wule. [28. harde B heordes were C hwa B wile] and hwo se wule mei beon buten. ȝe schullen liggen in on heater [29. and om. hwa B nule {punctel} beo wið uten mei beon om. C schuln in schulen in C an B hatter hetter C] and i gurd. ne bere ȝe non iren . ne here . ne [f. 117 r] irspiles felles. [ 30] [30. gurd liggen igurd liggen C were nan irn beore nan iren C haire ylespiles B] ne ne beate'ou'þer mide. ne mid schurge i leðered: ne i leaded. ne mid [31. hire þerwið B wið B i leðered ne om. B ileadet B ne om. B] holie . ne mid breres . ne ne biblodge hire sulf: wið uten schriftes leaue . [32. wið holin wið holine C wið B ne blodeke ne bibloðgi C seluen seolf C ute C schirches] ne ne nime et enes to ueole disceplines. ower schon beon greate [33. nine for ne ne neome C ateanes ed eanes C feole B disciplines diciplines C owre scheon C] and warme. Ine sumer ȝe habbeð leaue uorto gon and sitten baruot. [34. I In C hauen barefot to Gan & sitten barfot gan & sitten C] and hosen wið uten uaumpez . and ligge ine ham: hwo so likeð. Sum [ 35] [35. and om. B Hose uampez uampeð C and om. B ham om. B hwa se like hwase wule C] wummon i nouh reaðe . wereð þe brech of heare fulwel i knotted . and [36. mon inohraðe inochraðe C weres te brec haire here C icnotten icnotted C and om. B] þe strapeles adun to hire uet. i laced ful ueste. ȝif ȝe muwen beon wim∣pel leas: [37. strapples dun to þe fet B faste For ȝif . . . bi, T has habbes ȝef ȝe mahen (over muchel del.) beo wimpelles C] *& ȝe wel wullen* beoð bi warme keppen . and þeruppon * oðer [38. cappes cappen C and . . . wimlunge in l. 52 om. þruppon C] hwite oðer* blake ueiles. *Ancren summe sungið in ha[re] wimlunge [39. ueilles C] na lesse þene lefd[i.] Sum seið {that} hit limped . to e[i] wummon cundeliche{punctel} [ 40] for te weri[en] wimpel. Nai . Wimpel ne hef[ed] nouðer ne nemneð hali writ{punctel} ah wriheles of heuet. Ad cor[inth.] Mulier uelet caput suum. Wummon seið þe apostel schal wrihen hi[re] heauet. wrihen he seið naut wimplin. wrihen ha schal hire scheome as sunfule eue dohte[r {punctel}] i mungunge of þe sunne {that} sch[en]de us erst alle & naut [ 45] drah[en] {that} wriheles te tiffung & te prud[e]. Eft wule seinte pauel {that}

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wumm[on] wreo i chirche hire neb ȝette leste vuel þoht arise þurh hir[e] on sihðe & hoc est · propter ang[e]los. Hwi þenne þu chirche ancre al beo þu iwimplet{punctel} openest þah þi neb to weopmones ehe . Te ȝeines þe. þe isist men spekeð seinte pauel. Ah ȝef ei þing [ 50] wriheð{punctel} þi neb from monnes ehe{punctel} beo hit wah beo hit clað i þi parlures þurl{punctel} wel mei duhen ancre of oðer wimlunge.* Hwo se [52. wimlumpe MS.] [52. hwa B] wule beon i seien . þauh heo atiffe hire{punctel} nis nout muchel wunder. [53. wile isehen iseȝen C of alle þ hire cumen to add. þah þach C ho ha C atiffen atifi C ham na nan C muche B] auh to godes eien . heo is lufsumere þet is uor ðe luue of him{punctel} [54. Ah ach C ehne echnen C ho ha C lufsumer þe is C for B] untiffed wið uten. Ring . ne broche nabbe ȝe . ne gurdel i membred . [ 55] [55. i menbred MS.] [55. untiffet B ni ni i membret] ne glouen . ne no swuch þing þet ou . ne deih for to habben. [56. ni gloues na nan C swich C ow B deah i burð C for om. B] *vnderstondeð . {that} of alle þeose þinges nis nan hest ne forbot for alle ha beoð of þe vttere riwle {that} is lute strencðe of{punctel} for hwon {that} te inre beo wel iwist as ic seide i þe frumðe . ha mei beon ichanget [59. ha] & MS.] hwer se euer ei neod oder eni skile hit askeð . efter {that} ha mei ase [ 60] þuften . best seruin þe leafdi riwle.*

Euer me is leouere . so ȝe don gretture werkes. ne makie none [62. Eauer B leuere leoure C se B grattere grettere Ne . . . cloðes in l. 66 om. make ȝe C nane C] purses . uorte ureonden ou mide .* bute to þeo {that} ower meistre [63. forto freonden ow wið C] ȝeoueð ow his leaue* {punctel} ne blodbendes of seolke .* ne laz . bute leaue * {punctel} [64. blod binden of seolc C] auh schepieð and seouweð and amendeð chirche cloðes . and poure [ 65] [65. Ach schap'i'eð & seoweð & mendeð (e over ạ) C claðes C] monne cloðes. no þing ne schule ȝe ȝiuen: wið uten schriftes leaue. [66. menne hettren C Na nan 'swuc' C ȝeouen bute ȝe hauen chirches leaue ȝeuen C] helpeð mid ower owune swinke so uorð so ȝe muwen to schruden [67. Helpes wið B owre ahne achne C swinc swinch C se forð se B muhen muchȝen C] ou suluen and *feden ȝef neod is* þeo ðet ou serueð . ase seint [68. ow seluen ow seoluen C ta {that} ow seruen ow seruið C As B sein] ierome lereð: ne beo ȝe neuer idel . uor anonrihtes ðe ueond beot [69. leares leareð C neauer B 'allunge' idel '& se forð 'as ȝe mahen' C for B ananrihtes ananrichtes C te feond feont C bedes.] hire his werc: þet ine godes werke ne wurcheð . and he tuteleð anon∣rihtes [ 70] [70. þe C i in C werc B swinkes swinkeð C he om. B tuteles anan B] touward hire. uor þeo hwule [f. 117 v] þet he isihð hire bisi . [71. toward towart C for hwil he B seos sið C] 'he' þencheð þus . vor nout ich schulde nu kumen neih hire{punctel} ne mei [72. he þe swike þenches tus for B noht naut C ischulde nu cume to hire cumen nu nech hire C mai] heo nout i hwulen uorto her'c'nen mine lore. of idelnesse awakeneð [73. ho ha C nawt naut C ȝeme nu iȝemen C to B lustnen mi lustin min C lare B wakenen]

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muchel flesshes fondunge . Iniquitas sodome . saturitas panis [74. muchele flesches B fondinges] & ocium . þet is . al sodomes cweadschipe kom of idelnesse: & of ful [ 75] [75. al om. B sodome cwedschipe C com B] wombe. Iren þet lið stille{punctel} gedereð sone rust . and water þet ne [76. wambe Irn {that} lis Gederes muche C and om. B] stureð nout readliche stinkeð. ancre ne schal nout forwurðen scol∣me'i'stre: [77. stures nawt naut C raðliche readiliche C stinkes ȝe ne schule sende lettres. Ne underfo lettres bute leaue C nawt naut C forwurðe. B scolemeister scol above erasure C] ne turnen hire ancre hus{punctel} to childrene scole. hire meiden [78. hire om. B ancres childre'ne' schole C Hire . . . leren in l. 81 om.] mei þauh techen sum lutel meiden. þet were dute of forto leornen [79. þauh om. C learen C lute C of{punctel} to C] among gromes . auh ancre ne ouh forto ȝemen bute god one. Þah [ 80] [80. bimong gremes C Ach C nach to ȝeme C ane C] bi hire meistres read{punctel} ha mei sum rihten & helpe to leren.*

Ȝe ne schulen senden lettres . ne underuon lettres . ne writen: buten [82. underfon bute] leaue. Ȝe schulen beon i dodded four siðen iðe ȝere: uorto lihten [83. schule C beo idoddet C iþe ȝer fiftene siðe ȝer C uorto . . . heauet in l. 85 om. to lichten ower heauet C] ower heaued. * oðer ȝef ȝe wulled ischauen. hwa se wule ieveset. ah ha mot te oftere weschen & kemben hire heauet* {punctel} and ase ofte ileten [ 85] [85. & fowr siðe ileten & as ofte ilete blod '& ȝef neod is oftere' C] blod . and oftere ȝif neod is . and hwo so mei beon þer wið uten{punctel} ich [86. oftre ned and . . . þolien om. C Hwa se mai wel beo wið uten: ich hit mai þolien] hit mei wel i þolien. hwon ȝe beoð i leten blod . ȝe ne schulen don [87. Hwon . . . blod om. C Hwen arn schule C do þreo daies na þing {that} ow greues don 'þeo' þreo daȝes nan þing {that} ow greueð C] no þing þeo þreo dawes{punctel} þet ou greue . auh talkeð mid ower meidenes. [88. Ah ach C talkes to B owre seruant ower meidnes C] and mid þeaufule talen: schurteð ou to gederes. ȝe muwen don so [89. wið B þeawfule þeufule C tales: schurtes ow schurtið C muhen muȝe C swa don ofte hwen ow B] ofte: hwon ou þuncheð heuie . oðer beoð uor sume worldliche þinge [ 90] [90. þunches heui C arn for sum B worldlich C þing B] sorie: oðer seke. So wisliche witeð ou in our blod letunge: and [91. sari B Swa B wislich C wites Of ower blodletunge in marg. C ow B owre ower C blodletinge] holdeð ou ine swuche reste . þet ȝe longe þer efter muwen ine godes [92. haldes haldeð C ow B iswuch in swich C rest þrafter þrefter C muhen muȝen C ine om. C i godes] seruise þe monluker swinken . and also hwon ȝe i ueleð eni secnesse . [93. þe om. C wurchen C alswa alse C hwen B felen feleð C ani B] vor muchel sotschipe hit is . uorto [f. 118 r] uorleosen uor one deie . [94. vor om. B muche B sotchipe C uorto om. C to lose leosen C for an B dai dei C] tene oðer tweolue. Wassheð ou hwar se ȝe habbeð neode: ase ofte [ 95] [95. twelue tweọlue C Vas del. wasches in marg. wescheð C ow B hwer B ned is neod is C as B] ase ȝe wulleð. [96. as B wiln wulh C Ouwer meidnes riwle in marg. C]

Ancre þet naueð nout neih honde hire uode: beoð bisie two [97. Anker þe C naues nawt naut C neh hond nech hont C fode B beos bisi twa wimmen B] wummen . on ðet bi leaue euer ethom . an oðer þet wende ut [98. an B þe C leaue eauer with erasure of two letters before eauer leaue C at hame ed hame C þe C] hwon hit is neod . and þeo beo ful unorne * oðer a lute þuhten* [99. hwen B ned driues neod driueð C tat]

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oðer of feir elde and biðe weie ase heo geð · go singinde hire beoden. [ 100] [100. of om. feiȝer C ealde B and om. B wei as B ho Gas ha geað C Ga B seiende segginde C beodes] ne ne holde heo nout none tale mid mon ne mid wummon · ne ne [101. Ni ne halde B heo nout om. B na nan C wið B wið B ni sitte ne stonde Ne sitten ne stonden C] sitte ne ne stonde bute þet leste þet heo mei er þen heo kume hom. [102. After mei erasure of one letter.] [102. þe B leaste ho ha C ear B þenne C ho ha C ham cume B] nouhwuder elles ne go heo{punctel} bute þider ase me sent hire. wið ute [103. Nohwider Nochwder C ga B heo om. ha C as B mon sendes] leaue: ne ete heo ne ne drinke ute. þe oðer beo euer inne · ne wið ute [104. eote C ho ha C eauer B] þe ȝeate ne go heo nout wið ute leaue. boðe beon obedient to hore [ 105] [105. ȝate ȝete C ga B heo om. ha C nout om. B Baðe ba C hare C] dame in alle þinges{punctel} bute ine sūnne one. no þing nabben heo{punctel} þet [106. þing B in B ane B Na Nan C heo om.] hore dame hit nute . ne ne underuon no þing . ne ne ȝiuen wið uten [107. ho heo C for hore dame ni vnderfo Ne underuo C na nan C ȝiue ȝeouen C add nowðer nouðer C] hire leaue. Nenne mon ne leten heo in . ne ðe ȝungre ne speke mid [108. leue Na Nan C heo om. B ni ðe ȝungre om. C speoken C mid none monne om. C wið na wepmon] none monne: bute leaue . ne ne go nout ut of tune . wið uten siker [109. wið ute B leue Ne ga B noht naut C] uere . ne ne ligge ute. ȝif heo ne con o boke: sigge bi pater nostres [ 110] [110. fere B ȝef C ho ha C on C segge B] and bi auez hire vres . and wurche þet me hat hire wið uten gruc∣chunge. [111. auees C wurche & do hwat C mon bides wið ute grucchinge B] habbe euer hire earen opene touward hire dame. nouðer [112. eauer B eares toward towart C lafdi Nowðer] of ðe wummen ne beren urom hore dame . ne ne bringen to hire . none [113. of þe wummen om. C of þe familiers ne beo fram hire lafdi ni ni bringe nowðer ne beore ne ne bringe to heore dame C none om. B] idele talen: ne neowe tiþinges . ne bitweonen ham sulf ne singen . ne [114. tales newe tidinges C bitwenen B self seolf C ne nc singen C ni ne speken ne ne speoken ham seolf C] ne speken none worldliche spechen . ne lauhwen ne ne pleien so ðet [ 115] [115. none om. C nane speches lahhen swa ne pleien {that} lachȝen swa ne pleiȝen {that} C] ei mon þet hit iseie . muhte [f. 118 v] hit to v'u'el turnen. ouer alle [116. ani sehe sechȝe C mihte machte C hit om. C turnen hit] þing leasunge and luðere wordes . hatien. Hore her beo i koruen . [117. þinge leasinges leasing C uuele C hare C beon C icoruen B] hore heuedcloð sitte lowe. eiðer ligge one. Hore hesmel beo heie [118. hore . . . i hudeket om. hare C clað C lachȝe C ane C hare cop beo hechȝe isticched C] istihd{punctel} al wið ute broche. no mon ne i seo ham unweawed . ne open [119. al om. C na C seo C unlepped C] heaued. *Inwið þe wanes ha muhe werie scapeloris hwen mantel [ 120] ham heuegeð . ute{punctel} gan i mantlet þe heauet i hudeket.* louh lokunge [121. Lah lokinge Lach locunge C] habben. heo ne schulen cussen nenne mon .* ne cuð mon ne cunes [122. cuð corr. out of enð.] [122. Eiðer ligge ane add. ho ha C schulen om. C schule cusse B na nan C cunnes] mon . ne for nan cuððe cluppen* ne uor luue cluppen . ne kuð ne [123. ni na ne uor . . . unkuð om. B] unkuð . ne wasshen hore heaued . ne loken ueste o none monne . [124. ne . . . heaued om. nene weschen hare C Ni loke B faste o na on an C mon B] ne toggen mid him{punctel} ne pleien. hore weaden beon of swuche scheape [ 125] [125. toggle toggi C wið B him om. B pleiȝen C Hare B wede weden C beo swuch swich C schape B] & alle hore aturn swuch{punctel} þet hit beo eðcene hwarto heo beoð i turnde. [126. al & of swic aturn {that} 'hit' C eðscene edsene C hwerto B ho ha C beon B] hore lates loken warliche . þet non ne edwite ham ne ine huse ne ut [127. Hare B werliche C nan B etwite over wite del. C ne om. B in hus B] of huse. on alle wise uorberen to wreððen hore dame . and ase ofte [128. hus forbeoren B wradðen wraððen C hare C as B]

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ase heo hit doð er heo drinken oðer eten . makien hore uenie akneon [129. as B ho ha C don ear ho ha C eoten C Maken C hire B o cneos acneon C] adun to þer eorðe biuoren hire: & sigge mea culpa . and underuon [ 130] [130. dun to þer eorðe om. B bifore biforen C seggen B vnder fo] ðe penitence: ðet heo leið upon hire lutende hire louwe. þe ancre [131. penitance C ho ha C leis ham B lutinde C lahe lachȝe C anker] neuer more þer efter þene ilke gult ne upb[r]eide hire: uor none [132. þilke gult neauer mare þr after þer efter neauer mare þilke gult C hire om. B for B na nan C] wreððe . bute ȝif heo eft sone ualle iðet ilke . auh do hit allunge ut of [133. wraððe B ȝef C ho ha C sones falle B i þat ilke i þilke C Ah Ach C] hire heorte. and ȝif eni strif ariseð bitweonen ðe wummen{punctel} ðe ancre [134. and om. B ȝef C ani B rises bitwenen ham utewið{punctel} bitwene þe wimmen C þe anker] makie eiðer of ham to makien oðer venie akneon to ðer eorðe . and [ 135] [135. make B of ham om. B make B þe oðer C o cneos o cneon C dun to þe to þe C] eiðer rihte up oðer: & kussen ham on ende . and þe ancre legge on [136. richte C cussen on B te anker leie] eiðer sum penitence. More upon þeo ilke: ðet gretluker haueð agult. [137. penitance C Mare B up o {that} ilke up on þilke C þe C greatluker gulte B] þis is o þing wute 'ȝe' [f. 119 r] wel to soðe ðet is gode leouest{punctel} [138. ȝe added in margin.] [138. is om. C a an C witen B ho ha C to soðe om. B godd god C leuest] seih[t]nesse & some. & þe ueonde loðest. and for þi he is euer umbe [139. sahtnesse sachtnesse C somentale te feond þe feont C laðest B and om. B eauer umben B] to arearen sume wreððe. nu isihð ðe deouel wel ðet hwon þet fur [ 140] [140. reare arere C sum laððe B seos sið C te swike þe sweoke C hwen fur B] is wel o brune . & me wule ðet hit go ut: me sundreð ðe brondes. [141. onbrune C mon wile Ga B mon sundres te brendes C] and he deð 'also' onond þet ilke. luue is ihesu cristes fur þet he wule [142. dos hond to {that} ilke deð {that} ilke C fuir wile] ðet blasie in vre heorte . and þe deouel bloweð forto puffen hit ut . [143. owre te blawes blaweð C] and hwon his blowinge ne geineð nout: þeonne bringeð he up sum [144. and om. B hwen B blast blawunge C Geines nawt naut C þeonne om. B he bringes he bringeð C] luðer word . oðer sum oþer nouhtunge: hwar þuruh heo to hurteð eiðer [ 145] [145. luðer om. hwat nochtunge C hwer B þurh þurch C ho ha C hurren B] urommard oðer{punctel} and þe holi gostes fur{punctel} acwencheð hwon ðe brondes [146. framward frommart C te hali gastes B cwenches cwencheð C hwen] þuruh wreððe{punctel} beoð i sundred. and for þi holden ham ine luue ueste [147. þurh þurch C wraððe B beon isundret and om. B halde halden C iluue inluue C faste feste C] to gederes . and ne beo ham nout of{punctel} hwon ðe ueond blowe . and [148. nawt naut C hwen B feond feont C blawe B and om. B] nomeliche ȝif monie beoð i ueied somed{punctel} and wel mid luue ontende. [149. nomeli ȝef C beon B ifest to Gedere iueiȝet somet C wel om. wið B ontendet] Þauh ðe ancre on hire meidenes uor openliche gultes . legge penitence [ 150] [150. Þah þach C þe om. anker seruanz for B Giltes leie penitance C] neuer ðe later to ðe preoste schriuen ham ofte . auh euer þauh mid [151. to preost no ðe latere to þe preost no ðe latere C Ah Ach C eauer B þah þach C wið B] leaue. and ȝif heo ne kunnen nout ðe mete graces: siggen in hore [152. and om. B ȝef C ho ha C cunen noht cunne naut C te seggen B hare C] stude{punctel} pater . noster . & aue maria biuoren mete . and efter mete also . [153. studen C Pater noster biforen pater noster biuoren C maria. After mete alswa marie. efter mete alse C] & credo moare . and siggen þus on ende . veder & sune & holi gost. [154. a crede C mare B seggen segge C fader sune B & om. hali gast B] & on almihti god{punctel} he ȝiue ure dame his grace{punctel} so lengre so more . [ 155] [155. & om. B an B almichtin C godd he om. B ȝeoue C lauedi se B se mare B] & leue hire & us boðe nimen god endinge . & forȝelde alle ðet us [156. baðe ba C nime neome C ende B & om. B þe C] god doð . & milce hore soulen: þet us god i don habbeð . hore soulen [157. don heore C sawle saule C & {that} us þe us C hauen hore soulen om. C sawle]

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& alle cristene soulen. amen. Bitweonen mele ne gruselie ȝe nout. [158. sawle saule C amen om. B Bitwene B meal mel C gruse gruuesi C ȝe om. C nawt naut C] nouðer frut{punctel} 'ne' oðerhwat . ne 'ne' drinken wið uten leaue. [f. 119 v] [159. nowðer nouðer C fruit oðer hwet C ni ne C drinke bute B] auh þe leaue beo liht in alle þeo þinges{punctel} þer nis sunne. Ette mete [ 160] [160. & te & þe C licht C al {that} nis B At te ed þe C na nan C] no word . oðer lut . & þeo beon stille. also efter ðe ancre cumplie [161. & ta stille & þeo stille C Alswa B after ancres B aðet prime oðet prime C] uort midmorwen . ne don no þing . ne ne siggen . hwar þuruh [162. ni do þing ne segge ne don nan þing ne seggen C hwer þurh hwar þurch C] hire silence muwe beon i sturbed. non ancre seruant ne ouhte mid [163. muhe muȝe C beo desturbet beon to sturbed C Nan B ancres seruante ah achte C bi B] rihte uorto asken i sette huire{punctel} bute mete & cloð: þet heo mei vlutten [164. richte C to B iset hure B ant C clað B ho ha C mai flutte B] bi . & godes milce. ne mis leue non god{punctel} hwat so bitide of ðe ancre: [ 165] [165. nan B godd hwet C se tide B anker] þet he hire trukie. Þe meidenes wið uten ȝif heo serueð ðe ancre [166. over trukie faile C þeo {that} arn wið uten meidnes C ȝef C ho ha C seruen seruið C anker] also ase heo owen{punctel} hore hure schal beon ðe eche blisse of heouene. [167. alswa as B hom ahen ha achȝen C hare C beo] hwo so haueð eie hope touward so heie hure: gledliche wule heo seruen [168. Hwa se B haues ehe of eȝe of C toward towart C se B heh hech C gladli wile ho ha C seruin C] & lihtliche alle wo and alle teone þolien. Mid eise ne mid este{punctel} ne [169. lichtliche C wa B tene wið B este ne C wið B eise C] kumeð me nout toþer heouene. [ 170] [170. bueð mon nawt blisse buð me naut blisse C]

Ȝe ancren owen þis lutle laste stucchen reden to our wummen [171. ancres B ahen achȝe C laste lutle B stucche stuche C rede owre ower C seruanz] eueriche wike enes uort ðet heo hit kunnen. and muche neod is [172. euche uche C eanes B til {that} ho oðet 'til' ha C cunnen B ned is {that} ȝe B] ou beoðe: ðet ȝe nimen to ham gode ȝeme . vor ȝe muwen muchel þuruh [173. After gode ḍẹ MS.] [173. neomen C to ham nimen god muche C for B muhen muȝe C muchel om. C muche þurh B] ham beon i goded. and i wursed on oðer halue. ȝif heo sunegeð [174. hom beo igodet B wursnet. iwurset. C On B half B ȝef C ho ha C suneheþ sungeð C] þuruh ower ȝemeleaste{punctel} ȝe schulen beon bicleoped þer of biuoren þe [ 175] [175. þurh þurch C owre ȝemeles ȝemeles'chipe' C schule beo bicleopet þrof þref C bifore biforen C] heie demare . and for þi ase ou is muche neod . & ham is ȝete more{punctel} [176. hehe hechȝe C deme dom C and om. B as B ow B ned hom heom C is om. B ȝette ȝet C mare B] ȝeorneliche techeð ham to holden hore riulen . boðe uor ou: & for ham [177. ȝeornliche leares leareð C halden hare B riwle riuwlen C baðe ba'þe' C for ow B] suluen . liðeliche þauh & luueliche{punctel} uor swuch ouh wummone lore [178. seolf B þauh om. B luuelice C for B swich C ah ach C wummones lare B of religiun add.] to beon . luuelich and liðe and seldwhonne sturne. Boðe hit is riht [179. second and om. C seldscene selthwenne C Baðe ba'þe' C hit om. B richt C] þet heo ou [f. 120 r] dreden & luuien . auh þet ðer beo . more euer [ 180] [180. ho he corr. out of ha C ow B ah ach C ter eauer mare mare eauer C] of luue: þen of drede. þeonne schal hit wel uaren. Me schal helden [181. of þe þenne B faren B Mon heolde] eoli and win beoðe i ne wunden, efter godere lore . auh more of þe [182. baðe ba C in B wundes wundesi erasure of two letters C after godes lare B Ah Ach C mare B þe om. B] softe eolie{punctel} þen of þe bitinde wine . þet is . more of liðe wordes: þen [183. eoli B þenne C þe om. B bitende win B ma ma're' C þenne C] of suwinde . vor þerof kumeð þinge best{punctel} þet is luue eie. lihtliche & [184. suhiende sturne C for B cumes kimeð C Lichtliche C] sweteliche uorȝiueð ham hore gultes: hwon heo ham iknoweð and [ 185] [185. swetelich for ȝiues forȝeoueð C hare C hwen B ho ha C arn cnawe icnaweð C] bihoteð bote. [186. bihaten bihateð]

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Se uorð ase ȝe muwen of drunch and of mete and of cloð and [187. Ase Alse C forð as B muhen muȝen C baðe add. drinch of drunch and om. C and after mete om. claðes B] of oðer þinges þet neode of fleshe askeð: beoð large touward ham: [188. oðre C þing ned flesch fles C askes beos toward B] þauh ȝe ðe neruwure beon and te herdure to ou suluen . vor so deð [189. þah þach C ðe om. B narewe beon & harde to ow seoluen B vor om. 'for' C Swa swa C dos] þe wel bloweð . went þene neruwure ende of þe horne to his owune [ 190] [190. {that} blawes blaweð C wendes te þe C narewe ende om. 'ende' C horn B toward ahne achne C] muðe . & utward þene wide. and ȝe don also . ase ȝe wulleð þet ower [191. muð B te þe C do alswa as B wiln wull C owre beodes] beoden bemen & dreamen wel: ine drihtenes earen . and nout one to [192. bemen wel & B i drihtines in drichtines C eare and om. B Nawt naut C ane B] ower ones{punctel} auh to alle uolkes heale . ase ure louerd leue þuruh ðe [193. owre anres a'u'nes C Ah ach C folkes B as B lauerd B þurh þurch C] grace of himsulf . þet hit so mote beon. amen. [194. himself him seolf C swa mote B beon. amen om. B]

Oþisse boc redeð eueriche deie: hwon ȝe beoð eise . eueriche deie [ 195] [195. Of C þis B redes eueriche deie om. B hwen B arn aise C euche dai uchedei C] lesse oðer more. uor ich hopie þet hit schal beon ou ȝif ȝe [196. mare B uor om. B þet om. ow B ȝef C] hit redeð ofte: swuðe biheue þuruh godes grace . and elles ich heuede [197. hit add. B reden swiðe B biheoue þurli B 'godes' C and om. B hafde hefde C] vuele bitowen muchel of mine hwule. God hit wot me were leouere [198. bitohen bitochȝen uuele C muche hwile B God . . . wot om. B leuere leoure C deu le set add. B] uorto don me touward rome{punctel} þen uorto biginnen hit eft forto donne. [199. to do B toward towart C for to for te C] and ȝif ȝe iuindeð þet ȝe doð also ase ȝe redeð{punctel} þonkeð god ȝeorne . [ 200] [200. and om. B ȝef C finden findeð C don alswa as B reden. þonkes godd] and ȝif ȝe ne doð nout{punctel} biddeð godes ore . [f. 120 v] and beoð umbe [201. and om. B ȝef C don nawt naut C biddes godd are B beos umben B] þer abuten: þet ȝe hit bet hol holden: efter ower mihte. Veder and [202. þer onuuen þer an ouen C hit bettere halden hit halden C after owre mihte efter ower michte C Fader sune. haligast an B] sune and holi gost . and on almihti god: he wite ou in his warde. [203. almichti C godd he om. B ow B] he gledie ou and froure ou{punctel} mine leoue sustren. and for al þet ȝe [204. gladie ow B frouri C ow B leue sustre] uor him drieð and suffreð . he ne ȝiue ou neuer lesse huire þen [ 205] [205. for B drehen oðer drehden dreȝed & dreiȝeð C he om. B ni ȝiue Ne ȝeoue C ow B neauer B lasse hure C] alto gedere him suluen. he beo euer i heid from worlde to worlde. [206. seluen seoluen C Beo he B ai ihehet eauer ihechȝet C fram into B] euer on ecchenesse. amen. [207. a on ecnesse 'a on echnesse' C]

ase ofte ase ȝe readeð out o þisse boc{punctel} greteð þe lefdi mid one aue [208. As C as B hauen red habbeð ired C oht o þis boc eawet þron C Gretes ure lauedi lafdi C wið an B] marie uor him ðet makede þeos riwle . and for him þet hire wrot and [209. marie om. B for B {that} swanc her abuten. þe swong her abuten. C] swonc her abuten. Inouh meðful ich am{punctel} þet bidde so lutel. [ 210] [210. Inouh . . . lutel om. 'Jnoh meðful ic am þe bidde se lutel' C]

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