Cogitaciones ex toto nemo fugere possit.
We rede how on̛ a tyme a certayn̛ man̛ of religion̛ made playnt vnto a holie abbott þatt hight Pastor, þat he had so many thoghtis of syn̛ in his mynde þat he was like to be perisshid̛ þerwith. And he had þis monke in-to a playn̛ felde vppon̛ a fayr day, whar þe wynde blew, & he bad̛ hym̛ hald̛ obrade his skyrte & take þe wynde & bere it hame. And̛ he ansswerd̛ agayn̛ & said̛ he myght nott. And þan̛ þe abbott said̛; "No more may þou lett þoghtis to com̛ in þi harte & þi mynde, bod itt is þy parte to with-stond̛ þaim." et c̛.
- ... Cogitacio de diuersis contristat vel letificat hominem, vnum reddit pallidum, alium rubicundum. Supra de apostata. ij.