Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum / by Etienne de Besançon

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Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum / by Etienne de Besançon
Etienne de, Besançon, d. 1294
Banks, Mary Macleod
London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, & Co., Ltd.
1904, 1905

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"Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum / by Etienne de Besançon." In the digital collection Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed March 6, 2025.


Cogitaciones ex toto nemo fugere possit.

We rede how on̛ a tyme a certayn̛ man̛ of religion̛ made playnt vnto a holie abbott þatt hight Pastor, þat he had so many thoghtis of syn̛ in his mynde þat he was like to be perisshid̛ þerwith. And he had þis monke in-to a playn̛ felde vppon̛ a fayr day, whar þe wynde blew, & he bad̛ hym̛ hald̛ obrade his skyrte & take þe wynde & bere it hame. And̛ he ansswerd̛ agayn̛ & said̛ he myght nott. And þan̛ þe abbott said̛; "No more may þou lett þoghtis to com̛ in þi harte & þi mynde, bod itt is þy parte to with-stond̛ þaim." et c̛.

  • ... Cogitacio de diuersis contristat vel letificat hominem, vnum reddit pallidum, alium rubicundum. Supra de apostata. ij.

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