The Stonor letters and papers, 1290-1483; ed. for the Royal historical society, from the origial documents in the Public record office, by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford.

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The Stonor letters and papers, 1290-1483; ed. for the Royal historical society, from the origial documents in the Public record office, by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford.
London,: Offices of the Society,

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England -- Social life and customs
Stonor family.
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"The Stonor letters and papers, 1290-1483; ed. for the Royal historical society, from the origial documents in the Public record office, by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford." In the digital collection Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.



See the note on the previous letter. From A.C., xlvi, 84.

Ryght reverent and worshypful Syr, y recomaund me unto you: and for as [mych] as ye desire to know how y wilbe desposet as tochyng your land for titil thereof, for certen my wyf and y welbe with you uppon Ester to see yf ye and we cane agre within our self: and we, and yf we can not agre, desyre your frendes and oures to see a derec|cyon betwene you and us: yf thay can not fynde the menes theryn, thene ye and we in Pach. terme to take our evidens with us to London, and by the avyce of a juge take a lerned man or ij endyfferrently, and to abyde the rule of thaym in all suche thyngges as we schewe and de|clare. Yf yt please you it be soo, and thys y promyte you schalbe per|formet on oure behalfe; and affor any rent taken or to be taken; yf it be youre ryght ye schalbe truly content, for y halde it be necessare that we be wel avyset how we dele theryn. Wryten yn London the ij Monday of clene.

By your own Olyuer Wittonstall.

To the ryght reverent worshypful Thomas Stoner, be thys bill de|lyveret at Stoner in Oxforshyre.

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