ï~~ 100 T.M. Hickey and Brendan J. Haug ing publications, which are presented in chronological order, are editions (or descriptions) of material in the dossier:. O. Eger, "Papyri der Giefener Universitatsbibliothek;' APF 5 (1913) 573 (partial transcription of SB 6.9561, on which see further below). PErl. 37 (+ BL 10:66; fourth quarter VI) - J. van Haelst, "De nouvelles archives: Anastasia, proprietaire i Oxyrhynchus (I)," Cd1 33 (1958) 237-242 (= SB 6.9368; 577-578).. id., "De nouvelles archives: Anastasia, proprietaire i Oxyrhynchus (II),' Cd5 34 (1959) 292-299 (= SB 6.9561; January 2, 590). id., "De nouvelles archives: Anastasia, proprietaire i Oxyrhynchus," PapCongr. XI 586-590 (indicates on pp. 587-88 that the "dossier" consists of SB 6.9368, 9561; P.bibl.univ.Giss. inv. 36, 37,41 [= 4 below], 43-47 [44 = 1 below], 49, 50 [PSelect. 20] 67; PErl. 37, 87).. PSelect. 20 (+ BL 10:113; November, 28, 592). POxy. 44.3204 (+ BL 8:267; January 2, 588). P.J. Sijpesteijn, "Varia Papyrologica III," ZPE 100 (1994) 270-271 (= SB 22.15723; end VI).. T.M. Hickey, "Reuniting Anastasia: P.bibl. univ. Giss. inv. 56 + PErl. 87 (with some notes on other Erlangen papyri)," APF 49 (2003) 199-206 (November 25, 591).. POxy. 69.4756 (March 10, 590). POxy. 69.4757 (late VI). POxy. 69.4758 (late VI). A Cairo text, POxy. 16.2020 (ca. 567-588), may also be noted. This account of arcarica mentions Anastasia alongside other Oxyrhynchite elites of the period. The article by Hickey cited above includes a discussion of the acquisition history of the dossier, while Gonis (in POxy. 69, pp. 210-11) includes some remarks on the archaeological context of the archive within the dossier. He notes that the inventory numbers of the four Oxford papyri "suggest that they lay close to each other in the same rubbish heap until they were unearthed in Grenfell and Hunt's first excavation season" (1896/7). This same mound, which was "not thoroughly dug;' could well have yielded many (perhaps even all) of the papyri that were eventually acquired through the antiquities market. In the apparatus of the texts an overstroke representing final upsilon is not indicated, nor is the interchange of t and et. The Oxyrhynchite nome is the provenance of each text. 0
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