
63.3 Spring 2024


Wazhmah Osman

Interview by Juan Llamas-Rodriguez

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Meryem Kamil

Interview by Juan Llamas-Rodriguez

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Research Articles

On Failing to Get Out

Jerome Dent

Abstract: This article juxtaposes the film Get Out with visual media ostensibly within and outside of the film's genre to expand our understanding of horror, the psychoanalytics of spectatorship and identification, and the work of critical race theory. Yoking together horror and the slave narrative, I highlight the moments when identification shifts between the protagonist and the antagonist, a subject split that engenders neither wholesale resistance nor complete identification but an irresistible collusion between both.

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Constructing the Sony Watchman Pocket Television: Personalization, Spatial Agency, and the Conundrum of the Mobile Idler

Jennifer Hessler

Abstract: In this article, I detail a material history of the Sony Watchman pocket television (released in 1982), demonstrating that the competition between Sony and other manufacturers to create viable miniaturized displays during the 1980s and early 1990s was catalytic for the development of television technology. I then analyze how the Watchman was made meaningful through ad campaigns. By incorporating some of the lifestylizing tactics of the Sony Walk-man music player while, somewhat disjunctively, negotiating the low-brow cultural status of television and its most dedicated viewers, marketing for the Watchman entailed a negotiation of the broader cultural disposition toward television as a medium.

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Fan Labor Shapes Visibility for Women's Sports in Networked Sports Media

Jennifer McClearen

Abstract: This article examines how networked sports media actively facilitates a hierarchical system of visibility dependent on social media engagement and data analytics. I argue that in the case of women's sports, as well as other less prominently mediated sports, the industry logics that structure hierarchies of visibility deflect responsibility for representation away from networks, brands, and leagues and onto fans, who are left to promote women's sports through their engagement online. This strategy shields the business of sports from the risk of investing in women athletes and instead places promotional responsibility on fan labor.

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Enter Your Chambers and Shut Your Doors behind You: Bodily Containment, Proliferation, and the Right to Privacy in American Law and Gothic Horror

Emily Naser-Hall

Abstract: Landmark legal decisions on privacy and birth control reiterate gendered Cold War logics of containment by positioning the home as the safe container for female sexuality and fertility. Contemporary horror, however, counters this dualistic construction of safe interior–uncontrollable exterior by portraying the boundaries between inside and outside as artificial and porous. Representations of sexual containment, the nuclear family, and the domestic home space in The Birds (Alfred Hitchcock, 1963) and Night of the Living Dead (George A. Romero, 1968) complicate broader cultural and legal conceptions of birth control as a form of protection for the impenetrable marital home.

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Le teen film, c'est ma culture: Céline Sciamma and the American Teen Film

Frances Smith

Abstract: On the release of Naissance des pieuvres (Water Lilies, 2007), director and screenwriter Céline Sciamma likened her tale of female sexual awakening to American sex quest romp American Pie (Paul Weitz and Chris Weitz, 1999). With Bande de filles (Girlhood, 2014), Sciamma continues her engagement with le teen film. I examine the various ways in which Sciamma's films invoke elements of the American teen movie. I argue that Sciamma's films call to be read alongside and as examples of the transnational teen movie, thus decoupling the category from its predominant association with American cinema.

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IN TRANSLATION: Gabriel Navarro, Latino/a Film Critic

Colin Gunckel and Laura Isabel Serna

Abstract: Gabriel Navarro (1894–1950) was critic and entertainment editor for La Prensa (San Antonio) and La Opinión (Los Angeles) during the 1920s and 1930s. In an extensive body of film reviews, columns, and film-related fiction, Navarro considered questions of fandom, stardom, representation, and the racial hierarchies that structured the US film industry. He offered his readers behind-the-scenes accounts of Hollywood, advocated for Mexican immigrant audiences and talent, and argued for culturally sensitive representation. Navarro's work opens new ways of thinking about Latino/a/es in US film history and offers new perspectives on the historical relationships between mainstream media and marginalized audiences

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