The English works of Wyclif hitherto unprinted.Edited by F. D. Matthew.

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The English works of Wyclif hitherto unprinted.Edited by F. D. Matthew.
Wycliffe, John, d. 1384.
London,: Pub. for the Early English text society, by Trübner & co.,

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"The English works of Wyclif hitherto unprinted.Edited by F. D. Matthew." In the digital collection Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed June 7, 2024.


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I HESITATE to pronounce an opinion as to the authorship of this tract. In expression it often resembles IV. and VII., but it has points of likeness to others which I cannot assign to the same hand. The mention of the voice heard at the first endowment of the Church (Chap. IX.), and the reference to the parallel between the three estates and the persons of the Trinity (see opening of Chapters XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII.), connect it with No. XXVI.

There are touches of irony (e.g. Chap. VIII.) which are like Wyclif, and the phrase "Antichrist's martyrs" (Chap. X.) is applied to the "irreligious that have possessions," in a tract on the Seven Works of Mercy, which is probably genuine (S. E. W., III. 171).

If the tract be Wyclif's, we may date it rather before 1380. The friars are already a bad set who "bear the banner" for subtlety and sham poverty, but they are not yet the habitual adversaries whom Wyclif cannot refrain from attacking.

Copied from the Corpus MS. X. and collated with the Dublin MS. AA.

CHAP. I. Clerks possessioners destroy priesthood, knighthood, and the commonalty.
Priesthood, by giving themselves to worldly business, by appropriation and its consequences, by luxurious life and neglect of preaching.
Knighthood, by taking into amortisement lands which should sustain knights to govern the people.
The commons by depriving them of the services of priests and knights, by oppression in rents and fines, and by wasteful expenditure.
II. They say by their deeds that Christ's example is insufficient.
III. They disobey God, and teach that lords may not amend them, nor commons withdraw their tithes.
IV. They set their rules above Christ's, and punish breaking them more severely than idle swearing.
V. They shelter themselves under the names of saints, but live wickedly.
VI. They tell lies about saints to colour their own worldly life.
VII. They get goods under pretence of spending them in alms and spend them on pomp.
VIII. They take upon themselves heavier burdens than did Christ, since they add worldly lordship to the duties of the priesthood; and of these conflicting calls they attend most to the unworthy.
IX. Secular lordships in the church lead to simony, and wealth of the orders brings men to them for ease and luxurious life.
X. The possessioners are Antichrist's martyrs, dead to holiness, who will spend money and life to maintain their worldly possessions.

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CHAP. XI. They preach seldom, and then for show, and hinder those who would truly preach the gospel.
XII. Monks and canons profess a rule of community of goods, yet they hold property.
XIII. They hold rules made by sinful men more perfect than those made by Christ, letting a monk become a friar, while he may not become a simple priest.
XIV. They care more for the praise of men than for the praise of God.
XV. They bind themselves to contradictories, to be dead to the world, and to do worldly business at command of the abbot.
XVI. They set the worse above the better, man's rule above Christ's; and if any will leave their order for a better life, they persecute him.
XVII. Their wasteful use of goods belonging to the poor, in dress that is too costly and much too large and loose.
XVIII. They engross to themselves all the good books, and will neither lend nor use them.
XIX. They give hospitality only to the rich and oppress the poor.
XX. They visit widows and orphans, but only to get their property.
XXI. They mislead lords into persecuting God's servants.
XXII. They claim licence to commit crime, by denying the right of the civil power to deprive them of property.
XXIII. They make men leave the study of holy things to attend to worldly business.
XXIV. They are insatiable, trying to get all property into their dead hands.
XXV. They are quick to plead in the courts, and, beside, are ready to damn those who deny their demands.
XXVI. They incite to war and so slay men.
XXVII. They oppress the meek and uphold the proud.
XXVIII. They pretend to watch, but sleep more than other men.
XXIX. They inveigle young children into their orders.
XXX. Their deceits as to special prayer.
XXXI. They persecute Christ in the persons of his true disciples.
XXXII. They blaspheme against the Holy Ghost by stopping preaching.
XXXIII. They blaspheme the Father by preventing lords from maintaining God's ordinance as to the clergy.
XXXIV. They do away with the rule, on which they are founded, of abstinence, poverty and labour.
XXXV. They are strong thieves who rob the church of the spiritual goods of poverty, simplicity, and meekness.
XXXVI. They mislead lords, interpreting the oath to maintain the church as up|holding them in their possessions even if wrongful.
XXXVII. They are heretics, but they bring charges of heresy against true preachers to blind the people.
XXXVIII. They accuse true preachers of stirring up strife, but it is themselves who are in fault.
XXXIX. They care more that respect should be paid to them than to God, and, like the Jews, persecute for fear of losing their possessions and honour.
XL. They get all lordships into their hands, but will not pay taxes.

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Þis is of clerkis possessioneris.

Capitulum primum.

[page 107] Clerkis possessioneris fordon presthod, knyȝthod & comineris; for þei taken þe ordre of presthod & bynden hem to kepe þis [his X.] ordre & holi lif & techynge of goddis peple aftir cristis lif & his apostlis, & specialy in verrey mekenesse & [in AA.] wilful pouert & bisi traueile in techynge of goddis lawe & wilful deþ suffrynge þer-fore. But bi þes worldly possessions and lordischipis þei ben turned to pompe & pride & coueitise & grete bisynesse of worldly plees & worldly festis & seculer lawis, þat deuocion & holy meditacion & studyynge & techynge of cristis holy gospel is forȝeten, & discencion among cristene men brouȝt in, & meyntenynge of wrongis & oppressynge of pore men bi here worldly power and cautelis holden vp. also þei taken benefices wiþ cure bi appropriacion, þat is maad bi fals suggestion & symonye, & techen not þe parischenes goddis lawe ne mynystre hem sacramentis ne releuen pore men wiþ residue of tiþes & offrynges. But setten þer a viker or a parische prest for litel cost, þouȝ he be vnable boþe of kunnynge and lif to reule his owene soule, & for pouert of benefis he may not go to scole, ne lerne at hom for bisynesse of newe syngynge & gedrynge of tyþes & mynystringe of sacramentis & oþere occupacions. & þus wise clerkis ben putt out fro benefices þat myȝten, couden and wolden teche þe peple þe gospel & goddis hestis, & blynde lederis ful of coueitise, lecherie & oþere synnes brouȝt in; & almes doynge to pore men of þe parische & hospitalite & fyndynge of pore children to scole & so clergie aftirward ben outlawid. also þei taken þe ordre of presthod to seie massis for money, & whanne þei schulden be gostly liȝt of þe world bi opyn ensaumple of holy lif & trewe prechynge of holy writt, as crist comaundid to alle his apostlis & disciplis, þei hiden hem self in gay cloistris & lyuen in lustis of flech & glotonye,

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drounkenesse & ydelnesse & sleep. & as þei feynen þei ben exempt from prechynge, þat crist comaundeþ to prestis, bi profession maad to synful foolis & in cas to sathanas þat techeþ hem þe contrarie of goddis comaundementis; & ȝif ony such religious be stirid bi charite & conscience to goo to cristene peple & preche hem goddis lawe he schal be lettid bi anticristis obedience vp peyne of dedly synne & prisonynge & sumtyme of bodely deþ. & þus þes possessioneris, & namely religious, leuen goddis comaundement & [page 108] werkis of mercy & charite vndon for obedience of synful men, And distroien presthod & trewe techynge & holi lif of þe peple in eche degree. ¶ Also þei distroien knyȝthod bi wiles of þe fend, for þei [omitted X.] han grete lordischipis amorteised to hem; bi whiche lord|schipis knyȝtis schulden be susteyned to gouerne þe peple & þei moten now faile boþe in noumbre & power; & þis amorteisynge comeþ in bi ypocrisie of preiynge be mouþ þat is preised of hem more þan prechynge of þe gospel; but certis þis is [omitted X.] merueile, for none of alle þes þat preien þus whot where his preiynge schal turne in-to his owene damp|nacion, and þan is it litel worþ to oþere synful men; & almyȝtti god seiþ þat þe sacrafices of wickid men ben abhomi|nable [Prov. xv. 8.] and that he schal curse to here blissynges; & þe preire of þat man þat turneþ awey his erris to here not goddis lawe [Prov. xxviii. 9.] is abhominable or cursed; & [omitted AA.] þanne siþ god comaundiþ so often in his lawe boþe olde & newe þat clerkis ne schulden haue non seculer lordischipis & þei hauen so many, & so faste meyntenen hem, here preynge is cursed & abhominable. And ȝif seynt austyn, seynt gregory & seynt bernard & oþere seyntis & reson wiþ manere of lyuynge of þes proude posses|sioneris ben wel souȝt in matere of preiynge, þere wole seue a sentence of grete wepynge & mornynge, schewynge how men ben disceyued bi ypocritis preire boþe in feiþ hope & charite & worldely goodis & pees & reste. for ȝif a lord or a laborer loue betere god þan þes veyn religious & proude & lecherous possessioneris, þe lewid manys preiere is betere

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þan alle here criynge & knackynge; & certis it were raþere almes to lordis to hire suche proude clerkis to seie neiþer masse ne matines in þis cursed lif þan to holde & to meyntene hem in þis manere preiynge; for her lyf [omitted X.] is blasphemye vnto god, as austyn seiþ; & þei stiren god of treuþe raþere to vengaunce þan to mercy, as seynt gregori seiþ. And þerfore seynt ierom criede & wrot to his deþ þat clerkis schulden lyue on dymes & offrynges þat is goddis part & not haue seculer lordischipis ne worldly richesses, but in pouert sue cristis cros: & seynt bede wrot to þe [omitted X.] erchebischop of ȝork þat ȝifte of kynges whanne þei ȝauen temporaltes to clerkis was most fool ȝeuynge, & telliþ many harmes comynge þer-of; & þerfore whanne seynt austyn sey [seþ X.] his clerkis wexe proude for litel rente þat þei hadden he priede þe peple of his cite to taken þe rentis aȝen and suffre hem lyue on goddis part, þat ben tiþes & offrynges, as þe holy martir possidonye writtiþ of seynt austynes lif. Þanne siþ trewe techynge of curatis is leid doun by apropriacion of parische chirches, & knyȝtthod bi amorteysynge of temporal|tees is mochel distroied, & þe pore peple hard piled bi coueitouse clerkis opynly; it sueþ þat þes proude posses|sioneris distroien þe comunes of þe lond, siþ þei fordon trewe techynge bi curatis & clerkis & good [page 109] gouernaile bi knyȝttis, & ben cruel in gedrynge of here rentis & mercymentis more þan lordis wolden, and ȝeuen ensaumple of pride & coueitise & wrongful meyntenynge of worldly plees aȝenst riȝt & good conscience, & letten almes of curatis, & wasten pore mennys liflode in pride & glotonye & worldly array more þan grete lordis may wel atteynen to.

Capitulum 2m.

Also þes possessioneris seyn in dede þat cristis lif & en|saumpel þer-of is insufficient & lif sikerere [sikere X.] bi worldly lawes is betre; for þei forsaken pore lif & meke aftir crist & his

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apostlis, & taken worldly sykernesse for þe betre; & her [þer AA.] þei blasphemen crist & ben out of riȝt feiþ. And ȝif þei witten þat cristis lyf [omitted X.] and trewe [treule X.] lif of clerkis ensaumplid þer-aftir is best & most esy & most siker for þe soule, þei ben oute of charite to forsake þe best tauȝt [&] ensaumplid of crist, and to take a lif ordeyned of synful foolis & coueitouse of worldly pride & name & auer; & ȝif þei meyntenen stifly þis errour þei ben stronge heretikis.

Capitulum 3m.

Proude possessioners ben traitours of god, of lordis & of þe comune peple. þei ben traitours of god, for þei distroien his ordynaunce þat he made for clerkis, & in stede of mekenesse & wilful pouert & discrete penaunce brengen in coueitise, pride & wombe ioie and ydelnesse. & þei bryngen lordis [omitted X.] in þis errour of bileue, þat þei ben in dette to meyn|tenen hem in þis worldly lif, & þat lordis may not mayntene [omitted X.] cristis ordynaunce in clerkis for drede of anticristis curs & brekyng of here oþ bi whiche þei ben sworne to meyntene holy chirche; for þat þat is þe fendis chirc[he], þat ben proude clerkis & coueitouse, þei clepen holy chirche to turnen alle þing vpsodoun as anticristis disciplis. & þat þat is holy chirche, þat ben trewe techeris of cristis mekenesse, wilful pouert & gostly traueile & meyntenours of cristis ordynaunce, þei clepen heretikis & pursuen hem to þe deþ worse þan don heþene men, for no man schulde be hardi to teche & meyn|tene holy writt aȝenst here cursed lif. & þei bryngen comunes in þis errour, þat ȝif þei taken ony þing preuely or apertly fro anticristis chirche & his clerkis þei schullen be cursed & prisoned & dampnyd in helle; ȝe, þouȝ þes worldly coueitouse clerkis lyuen neuere so opynly aȝenst goddis lawe, & techen opynly cursed heresie. & þei techen þe comune peple þat þei schullen haue goddis blissyng & blisse of heuene ȝif þei paien treuly here tiþes & offryngis to hem, whanne þei lyuen in opyn lecherie & coueitise & don no þing here

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gostly office, but bi word & ensaumple of euyl lif leden þe peple to helle.

Capitulum 4m.

Also þes possessioners setten more pris bi reulis of synful men þan bi reulis of ihū crist god & man; for þei taken reulis of synful men as benetis & oþere popis and holden hem more perfit þan þe clene reule of crist. & þei cha[r]gen more to breke suche tradiciouns [page 110] maad of synful men þan to breke þe comaundementis of god & poyntis of charite; & for to proue þis, loke where a prest or monk schal ben hardere ponyschid for brekynge of þe popis lawe or of benetis reule, ȝe, for brekynge of here owene statutis, þan for ydel sweryng of herte & bonys of crist & brekynge of þe holy day; & here-bi may men see where þes possessioners louen & dreden more goddis hestis or synful mennys tradicions.

Capitulum 5m.

Ȝit þes possessioners entren vnder colour of seyntis & lyuen alle aȝenst þes seyntis; for þei comen in vnder colour of seynt benet & seynt austyn to lyue in mekenesse & pouert & bi labour of here hondis for her liflode, and bi ypocrisie þei rennen in-to pride, coueitise, worldly worschipe & welfare & idelnesse, & ben wode whanne men tellen þe soþe of cristis gospel & his pore lif & þe soþe of here owene reule & profes|sion; for bi þis techynge here ypocrise and lesyngis schulde be knowen, & þei be turned to here first ground or ellis for|saken al. & þis wheren grete peyne for proude men & delicat; & þerfore þei maken a scheld of ypocrisie & worldly frendischipe aȝenst þis treuþe.

Capitulum 6m.

Also þes proude possessioners lien on seyntis & sclaundren hem wiþ worldly lif to coloure þer-by here owene false pride; for þei writen þat þis is benetis lif & thomas of canterburies,

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whanne þei lyueden & endeden in contrarie manere. And þei bryngen forþ poyntis of here worldlynesse whanne þei diden aȝenst holy lif & techynge of crist, & hiden here grete sorowe & penaunce þat þei diden for s[i]ch wildenessis; & alle þis is for þei wolden coloure here owene synne bi þes seyntis & maken þe peple wene þat þes seyntis camen to heuene bi þis mirþe of worldly lyuynge & likynge of here flesch; & þus þei brengen cristene [cristis AA.] peple in errour aȝenst þe feiþ bi lesyngis putt on seyntis.

Capitulum 7m.

Þes proude possessioners ben þeues & heretikis; for þei comen bi false menys as ypocrisie & lesyngis to þes grete lordischipes & bi colour to spende hem in almes of pore men, but þei wasten hem in glotonye & pompe & pride & worldely gaynesse, as pelure & costelewe [costelewo X.] cloþis & proude slitterede squyerys & haukis & hondis & mynstralis & ryche men; & bi colour þat crist was þus worldly lord, þerfore þei schulden haue þus seculer lordischipis bi heritage of crist as his most worþi seruauntis; but crist seiþ in þe gospel of seynt ion [John xviii. 36.] þat his kyngdom is not of þis world, & hadde not bi worldly lordischipis where onne to resten his owene hed; þerfore it is heresie to putten þis seculer lordischipe on crist, & herbi disceyuen cristene men in feiþ & worldly goodis, & maken hem to meyntenen clerkis in here [his X (corrected by a later hand).] heresie.

Capitulum 8m.

Also þes ypocrit is possessionerschargen hem self more þan crist [page 111] and his apostelis wolden or myȝtten, & wittyngly take þe werse & leuen þe betre. For bi als moche as þei haue seculer possessions more þan crist & his apostlis hadden þei ben bi þat bounden þe more, & þei ben bounden to holy lif & trewe techynge bi presthod in as mochil as þei may þerfore; & þei taken bisynesse of þe world & leuen studiynge &

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techynge of holy writt & deuocioun in preiere & þinkynge of heuenely swettenesse; & þei chesen raþere to lyue vnder synguler obedience & profession maad to worldly foolis þan to lyue bi forne of þe gospel in þat fredom þat crist ȝaf to prestis. & þerfore þei ben many times nedid & bi ypocrisie disceyued to leue goddis hestis vndon & to performe þe wrongful biddynge of anticrist; & bi þis feyned obedience is strif & enuye brouȝt in and pride & worldly lordischipe meyntened in dede men; & þus þei risen fro vertue to synne, fro mekenes to pride, fro wilful pouert to coueitise & lordischipe, fro grete penaunce & gostly traueile to glotonye & ydelnesse.

Capitulum 9m.

Þes seculer lordischipis in clerkis bryngen [brengynne X.] in symonye, coueytise & glotonye & ydolatrie, þat is worschipynge of false goddis; for bi cause of þis lordischipis men comen to grete prelacies & oþere degres of þe chirche bi money & worldly fauour & pledynge & fiȝttynge, where þei schulden come to hem bi mekenesse and holy lif & bisy traueile in studiynge & techynge of goddis lawe; & feyned religious possessioners comen to þes ordris for sikernesse of worldly welfare & pride & eise of body, where þe schulden come to hem to be dede to þe world & to lyuen in penaunce & [of X.] streit pouert as cristis apostlis, & þus þei suen þis holy staat of pouert & penaunce for worldly richesse & wombe ioie. And herfore þei ben ful of symonye & heresie, as reson & lawe techen, & þei wasten moche good in ryot & glotonye & pledynde & meyntenynge of wrongis aȝenst pore gentil men & comunes. And siþ al þes wastid goodis ben pore mennus liflode, as ierom & lawe techen, & he þat defraudeþ pore men þer-of is a man of blood spilid, þes possessioners ben mansleeris & irreguler & cursed of god; & siþ coueitise & glotonye ben seruage of maunmetrie, as poul seiþ, þes possessioners honouren false goddis. for þes [Colossians iii. 5.] skillis & many mo þe angel seyd ful soþe whanne þe chirche

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was dowid þat þis day is venym sched in-to þe chirche; for þei þat schulden be most meke & wilful pore & in most deuocion & myrrour of alle vertues to worldly men ben now turned in-to luciferis pride & sathanas coueitise and anticristis ypocrisie & ydelnesse, & ben myrrour of alle synnes, & no tonge in þis lif can telle þe harmes her-of.

Capitulum 10m.

Ȝit þes proude possessioners ben anticristis martiris, for þei [page 112] ben reised bi hym fro deþ of [or X.] worldlynesse and vanyte to lif of lordis and werris & falsnesse; for in here profession þei ben holden dede to þe world & vanyte & [of X.] likynge þer-of. But in desirynge & holdynge seculer lordischipis & worldly honour & delicat mete & drynk & gaye cloþis þei schewen in dede þat þei ben riȝt freisch in bodely lif, but I suppose þat þei ben dede to holynesse & penaunce & profitynge to oþere men; & namely þei schewen þis reisynge in pledynge & werrynge in here owene persones, & in counseilynge oþere men to werre on cristene men for worldly goodis; for þat þei don more cruelly þan worldly lordis, as men knowen of pletynge & conseilynge to werris. þerfore it semeþ to summe men þat þei feynen hem dede to gete pray of worldly lordi|schipis & richesse; as þe fox feyneþ hym dede til [to X.] briddis comen to his tounge, & þanne he schewiþ hym on lyue deuourynge & swelwynge of hem; & þus þei ben dede to profitynge of oþere men & here temporaltees ben mortesid, þat is confermyd in þis deþ, for þei comen neuere to seculer men ȝif þei may, þouȝ þei ben getyn bi neuere so fals title & aȝenst conscience; for þei wolen not see mennys riȝt, ne worsche aftir good [omitted X.] conscience, but bosten of þousand markis & þousand poundis þat þei wolen coste in plee bi-fore þat þei lesen ony fote of lond; & of suche religious wrecchis seiþ Robert grosted þat siche on is a dede careyne gon out of his sepulcre wlappid with cloþis of mornynge, [morynge X.] dryuen & stirid

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of þe deuyl among men. And for þis worldly lif & coueitise þei wolen coste & die to meyntene it; but for to meyntene þe treuþe of cristis lif in mekenesse & pouert & bisi traueile in prechynge þe gospel þei wolen not traueile, but raþere pursue hem to deþ þat traueilen for þis holy lif; & þus þei lyuen in delices of þe world & here flech, & þerfore þei ben dede to god as poul seiþ, & so þei lyuen anticristis lif & [Romans viii. 13.] meyntene þat to here deþ aȝenst cristis lif and lawe & techeris þer-of.

Capitulum 11m.

Ȝit proude possessioners ben anticristis, for þei letten trewe men to preche þe gospel of ihū crist & suffren not þe peple knowe goddis lawe bi whiche þei schulden be sauyd. For prestis þus dowid ben so occupied aboute þe world and newe seruyce and song & feyned obedience to worldly foolis þat þei may not studie & preche goddis lawe in contre to cristis peple. ¶And ȝif þei preche selde whanne þei prechen cronyclis & poisies & newe fyndynges [feyndyngis AA.] of hem self, & maken false comendaciones of dede men for to geten a name of veyn sotilte & worldly þank, & leuen to preche cristis gospel and his lywynge; & ȝif oþere men wolen treuly & frely preche þe gospel & dispise synne, as crist comaundeþ, þes proude possessioneris [possioners X.] letten hem bi cautelis of anticristis censuris & worldly power & sclaundrynge & prisonynge, & dryuen hem [page 113] out of londe & ellis brennen hem ȝif þei may. & þis is for drede leeste cristis pore lif & meke & traueilous & peyneful be knowen, & hou clerkis & namely religious ben bounden to holde sich pore lif & meke & peyneful in [and X.] reson|able abstynence, & traueile in [and X.] studiynge & prechynge of holy writt, & ellis as crist seiþ þei schulde be put out & dispised of men; for bi þis prechynge here worldly lif & coueitise schulde awey & penaunce & traueyle come aȝen.

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Capitulum 12m.

Þes proude possessioners ben rotid in lesyngis aȝenst crist & his trewþe, for as seynt bernard & anselme seyn monkis & chanons ben bounden to þe same lif þat pore men of ierusalem helden after sendynge doun of þe holy gost. And þei selden [senden X.] her possessions & putten þe pris to alle cristene in comyn conuertid & þer was no nedy man amongis hem. For it was ȝouen to eche man as [omitted X.] it was nede, & non of hem seide þat ony þing was his owene; but alle þingis weren in comune to hem. but monkis & chanons appropren alle þingis to hem self & not to comunete of cristene men; & þes possessioners seyn in word þat alle þingis ben comune, but in dede þei han proprete & stryuen & pleden þerfore; ȝit seynt ierom & anselm seyn þat þe croune of clerkis crieþ [treith (?), may be creith X.] pouert, & here cloþinge crieþ honeste, holynesse & forsakynge of þe world, & helles here signes ben false & þei ben lesyng|mongeris & lesynge in it-self. but now þei ben riche & proude & coueitouse & ful of enuye & glotonye, & ben þe fendis children for þei louen þus lesyngis, as seynt ambrose seiþ, & þus þei disceyuen þe peple bi ypocrisie.

Capitulum 13m.

Possessioners holden þat religion þat crist made lesse perfit þan is religioun founden of a synful man, for þei holden a reule maade not of seyntis but of here owene worldly hedis more perfit þan religion of presthod þat crist [omitted X.] made in his fredom; for þei holden here owene tradicions more perfit þan reulis þat crist made in þe gospel. for ȝif reulis of presthod maad in þe gospel were more perfit þan þe reules of newe monkis, it were laweful for a prest to leue here reules & gon to reulis of presthod as crist made hym in þe gospel, for it is laweful to passe fro þe lasse perfit to þe more perfit, but monkis wolen not suffre for no reson, but þei

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w[olen] suffre a monk goo to beggeris ordre whanne he axiþ leue, þouȝ hee gete it neuere; & þus þei holden þe ordre of beggeris maad of synful men more perfit þan religion of presthod maad of ihū crist god & man.

Capitulum 14m.

Also þes possessioners dreden more lesynge of here tem|poraltees þan loos of goodis of vertue & of charite, & chargen more name & preisynge of men þan preisynge and þank of god; for þei dreden more to displese lordis & myȝtty men, bi seynge & meyntenynge of a profitable treuþe, for loos of here temporaltees þan to displese god bi suffrynge of opyn synne & domnpnesse, for whiche þei ben [page 114] dampnable, as seynt poul seiþ; & þei chargen more kepynge of here veyn sygnys [Romans i. 32.] & customes, for to haue preisynge of men þat þei holden wele here religion, þan kepynge of goddis hestis & poyntis of charite & discret penaunce for preisynge & þank of god; & here is [his X.] foule ypocrisie & cursed blaspheme & forsakynge of god as seynt poul witnesseþ plenerly in holy writt.

Capitulum 15m.

Þes possessioners bynden hem self to contradiccion & þing þat is imposible; for þei bynden hem self to be dede to þe world & forsaken it & bysynesse, & on þe toþer side þei bynden hem to obedience for to take worldli bisynesse aftir biddynge [byndynge X.] of a worldly & synful & coueitous & vnkunnynge abbot or priour, & þis þei moten do bi vertue of þis obedience, þouȝ god stire hem to be betre occupied aboute studiynge & techynge of holy writt, & þus mannus comaundement is performyd bi blyndnesse & ypocrisie & goddis comaundement & more profit of cristene soules is putte bihynde. But it semeþ þei forsaken hunger & þurst [þrest X.] & penaunce & traueile to be lordis & riche & lyue in bodyli ayse on alle sidis; & þus þe fend bi his worldly clerkis disceyueþ men by colour

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of holynesse, & bryngeþ hem to worldly lyuynge whanne þei wenen to come out þer-of, & þus casteþ hem bi here owene turn.

Capitulum 16m.

Ȝit religious possessioners ben groundid & holden forþ bi blasphemye & heresie; for þei ben groundid on þis, þat statutis maad of a synful fool ben betere in here dom þan þe lawis þat crist ordeynede for prestis & clerkis, for ellis þei wittyngly forsoken [forsaken X.] þe betre & token [taken X.] þe worse & helden [holden X.] it forth, & weren out of charite. And ȝif þei meyn|tenen an errour aȝenst charite þei ben heretikis; & ȝif þei seyn þat here reulis ben betre þan cristis reulis ȝouen to prestis & clerkis, þei blasphemen aȝenst god, & so at þe begynnynge þei ben blasphemys on alle sides or at þe leste knowen not cristene bileue; & in holdynge forþ comynly þei ben blasphemys, for þei letten a prest to lyue & teche as crist comaundid in þe gospel, & þei letten a cristene man to serue his god in þe beste manere. For ȝif a prest of her feyned ordre wole lyue poreli & iustly & goo freli aboute & teche frely goddis lawes, þei holden him apostata & prisonen hym, & holden hym cursed for þis prestis lif comaundid, ensaumplid of crist & his apostlis; & so ȝif a cristene man wole forsake a wickid worldly couent ful of pride, ypocrisie, coueitise & symonye, after snybbynge as crist techeþ in þe gospel, þei pursuen him [hem X.] as apostata & cursed man, for he doþ as crist & his apostelis techen; & þis is cursed blasphemye of god. & ne were þis prison & sclaundrynge fewe goode men or none schulden dwelle amonge suche couentis for drede of consentynge to [consenynte of X.] here synnes.

Capitulum 17m.

[page 115] Also þes possessioners wasten bi ypocrisie nedeles many pore mennys goodis, for seculer possessioneris han many precious cloþis & costy & riche peluris; & alle þis is wast

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of pore mennys goodis, siþ bi here owen lawe what euere clerkis han is pore mennys, & þei schulde teche to cristene men boþe in word [world X.] & ensaumple of here owene dedis þe pouert & symplenesse of crist & his apostlis. Also religious possessioneris wasten pore mennus goodis in wide cloþis & precious, þat foure or fyue nedy men myȝtten welle be cloþed wiþ o cope & [omitted X.] hood of a monke, & þat large cloþ serueþ to gidre wynd & lette him to go & do his dedis; & ȝit þei ben brouȝt in-to chirche to reise vp cristis pouert & his apostlis & lyuen in mornynge and penaunce and to be deed to þe world; [worldly AA.] but by ypocrisie al þis is turned vpsodoun, what in wast meyne and proude and hiȝe houses and glotonie and ydulnesse. And so in ensaumple and dede þey techen heresie and blynden [bynden X.] þe people in feith and lyf of crist and his apostles to þe contrarie as cursed disciples of antecrist.

Capitulum 18.

Ȝyt þes possessioners ben þeues and so striers of clergye and of good lif in the people, for þei han manie bokes, and namely of holy writt, Summe by bygging and some by ȝifte and testamentis and some bi [omitted X.] oþere disceitis and sutiltees, and hyden hem from seculer clerkis & suffren þes noble bokes wexe roten in here libraries, & neiþer wolen sillen [omitted X.] hem ne lenen hem to oþere clerkis þat wolden profiten bi studiynge in hem & techen cristene peple þe weie to heuene. & in þis defaute ben religious mendynauntis as principal þeuys & forgoeris of anticrist, þat seculeris & curatis may almost gete no bok of value, and herby, as seynt Richard primat of [Defensio Cura|torum. Brown's Fasciculus, ii. 474.] irland witnesseþ, þei casten to distroie clergie [clergise AA.] of seculeris and trewe techynge of þe peple. lord siþ þes bokis ben more nedeful to mannys good lif þan gold or siluer, & he [omitted X.] is out of charite þat seeþ his broþer haue nede of worldly sustenaunce & helpiþ him not whanne he may esely; hou moche more ben þes religious out of charite, þat helpen not

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seculer clerkis & curatis of þes bokis neiþer be ȝifte ne lenyng ne sillyng for no [omitted X.] money.

Capitulum 19m.

Clerkis possessioners ben foule out of charite & blynden foule þe peple; for þouȝ þei han many grete houses, costlewe & wasty, & alle þat þei han ouer here strecte [streyte AA.] liflode is pore mennys, as here owen seyntis & lawis seyn, ȝit pore men may not be herbwerid amongis hem in here grete castelis or paleis, but lordis, & ladies namely, schullen soiouren [soiornen AA.] amongis hem many ȝeris. lord, hou schulde þes traitours ben excused at domesday, siþ crist seiþ þo men þat not herberwid suche pore herberweles schullen be dampnyd. where ypocrisie & worldli pride & [page 116] coueitise & lecherie schullen make him exempt fro dedis of mercy & comaundement of god; for a bayli, stiward & riche men of lawe schullen haue festis & robis & mynystralis, riche cloþis & huge ȝiftis, but pore men schullen stonde with oute & goo dailes but ȝif þei geten knockis & reprouynge & wrong extorsions & euyl paynge of here hire; & ȝit þes mendynauntis passen alle oþere posses|sioners in þis ypocrisie & defaute of pite for to gete worldly þank & grete wynnynge.

Capitulum 20m.

Þes possessioners ben foule ypocritis vnder name of religion & cursed of crist for here disceitis bi whiche þei disceyuen cristene peple; for whanne seynt iame techiþ þat þis is clene religion [James i. 27.] anemtis god, to visite fadirles children & moderles & wedewis in here tribulacion, & to kepe hym [hem AA.] self vnblekkid or defoulid fro þis world; þei visiten riche men, & namely wydewis, for to haue here goodis to caymes castel, & sikeren hem of so many massis & preieris durynge þe world; & ȝit þei witte not where here preiere turne to here owene [men X.] dampnacion, & be cursed of god, & stire god of holynesse & treuþe to vengaunce

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for here owene wickid lif & ypocrisie. Þerfore crist curseþ scribis & pharisees, ypocritis, þat eten [heten X.] widewis houses bi [Matt. xxiii. 14.] suche longe preieris. & þei visiten not fadirles children & moderles and widewis to releue hem bi almes ȝeuynge, but enqueren siche children & widewis ȝif þei may disceyue hem in purchasynge of here rentis & oþere goodis bi flaterynge wordis & sikernesse of gostly helpe; & in þis ypocrisie þes mendynauntis beren þe baner for svtilte & feyned pouert.

Capitulum 21m.

Ȝit þes possessioners blynden lordis & myȝtty men to turmenten goddis seruauntis, bi prisonynge & oþere bodily peyne, whanne þei forsaken proude & coueitouse men endurid in here synnes & seruen god in þe beste manere after here power & kunnynge bi fredom of þe gospel; & þus þei disceyuen lordis in feiþ, hope & charite, & maken lordis þe deuylis [deuel X.] turmentours wanne þei hopen to plese god in meyn|tenynge of holy religion.

Capitulum 22m.

Also þes possessioners, wiþ helpe of false freris, sotil ypocritis, & cursed heretikis, dampnen holy writt, þe kyngis regalie & wise men of oure lond, for to meyntene here false geten possessions & worldly lif; for þei crien þat it is heresie or errour aȝenst goddis lawe þat seculer lordis may take temperal goodis fro clerkis trespasynge bi longe custome; & certis ȝif seculer lordis may not take temperal goodis fro clerkis, þanne þouȝ clerkis trespassen neuere so moche, ȝe in traiterie, conspirynge þe kyngis deþ & quenys & alle þe lordis & ladies & comunes of oure lond, þe kyng may not ponysche hem bi o ferþing worþ, & þanne is goddis lawe fals þat ȝeueþ power to kyngis & seculer [page 117] lordes to ponysche generaly, outakiþ no man; & many mo orible conclusions suen of þis dampnynge, as men han writen in many placis.

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Capitulum 23m.

Possessioners also constreynen prestis to leue studiynge of holy writt & deuocion & prechynge, & neden hem bi vertue of obedience & peyne of prisonynge, & dampnacion as þei feynen, to bisien hem nedles nyȝt & day wiþ worldly occu|pacion, aȝenst cristis reule & here owene profession, for ellis þei seyn here couent schulde perische & here religion goo doun; & þus bi obedience maad to synful man, & in cas to fendis, þei fordon obedience to god lord of al þingis. & ȝif a synful ydiot bidde hem do þe lesse goode, & god biddeþ hem do þe more goode, þei schullen leue þe more good & sterynge of crist & þe holy gost for þis feyned obedience to a synful caitif; & þus whanne þei [þis AA.] bynden hem to forsake þe world & be dede þer-to, þei ben quekenyd bi anticristis obedience & maade more worldly þan ony oþere men.

Capitulum 24m.

Also þes possessioners ben neuere ful of worldly goodis & seculer lordischipis, but euere purchasen, be it riȝt be it wrong, bi gold, be ypocrisie 2of preiere2 [2_2 omitted X.] & bi pardons; for þe coueitouse man schal not be fulfillid wiþ money, as god seiþ; [Ecclus. xiv. 9.] & so þei breken þe reule of crist tauȝt & comaundid bi seint poul to alle prestis: we hawynge liflode & couerynge be we [I. Tim. vi. 8.] apeied wiþ þes þinges; & þus is ieromyes prophecie fulfillid [Jer. vi. 13.] þat fro þe leste to þe moste þei studien to coueitise. & siþ þei may not gouerne wel þe peple as lordis schulden, þei wolle not cesse til alle be conquerid in-to here dede hondis to distroie lordis & comunes & holy lif of prestis; & certis oþer þei ben of more myȝt & witt to do boþe temperal office & spiritual to-gidre þan weren crist & his apostlis, or elles þei ben foolis disceyued bi pride & coueitise of þis world; for crist & his apostlis couden not or myȝt not or wolde not do [to X. corrected by a later hand.] þes offices to-gidre, but weren fully occupyed wiþ spiritual office; & þus þes possessioners sclaundren cristis lif & ben out of feiþ, hope & charite, & harde rotid in heresie.

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Capitulum 25m.

Þes possessioners þat bynden hem to perfit conseilis of crist & to forsake þe world ben moste bisy to stryue and plede for worldly possessions bi londis lawe, & curse also for dymes, ȝe, for foure [omitted X.] penyworþ good curse many þousand soules to helle. lord! hou ben þei in charite, for so litel good damp|nynge so many soulis, as moche as in hem is; siþ þei schulden lese alle worldly goodis, ȝe and here owene lif, for to saue o soule bi þe lawe of charite. certes þes ben religious of anti|cristis & sathanas þat maken so grete stryues & discencions, & to brynge men out of charite for to geten to hem a litel drit of temperal goodis. litil setten þei bi seynt bernardis word, þat what euere þou haldest to þe of tyþes & offryngis ouer symple liflode [page 118] & streit cloþing, it is not þin; it is þefte, raueyne & sacrelegie. in many casis [caas X.] sugetis may leffly wiþ|holde [stonde X.] tiþis by goddis lawe & mannys also; þan it is sathanas werk & anticristis to curse a man for he wole not paie his tiþes to a cursed man, aȝenst goddis lawe & mannys & aȝenst his conscience ryȝtfully groundid, & þerfore bereue him his catel, peyne his body, & dampne his soule. Siþ crist & his apostlis curseden neuere ne tauȝten to curse for tiþes, but þe contrarie, as þe gospel techeþ; & siþ þes teþes ben geten to hem bi fals suggestion & meny tymes by symonye, & ȝit ben superflue to hem, alle þes tiþes ben pore menus liflode, & þei ben manquelleris in defraudynge it & manyfold cursed & groundid in gret heresie.

Capitulum 26m.

Also þes possessioners ben counseillours to many þousand mennus deþ for to meyntene here possessions & worldly lif; for þei conseilen lordis to werre vpon cristene men for to kepe here lordischipis & worldly lif in reste; & siþ fiȝttere & conseilere þer-to ben mansleeris bi goddis lawe & mannys, alle þes possessioners ben manquelleris & irreguler, & as

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ysaye seiþ, for here hondis ben ful of blode god schal not [Isaiah i. 15.] here hem in preieris; but as god seiþ be þe prophete malechie [Malachi ii. 2.] god schal curse to here blysyngis; & whanne siche men gon wiþ ora pro nobis in procession [profession X.] þei blasphemen god & stiren him to vengaunce, as austyn & gregori techen pleynly.

Capitulum 27m.

Þes possessioners ben specyaly cristis enemys & anticristis, for þei dispisen & sclaundren & pursuen meke men & pore, & enhaunsen & preisen & fauoren proude men [omitted X.] & disolute; for ȝif þer be ony among hem þat drawe hem [omitted AA.] to pouert & deuocion & reproue here pride & ypocrisie, he schal be clepid ypocrite, distroier of holy chirche, & sumtyme prisoned, þat it were betre to him dwellen among heþene þan in suche congregacions; & he þat is glorious to þe world & sotil to gete worldly muk or drit of worldly frendischipe, þouȝ he leue his deuocion & goddis seruyce, he is a noble man & wole meyntene holy chirche; & þus þei ben cursed of god, for þei seyn þat good is euyl & euyl good.

Capitulum 28m.

Ȝit þes possessioners disceyuen men by ypocrisie & wasten moche good in veyn; for þei feynen hem to rise at mydnyȝt, & spenden liȝt & oþere costis maken, & bi day slepen moche more þer-fore, þat alle þingis accountid þei han moche more tyme to slepe þan ony oþere commen men. & þus þei faren as þeues, slepynge on þe day & wagynge in þe [omitted AA.] nyȝt to robbe men of here catel by ypocrisie of þis wakynge & preiynge, & herbi þei turnen þe nyȝt in-to day & day in-to nyȝt & maken moche wast.

Capitulum 29m.

Also þes possessioners maken goddis houses a deen of þeues; [page 119] for þey maken here chirches placis of marchaundise for wynnynge and bryngenge in ȝonge children in-to here

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religion, bi ȝiftis & certeyn of welfare & eise of bodi, & norischen hem in glotonye & coueitise; & geten priuylegies of kyngis to meyntene eche þef in here place wiþ-outen restitucion, & stryuen & pleden to meyntenen þis wrong priuylegie more þan þe best reule of here ordren or ony poynt of charite.

Capitulum 30m.

Ȝit þes possessioners disceyuen lordis bi feynynge [fyninge X.] of special preieris; for þei maken lordis to bileue þat here special preiere, as famulorum & benefactorum, schal turne to lordis aftir grauntynge & lymytynge of synful foolis, & more principaly to hem for here worldly goodis ȝeuynge þan to oþere men þat ben in more charite; & þus þe riȝtful delynge of god for þe goode lif of men is forȝeten, & delynge of synful foolis þat knowen not þe ablenesse of men & riȝtful dom of god is holden forþ; & herby myȝtty men ben brouȝt out of bileue to triste more in special preynge & appliynge of synful men þan in þe riȝtful partynge of god & riȝtwis|nesse of here owene lif, & bi trist of suche special preieris lordis vnderstonden þat þei schulden be excused þouȝ þei don euyl in here owen lif. lorde! siþ none of alle þes religious whot where his preiere turne to his owene dampnacion, hou doren þei chaffaren þus wiþ worldly possessions & rentis for here preieris; siþ þei owen to wyten þat here preieris ben cursed & abhominable to god, for þei breken cristis hestis in holdynge þus seculer lordischipis, & lyuen in pride, coueitise, ypocrisie, glotonye & ydelnesse, þat drawen hem to synne of sodom & maken hem worschiperis [worchiperis X.] of false goddis.

Capitulum 31m.

Clerkis possessioners pursuen crist to deþ & bitraien him for stynkynge drit; for þei sclaundren, cursen & pursuen falsly to deþ trewe techeris of cristis lif & goddis hestis þat

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wolden saue mennys soulis bi trewe & free prechynge of þe gospel wiþ-outen glosynge & beggynge; & þei suffren, helpen & meyntenen false prechouris, gloseris, to robbe þe peple bi fals beggynge, bi symonye & ypocrisie & blasphemye putt vpon crist; so þat [X inserts þe.] possessioners may holden forþe here seculer lordischipis & worldli lif aȝenst goddis lawe, in dis|troiynge & blasphemynge of cristis lif and cristene feiþ, in distroiynge of seculer lordis & oþere prestis & curatis & of comunes also, as it is seid bifore; & as crist seiþ þis false sclaundrynge & pursuynge of cristis disciplis for þis ende is pursuynge of crist & of þe holy trinyte.

Capitulum 32m.

Ȝit þes possessioners blasphemen aȝenst þe holy gost; for þei wolen not suffre men to fulfille his wille ne his ȝiftis & saue mennus soulis bi trewe techynge of goddis hestis & poyntis of charite, [page 120] but constreynen men bi gret violence & turment to leue goddis stirynge [surynge X.] & goddis lawe & wille vndon. For þei feynen þat men schulden not teche goddis lawe wiþ-outen here leue. And þei wolen ȝeue no leue whanne men wolen vtterly teche þe pouert & mekenesse & bisy traueile of crist & his apostlis & prechynge þe gospel, & dampnen here coueitise & pride & worldly lif & ydelnesse & ypocrisie; & þus as moche as is in hem þei distroien þe holy gost & þe holy trinyte; & 3specialy bi3 [3_3 special al AA.] þis ypocrisie þat no man schul preche wiþ-outen here leue. for siþ þei ben ennemyes of crist & his lawe, as it is schewid bi here opyn euyl lif, & in caas deuelis of helle, þei casten þat no man schal teche trewely cristis lawe wiþ-outen leue of cristis traitour & of deuelis in helle; & so prestis ben con|streyned bi bodily peynes & deþ to leue goddis wille & precept for contrarie comaundement of goddis traitour, & in caas a deuyl in flech, as ihū crist seiþ of iudas scarioþ. [John vi. 70.]

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Capitulum 33m.

Þes proude possessioners blasphemen aȝenst þe myȝt of þe fadir; for bi here worldly power & sotilte & malice þei letten lordis power, þat þei may not meyntene goddis ordy|nannce in þe clergie & saue here owene soulis & gouerne wel here [omitted AA.] tenauntis & comunes; & bi þe same cautel þei letten prestis to teche treuely & freely goddis lawe & his ordynaunce bi power grauntid of god, last here pride & worldly worschipe be brouȝt doun, & mekenesse & holynesse ensaumplid of crist and his apostlis knowen & kept, & ypocrisie & oþere synnes aspied [aspie X.] & distroied; & so as anticrist þei magnyfyen hem self & here power more þan god & his power.

Capitulum 34m.

Ȝit þes possessioners turnen abstinence & penaunce in-to glotonye, & traueile in-to ydelnesse, & pouert in-to coueitise; for þei ben groundid in abstynence after crist & his apostlis, & namely þes newe religious, & þei turnen hem in-to glotonye & delicat liflode more comynly þan oþere men; & þei ben groundid on pouert aftir crist & his apostlis, but þei ben turned in-to worldly coueitise bi [and AA.] many sotiltes & ypocrisie; & þei ben groundid on labor of here hondis bi here owene reule, & ȝit þei turnen þat labor in-to preieris bi mouþ [monye X.] & ben idel & veyn; & þus bi colour of holynesse þei stiȝen in-to synnes on eche side.

Capitulum 35m.

Proude possessioners ben perilous þeues & cursed heretikis; for þei affermen who euer takiþ ony temperal goodis fro holy chirche, þat is þe comynte [comutiete X.] of clerkis aftir here dom, he is a þeef [ȝeef X.] & cursed in dede; þanne siþ þei taken awey þe noble gostly good of wilful pouert & symplenesse & mekenesse, in

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whiche vertues crist groundid holy chirche, þei ben stronge þeues & anticristis disciplis. & siþ þei meyntenen so harde þis wickid þeefte, & robben holy chirche fro þis noble tresor of pouert & mekenesse, and defoulen it wiþ drit of worldly lordischipe aȝenst þe [page 121] wille of ihū crist here spouse, þei ben cursed heretikis & here meyntenours also, & þus þei ben anticristis peruertynge cristendom.

Capitulum 36m.

Ȝit þes possessioners bryngen lordis out of bileue, & maken hem bi blynde swerynge meyntene þe coueitise & worldly lif of anticristis clerkis, whanne bi vertue of here oþ þei schulden distroie þe false coueitise & pride of worldly clerkis: for þes lordis sweren to meyntenen þe [þer X.] priuylegyes & fre|domos & riȝttis of holy chirche; & bi þis oþ þei moten nedis meyntenen þe perfit fredom of holy lif, of mekenesse & pouert & oþere goode vertues þat crist ordeyned to þe chirche; but anticristis clerkis chalengen [chalagen X.] bi þis oþ þat lordis owen to meyntene here false lordischipis, pride & coueitise, & wrong customes of prescripcion aȝenst goddis lawe [omitted X.] & good con|science; for ȝif þes anticristis clerkis han holden wrongfully a cristene mannys good lond oþer rentis [trentis AA.] or oþer goodis bi þritti ȝeer or fourty with-outen ony axynge, þei seyn þis synful possession so longe contynued makiþ hem worldly lordis of þis good; & þus þei maken lordis to meyntene fraudis & falsnesse aȝenst goddis hestis, whanne lordis wenen to meyntene riȝtful lawes for worschipe of god; but certis here is moche þefte, moche treson & moche harm of soulis on eche side meyntened bi þis blynde swerynge.

Capitulum 37m.

Also þes possessioners dampnen trewe men techynge frely & trewely þe gospel & goddis hestis for heretikis, for to coloure here owen worldly [omitted X.] lif, but þei hem self ben foule

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heretikis for here cursed pride, coueitise & enuye þat þei dwellen inne & meyntenen strongly; but of þis verry heresie & most perilous wolen þei not þenke ne speke, ne suffre oþere trewe men to speke aȝenst it for to saue here soulis & helpe oþere men out of synne. & þus þei faren wiþ cristene men & holy writt as diden scribis & phariseis wiþ crist & his apostlis & his gospel, & whanne þes pharisees, scribis & hiȝe prestis weren ful of heresie & blasphemye þei putten alle þes synnes on crist & his apostlis to blynde þe comune peple, & so þes possessioners don now bi more ypocrisie & more sotilte & more cruelte.

Capitulum 38m.

Þes proude possessioners disclaundren trewe prechours of þe gospel & cristis lif for makeris of discencion & debate among neiȝeboris in þe lond; whanne þei hem self wiþ here cursed lif & confederacie wiþ tirauntis for here gold ben cause of discencion & enemyte. for wiþ pore mennus liflode þei hiren myȝtty men to stryue & plede aȝenst goddis techynge, & helpe & releuynge & encressynge of seculer lordis, & helpe & releuynge of pore comunes; & þus as cursed pharisees & scribis & hiȝe prestis þei putten here owen cursed synnes vpon trewe men to lette goddis lawe to be knowen, & hiden & colouren & [omitted AA.] [page 122] meyntenen here olde synnes and traitere bi strong pursuynge to deþ of alle trewe men as moche as þei may, & herbi þei ben manquelleris & pursueris of crist & endurid in [X inserts "he."] old heresie.

Capitulum 39m.

Also þes possessioners magnifyen hem self more þan ihū crist, & seken more here owene name & honour þan honour of god & helpe of cristene soulis; for þei axen & coueiten name of holynesse & reuerence wiþ þis proude worldly lif, & þat schal no man reproue hem of here opyn ypocrisie, symonye & coueytise: & ihū crist myȝtte not kepe holynesse

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wiþ suche worldly lif & axe such worldly reuerence as þes possessioners don. And ihū crist was redy to be reproued of his enemyes ȝif þei myȝtten fynde ony defaute in him. but ȝit [omitted AA.] þes possessioners ben ful of synne, & þouȝ þei ben most bounden to pacience, mekenesse & charite ȝit þei ben wode whanne men wolen amende here cursed lif bi techynge of þe gospel; & ȝif men dispisen hem or don not worldly reuerence to hem þei ben wode wroþ & wolen be vengid vp al here myȝt; but þouȝ men dispisen god in here presence bi cursed swerynge or oþere synnes þei chargen not, & ȝit þouȝ here owene seruauntis do so, þat is worse to hem, þei chargen it [omitted X.] not. but as þe iewis diden crist to deþ for drede of lesyng of here lordischipe & worldly name & honour, so þes possessioners don here power to do alle trewe men to deþ þat techen cristis gospel & mekenesse & pouert aȝenst here false newe lawis & pride & coueitise, & hou þei enuenymyn cristendom bi word & dede.

Capitulum 40m.

Ȝit þes ypocritis possessioners ben traitouris to god, to lordis, & to comunes also; for þei han almost þe tresor of þe lond & worldly lordischipe, aȝenst goddis lawe; & whanne þe kyng haþ nede of a taxe, þei wolen not paie for pore men, not wiþstondynge þat þei ben procuratouris of pore men, & al þat þei han [omitted X.] ouer here owen symple liflode is pore mennus good, as goddis lawe & mannus techen opynly, but for to plede & meyntene wrongis & putten men out of here lond & meyntenen false prauelegies aȝenst charite & good conscience þei han þousand markis & poundis; & here þei chalengen aboue crist & alle his apostlis þat þouȝ þei han almost alle [alle is added in X. by a later hand.] lordischipis amorteised to hem, ȝit þei wolen not paien tribute ne taxe [axe AA.] to þe kyng for meyntenaunce of þe rewme & sauynge of pore mennus lif; & ȝit crist paide for him & his disciplis tribute to þe emperoure, þouȝ he hadde

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non such temperaltees. & þis exempcion þei chalengen bi anticristis power & not bi god almyȝtty, for he constreyneþ clerkis to be suget to seculer lordis & to lyue a iust lif & symple & pore wiþ-outen worldly lordschipe [page 123] & opyn beggynge in a [omitted AA.] vertuous mene. god almyȝtty stireþ prestis, lordis & comunes to knowe ypocrisie, heresie & treson of anticristis worldly clerkis, & knowen & meyntenen þe riȝtful ordynaunce of god & þe perfit fredom of þe gospel. Amen.

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