The Stonor letters and papers, 1290-1483; ed. for the Royal historical society, from the origial documents in the Public record office, by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford.
Kingsford, Charles Lethbridge, editor. 1862-1926.


The date is probably six months later than No. 279, and if that letter is correctly assigned to Dec., 1480, this must have been written on 20 June, 1481. From A.C., xlvi, 182.

Right worshipfull Master, I recommaund me unto your mastership: please it you to understond that now in the begynnyng of this terme one John Hyll, Squyer, suyth a Quare impedit ayenst you in Devonshire, supposyng by his writ that ye desturbe and let hym to present his clerke to the free Chauntry of Ermyngton, which longyth to his pre|sentacion, as he supposith by hys wryt: I know nether your title, nether his, I pray you to send me a bill of the mater of your title therto, if ye have title, that your counseill may know it, or nede be to plede. I shall do alle that lith in me to do for your mastership, by the Page  127, vol. 2 grace of God, who gyf your mastership as well to fare as your hert can thynke, Amen. By your servant to my symple power

Th. Moleyns.

Wretyn at London on Wednysday next before Midsomerday.

To my right worshipfull master, Sir William Stonore, knyghte.