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Showing results for "*" in Anywhere in record.
- ID
- 8698
- Title
- [Lands west of the Mississippi, 1750].
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 6589
- Title
- Geer's new map of the city of Hartford from the latest surveys, 1863.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 5599
- Title
- This sheet contains plans of mr Nehemiah Wymans farm the two plans are to be joined into one where they are marked thus [ ] : They were lapd [sic] for want of room on the table.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 870
- Title
- Map, exhibiting the position of the several lines connected with the settlement of the Ohio boundary question : Arranged under the immediate direction of Capt. Andrew Talcott, U.S. Engineers / by Lieut. Wash. Hood U.S.A.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 8706
- Title
- [Plan of Fort Massachusetts - Rocklanding - 1792].
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 6597
- Title
- [Kauai].
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 5607
- Title
- An exact map of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, gulf and river St. Laurence, and coast of Labrador from the latest observations 1777.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 878
- Title
- A general map of the southern British colonies in America comprehending North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, with the neighbouring Indian countries : From the modern surveys of engineer de Brahm, Capt. Collet, Mouzon & others; and from the large hydrographical survey of the coasts of East and West Florida / by B. Romans, 1776.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 8714
- Title
- Middlesex Canal : Copy'd from the survey of Mr. Thompson / by Osgood Carleton.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 6605
- Title
- Van Vechten's Senatorial map of Illinois : Showing railroads, stations, counties, townships, sections and rivers.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 5615
- Title
- Part of the counties of Charlotte and Albany, in the province of New York; being the seat of war between the king's forces under Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne and the rebel army / by Thos. Kithcin senr. hydrographer to his majesty.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 886
- Title
- Map of the island of Michilimackinac / drawn by W.S. Eveleth U.S. engineer.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 8722
- Title
- [Plan of Ostend].
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 6613
- Title
- Map of Narragansett Bay and the adjacent country / compiled & published by J.C. Thompson.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 5623
- Title
- Plano del lago o rio de Movila situada su pta. en lt. N 30.10 en logd. 284.40 ms. Sacado se a consido consus nombres costas havitantes en ellas, bancos de arenas y pies de fondo ge. se han sondado se expresan con los numeros siguientes.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 895
- Title
- Plan de la rade de la ville du Carénage, isle Ste. Lucie / de Peyre.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 8729
- Title
- [Cyrus Baldwin's land and Middlesex Canal].
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 6621
- Title
- Cross Sections of the Smith Vein, Smith Property, Wilkeson W.T. / B. Willis.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 5631
- Title
- Partie occidentale du Canada contenant les cinqs grands lac [sic], avec les pays criconvoisins [sic].
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 903
- Title
- Etude pour le lavis ou il est fait mention du mélange & de l'emploi des couleurs dans les plans de fortifications & les cartes topographiques / par le sr. Panseron, ancien professeur de dessein à l'Ecole Royale Militaire, cy devant inspecteur des batimens de S.A.S. mgr. le Prince de Conti et professeur d'architecture.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 8737
- Title
- Plot of lands belonging to Caleb Kirk on both sides of the Brandywine Creek.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 6629
- Title
- [A map of the farm of the late Walter T. Livingston : Surveyed Nov. 1886 / N. Beekworth.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 5638
- Title
- [Yorktown, Virginia, and the surrounding area, ca. 1781].
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 911
- Title
- Battle of Guildford fought on the 15 of March 1781.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 185
- Title
- A draught of a route from Québec to Fort Halifax on the River Kennebec and back again to Québec by the rivers Chaudière and Kennebec in forty four days taken by order of his excellency Brigadier General James Murray governour of Québec &c. to inspect into the communications between two colonies of Canada and New England : Québec July 25th, 1761 / by Lieut. John Montresor engr. assisted by Lieut. Shaw of the 2th Battn. of the Royal American Regt.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 8745
- Title
- [Map of the Nile from Alkaam to Giza].
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 6637
- Title
- [Sketches, maps, and notes of the area of the Spanish River and Vermillion River, Sudbury District, Ontario, on the north shore of Lake Huron opposite Great Manitoulin Island, 1889-1890].
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 5647
- Title
- Plan of the town of Boston.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 919
- Title
- Plan of Fort [Brewerton] at the west end of Onnide Lake.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 193
- Title
- Plan of Fort Defiance, erected at the confluence of the Miami & Au Glaise rivers in August, 1794.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 8753
- Title
- [Part of Woburn bordering on the Middlesex Canal?].
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 6645
- Title
- [Sketches, maps, and notes of the area of the Spanish River and Vermillion River, Sudbury District, Ontario, on the north shore of Lake Huron opposite Great Manitoulin Island, 1889-1890].
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 5655
- Title
- Plan of Harel Simonds land set off by exec[ution] 1787.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 927
- Title
- Plan of New Orleans the capital of Louisiana.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 201
- Title
- Stony Point.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 8761
- Title
- Plano de la ciudad de Tenochtitlan en le ano de 1519 : Ensayo de reconstrucción formado por Leopoldo Batres inspector y conservador de los monumentos arqueológicos de la República Mexicana, y publicado por la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y Estadística.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 6653
- Title
- Sectional map of Superior, Wis. : The city of destiny.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 5663
- Title
- A north view of Fort Franklin on French Creek / by Jona[than] Heart capt. 1st U.S. Reg.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 946
- Title
- Plan of the siege of Plattsburg, and capture of the British fleet on Lake Champlain, the 11th Septr. 1814 : To accompany B. Tanner's print of Macdonoughs victory.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 209
- Title
- A map of the British and French settlements in North America.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 8769
- Title
- A map of Cosby's Manor / by John Randel junr., Albany, 26th June 1805.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 6661
- Title
- Map of the grounds of the World's Columbian Exposition at Jackson Park showing the general arrangement of buildings and grounds, 1893.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 5671
- Title
- Sketch of Presque Isle.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 955
- Title
- Nieuw aerdsch pleyn.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 218
- Title
- Plan of the post at Oneida Lake.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 8777
- Title
- [Sketch of the position before Flushing : August 20h, 1809].
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 6669
- Title
- Territory covered by the principal passenger associations of the United States.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 5679
- Title
- Draught of the river Delaware from Chester to Philadelphia.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 965
- Title
- Plan of Fort Frederick at Albany.
- relevance
- rank 0.00000
- ID
- 226
- Title
- [A view of Fort Harmer at 100 yards distance from projecting angle of a bastion].
- relevance
- rank 0.00000