[A printed envelope featuring an angry chef watching a man in a military uniform sweating while washing dishes in a sink, surrounded by piles of highly stacked dishes]



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Record Details

[A printed envelope featuring an angry chef watching a man in a military uniform sweating while washing dishes in a sink, surrounded by piles of highly stacked dishes]
post 1943 January 2
"Rouch II" [John Marshall Holcombe, III] ALS to Ada C[hase] Holcombe, post January 2, 1943. Kearns, Ut., cover. From the collection of Private First Class John Marshall Holcombe, III's papers relating to his service in the United States Army Air Forces during World War II.
Collection Title
John Holcombe III papers
Collection Creator
Holcombe family
William L. Clements Library
Date Added/Updated
2018-09-05 11:46:54

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Image Size
4544 x 7012
File Size
1 MB
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Full citation
"[A printed envelope featuring an angry chef watching a man in a military uniform sweating while washing dishes in a sink, surrounded by piles of highly stacked dishes]". https://quod.lib.umich.edu/w/wcl1ic/x-6247/wcl006321. In the digital collection William L. Clements Library Image Bank. William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. December 10, 2024.
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