Art, Architecture and Engineering Library, Lantern Slide Collection

Giant's Mount

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The Art, Architecture and Engineering Library Lantern Slide Collection is a collection of over 20,000 lantern slides of architectural and geographic topics. Lantern slides are glass slides that were used from the late nineteenth century through the mid-twentieth century. They are made of two thin panes of glass that measure 3" X 4 1/4" or 3" X 3". Usually the slide is composed of a layer of emulsion laid on one pane of glass and covered by the other pane, but sometimes there is actually a layer of film sandwiched between the glass panes. Here you can browse or search the collection. You'll find data from all of the slides, and you'll find digital images for about 2/3 to 3/4 of the collection, since not all images are high enough quality to merit scanning. If you have any questions about the collection, please contact Rebecca Price at or 734-647-5274.

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